Dindu kills reporters on air

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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by Yohan »

BlackKnight wrote:... white people have no right to be outraged. Lets talk about the Taino genocide (1492-1518)
Nonsense talk.
Sorry, but I am a white man from Europe and I do not feel any responsibility for any white people from Europe who killed Caribbean people over 500 years ago.

About the original inhabitants around 1500 in the Caribbean region, they were not only fighting against the white people, but also fighting against each other. There were many fightings between Indian tribes which took place without any white person involved.

Many Indians died of smallpox and other diseases which were harmless to white people from Europe, but deadly for the original Caribbean population because of missing immunity - it is reported in historical writings, that up to 90 percent of the original population in certain areas perished because of infections and not because of genocide.

Were these 'Taino' black people? Likely not, maybe Indians I guess. Sorry, but history of victims 500 years ago is no excuse for nowadays criminal behavior of black people in USA.

Yes, I think, any honest person has the right to be outraged against criminals regardless their race.
Of course white people have the right to be outraged, if a black individual or group of black people justify their criminal activity with 'racism' against them.

About this thread and the original topic, there is no excuse for showing up with a handgun and to kill two people and and injure another woman. What has this to do with race?
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by Yohan »

Ghost wrote: It doesn't matter that there have been more white slaves than black slaves in history and that whites have also been massacred. It doesn't matter that blacks sold other blacks into slavery. (A lot like how blacks are the biggest killers of blacks in the U.S.)
Around the 15th century slaves were still common everywhere, worldwide. Not only the Christian white people used slaves, but also the Muslims, slaves were common in South East Asia, but also in China. Thailand for example made slavery illegal in 1905.

In Asia, the huge majority of these slaves and their owners were neither black Africans nor white Europeans, but Asians.
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by Cornfed »

A disturbing feature of the dindu's video is the remarkable level of complacency people have when approached by blacks. If you are forced to go about your daily life in contact with dangerous wildlife then fine, but be conscious of the fact and give them a wide berth. Being in contact with blacks should be regarded as similar to swimming with crocodiles.
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by Moretorque »

Cornfed wrote:A disturbing feature of the dindu's video is the remarkable level of complacency people have when approached by blacks. If you are forced to go about your daily life in contact with dangerous wildlife then fine, but be conscious of the fact and give them a wide berth. Being in contact with blacks should be regarded as similar to swimming with crocodiles.
If another WW starts around the corner and the planet gets smoked is that the fault of the Blackman ?, the biggest carnages in recent history have been done by Europeans. The white nigger will be the trigger behind the next great war.

Maybe fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
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Not calling this a set up, but ...

Post by Teal Lantern »

Field reporters are in different places each day.
So how did this guy know where these two were going to be and when?
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by Yohan »

Cornfed wrote:A disturbing feature of the dindu's video is the remarkable level of complacency people have when approached by blacks. If you are forced to go about your daily life in contact with dangerous wildlife then fine, but be conscious of the fact and give them a wide berth. Being in contact with blacks should be regarded as similar to swimming with crocodiles.
Well, nobody can force you to socialize with black people if you do not want to be among them.
In USA white people outnumber all other races together maybe 2:1 or more, USA is not Africa.
So, what is the problem?

I wonder why you are still in this part of the world called USA with black people around you - you have been in China and other countries with very few black people, why did you go back to the States?
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Cornfed wrote:^ You are babbling incoherently.
Actually he is not babbling, but people like you who are cognitively deficient (ie mentally retarded) often get lost in intelligent discourse and subject matter.

It's you, not him.
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by HenryGeorge »

Cornfed wrote:A disturbing feature of the dindu's video is the remarkable level of complacency people have when approached by blacks. If you are forced to go about your daily life in contact with dangerous wildlife then fine, but be conscious of the fact and give them a wide berth. Being in contact with blacks should be regarded as similar to swimming with crocodiles.
I think you would feel more at home if you went to Stormfront instead.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by Yohan »

http://news.yahoo.com/police-investigat ... 17835.html

This is the next follow-up killing, a crazy guy (black) is killing a policeman (white) from behind without any understandable reason.

Will I go now out in the streets putting cars on fire and looting shops because of that? Surely not.

USA has clearly a problem with its justice and police system, dangerous criminals are out in the streets often carrying a illegal gun, while plenty of people are in jail often for decades for committing non-violent crimes.
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by Yohan »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
Cornfed wrote:^ You are babbling incoherently.
Actually he is not babbling, but people like you who are cognitively deficient (ie mentally retarded) often get lost in intelligent discourse and subject matter.
It's you, not him.
Thanks for your consideration. I do not think all USA is full with illegal gun-carrying apes (ape = African American man) who have nothing else to do but to fire on people of other races. There are wide areas in USA which are perfectly safe. For me personally, race does not mean anything. I am living as a white man among Asians since decades, I am an immigrant myself.

However only a fool will argue that USA is something like the paradise. USA is a large place but full of problems too. The legal system is a mess, and also insurance regarding medical care is a problem and so on. Race is an unusual big issue in USA, higher education is too expensive with plenty of students holding worthless degrees, gun culture is a headache and so on and so on...

Let me say, USA is nothing special, but also far above many other countries in this world. Wide parts of Africa and Near/Middle East are merely a war-zone, Asian and Latin American countries often show up with a huge slum population...

We have to try to be reasonable, not biased and be able to compare USA with other countries in both way, to see the negative but also the positive sides of USA and other Western countries.
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Cornfed wrote:A disturbing feature of the dindu's video is the remarkable level of complacency people have when approached by blacks. If you are forced to go about your daily life in contact with dangerous wildlife then fine, but be conscious of the fact and give them a wide berth. Being in contact with blacks should be regarded as similar to swimming with crocodiles.
If you are so miserable in the USA, why don't you get the heck out?

I'm sure because you are smart or wealthy enough to afford to leave so you whine and complain about blacks when it is the essence of your pathetic life and being that you should be complaining about.

Heck, if you can't even afford to be far away from black people, that is a telltale sign that you are low-class, white trash. PATHETIC LOSER....
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by BlackKnight »

Ghost wrote:/\ Well that does show how most (Western) blacks think, anyway. Get revenge on whitey because Europeans committed atrocities in history. (And of course no other race ever commits atrocities!) So just like the racist angle, it seeks to lash out at anyone who could be deemed as white.

It doesn't matter that there have been more white slaves than black slaves in history and that whites have also been massacred. It doesn't matter that blacks sold other blacks into slavery. (A lot like how blacks are the biggest killers of blacks in the U.S.) Facts don't matter. We have to focus only on what has been done to blacks because...The Narrative.

So does retribution need to be carried out against, for example, the Irish? They were once enslaved and brutalized. And they never colonized anyone, carrying out atrocities where they went.

What are the rules for deciding which "whiteys" should get killed? Is it like the "one drop" rule except in reverse?
it's a good thing no one can hear your backwards southern hick accent. You would instantly lose credibility on any issue especially the man-made concept of "race". Anyway, lets get to the heart your chicanery.

1. European culture evolved out of the slave cultures of Rome and Greece with total subjugation by nobility, who were 2 percent of the population and owned 95 percent of the land. So of course there were most white slaves in history. That's how Europeans was able to advance so quickly (after acquiring ancient civilization knowledge from Blacks). In order to build more complicated and involved knowledge and technology, it is necessary for different people in a collective brain (society) to specialise - it is unlikely that Newton or Einstein would have been able to make their contributions to scientific knowledge if they were required to be hunter gathers fending for themselves, rather than being able to specialize as scientists. If they lived in a village with a population of 150, then it is unlikely that it would be able to support scientists, whereas a country with a population of 60 million could support that degree of specialization.

Slavery existed in the African states, and it was sometimes used by Europeans to justify their own slave trade. But, as Davidson points out, the "slaves" of Africa were more like the serfs (poor peasants) of Europe —in other words, like most of the population of Europe. It was a harsh servitude, but but they had rights which slaves brought to America did not have, and they were "altogether different from the human cattle of the slave ships and the American plantations." In the Ashanti Kingdom of West Africa, one observer noted that "a slave might marry; own property; himself own a slave; swear an oath; be a competent witness and ultimately become heir to his master... An Ashanti slave, nine cases out of ten, possibly became an adopted member of the family, and in time his descendants so merged and intermarried with the owner's kinsmen that only a few would know their origin."

One slave trader, John Newton (who later became an antislavery leader), wrote about the people of what is now Sierra Leone:

The state of slavery, among these wild barbarous people, as we esteem them, is much milder than in our colonies. For as, on the one hand, they have no land in high cultivation, like our West India plantations, and therefore no call for that excessive, unintermitted labour, which exhausts our slaves: so, on the other hand, no man is permitted to draw blood even from a slave.

African slavery is hardly to be praised. But it was far different from plantation or mining slavery in the Americas, which was lifelong, morally crippling, destructive of family ties, without hope of any future. African slavery lacked two elements that made American slavery the most cruel form of slavery in history: the frenzy for limitless profit that comes from capitalistic agriculture; the reduction of the slave to less than human status by the use of racial hatred, with that relentless clarity based on color, where white was master, black was slave.

Summary: Africa had a kind of feudalism, like Europe based on agriculture, and with hierarchies of lords and vassals. But African feudalism did not come, as did Europe's, out of the slave societies of Greece and Rome, which had destroyed ancient tribal life. In Africa, tribal life was still powerful, and some of its better features—a communal spirit, more kindness in law and punishment—still existed. And because the lords did not have the weapons that European lords had, they could not command obedience as easily.

Africans sold their own people as slaves is a stock argument White Americans use when the subject of slavery comes up :roll: . It's a derailing argument with main purpose of drawing attention away from what whites did by turning the tables. That part of their past makes White Americans uncomfortable. But instead of facing up to it, they have built up defences against it. Why not just face up to it? Because part of their sense of self worth is built on being white and how whites are better than everyone else, particularly blacks. But it is a huge lie, a lie that can only be maintained by not looking at their past – and present – squarely and honestly.

Seriously, when did I say anything about retribution? :lol:
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Re: Dindu kills reporters on air

Post by BlackKnight »

Yohan wrote:
BlackKnight wrote:... white people have no right to be outraged. Lets talk about the Taino genocide (1492-1518)
Nonsense talk.
Sorry, but I am a white man from Europe and I do not feel any responsibility for any white people from Europe who killed Caribbean people over 500 years ago.

About the original inhabitants around 1500 in the Caribbean region, they were not only fighting against the white people, but also fighting against each other. There were many fightings between Indian tribes which took place without any white person involved.

Many Indians died of smallpox and other diseases which were harmless to white people from Europe, but deadly for the original Caribbean population because of missing immunity - it is reported in historical writings, that up to 90 percent of the original population in certain areas perished because of infections and not because of genocide.

Were these 'Taino' black people? Likely not, maybe Indians I guess. Sorry, but history of victims 500 years ago is no excuse for nowadays criminal behavior of black people in USA.

Yes, I think, any honest person has the right to be outraged against criminals regardless their race.
Of course white people have the right to be outraged, if a black individual or group of black people justify their criminal activity with 'racism' against them.

About this thread and the original topic, there is no excuse for showing up with a handgun and to kill two people and and injure another woman. What has this to do with race?
You're such a simple ignorant man. See above.
About the original inhabitants around 1500 in the Caribbean region, they were not only fighting against the white people, but also fighting against each other. There were many fightings between Indian tribes which took place without any white person involved.
When Columbus and his sailors came ashore, carrying swords, speaking oddly, the Arawaks ran to greet them, brought them food, water, gifts. He later wrote of this in his log:

They ... brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' bells. They willingly traded everything they owned... They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features.... They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane... . They would make fine servants.

The Indians, Columbus reported, "are so naive and so free with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would believe it. When you ask for something they have, they never say no. To the contrary, they offer to share with anyone...." He concluded his report by asking for a little help from their Majesties, and in return he would bring them from his next voyage "as much gold as they need ... and as many slaves as they ask." He was full of religious talk: "Thus the eternal God, our Lord, gives victory to those who follow His way over apparent impossibilities."

European culture has been rotten/evil since it began.

These Arawaks of the Bahama Islands were much like Indians on the mainland, who were remarkable (European observers were to say again and again) for their hospitality, their belief in sharing. These traits did not stand out in the Europe of the Renaissance, dominated as it was by the religion of popes, the government of kings, the frenzy for money that marked Western civilization and its first messenger to the Americas, Christopher Columbus.

From Christopher Columbus base on Haiti, Columbus sent expedition after expedition into the interior. They found no gold fields, but had to fill up the ships returning to Spain with some kind of dividend. In the year 1495, they went on a great slave raid, rounded up fifteen hundred Arawak men, women, and children, put them in pens guarded by Spaniards and dogs, then picked the five hundred best specimens to load onto ships. Of those five hundred, two hundred died en route. The rest arrived alive in Spain and were put up for sale by the archdeacon of the town.

In the province of Cicao on Haiti, where he and his men imagined huge gold fields to exist, they ordered all persons fourteen years or older to collect a certain quantity of gold every three months. When they brought it, they were given copper tokens to hang around their necks. Indians found without a copper token had their hands cut off and bled to death.

The Indians had been given an impossible task. The only gold around was bits of dust garnered from the streams. So they fled, were hunted down with dogs, and were killed.

Trying to put together an army of resistance, the Arawaks faced Spaniards who had armor, muskets, swords, horses. When the Spaniards took prisoners they hanged them or burned them to death. Among the Arawaks, mass suicides began, with cassava poison. Infants were killed to save them from the Spaniards. In two years, through murder, mutilation, or suicide, half of the 250,000 Indians on Haiti were dead.

When it became clear that there was no gold left, the Indians were taken as slave labor on huge estates, known later as encomiendas. They were worked at a ferocious pace, and died by the thousands. By the year 1515, there were perhaps fifty thousand Indians left. By 1550, there were five hundred. A report of the year 1650 shows none of the original Arawaks or their descendants left on the island.
Sorry, but history of victims 500 years ago is no excuse for nowadays criminal behavior of black people in USA.
Wtf are you talking about slave? Just 60 year ago the civil rights movement happen. You know why? see:

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