Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why they

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Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why they

Post by mattyman »

If any of you guys are familiar with sifting through the profiles of english (or whatever relevant anglo shit-hole) womens' profiles, you've no doubt seen things like 'don't contact me if', 'sick and tired of players' and so forth. As a bloke, you certainly couldn't get away with expressing that sort of dissillusion as has been expressed here.

The reason why women in anglo countries get away with it is simple; guys have no standards. Even a fat, hideous slob who expresses open negativity towards the male sex, and openly bragging about their tattooes will still get messages a dozen JUST BECAUSE GUYS LIKE THE PICTURE!!! Jesus f***ing christ, how shallow and lacking-in standards are people today?! Whty the f**k should shrews like this be getting scores of messages!? It's a f***ing PERVERSION!

What about those attention whore's who post loads of pretty pics and have nothing more written in theri profile but 'just ask'. I always get a very strong urge to give them a good lecturibng and tell them not to complain if the guys that they end-up getting-in with just want them for one thing. WHAT THE f**k DO YOU EXPECT you f***ing moron!?

Why the f**k don't guys just say 'no' to negativty, give them advice, speak their mind, have some standards and realise that what you see on POF locally is not representative of the world at large? Why do guys give thse profiles the time of day? It puzzles me? I can't think of why any sane person would give this sort of rubbish any time. It's truly shocking what I see when I browse through profiles on POF.

The most important thing you notice; excess focus on 'what can you give to me' and sod all on 'what I can give you'. I browse on various foreign sites and notice the focus is the other way round.

This is ONE OF THE REASONS why the dating scene in anglo countries is so bad. Guys have no standards, they're too afraid to say that they don't like negaivity, bad attitudes, masculine attitudes, lack of class and all the rest of it. It's this f***ing POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!! You;re not allowed to call a spade a spade!

The reason why there's no quality control
Oh, if you dare express anything I've brought-up here, you'll simply be branded a 'woman hater' or whatever, and given every single justification narrative you can ever imagine in your wildest dreams to make such behaviour right. This is the main psychological barrier men face regarding drawing attention to atrocious attitudes and behaviour of women.

I am under the impression that such political correctness does not exist, or else is much attenuated in most other countries in Europe, except perhaps Scandinavia, Netherlands or Germany. It certainly isn't the case in Russia, Lithuania or Poland.

It's just shocking, and it's about time people start to challenge this political correctness.
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Re: Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why

Post by Johnny1975 »

mattyman wrote:If any of you guys are familiar with sifting through the profiles of english (or whatever relevant anglo shit-hole) womens' profiles, you've no doubt seen things like 'don't contact me if', 'sick and tired of players' and so forth. As a bloke, you certainly couldn't get away with expressing that sort of dissillusion as has been expressed here.

The reason why women in anglo countries get away with it is simple; guys have no standards. Even a fat, hideous slob who expresses open negativity towards the male sex, and openly bragging about their tattooes will still get messages a dozen JUST BECAUSE GUYS LIKE THE PICTURE!!! Jesus f***ing christ, how shallow and lacking-in standards are people today?! Whty the f**k should shrews like this be getting scores of messages!? It's a f***ing PERVERSION!

What about those attention whore's who post loads of pretty pics and have nothing more written in theri profile but 'just ask'. I always get a very strong urge to give them a good lecturibng and tell them not to complain if the guys that they end-up getting-in with just want them for one thing. WHAT THE f**k DO YOU EXPECT you f***ing moron!?

Why the f**k don't guys just say 'no' to negativty, give them advice, speak their mind, have some standards and realise that what you see on POF locally is not representative of the world at large? Why do guys give thse profiles the time of day? It puzzles me? I can't think of why any sane person would give this sort of rubbish any time. It's truly shocking what I see when I browse through profiles on POF.

The most important thing you notice; excess focus on 'what can you give to me' and sod all on 'what I can give you'. I browse on various foreign sites and notice the focus is the other way round.

This is ONE OF THE REASONS why the dating scene in anglo countries is so bad. Guys have no standards, they're too afraid to say that they don't like negaivity, bad attitudes, masculine attitudes, lack of class and all the rest of it. It's this f***ing POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!! You;re not allowed to call a spade a spade!

The reason why there's no quality control
Oh, if you dare express anything I've brought-up here, you'll simply be branded a 'woman hater' or whatever, and given every single justification narrative you can ever imagine in your wildest dreams to make such behaviour right. This is the main psychological barrier men face regarding drawing attention to atrocious attitudes and behaviour of women.

I am under the impression that such political correctness does not exist, or else is much attenuated in most other countries in Europe, except perhaps Scandinavia, Netherlands or Germany. It certainly isn't the case in Russia, Lithuania or Poland.

It's just shocking, and it's about time people start to challenge this political correctness.
A-f***ing-men. I see it all the time on western women's profiles. Sometimes, after viewing a few filipina's profiles, I like to checkout the western ones, just for a laugh. It's night and day. And it just confirms to me over and over again that western women are nothing. I will never date a woman who was raised in a white, english speaking western country, or one who has lived in one or intends to live in one, regardless of where she's from. I don't agree with mgtows but until I go to a real country that's what I am. I might date them just for a laugh, just for a bit of entertainment and to f**k with them (in every sense), but that's about it.

Don't message me if you're less than 5'11 because I like to wear heels (I am 5'11 but you're not getting a message from me)
I like netflix (how many times I've heard that one)
I'm good at : procrastinating (yes, me too, when it comes to sending you a message)
Filling in their About me section with what they want or don't want (but they have nothing to offer, even though they had every chance to prove themselves)
Don't judge me (too late, cunt)
Read my whole profile because I'm an attention whore who likes to know that people are reading all my bullshit but I'll still reply very selectively (f**k off)
Quote something from my profile to prove that you read it (f**k off)
Say [absurd sentence] to prove that you read it (f**k off)
Don't say hi, that's not a conversation (no it's not bitch, it's a conversation starter)

It's true. men have no standards. That's why standards have dropped.

The best thing to do is to have fun, and a good way to do that is if a few of us create fake profiles on OKCupid and we each independently criticize and ridicule a few of these losers. I bet many of them will deactivate their profiles.
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Re: Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why

Post by fightforlove »

People write things online that they would not say to your face in person. For example, I know a few females who are fairly friendly and warm to me in person, yet they write snarky/mean/condescending status updates on FB. If I had only known them through FB, I would take them for complete bitches and delete them. What you're reading online is sometimes the worst manifestation of people's minds. You're seeing an exaggerated or suppressed alter-version of themselves. You could say that this is showing their true colors, but I think the internet and social media also can warp people and bring out the worst in them.

I def have seen a lot of nasty, unhappy, unfeminine sounding dating profiles. Nasty, miserable women with ridiculous standards.
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Re: Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why

Post by GoingAwol »

The thing that kills me about women on dating sites is they constantly moan about how men send them short messages and don't put any thought into them. But if you are a guy and actually read women's profile and take the time to write them good messages you have done nothing more than waste your time because you won't get a response 99% of the time. Western women say they want men with substance but they never respond positively to us in reality! Western women are a joke.
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Re: Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why

Post by fightforlove »

GoingAwol wrote:The thing that kills me about women on dating sites is they constantly moan about how men send them short messages and don't put any thought into them. But if you are a guy and actually read women's profile and take the time to write them good messages you have done nothing more than waste your time because you won't get a response 99% of the time. Western women say they want men with substance but they never respond positively to us in reality! Western women are a joke.

Exactly. Dating sites have a horrible ROI for men. I am a reasonably good-looking guy with great photos, have a witty/interesting profile write-up, and I've tried all sorts of approaches to writing catchy messages to women. I have maybe a 10-20% response rate tops, and maybe 20-30% of those materialize into an actual date meet-up. Most of the girls on POF and respond with terse one-or-two-liners rife with spelling errors, and a few have given me snobbish/mean rejections when I had said nothing offensive to them in the first place. I can only image how futile online dating is for less good-looking men with average photos.

Online dating is basically a broken system, a soul-crushing experience for most men. I've been able to use online dating to meet dates, but only after investing a considerable amount of time and learning. Like I said, it's not a very good ROI.
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Re: Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why

Post by pete98146 »

I learned such a valuable lesion from those dating sites back in the day. I was divorced at age 40 from my first wife. A few months later I joined the now defunct It was a smaller site but it featured women all over the world in addition to gals here in Seattle.

The cool thing about UDate was that you were able to set your geographic settings. Initially I was only looking to meet women in and around Seattle. I tend to like pretty, slender brunettes but I found out quickly that such women were high in demand here Seattle and they can have their pick of the litter of guys. So I got nowhere quickly in my dating endeavors.

One day I had a "Eureka Moment" and I changed my geographic parameters to include South America because I had taken my first international trip as a bachelor down to Rio. That step alone was an eye opener!!! The same level of woman that was so fast to reject me here in Seattle was more than happy to communicate. Only issue was that they were from Mexico, Colombia, Brazil etc.

I then decided to turbo charge this experience and edit my parameters to include the entire world and literally the next day, in rushed the Asian ladies to chat. Boom! Just like that, I all of a sudden felt like I was in control because I had a long list of women who wanted to correspond.

Interesting, one of the girls from Seattle send me a nice email and said she'd be willing to go out on a date. Right before we were set to go out, she sent me an email asking me what I do for a living. I replied, "insurance agent" and I never heard from her again. Fresh off a divorce and this new form of decision to seek a foreign bride was cast in stone.

I ended up having an online affair with a IT tech from Singapore. She actually hopped on a plane and came out to visit me in Seattle. She could easily have been the one had I not started another online relationship with my current wife. So it was nice to have some options but again, it was me making the calls and not the other way around.

And as they say, "revenge is sweet". I now walk around with my wife who is 19 years younger than me and I feel like I won the dating war. American women don't like this at all but that's ok as I get the last laugh :)
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Re: Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why

Post by GoingAwol »

The most infuriating part about it is these women are putting deceptive photos of themselves up and falsely presenting themselves but are judging men based on their genuine photos and profiles. I have only been on a handful of dates with women from dating sites and all but one were a lot more unattractive and more overweight than they looked in their pictures. The one that was somewhat attractive only went on a date with me because she was bored and wanted a Free meal and then I never heard from her again. I have also ran into other girls from the dating sites in town and they were,without fail, fatter and less attractive than they looked on their profiles. Another infuriating thing is the fact that you have to message hundreds or even thousands of women to get a single reply only to have them flake on you or get an unpleasant surprise if you actually get them on a date. Online dating is rigged against men.
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Re: Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why

Post by MrMan »

I'm married, and I don't know about all the details of dating sites, but you have a computer and you can use google and do a 'site' search for keywords on most sites that don't need a password to access. So you can look women up for keywords that you like.

If I were single, I'd be looking up, "I'm still a virgin" or "I don't believe in premarital sex", since I'd be looking for quality wife material rather than someone sleazy.

I think we all know that most women in society probably aren't good wife material, so you shouldn't expect high quality profiles from most women.

If woman is getting a dozen responses a week, and some of them are from players, I certainly understand her saying, "Don't contact me if you are a player" or "don't contact me if you want to chat about sex' if she's had a problem with that. Some of them don't think through how the negativity looks to other men who don't send messages about sex. But from her point of view, she goes to work or studies so many hours a day. There are opportunities to meet men offline. If her whole chance of meeting someone to be with was totally dependent on whether she was too negative on a dating profile on one site out of thousands of sites on the Internet, she might be more positive. But it probably doesn't, so why should she care?

Btw, if some girl you consider fat and ugly has negativity on her site, what do you care? Are you going to date a girl you consider fat and ugly, anyway?

You could write a profile that is a spoof of what these girls say, but make it so obvious that it is a joke. You could tell women that just want to message you to talk about sex or girls who just want you for your body and don't have bad intentions to leave you alone. The novelty might get some responses.
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Re: Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why

Post by MrMan »

Btw, on Asian sites, do the men have a better chance of getting a positive response (that is not from a scammer)?
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Re: Negativity on women's profiles on dating sites; and why

Post by MrMan »

Btw, I wonder if there are certain things a man could put in a profile that would make women interested, some post about searching for a woman to marry to have kids with, to be your 'best friend.' Combine that with some pictures of you wrestling a small baby out of the mouth of an alligator and fixing a monster truck.
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