Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by 69ixine »

Don't give in to the bisexual lusts. You realize these are really gay men? Most of them look like it, too.
I'll pm you about this,not really something to discuss here but I have a good reason I'm attracted to ladyboys,it's not my fault.It's not something to discuss here.People can be heartless and mean spirited.

I'm a sincere person man,believe me.

I also for personal moral reasons,do not sleep with ladyboys anymore.I feel sympathy and empathy for them,because they were emasculated in some way likely when young,Dr.Joseph nicolosi talks about this,he's a homosexual repair therapist pioneer with a therapy to heal homosexuality that works all the time it's properly followed.
America culture does not lend itself to producing good wives, in general. It's supposed to be hip for high school girls to be bi. Girls graduating high school confused about gender roles, and the whole culture has confusion about femininity and female roles. Being a wife and mother is not highly valued.
I agree,but I don't personally have the need to have a woman have traditional gender roles,for example I'd want my wife to work,and also I can help with cleaning and cooking frequently.
That being said, I raise my kids teaching them the word of God. I have a daughter who just graduated high school. We had her church friends over for a graduation party. We've had some of them over for Bible studies we hosted, and I've been around them a bit when my daughters were hanging out with them. These are really sweet girls. There is a redhead who just graduated, and my wife said something about how she'd like my son to marry a girl like that. The thought had crossed my mind, but she's dating a young man we've had over at a Bible study, and he seems like a good quality young man. They are planning on getting married. Good for them. It looks like both of them have found a good potential partner.
I am very happy for them!
Most of these were young women that have been raised with good, godly values. Some of them were home schooled. Most of the group of friends she had over were above average to good-looking, too. I wouldn't be surprised if they were all virgins, also. I might be surprised if they volunteered that information though and I found out, of course. It's not something I would need to know, except maybe as a dad if my son wanted to marry. I have that verse in Jeremiah before Israel went into captivity where it says to find wives for your sons and husbands for your daughters. I'm a bit counter-culturally old school in thinking I need to have a hand in that... and a bit Asian-minded as well. My wife is more that way than I am. We pray that our kids will remain virgins and marry virgins.
Not to wave the sound of pride,but realistically,I can get any single(UNmarried) woman I want with my face alone,I look like a extremely pretty woman-my sister's twin-but in male form.women that like pretty softer males will like me,I cannot get every woman,but most of them.I don't really need to go that route of finding a sheltered virgin that is positively conditioned to go for God-fearing providers,albeit I do want to have a wife that takes her walk with Christ seriousely.She must at the very least be protestant,I don't believe catholics or orthodox are christians.
While American culture may not, in general, produce the best wives, there are subcultures within the US where one can find a good wife. If I were young, single, and looking, I might consider going to a church where home schooling was popular and finding a girl who had been home schooled in a nice family, where the parents didn't let the girls go out and date, driving around and parking in some parked car with a hormone-ridden 17-year-old trying to get notches on his belt. And also, I would be looking for a young woman who had faith, had internalized Christian values for themselves, and had their own conviction. That does exist in America. It is just a minority, maybe even a niche thing.
I know.
I would imagine these kind of girls might not be interested in a man who is trying to sleep around with women.... and men... of different ethnicities, who has a thing for lady boys, or who swaps his religion every few months.
I agree,and I'm not interested that much in them,so it goes both ways,we all struggle with sin,especially sin induced by something that isn't my fault.As for swapping religions,I know you don't agree that I am influenced by the planets,but disobeying rules and change are two hallmarks of a sagitarrius.Or it could just be my ocd,intrusive thinking and all.The tibetans say ocd is a wind and aether element disorder,wind is change.

I always come back to christ though,in a very short period personal spiritual experiences have confirmed Christ is real.
For a young man, a sweet young virgin woman might be the architype for the ideal bride. But even with women who have repented of fornication and settled down, there can be goodness in marriage. Even the guys married to feminists out there experience some benefits. "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD." (Proverbs 18:22 ESV)
Beautiful verse,I would personally be more compatible with the latter than the former.
At the end of Matthew 6, the Lord Jesus said to seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. He was talking about food, drink, and clothing. But I think the principal applies to other things, like having a wife. You need to focus on God first, really get established in your faith and what you believe. Really be dedicated to the Lord in what you want. 'Make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.' Don't look at porn. Don't allow yourself to indulge in fantasies. Spend time in prayer. Study the Bible. Find Christians to fellowship with. If you haven't been baptized into Christ, through faith in the operation of God, who raises the dead, get baptized.
It would be so much more easy if I didn't have cognitive impairments by ocd.Have compassion for me man,I am sincere.
Know what you believe. And pray for a wife. I'd prayed for a wife for years, but wasn't really stable yet, and probably not so serious about getting married. But I spent a Christmas overseas alone and something my mom said made me realize that was kind of sad. I realized if I had my own wife, my own family, this wouldn't be an issue. I started really praying intensely about it for a couple of months. It seemed like the Lord was saying to me I would meet my wife that month. And in February, I met this young woman. We had our first conversation. I went home and prayed if this was the answer to my prayer about finding a wife. I had a sense of it, but still needed to make sure, of course. I found out later that before we had that conversation, my wife perceived the Lord had spoken to her that I was the one. She even wrote a prayer about it in her prayer diary the day we'd met asking for us to be together, which she showed me after I proposed.

Someone said she'd seen a vision of my future wife, and so I prayed to see her, maybe a year before. I had a quick vision, wasn't able to memorize her face, but saw she had a kind of oily face in that vision and focused in on her eyebrows. When I saw an old picture of hers with unplucked eyebrows, I remembered that visions. Also, when we were getting to know each other on the phone, I'd pray and it would seem like the Lord was telling me this was to be my wife in my prayers. One time, she got upset on the phone, and I got this back story as to why in answer to my prayer. We talked later, and she told me the same story.

Even so, it took me months to make up my mind, and I was maybe 95% sure. "He that divorces his wife, except it be for fornication and marries another commits adultery. And he that marries her that is divorced commits adultery." I felt like I needed to be married. At that young age, I felt like I definitely needed the sex that came along with marriage, and all the affection, caring, the life partner, the companionship. I wanted kids, too. I didn't want to choose foolishly and marry a woman that would leave me. I was in Asia, and I found out later that my wife's people-group treated divorce as almost taboo, though it's getting to be a bit more common among them, but still stigmatized and less frequent than in the US. Also, we have common ground when it comes to the word of God. We both know it is wrong to commit adultery or to divorce. We are on the same page on that.

So I took a couple of friend's advice, and in prayer laid out my reasons for marrying my wife, and why I believed it was God's will, and told God that is what I was going to do unless He stopped me or showed me otherwise. I was 100% convinced of it at that point. I had no cold feet about marriage. I had some concerns about how the party was to be arranged and other details, but not about marrying my wife. After I was convinced and had settled my plans with the Lord in prayer, a speaker at a service we went to called us up after the meeting and prophesied about us. I don't recall his saying 'marriage', but talked about us going to many places and ministering to many people, and that part has happened. I would imagine there is much more to come.

It was so good to be married to this wife the Lord gave to me. I remember both as an engaged couple and later as newly weds just talking about how thankful we were that God put the other in our lives. It's touching to see the woman you love with tears coming down her cheeks, expressing thankfulness to God for giving you to her as a husband. And there is something so much deeper to the love than just the sexual release and experiencing her body.

There is so much good in marriage. My wife is really diligent. Proverbs 31 talks about a diligent 'trooper woman.' One of the things the woman did was purchase a field and plant it. I am looking out the window at a garden my wife planted. She's turned our yard into a garden, mostly vegetable, some flowers. We can now harvest squash, greens, and berries, and tomatoes. We also have corn, potatoes, grapes, pears, apples, and a bunch of other stuff planted. We have some watermelons coming in. I did help carry the dirt around for this, but she works on it all the time. She cooks gourmet meals. When I was in grad school, she bore the heavy load in a small business she came up with the idea for. I did some heavy lifting and other work on it. It kept us a float financially.

Of course, she gave birth to all of my children, and she nursed them, changed diapers, and we've raised them together. She's prayed for them, and me.

Relationship wise, feeling-wise, that has gone up and down over the years. We are kind of in something like a newly wed space now for the feelings in our relationship, after 20 plus years of marriage, and I anticipate it will keep going like that or get better.

What was my secret to finding a prize? It's favor from the Lord. Humble yourself before God and receive His favor. Put God first. Seek to strengthen your relationship with God and faith in Christ. Then pray for a wife. Do you think thinking about ladyboys and craving that sort of thing is pleasing to God? What about entertaining some of these other thoughts you've posted on here? Submit to the Lord in all things.

Happy for you my man!I'll pray for you,but also tell your church to pray for Bennie from amsterdam.I'll PM you about my lusts and sexual nature ,it's not something to be discussed here,unsensitive and mean people abound.

My grandma-mi abuelita-she's my role model,a Christ fearing woman that tried to raise me right in the church,I rebelled,but She later found out I'm was autistic and forgave me.

She's in heaven now smiling and praying for me.

she had a blissful big smile on her dead body that even persisted up to her burial,angels took her.

She was half black half choctaw,in a state where those two were marginalized during Jim crow,but Became a strong God fearing woman and converted my whole family to christ,being voodoo and shaman doctors and freemasons before that.
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 4th, 2023, 8:41 am
69ixine wrote:
July 4th, 2023, 4:05 am

They're better than western women,but no fake woman can be better than the real deal naturally.
I wouldn't be able to deal with the post-nut clarity part, I sense. I mean everyone at some point in their life has had this one fap they aren't proud of, this questionable fap that you feel kinda weird after. I reckon f***ing a tranny would be kind of like that, but times ten on a scale of discomfort. Kind of like when you bang a woman when drunk and she turns out to be rather hideous the next day when the beer goggles come off and you're sobered up.
Well you know.. Transgenderism is a hot new fad these days.. The U.S edumacation system is teaching transgenderism to elementary school kids now in their new curriculum.
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 4th, 2023, 9:00 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 4th, 2023, 8:49 am
Well you know.. Transgenderism is a hot new fad these days.. The U.S edumacation system is teaching transgenderism to elementary school kids now in their new curriculum.
It's a sick world, really. I think anyone who is mentally ill to the point where they seek to self-castrate is such a lost cause a mercy killing would be the best cure. To leave them alive may not be a wise idea as their mental illness might spread; they have this drive to "convert" youngsters and it's disgusting. Going full Hitler on trannies may ultimately be the wisest choice for us all.
Like fschmidt said.. most of humanity doesn't deserve to live because they are sheep.

Transgenderism in school ... k-teaching
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by WilliamSmith »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
April 14th, 2023, 2:44 pm
Where the f**k is my alpha bro @WilliamSmith???
He been fkin banned as well???
I wasn't banned, I just got back. How's the weather out there in izrael Hasbara bro? :mrgreen: (Or are you operating out of jew york city, LOL?)

Re: the thread topic: No, "t-girls/Transgender women" are not better than normal women: Trannies are not women at all, they're male faggots who need to get a bullet in their f***ed up heads, since faggots should be f***ing exterminated. End of story.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by WilliamSmith »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 4th, 2023, 9:10 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 4th, 2023, 9:05 am
Like fschmidt said.. most of humanity doesn't deserve to live because they are sheep.
Perhaps. But I'm not quite as much of a misanthrope as he is as I am by nature a man with a "lets fix this" attitude. I'm practically minded. The best way to deal with disgusting mentally ill trannies is a merciful end to their suffering. Because these shrill-voices sexually confused goons are too disgusting to really live among humans, pollute our media and be anywhere near our children. They should be removed, quite frankly, from existence, as they're a mistake of nature. And if a painter makes a mistake on his canvas, he erases it, too.
I didn't know you were like-minded on this particular issue. I agree though: Humane sterilization is fine as long as they're kept well away from anyone else's gentile children (not to mention domesticated and/or wild animals, since faggots these days are trying to have sex with those as well).
Homosexuality and transgenderism is literally a form of mental and biological illness (inherited by biological defect via warping of human hormones on the brain when it occurs "naturally," like a birth defect), or else the result of either sodomite rape or indoctrination into perverse "experimentation." So in the latter cases, it's an abomination, but when the comparatively tiny # of faggots who are born that way pop up, exactly, it' s a"mistake of nature" that needs to be erased.
Shit, too much talk, I put it more succinctly the first time: Faggots should be exterminated.

This isn't what I wanted to talk about though... I wanted to post more chicks with big asses and cheezy 80's action movie clips, though I need to take a break and go out in the jungle a bit for some physical exercise...
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 4th, 2023, 12:36 pm
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
April 14th, 2023, 2:44 pm
Where the f**k is my alpha bro @WilliamSmith???
He been fkin banned as well???
I wasn't banned, I just got back. How's the weather out there in izrael Hasbara bro? :mrgreen: (Or are you operating out of jew york city, LOL?)

Re: the thread topic: No, "t-girls/Transgender women" are not better than normal women: Trannies are not women at all, they're male faggots who need to get a bullet in their f***ed up heads, since faggots should be f***ing exterminated. End of story.
Ofc they are better than real women!!!
How is this hard for you to understand
Its not Brian surgery fella
Tgirls have better base bodies and therefore have better shapes and female bodies
Its a fact that ladyboys are better than real women
Only a true alpha allience bro would know that fella
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
July 17th, 2023, 8:16 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 4th, 2023, 12:36 pm
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
April 14th, 2023, 2:44 pm
Where the f**k is my alpha bro @WilliamSmith???
He been fkin banned as well???
I wasn't banned, I just got back. How's the weather out there in izrael Hasbara bro? :mrgreen: (Or are you operating out of jew york city, LOL?)

Re: the thread topic: No, "t-girls/Transgender women" are not better than normal women: Trannies are not women at all, they're male faggots who need to get a bullet in their f***ed up heads, since faggots should be f***ing exterminated. End of story.
Ofc they are better than real women!!!
How is this hard for you to understand
Its not Brian surgery fella
Tgirls have better base bodies and therefore have better shapes and female bodies
Its a fact that ladyboys are better than real women
Only a true alpha allience bro would know that fella
Who is Brian? :lol:
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by 69ixine »

this is how I look like as a T-gurl lol
I think I am 10 as a guy and 10 as a gurl lol

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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by Lucas88 »

69ixine wrote:
July 19th, 2023, 7:14 am
this is how I look like as a T-gurl lol
I think I am 10 as a guy and 10 as a gurl lol

Wow, the T-gurl version of you looks like your sister! LMAO!
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by 69ixine »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 19th, 2023, 9:15 am
69ixine wrote:
July 19th, 2023, 7:14 am
this is how I look like as a T-gurl lol
I think I am 10 as a guy and 10 as a gurl lol

Wow, the T-gurl version of you looks like your sister! LMAO!
Yes,I agree brother Lucas88!

I don't want to be a T-gurl,but I do look just like the above pretty much whenever I lengthen my eyelashes,I'm already a very pretty man.
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by WilliamSmith »

69ixine wrote:
July 19th, 2023, 7:14 am
this is how I look like as a T-gurl lol
I think I am 10 as a guy and 10 as a gurl lol

Holy !@#$ man, LOL! So there's an app that turns your pic into the likeness of a woman?! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh, and good for you for the high self-esteem in declaring yourself to be a "10" as both a man and a woman. :lol:

@Lucas88 !@#$ you guys are blowing my mind tonight with this AI shit.
This gave me such a good laugh I'm tempted to run my own pic through this app and see what comes out, but sadly I'm still going to err on the side of caution about posting my pic online for the ZOG to pick up.

The closest visual match I've got compared to a lot by misc people is a more muscular version of that guy Bruce Payne who was the bad guy in "Passenger 57" (except I've shaved my head bald for a long time, and I was born a blond with "golden curls" but my hair fell out when I was a toddler and grew back in "burnt blonde"/light brown for some reason until I shaved it off), so TL;DR I think I'd make one of the ugliest "t-gurls" who ever lived. :mrgreen:
I also put a shitload of effort into my voice since I was in my early 20's and could give Lance Henriksen a run for his money in the voice department, so I'd like to think I lack "feminine charm" in every way regardless of what skullduggery these apps can work on a man. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Damn, I'd make one ugly woman / "t-gurl." :mrgreen:
Which I personally see as a good thing: If our oldtime mortal enemies the Romans captured me I'm pretty sure they'd either kill me or try to capture me and work me to death in their slave mines rather than convert me to a "t-gurl" or sodomite sex slave in their depraved brothels in Rome that they used to drag our Germanic and Celtic folk off to in days of yore.............
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Re: Are t-girls/Transgender women better than normal women?

Post by 69ixine »

Well obviousely,it's subject to personal taste,
me personally I always found this androgynous big curved eyed sharp featured phenotype to be really pretty since about 2010:

I've always been enamored by this phenotype,because in The eastern texts(Jainism,Buddhism,Hinduism) it is considered the ancient standard of beauty of the divine beings to have big lotus shaped eyes.


I look similar to that look (Big curved shaped eyes,finely shaped nose,balanced face height to width ratio,weak brow,very dark curly hair)as depicted in the east,so I have always been very grateful and happy with the way I look.

I also get flooded with offers for FWB in DMs on social media sites,so I think my own personal perception is so for a minority of women into more 'pretty'and 'soft'men.

Again,This is all subjective.Alot of women are barfing looking at androgynous men,others(likely to be more on the less traditionally feminine side) find them so pretty they let them hit immediately.

That's the beauty of diverse tastes,as long as you're very happy with your look,you will attract some women that like it manifesting it in your life,and you will be content and at ease.

again I've always been fascinated by indian iconography and religion,so looking similar to depictions of Vishnu-Krishna is a blessing!

I also have a personal affinity for Vishnu and Vaishnavism,it's my favorite religion,if any could be true I' choose Vaishnavism,because Vishnu is so Sattvic that if he kills you you gain liberation contrary to other deities depicted in other religions,not an ounce of malice or wrath in his heart.
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