Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by kangarunner »

Winston wrote:
May 9th, 2022, 6:03 am
Moreover, I don't understand why we men need "self improvement" constantly? I mean, as long as we are nice and treat others kindly and have good character, and do not drink too much, smoke or do drugs, why do we need to keep "improving ourselves" all the time ad infinitum without end? Sounds like a scam to make you feel guilty for nothing. I hate that. So fake and deceptive.

Of course we all have bad habits and character flaws, but that's natural, eveyone does. Sure it's good to work on our character flaws, I admit that. However, the self-improvement industry in America is bogus and fake and doesn't really solve anything or accomplish anything. Think of even one person you know who truly changed their life from a self-improvement book or seminar. Sure they may say they improved, but it doesn't mean it's actually true. Every Amway person claims to be making some monney, but it doesn't mean it's true.
I think @Winston could make a lot of money being the Asian version of George Carlin...What do you you guys think?

Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".


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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by NPCslammer »

I do agree that the average woman these days is a piece of crap. Whoever thought “empowering women” was a good idea should be fired from whatever position of power they had. Of course the people who initially did that are dead now but they should’ve been fired at the time.

I also do agree that I hate this idea that if your wife cheats on you, it’s your fault. People act like it’s unreasonable to want to make adultery a criminal offense but quite frankly it needs to be. Yes adultery would still happen but criminalization sends a message to some people at least that this is a big deal whereas a lot of modern women act like they have a right to cheat on their husband for any reason they like.

It’s funny how public schools make us read the Scarlett Letter to convince us “how horrible those puritans were” but quite frankly I think the Scarlett Letter is based. Adulterous men and women should be forced to wear something similar to a Scarlett Letter for the rest of their lives.

A lot of modern mainstream conservatives cuck out and say things like “I don’t want to force anybody to obey traditional morality but I still think it’s a good thing” or stuff like that. What’s the point of moral laws that you aren’t gonna bother forcing on other people? These people don’t seem to understand that traditional societies are the way they are specifically because there are harsh consequences for people who disobey the rules. People who sleep around are very heavily stigmatized and get no respect from the community. Traditional societies did make adultery illegal and no fault divorce wasn’t legal either. Wife beaters were beaten up by the townsmen and women who falsely accused men of crimes were cast out of their communities as whores.

The biggest problem with modern society is that we don’t want to punish people anymore. “Freedom” is valued more then social cohesion, especially women’s freedom. The truth is that freedom without social cohesion is useless. I did not sign up to live in anarchy. A civilization requires rules and if you don’t enforce those rules your civilization will break down.
It does seem like today conservatives have the libertarian mindset to everything, rather than back then where whores were openly shamed by the family and the community. I think that’s an interesting point. Now we just allow all this degeneracy to happen because as long as it legal and not violent than it’s Murican liberty.

Me personally, I’d love to see extreme corporal punishment in the school system. Forget about the dumb paddle they used back then. If some highschool punk is flipping off the teacher, smoking pot in the bathroom, bullying etc. The school should have a boxing ring with a mean, crusty ass fighter in the ring that beats the piss out of the kid. Then make them do hard labor. Put ex Special forces guys in charge of the labor, so they don’t eff around.

Sounds harsh in these p***y times we live in, but from what I’ve seen, a lot of these kids don’t even belong in school. They belong in prison for the level of criminal activity that the commit in school. It’s not the 50s where chewing bubble gum in class was generally the worst thing that happened. Now it’s guns, drugs, sexual assault, extreme disrespect and extreme bullying. That requires brutal punishment to correct. But it would never work in today’s society because the parents are just as bad, if not worse than the kids. And dumb parents think that spanking a bratty child throwing a temper tantrum is abuse.

But back to the female problem. I don’t think there’s anything that can fix this now apart from a major, long term societal collapse. Even the few good parents out there that instill good values and discipline in their daughters are still not enough these days. Any woman can go on social media and be a slut for massive amounts of attention, complements and cash. Then they can go on a dating site, put some cosmetics on and get 20 messages a day from thirsty betas and a couple chads. Couple that with the Marxists university indoctrination system and slutty peers, and the girls will turn into feminist sluts fast.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by fdiv »

Winston wrote:
May 9th, 2022, 5:00 am
Pretty much EVERY self help book, video, etc assume that leaving America is not an option for some reason, because the whole world is the same and everyone wants to stay in America. So they ALWAYS ALWAYS only focus on improve yourself and changing your attitude, as if that's always the solution, when in reality, the REAL solution is to just go to the Philippines and be happy around a good fun positive vibe/energy, and surrounded by sweet warm women who are friendly and will date you and give you companionship and sex and affection, etc. That's the REAL simple solution, but ZERO self-help books mention it. I don't know why. It's like everyone is blind and assumes location doesn't matter and it's all about "working on yourself" and "changing your attitude" etc, which in reality is useless shit that accomplishes NOTHING. Especially if the problem isn't you but the location and environment, which self-help books do NOT dare to touch! We are the only ones brave and gutsy enough to say that!

I talked to my friend on the phone the other night, and he too noticed that NO ONE ever changes their life for good if its f***ed up, by reading a self-help book. They are always "in the process of improving" but their life NEVER actually changes for the better, just like people on weight loss programs are always "in the process of losing weight" but they rarely lose weight permanently. lol

Any of you notice this too? It's sooooo weird how everyone can be universally blind to the most obvious and simple solution, the bad location and culture!
The reason these "self help" scammers peddle fake solutions is so that they can continue to sell more fake solutions in perpetuity. It's a huge growing market!
options in the US: maybe have a shot at a angry bluehaired landwhale and then, prison :roll:
options abroad: limitless 8)
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

Cornfed wrote:
May 5th, 2022, 11:02 am
I don't get why anyone cares about what Cleary says. He is just a loser with nothing to offer. His contention that getting a STEM degree is the way to go is provably false and stupid, yet he keeps rolling it out year after year, like a boomer going on about getting high marks and stuff.
STEM has already been completely infiltrated and subverted by academia and women. I took the introduction to chemistry and general chemistry courses at a local university 2 or 3 years ago to see what it was all about. The very first class I walked into had information on the slide presentation that we were all to sit and make our tables multi racial, multi cultural, and mixed women/men....LOL....I knew right away this was going to be HIV positive. Of course, the teacher is a 50 something fat white woman who admits she takes anti-depressants, was divorced, and now remarried to a black guy. Needless to say instead of individual achieving anything we had to work in groups and we were even allowed to use notes on the tests. For the lab work all of the lab teachers except for one were women. In the labs we were told that it was okay not to get the right answer so long as the correct process was shown and used. Some of the answers I saw these women getting were completely asinine. Mind you, I received an A in all of the courses and labs.

The vast majority of my classmates were women and many of them were not bright in the slightest. I think all of the people talking about STEM as being the future are absolute idiots. STEM is a grift being trouted out by the system to keep people buying into the system and continuing to go into debt to get degrees especially the medical field which is an absolute death cult and money extraction scheme. The system wants more fools to go into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt to become MDs, nurses,PAs, DOs, etc. The whole scheme relies on this.

The funny thing about STEM is there is no guarantee of you getting a job in the field just like any other degree. If you are a man, you are going to still be looked over because now women are massively infiltrating the field, especially in medicine. Perhaps the only area where they will not be in large amounts are the math and statistics fields.

Luckily, I opted not to continue down the STEM field because it is a dead end as far as I am concerned. There is no true intellectual discovery or for the allowance of individual achievement. There was also a lot of talk about how great peer-review is, which is just a circle jerk of everyone agreeing with everyone else about some topic, and due to this you won't actually see more scientific advances instead there will be a scientific dark age for advances and new insights.

Did you guys miss the COVID-19 scam? All created by the geniuses in STEM......the whole thing was a big scam just like STEM. Its obvious to me that Clarey is not all that bright just a little bit brighter than the other mouth breathers in the manosphere and still holding weird thoughts that seem like they would come from the Boomer generation like joining the military.....lol

The university I went to was a large state university in the midwest by the way.....so I imagine this is across the board.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by jamesbond »

Aaron Clarey also recently wrote a book called, "The book of Numbers" where he gives statistics on things like the probability of finding a woman you actually want to marry in the United States. He calculates that only about 1 out of 37 women in the USA are marriage material! :shock:

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by josephty2 »

kangarunner wrote:
May 2nd, 2022, 8:01 pm
Aaron Clarey's new book, .... Order something from “The Menu.”
Eh, its his opinion.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by rudder »

Winston wrote:
May 9th, 2022, 6:03 am
Moreover, I don't understand why we men need "self improvement" constantly? I mean, as long as we are nice and treat others kindly and have good character, and do not drink too much, smoke or do drugs, why do we need to keep "improving ourselves" all the time ad infinitum without end? Sounds like a scam to make you feel guilty for nothing. I hate that. So fake and deceptive.

Of course we all have bad habits and character flaws, but that's natural, eveyone does. Sure it's good to work on our character flaws, I admit that. However, the self-improvement industry in America is bogus and fake and doesn't really solve anything or accomplish anything. Think of even one person you know who truly changed their life from a self-improvement book or seminar. Sure they may say they improved, but it doesn't mean it's actually true. Every Amway person claims to be making some monney, but it doesn't mean it's true.
girls have smart phones everywhere nowadays. just sayin...
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by rudder »

jamesbond wrote:
May 22nd, 2022, 9:38 am
Aaron Clarey also recently wrote a book called, "The book of Numbers" where he gives statistics on things like the probability of finding a woman you actually want to marry in the United States. He calculates that only about 1 out of 37 women in the USA are marriage material! :shock:

I wonder what the statistics are that that one woman will have big boneable badonckadonk
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by rudder »

josephty2 wrote:
May 22nd, 2022, 8:25 pm
kangarunner wrote:
May 2nd, 2022, 8:01 pm
Aaron Clarey's new book, .... Order something from “The Menu.”
Eh, its his opinion.
The entire argument seems flawed. Men are wired to want women. What is the alternative? This is the old stoic buddhist notion of desire leading to suffering. So we should all live like monks in a monastery? I don't think most men can be happy without women. I know I would feel terribly lonely without a woman in my life. Not to mention they can help out with all the boring chores I don't care to do that take time away from higher pursuits: cooking, laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc. Think about it. How would you get anything important done if you constantly have to stop to clean things, cook food, do dishes. Or maybe you eat from restaurants. Then you're just robbing your wallet and health.

So what's his solution? Monks in a monastery? Paid concubine domestic servants? Asian massage parlors?
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by kangarunner »

rudder wrote:
July 17th, 2022, 11:14 am
So what's his solution? Monks in a monastery? Paid concubine domestic servants? Asian massage parlors?
He pretty much says everything OTHER than go to another country and find better women there. I may superchat him once on his livestream about the happier abroad solution.
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".

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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
May 22nd, 2022, 6:10 am
Cornfed wrote:
May 5th, 2022, 11:02 am
I don't get why anyone cares about what Cleary says. He is just a loser with nothing to offer. His contention that getting a STEM degree is the way to go is provably false and stupid, yet he keeps rolling it out year after year, like a boomer going on about getting high marks and stuff.
STEM has already been completely infiltrated and subverted by academia and women. I took the introduction to chemistry and general chemistry courses at a local university 2 or 3 years ago to see what it was all about. The very first class I walked into had information on the slide presentation that we were all to sit and make our tables multi racial, multi cultural, and mixed women/men....LOL....
Whoa whoa just whoaaaaaa.
I am of a racial admixture that is very unpopular in STEM in the USA, and I have been in that "game" since the late 90s.
I had to weasel my way into I.T. by making my CV mid level because they never hire at entry level!!! EVEN WITH A DEGREE THAT I HAVE!!
I studied O'Reilly and Wrox Books containing Visual Basic 4.0-6.0 pre-OO, ASP/ADO 2.0/2.5/3.0 (server side VBscript) and SQL Server 6.5 then 7.0, 2000, 2005. This is before YouTube has free tutorials on modern-day big-tech technologies in excess!!!
and then got into C# once .NET 1.1 came to fruition in the early 2000s.
Worked on SharePoint and its Web Parts code in C# for 5 years until I became tired of the paycap I was getting at 65K USD back in the 00s and 10s.
Now I have segued on over to Java-Linux-Scala-Python-Terraform-Jenkins DevOp/Big Data-open source, and surpassed my Microsoft days lovely.

The closest thing to Microsoft I use on the job nowadays is VSCode sometimes, and since I'm a good programmer, I typically code in ATOM.IO IDE and deploy code to servers from SSH on that same computer I work on.

Never will revert to .NET job with .NET salary ever again. Fcuk that.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:
May 9th, 2022, 5:00 am
Pretty much EVERY self help book, video, etc assume that leaving America is not an option for some reason, because the whole world is the same and everyone wants to stay in America. So they ALWAYS ALWAYS only focus on improve yourself and changing your attitude, as if that's always the solution, when in reality, the REAL solution is to just go to the Philippines and be happy around a good fun positive vibe/energy, and surrounded by sweet warm women who are friendly and will date you and give you companionship and sex and affection, etc. That's the REAL simple solution, but ZERO self-help books mention it. I don't know why. It's like everyone is blind and assumes location doesn't matter and it's all about "working on yourself" and "changing your attitude" etc, which in reality is useless shit that accomplishes NOTHING. Especially if the problem isn't you but the location and environment, which self-help books do NOT dare to touch! We are the only ones brave and gutsy enough to say that!

Any of you notice this too? It's sooooo weird how everyone can be universally blind to the most obvious and simple solution, the bad location and culture!

I have noticed this too, no self help guru ever says to change location and move somewhere else. All they do is say, 'improve yourself' 'work out more' 'start your own business' or my favorite, 'approach more women.' :roll:

How about moving out of the US to a more open and friendly country, where you don't have to learn PUA techniques to meet women. No self help person ever says this.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by kangarunner »

Winston wrote:
May 9th, 2022, 5:00 am
So they ALWAYS ALWAYS only focus on improve yourself and changing your attitude, as if that's always the solution, when in reality, the REAL solution is to just go to the Philippines and be happy around a good fun positive vibe/energy, and surrounded by sweet warm women who are friendly and will date you and give you companionship and sex and affection, etc. That's the REAL simple solution, but ZERO self-help books mention it.
@Winston It's the REAL solution for YOU. But does going to the Philippines have the same healing effect for everyone?
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".

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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by kangarunner »

Aaron Clarey is now the Youtuber I love the most for telling it like it is......The 2 superchats starting at 1:11:00 are worth a listen eh?

Especially the superchat on why he hates Minnesota....LOL
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".

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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by Jonny Law »

Winston wrote:
May 9th, 2022, 6:03 am
Moreover, I don't understand why we men need "self improvement" constantly? I mean, as long as we are nice and treat others kindly and have good character, and do not drink too much, smoke or do drugs, why do we need to keep "improving ourselves" all the time ad infinitum without end? Sounds like a scam to make you feel guilty for nothing. I hate that. So fake and deceptive.

Of course we all have bad habits and character flaws, but that's natural, eveyone does. Sure it's good to work on our character flaws, I admit that. However, the self-improvement industry in America is bogus and fake and doesn't really solve anything or accomplish anything. Think of even one person you know who truly changed their life from a self-improvement book or seminar. Sure they may say they improved, but it doesn't mean it's actually true. Every Amway person claims to be making some monney, but it doesn't mean it's true.
Anyways according to the "experts"
steps to be successful in life
Find a passion. To be successful, it is important to define what you want in life. ...
Show commitment. ...
Learn from the journey. ...
Have fun along the way. ...
Think positively. ...
Be honest with yourself. ...
Take away distractions. ...
Depend on yourself.
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