Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

Mercer wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 7:57 am
@Lucas88, stop simping for normies. Normies have shitty social skills and are usually shitty people. They simply hate you because you're different. If you are not a conformist then normies will hate you. It does not mean you're inferior or have worse social skills. Men that get women are not witty or savvy, they are just better looking. "Social skills" are really just your looks. It's why only ugly men are considered creepy while good looking men somehow are always considered to have good social skills and are never creepy. If you've been rejected by women then you're unattractive and most men can't accept this. Western women, Chads, Tyrones, etc. especially have terrible social skills and they're given preferential treatment in the west so that just shows you that social skills are bullshit and a lie.
Is it really true that guys are only popular with women because of their looks though? You seem to think that looks are the be-all end-all but I can tell you that I've seen enough guys with less-than-average looks but with excellent social savvy and charisma dating decent-looking girls to know that what you say about looks isn't true. How do you explain those guys' success then if only looks matter? Granted a guy might be hopeless with girls if he is totally hideous like Quasimodo but there are cases of guys a little bit on the ugly side who get a girlfriend through social savvy. My Spanish wrestling instructor who I've talked about before on this forum is no looker - a fact which he admits himself - but he's charismatic, knows how to talk to women and never goes without.

As for "normies", why do you think that most of them are bad? Have they all treated you like shit? I'm just curious because in my case only a small minority of neurotypicals have ever treated me like shit, most just had a neutral attitude towards me, and quite a few neurotypicals have actually treated me well and been supportive. So I personally don't get this anti-neurotypical autistic tribalism that some aspies/autists display.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »

I agree, all this simping for people who have never accepted you and probably make fun of you behind your back is incredibly nauseating. "recognizing your own deficiencies" is basically a fancy way of saying you have a low self-esteem which is probably why you aren't getting along with other autists because people don't want to hang out with someone who thinks his own group of people is inferior and constantly tries to downplay his similarities with them.

There are reasons which I just mentioned for why bad social skills is a green flag in someone. People with bad social skills will tell you exactly what they are thinking because they can't lie very well, people with bad social skills will usually try harder to genuinely improve their personality because they cannot hide their faults, people with bad social skills have more social courage because they tell truths that no one else wants to hear, people with bad social skills also make better friends because they don't play mind games with you. People with bad social skills are very bad at manipulating other people so its easy to see through any schemes they may come up with.

In talking about intellect, social skills, and physical strength... You forgot one thing. A neurotypical with all those traits could easily be a sociopath and you would never know. A lot of guys who's social skills are too good actually are sociopaths because sociopaths are experts at lying and social manipulation. People with bad social skills but no morality tend to be psychopaths, but in that instance, they would be fairly easy to figure out. Sociopaths are not easy to figure out because they are so good at manipulating people. Girls should be suspicious of guys who seem to have literally everything because you could easily be looking at a Patrick Bateman type guy.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »

Mercer wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 12:43 pm
You're probably thinking of failed normies who were nice to you and some of them seem mildly autistic but not enough to disable them.
That's pretty much where I am. It is admittedly very mild autism in me. I think my therapist said I have 60% of the traits or something.


You were an incel until you were 24 years old, that's a lack of acceptance. If you went through your entire youth without a single girl being willing to sleep with you and still suspect that you would not be able to get a British girl to sleep with you then you've experienced severe social ostracization in your own country. Even as bad as my social skills are I did meet girls who had crushes on me in middle and high school and I did date a girl when I was 17. I would say I've experienced moderate social ostracizing but its nowhere near as bad as what you have described. Just because they didn't spit in your face or punch you or something like that doesn't mean that they've been nice to you.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 1:07 pm
I agree, all this simping for people who have never accepted you and probably make fun of you behind your back is incredibly nauseating. "recognizing your own deficiencies" is basically a fancy way of saying you have a low self-esteem which is probably why you aren't getting along with other autists because people don't want to hang out with someone who thinks his own group of people is inferior and constantly tries to downplay his similarities with them.
Are people with autism their own ethnicity now? You sound like a woke LGBT right now, man. :lol:
Also it sounds incredibly paranoid to assume that other people will be mocking you behind your back just because they aren't in the Autism Club. Autism is classified as a disorder and is seen as such because of how it affects the social skills of those affected, depending on how far along the spectrum they are. Seeing autistic people as somehow part of your tribe just sounds incredibly silly.
There are reasons which I just mentioned for why bad social skills is a green flag in someone. People with bad social skills will tell you exactly what they are thinking because they can't lie very well, people with bad social skills will usually try harder to genuinely improve their personality because they cannot hide their faults, people with bad social skills have more social courage because they tell truths that no one else wants to hear, people with bad social skills also make better friends because they don't play mind games with you. People with bad social skills are very bad at manipulating other people so its easy to see through any schemes they may come up with.
So having bad social skills is a benefit because you perceive that there's less chance of them f***ing you over? Any idea how solipsistic this sounds? :roll:
I prefer people who don't do any of this stuff anyway because they're noble people with good values. I don't understand where you're coming from with this at all.
In talking about intellect, social skills, and physical strength... You forgot one thing. A neurotypical with all those traits could easily be a sociopath and you would never know. A lot of guys who's social skills are too good actually are sociopaths because sociopaths are experts at lying and social manipulation. People with bad social skills but no morality tend to be psychopaths, but in that instance, they would be fairly easy to figure out. Sociopaths are not easy to figure out because they are so good at manipulating people. Girls should be suspicious of guys who seem to have literally everything because you could easily be looking at a Patrick Bateman type guy.
Most people lie and manipulate anyway. Or most people are sociopaths. It wouldn't surprise me if this were the case. Some people are decent, some people are assholes. People with low empathy for others tend to be the biggest psychopaths and oftentimes these psychopaths are very charismatic. But again, I think most people are psychopathic to a degree anyway. :lol:
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 23rd, 2022, 12:46 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 23rd, 2022, 12:37 pm
A lot of people prefer DeSantis because he has Trump’s backbone but a lot more creativity and intelligence. DeSantis is closer to a Viktor Orban like guy then Trump is. Even though I wish he was more ideologically based like Trump is. DeSantis I do like his Machiavellianism though. Florida voted to give ex convicts the ability to vote but he stripped them of that ability again by saying they have to pay off all their fines and legal fees in order to vote or they’ll be arrested. That was very clever.
The Machiavellianism goes hand-in-hand with good social skills, too. All men who rule the world, one way or another, they are incredibly socially savvy sociopaths. I'm excited to raise my sons in such a way that allows them to maximize such traits, and gain great success from this. I'm just excited to see how this would turn out. The sky's the limit for a man who is morally limitless. At the same time, this kind of goes against the whole traditionalism thing, which ought to curtail such behavior. But I would like to see my offspring succeed in this wicked world and to focus on social skills and their development would help a lot in that.

On a side note... I would absolutely LOVE for a Viktor Orban-esque leader to one day run America. Has DeSantis ever mentioned birth rates? Because if he addressed that, he'd be the first US politician to do so (to my knowledge) and it'd turn me into his biggest fanboy overnight. :lol:
No DeSantis is not ideologically similar to Orban. He has similar tactics/methods as Orban does but he doesn't have the same priorities.

I don't think the world should be ruled by sociopaths though.

Machiavellianism in politics is more related to intellect then social skills. Political leaders in general usually do have good social skills but to be Machiavellian in politics you just need to be very good at figuring out how to rig the game in your favor without breaking the rules. Florida passed a constitutional amendment for example giving those felons the ability to vote. DeSantis can't get rid of a state amendment, so he has to come up with a sneakier law to essentially invalidate the previous law because it would be too difficult to try and remove a constitutional amendment.

Orban has done similar things to try and prevent the opposition from ever gaining power. One big thing he's done is eliminate a large number of the total number of seats in the parliament. He also gerrymandered the hell out of the parliament so that, even if he only wins 45% of the vote, his party still controls 66% of the parliament because the only area of the country that hasn't voted for him since he took power in 2010 is Budapest. Even the other cities still voted for Orban in 2022 though. Budapest is the last remaining liberal majority region of the country.

Compared to the US though, even Budapest feels right-leaning. The universities in Hungary are prohibited from teaching gender studies or feminism in general. Fidesz has directly bought a lot of the universities in Hungary so they can fire any leftist professor. Every business in Hungary also has to support conservative values expoused by Fidesz or they don't receive government money. You can run a business without government money but its a lot harder so all the most successful ones are in Fidesz's pocket. Fidesz has even talked about wanting to reduce the number of women going to college so they can encourage them to get married and have kids instead.

I think there are cultures/countries where the people are more conservative then the people in Hungary are. But Hungary honestly has one of the most aggressively conservative governments on Earth outside of the Muslim countries. I don't know why people simp for Putin so much. Putin is definitely not as conservative as Orban is.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 1:32 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 1:07 pm
I agree, all this simping for people who have never accepted you and probably make fun of you behind your back is incredibly nauseating. "recognizing your own deficiencies" is basically a fancy way of saying you have a low self-esteem which is probably why you aren't getting along with other autists because people don't want to hang out with someone who thinks his own group of people is inferior and constantly tries to downplay his similarities with them.
Are people with autism their own ethnicity now? You sound like a woke LGBT right now, man. :lol:
Also it sounds incredibly paranoid to assume that other people will be mocking you behind your back just because they aren't in the Autism Club. Autism is classified as a disorder and is seen as such because of how it affects the social skills of those affected, depending on how far along the spectrum they are. Seeing autistic people as somehow part of your tribe just sounds incredibly silly.
There are reasons which I just mentioned for why bad social skills is a green flag in someone. People with bad social skills will tell you exactly what they are thinking because they can't lie very well, people with bad social skills will usually try harder to genuinely improve their personality because they cannot hide their faults, people with bad social skills have more social courage because they tell truths that no one else wants to hear, people with bad social skills also make better friends because they don't play mind games with you. People with bad social skills are very bad at manipulating other people so its easy to see through any schemes they may come up with.
So having bad social skills is a benefit because you perceive that there's less chance of them f***ing you over? Any idea how solipsistic this sounds? :roll:
I prefer people who don't do any of this stuff anyway because they're noble people with good values. I don't understand where you're coming from with this at all.
In talking about intellect, social skills, and physical strength... You forgot one thing. A neurotypical with all those traits could easily be a sociopath and you would never know. A lot of guys who's social skills are too good actually are sociopaths because sociopaths are experts at lying and social manipulation. People with bad social skills but no morality tend to be psychopaths, but in that instance, they would be fairly easy to figure out. Sociopaths are not easy to figure out because they are so good at manipulating people. Girls should be suspicious of guys who seem to have literally everything because you could easily be looking at a Patrick Bateman type guy.
Most people lie and manipulate anyway. Or most people are sociopaths. It wouldn't surprise me if this were the case. Some people are decent, some people are assholes. People with low empathy for others tend to be the biggest psychopaths and oftentimes these psychopaths are very charismatic. But again, I think most people are psychopathic to a degree anyway. :lol:
I'm not saying everyone who's autistic is mocking me or you or whoever. But if you are being socially ostracized from groups of people, or worse, they let you hang out with them but you're clearly at the bottom of their circle and you get made fun of all the time, then yes they're not really accepting you.

I was talking about social skills in regards to dating. So yes, it is preferable to date people with bad social skills so you can read them more easily.

Normal people aren't necessarily psychopaths/sociopaths but they generally are only as moral as they have to be. That's something to keep in mind about people, they maintain a decent level of moral conviction because they are expected to... But if the people around them do not consider it to be immoral, then they don't have any issue with doing it. People who are truly noble will refuse to do immoral things even if the majority of people around them support it. There are definitely neurotypicals who are like that, and in many cases, you can tell. But average morality neurotypicals are admittedly difficult to distinguish from low morality neurotypicals. The reason being that most low morality neurotypicals are good at hiding it.

In high school and college, I knew a lot of low morality neurotypicals, but thought they were just average.

Autistic people cannot hide their morality. If they are low morality it is extremely noticeable. If anything, the average morality autists have a tendency to look low morality because they say things that sound really bad sometimes due to not understanding how people will react to it.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 1:07 pm
I agree, all this simping for people who have never accepted you and probably make fun of you behind your back is incredibly nauseating. "recognizing your own deficiencies" is basically a fancy way of saying you have a low self-esteem which is probably why you aren't getting along with other autists because people don't want to hang out with someone who thinks his own group of people is inferior and constantly tries to downplay his similarities with them.

There are reasons which I just mentioned for why bad social skills is a green flag in someone. People with bad social skills will tell you exactly what they are thinking because they can't lie very well, people with bad social skills will usually try harder to genuinely improve their personality because they cannot hide their faults, people with bad social skills have more social courage because they tell truths that no one else wants to hear, people with bad social skills also make better friends because they don't play mind games with you. People with bad social skills are very bad at manipulating other people so its easy to see through any schemes they may come up with.

In talking about intellect, social skills, and physical strength... You forgot one thing. A neurotypical with all those traits could easily be a sociopath and you would never know. A lot of guys who's social skills are too good actually are sociopaths because sociopaths are experts at lying and social manipulation. People with bad social skills but no morality tend to be psychopaths, but in that instance, they would be fairly easy to figure out. Sociopaths are not easy to figure out because they are so good at manipulating people. Girls should be suspicious of guys who seem to have literally everything because you could easily be looking at a Patrick Bateman type guy.
Simping? I'm simply stating observations that I've made about the world around me but because I don't go along with your little tribalistic autist supremacist ideology I must be simping, right? :roll: Your constant solipsistic drivel is also incredibly nauseating, so I guess it's fair. 8)

I've been accepted by many neurotypicals ever since I left the UK. In Spain and elsewhere I was treated fine by most people. Some of them even made an effort to integrate me into their social circles and help me come out of my shell. They were considerably supportive. As for girls, if I'm painfully socially awkward and girls don't find me attractive because they are attracted to social competence, then that's simply how they feel. Women have their own preferences and standards too just like we do. Moreover, I don't suffer from delusional paranoia. I don't assume that neurotypicals are automatically against me. Outside of the UK I've never had any major problems with them.

No, by "recognizing your own deficiencies" I mean exactly what I say, not anything about my own self-esteem. You admit that you're autistic and lack social skills, describe yourself as a "dweeb" and recognize that your intelligence is your only major strength. You therefore lack in the areas of social intelligence and physique/athleticism. But, rather than honestly accepting that you are obviously deficient in other major areas and recognizing that there are men who are more complete in terms of attributes and therefore more desirable than you, you are determined to deny or downplay the value of those other attributes because you have such a big superiority complex and could never admit that you are not as complete or desirable as other types of men. You even resort to citing extreme examples such as sociopaths in order to attempt to discredit the benefit of social intelligence even though many men with social intelligence and all of the other traits that you don't have aren't sociopathic and live fairly moral lives. You are simply full of envy and want to continue to cling onto your delusion of superiority. Those with a superiority complex and a sense of entitlement can't stand it when people whom they consider beneath them enjoy more success than they do.

Dude, you're simply not that desirable to most women. You lack various attractive attributes. Just accept reality as it is and stop trying to rationalize your own deficiencies as though they were a good thing!

Social skills being a bad thing to have? C'mon, man! Do you know how ridiculous that sounds???
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 1:21 pm
Mercer wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 12:43 pm
You're probably thinking of failed normies who were nice to you and some of them seem mildly autistic but not enough to disable them.
That's pretty much where I am. It is admittedly very mild autism in me. I think my therapist said I have 60% of the traits or something.


You were an incel until you were 24 years old, that's a lack of acceptance. If you went through your entire youth without a single girl being willing to sleep with you and still suspect that you would not be able to get a British girl to sleep with you then you've experienced severe social ostracization in your own country. Even as bad as my social skills are I did meet girls who had crushes on me in middle and high school and I did date a girl when I was 17. I would say I've experienced moderate social ostracizing but its nowhere near as bad as what you have described. Just because they didn't spit in your face or punch you or something like that doesn't mean that they've been nice to you.
I think that I do have more severe autism than you but I wasn't completely dateless all that time. I actually lost my virginity when I was 15 with a girl from school who I managed to befriend and then lay a few times in a period of about a month but after that I wasn't able to get laid for the next 8 years. The next year I dated a girl from my Jiujitsu club but it didn't go anywhere. I was too socially awkward and she started dating a more socially competent and charismatic guy from the same club instead of me. When I was 22 I dated an attractive Chinese girl (she had a cute face and actually had a curvaceous butt!) while I was in Japan. At first she was super into me but then things just suddenly cooled off after a few dates. I suspect that she realized how socially awkward I was back then and decided that we should just be friends. However, at the age of 23 when I had just begun to live in Spain, I met a Peruvian girl and had my first long-term relationship. She was a neurotypical but she found me extremely attractive and even initiated the first move. Latinas are fiery and go after what they want.

At this point I don't even care about the social alienation which I experienced in the UK. I never liked British culture or felt any spiritual affinity to it anyway. I always instinctively felt that it wasn't for me. I have a fiery and warm-blooded temperament more like a Spaniard or an Italian. Spain was always going to be a much more appropriate location for me. I also suspect that my own fiery and warm-blooded temperament was why I didn't fit into Japan either. I'm just too Mediterranean for both Anglo and Japanese society.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 1:32 pm

Are people with autism their own ethnicity now? You sound like a woke LGBT right now, man. :lol:
Also it sounds incredibly paranoid to assume that other people will be mocking you behind your back just because they aren't in the Autism Club. Autism is classified as a disorder and is seen as such because of how it affects the social skills of those affected, depending on how far along the spectrum they are. Seeing autistic people as somehow part of your tribe just sounds incredibly silly.
For a long time now I've noticed how the online autism and neurodiversity communities resemble the woke LGBT and other SJW groups in many ways. They define themselves as a "tribe" in opposition to a "normie" outgroup (i.e., healthy neurotypical individuals) for whom they often express contempt and towards whom they display hostility, seek to normalize or even glorify a pathological condition, believe that they are being persecuted by almost everybody outside of their own ingroup, harshly criticize anybody who doesn't mindlessly go along with their own ideological groupthink, and believe that everybody else is to blame and must change for their benefit. That's why I don't frequent those online communities. They're like a cult!

Outcast thinks that I scorn other autists and chastises me for supposedly not accepting "my own" group. What he says is simply not true. I don't scorn other autists. I simply recognize that they have certain deficiencies as I myself do. I don't refuse to befriend or hang out with other autists either. It just happens to be the case that most of my friends and the people close to me have been neurotypicals - neurotypicals who've shown me much love and treated me really well. But if I say that then I suppose that I'm just "simping" for "normies", right? I'm not part of any imagined tribe. I'm not going to see anybody as a fellow kinsman just because we suffer from the same neurological disorder? :roll: I form friendships with people based on a mutual spiritual affinity, not on their autistic or neurotypical status.

I've also noticed something else about certain subgroups of the Manosphere and especially many internet-variety "tradcons". Those groups mostly consist of men who lack certain desirable traits and are not very attractive to most women yet at the same time vastly overestimate their own value and believe that they deserve much better. They are therefore extremely bitter about their relatively low status. But rather than making an effort to improve what they lack, many self-styled tradcons would rather advocate for authoritarian governments and even theocracies run by religious maniacs that would supposedly force women to marry them. The truth is that they're really just weak little control freaks who wish to have power and authority over women in order to be able to control them and subject them to their whims. It wouldn't be too much of an exaggeration to say that those types are simply the alt-right version of SJWs.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »


Its not that you like or respect your neurotypical friends which is why Mercer and I are criticizing you. Its because you literally believe you are biologically inferior because of your autism and you want all other autists to accept their status as inferior because you can't come to terms with who you are. That is self-hatred in a nutshell. Your lack of self-respect goes so deep that you are voluntarily trying to exit yourself out of the gene pool. As much as we are criticizing you, we honestly respect you more then you respect yourself because I would not tell you to never have kids.

I'm not saying all of them are like this, but a lot of normies, mostly from the Greek/Preppy crowd, want us to never reproduce. Maybe you didn't realize it because you weren't aware enough but I was aware enough to realize all throughout elementary school, middle school, and college that I was being mocked. And yeah, it pisses me off that you, as an autistic man yourself, are taking their side. You will probably deny it after I say this, but all of your words have basically said that we deserve to be mocked, we deserve to be bullied, we deserve to not get girls, we deserve to be kicked out of the gene pool. You are almost as bad as they are.

I'm not envious of them at all... I don't desire any other man's life. I don't need to be desirable to most women. I've already got the best girl on Earth. I don't even envy super rich billionaires like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos because I know I can get what I want with a tiny fraction of their money. What I do feel is a desire for revenge. The best revenge imaginable, which is success... I want them to be jealous. I want them to see that the scrawny little autistic nerd who they called a weak beta cuck/p***y was the guy who won in the end. Not just that though, I want to see their entire house of cards fall. I want them to have to walk around, and see the other autistic nerds who they think should have metaphorically or literally been shoved into a locker, walking hand in hand with beautiful wives.

I don't acknowledge having any deficiencies... I'm fine as I am. Not saying that I am perfect, but I'm doing a lot better then most people are in a lot of areas of life. It seems my intelligence really is all I needed.

There are neurotypicals who I am not hostile towards... I am not hostile at all towards religious/church going neurotypicals. I actually kind of like rednecks too as weird as that sounds. Not all of them, but a lot of them are pretty friendly and easy going people. I guess I feel kind of similarly around rednecks that you feel around Latin culture. I don't exactly feel like "yes these are my people!" exactly but I get along with them decently enough. Actually I feel similarly around the Hispanic people who live here (not the Hispanic people in Florida though). They don't exactly feel like "my people," but a lot of them are pretty friendly and easy to get along with. I actually find Arabs to be pretty easy to get along with too. I obviously like the vast majority of Asian people, neurotypical or autistic. But part of that is because I feel like Asian culture is kind of a borderline autistic culture.

Its mostly frat/sorority, mainstream college student, ghetto people, leftist/feminist, and prep culture that I am very hostile towards. Everybody else I either have mixed opinions on or am positive towards.

You act like the left invented tribalism... Is it really that shocking to find that right-wing people are tribalistic too? Tribalism is one of the most natural human feelings there is. Tribalism is what gives groups power... You admitted this yourself that the Jews are powerful because of their tribalism. If the right rejects tribalism out of "principle," then we will lose.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I'm not saying everyone who's autistic is mocking me or you or whoever. But if you are being socially ostracized from groups of people, or worse, they let you hang out with them but you're clearly at the bottom of their circle and you get made fun of all the time, then yes they're not really accepting you.
I actually meant that people's default reaction to people on the autistic spectrum isn't to mock and ridicule. @Lucas88 has pointed out he has been treated with love and respect by people who don't have autism. I think in most cases a lot of people are solipsistic NPCs who don't give a f**k about anyone but themselves anyway. Some NPCs are more empathetic than others and that's why some can be nice, but they're still NPCs.

I don't totally disagree with all your points though, I agree that some degree of Lucas ability to socialise more fluently in Mediterranean cultures is simply because these cultures are much warmer in general than Anglo cultures. I find most people in the UK to be unbearable simpletons who ate completely beneath me. Most people in general just tend to be completely facile and lack any sincerity or depth. These NPC normie souls are completely boring!

I don't hang out with many people. I prefer the company of Lucas88 over almost everyone else because of his values and higher spiritual soul. His autism is irrelevant to me. Though I see how he can be socially awkward when interacting with people he doesn't feel as comfortable round. I personally wouldn't worry about it if I was in his shoes because most people aren't even worth interacting with anyway. Most women aren't worth dating anyway. Why would anyone desire to fit in into a culture which is totally toxic and superficial? I say all these assholes can burn in hell! To hell with them all!
I was talking about social skills in regards to dating. So yes, it is preferable to date people with bad social skills so you can read them more easily.
I would have said it would be better to date a girl with good social skills so she may better express herself and communicate her needs more clearly. Having a girl with poor social skills means she'll be easier to control, which I guess works okay for you judging from your values and how you see women in the relationship.

I want the woman I love to flourish. I want her to be self sufficient and strong! I want her to have a healthy social life and have plenty of friends and a good support network. I don't want her to be weak and dependent totally on me, I already have my daughter who is a dependent, I don't need a girlfriend who is a dependent too.
Normal people aren't necessarily psychopaths/sociopaths but they generally are only as moral as they have to be. That's something to keep in mind about people, they maintain a decent level of moral conviction because they are expected to... But if the people around them do not consider it to be immoral, then they don't have any issue with doing it. People who are truly noble will refuse to do immoral things even if the majority of people around them support it. There are definitely neurotypicals who are like that, and in many cases, you can tell. But average morality neurotypicals are admittedly difficult to distinguish from low morality neurotypicals. The reason being that most low morality neurotypicals are good at hiding it.
Come off it. Most people are psychopathic to a degree. I see psychopathic triats in almost all these NPC normies who have no empathy or compassion for others, are totally selfish and solipsistic and lack any kind of deeper nuanced thinking which severely holds them back. Most people have no morality at all. Regardless of how good a functioning member of society they are.

Very few people exhibit traits that aren't psychopathic. @Lucas88 is a rare exception, not because he's autistic, because he's a genuinely decent person with higher noble values and the ability to see the nuances in everything. This is very important when trying to distinguish truth from bullshit and not falling into dogmatic dichotomous thinking.
In high school and college, I knew a lot of low morality neurotypicals, but thought they were just average.

Autistic people cannot hide their morality. If they are low morality it is extremely noticeable. If anything, the average morality autists have a tendency to look low morality because they say things that sound really bad sometimes due to not understanding how people will react to it.
I don't think autism has anything to do with morality. Are you suggesting that autistic people are more moral because they can't hide their immorality? Or do you think autistic people are more moral simply because you're on the spectrum? :roll: again with you it seems like everything you believe and everything you think is moral and good and everyone who disagrees is a degenerate or isn't part of your tribe. :lol:

I spoke in my ethics thread about what makes someone good and moral. Higher spiritual noble values that a lot of people, or almost everyone, doesn't have! I don't form relationships with people based on how well they can hide immorality! I build relationships with people who display noble values. People who could also be good at hiding immorality isn't an issue if they've already proved themselves through nobility of character.

Lucas is a noble guy. He's also autistic and struggles with social situations, something which he perceives holds him back. I understand this because I also understand nobility and autism aren't mutually exclusive.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »


No I’m saying autistic people can’t hide who they are. I do find that it is noticeable when neurotypicals have a noble soul but it is difficult to distinguish between average morality and low morality neurotypicals because their social skills make it easier for them to hide who they are.

If an autistic person is morally bankrupt it will be very noticeable is what I’m saying. You can easily avoid them.

A girl being dependent on you is what makes her love you. See people in modern times don’t get this. Dependency of some kind is what creates love. You can’t really have a complete relationship without dependence. Liberalism and feminism want to remove all ways that women could be dependent on men and somehow even most people who oppose liberalism and feminism can’t see what they are doing.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Tsar »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 25th, 2022, 8:17 am
A girl being dependent on you is what makes her love you. See people in modern times don’t get this. Dependency of some kind is what creates love. You can’t really have a complete relationship without dependence. Liberalism and feminism want to remove all ways that women could be dependent on men and somehow even most people who oppose liberalism and feminism can’t see what they are doing.
This is exactly true and this is one reason why freshly blossomed adult females who don't have a job or way to easily earn money would be more likely to date a guy who can give them things. Youth is another very important thing in females. A girl cannot truly love a man if she's too experienced or too independent. That's why a virgin girl who isn't experienced at life or sex are the best girlfriends and wives. They're able to love a guy more deeply than any other girl.

It's very difficult for experienced girls to love and respect a guy enough to give him any loyalty. Girls become incapable of love the more experienced they become because their main reasons to have a guy are sex, resources, or having a provider for children. That's why men who marry women well past their prime or who are independent often see it fail or aren't happy.

It's very rare for a guy to find a girl that wants love and a real relationship with a man after she is experienced and older than a certain age.

Men can deeply love a girl no matter how experienced they are but I think most guys often love a girl on a deeper level when they're older. Love is more intense for guys when young but for most guys it's often not real love or deep love. Girls love most deeply and intensely when they're young. That's why an adult man and a freshly blossomed adult female are the best pairing that have the most successful relationships. The guy deeply cares for, loves, and supports the girl, and the girl has genuine love, need, and respect for the man.

Most modern relationships fail because men are marrying sluts, whores, and feminists, and because women are independent, feministic, and slutty or whorish.

Men cannot marry a girl that wants to be independent because that means she doesn't want to be close or develop a strong bond. Men also cannot marry a slut or a whore and expect she would love and respect him.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 24th, 2022, 9:47 pm
Its not that you like or respect your neurotypical friends which is why Mercer and I are criticizing you. Its because you literally believe you are biologically inferior because of your autism and you want all other autists to accept their status as inferior because you can't come to terms with who you are. That is self-hatred in a nutshell. Your lack of self-respect goes so deep that you are voluntarily trying to exit yourself out of the gene pool. As much as we are criticizing you, we honestly respect you more then you respect yourself because I would not tell you to never have kids.

I'm not saying all of them are like this, but a lot of normies, mostly from the Greek/Preppy crowd, want us to never reproduce. Maybe you didn't realize it because you weren't aware enough but I was aware enough to realize all throughout elementary school, middle school, and college that I was being mocked. And yeah, it pisses me off that you, as an autistic man yourself, are taking their side. You will probably deny it after I say this, but all of your words have basically said that we deserve to be mocked, we deserve to be bullied, we deserve to not get girls, we deserve to be kicked out of the gene pool. You are almost as bad as they are.
For me it's not about me hating myself or disliking other autists. I'm just being honest about my own neurological disorder and my own deficiencies which result from that. It's simply the harsh and miserable truth. Some people are born into the world with defective biology and all kinds of horrific genetic/developmental disorders which limit them in certain ways. In my case it was autism. I have no interest in glorifying autism or pretending that it is something that it's not. Nor do I care about the neurodiversity ideology or any "political" aspects pertaining to autism like the notion of a supposed autistic ingroup or "tribe" either. I only care about reality. This is not about abstract social concepts such as "respect", "acceptance", etc. Unfortunately reality is terrible for some people. You could say that I even have somewhat of a blackpilled view on autism. For me and many others - especially those who are severely affected - autism is nothing more than an unpleasant burden that we have to live with and endure just like mental retardation and Down's syndrome are for others. I simply recognize that the world is full of dark things and misery and that these constitute an objective reality within this material plane of existence. I accept in light of this that some of us are more deficient or disabled than others in some ways and tragically have to suffer the consequences.

You love Asian culture so you'll probably be able to understand this sentiment. Asian cultures like Japan are characterized by a certain spirit of fatalism. People simply admit that some things are shit and beyond the scope of their own control. They resign themselves to their fate and adopt a stoic attitude. It is thought that this attitude entered Japan and other Asian cultures through Buddhism. I myself have adopted a similar attitude towards my own autistic condition even though I'm not much of an Asian soul. I simply accept that I have certain biological limitations and that some things suck for me as a result of this and that I must simply adapt and do the best that I can - even if this means accepting that I have to live a lower-quality life than I would if I didn't suffer from autism. I just accept it as it is. I don't feel the need to image reasons as to why I'm not really deficient or why I am supposedly biologically superior to "normies" or whatever. I now have more of a stoic attitude towards my situation and am not interested in any of that ego stuff.

As for the topic of kids, again it's not about hating other autists or trying to make them feel like lesser people (whether or not they take it that way is on them) but rather simply a pragmatic matter. If I as an autistic man impregnate a woman - especially if she also has a history of autism in her own family -, then she could give birth to a severely autistic kid with autism much worse than my own and that would just be terrible on so many levels. That is something that I genuinely fear. Would I really want to be responsible for that? Here I'm concerned with genetic risks and the real suffering that could result from them. I'm not thinking about subjective notions of what people deserve, taking sides, etc.

I don't support the bullying of any group of people. Indeed, in other (non-Anglo) cultures the social ostracism of autistic people isn't even half as bad. I don't even think that autistic men shouldn't have girlfriends (even though I myself am reluctant to reproduce out of fear of siring a severely autistic kid who might suffer even more than I have). I simply understand that I as an autistic man might not be as attractive to most women due to my social impairment and that some women might not want to reproduce with me due to me suffering from a neurological disorder which has been shown to have some level of hereditability.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 25th, 2022, 1:48 am
What saddens me most is how you are so afraid of passing on your "condition" to future children that you seem unwilling to even entertain the notion of marriage and fatherhood. Think of it this way: who better to guide a potential autistic son than a man like yourself who's been through that himself and knows how to deal with it? Who better to help him navigate the world and ensure he develops the necessary social skills early in life as opposed to being left to his own devices and forced to "figure it out" on his own later in life? A man like you would be a God-sent as a parent to have for any child with such issues. And even to a 'neurotypical' child you'd be great since you have developed great discipline through your years of devoted martial arts training.
Thanks for your positive and encouraging message, Marcos. You certainly have a knack for giving people practical advice! :D

It's not that I'm super unwilling to entertain the notion of fatherhood but recently I've been reading a bit about the hereditability of autism and heard of some cases of mildly autistic parents begetting severely disabled autistic kids and the truth is that that thought scares me a lot. In fact, my Peruvian ex-girlfriend actually has an autistic son (she moved to Portugal and married a Portuguese guy after we broke up but is now divorced from him) but his autism could be due to vaccine injury as he began to display autistic symptoms after receiving a vaccine to which she was opposed but which the father insisted that the son receive. It has been extremely difficult for her raising an autistic son and she has frequently phoned me for emotional support since all of the stress takes its toll on her. I don't know whether my Peruvian ex-girlfriend has a genetic propensity for autism. As far as I'm aware, nobody in her family has autistic traits. But her having an autistic son got me thinking about how much worse it could have been if she had had a son with me. Things like this just make me feel negative about my situation.

I've even thought about adopting a measured R-selected strategy given the present world situation. Even though it might sound crazy to some people, I've thought about heading off to some remote village or even a tribal community in the rainforest of Colombia and knocking up a few indiecitas with big butts and decent curves. The rationale behind this is simple. First, unlike city folks, those people live much closer to nature and are therefore much less exposed to the environmental toxins which pervade our industrialized modern societies. This should significantly reduce the chance of a kid of mine developing autism, especially in its severe forms. Second, since the world is now thoroughly going to shit and most people are going to be genetically corrupted by the destructive "clot shots" which the NWO has convinced them to take, it would make sense for me to reproduce with females outside of modern civilization and untainted by the vaccine. Besides, if anybody is going to survive a wholesale apocalyptic breakdown of civilization, it will be those who live in "primitive" communities and therefore know how to survive better than anyone. Maybe this would be the best procreation strategy in this day and age. And, to be honest, I've also had an urge to impregnate a cute Amerindian tribal female. I've never understood why until now.

I think that @Cornfed wrote about a similar idea a while ago. If I remember correctly, he talked about going to Africa and knocking up some tribal women for his genetic legacy. Then I imagine that after that he'd probably return to Mexico and find a Mexican woman of European origin to be the mother of more of his children this time sired through a K-selection strategy.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by willymonfrete »

@Lucas88 Yes,hot latinas usually date mediocre guys.
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