Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by Pixel--Dude »


"I think that is rather poor advice. First of all, it's immoral and we have to be judged by God on the day of judgment. "
This kind of rhetoric always forces me to laugh out of bitterness for such a narrow-minded worldview. How someone who follows a religion where its very god is the epitome of immoral judging others as being immoral for following their own desires. Who gives a damn if people want to sleep with prostitutes? If we lived in a more open society which didn't impose all these artificial standards and responsibilities then people would probably have healthier attitudes to sex all around and prostitution might not exist. As it stands we live in a shit society where these prostitutes have no choice but to earn a living in order to survive and how you can call them immoral for that boils my piss. Also, a lot of men who don't fit a certain paradigm are forced to use prostitutes because they can't get women in western cultures where puritanism and feminism has tainted the relations between men and women on a general basis.

"Having a family and relationships also gives a man meaning in life. You have relationships with people, and ask you get older especially, it is good to have those relationships. Married men also live longer."

This isn't true at all. My friend was happily married to a woman he genuinely loved and he ended up taking his own life due to mental illness and depression. Why does this happen? Because we live in a toxic society which goes against the very nature of the human soul! Puritanism is part of this too. Sex is a normal desire which every living thing on this planet enjoys. Will God be judging dolphins for having sex for pleasure? If there is a god I doubt it is the Christian god created by man. And I doubt it gives a shit who is f***ing who.

"From a purely hedonistic perspective, unless you are rich, won't sleeping with prostitutes keep you in a perpetual state of sexual dissatisfaction? I was getting sexual release about every 24 hours or so when I first got married to my wife, with probably over 200 or so occasions of sexual intercourse, except when ill or traveling and things like that. It slowed down after the babies started coming along, but probably more than the man with an average wage who goes to a prostitute. If I'd gotten as much action from prostitutes in a year as I did in the first year of marriage, at $200 a pop, that would probably have cost me between $60K and $70K, more than I was making at the time. Even after the babies came, I wouldn't have been able to afford that much sex."

Economically this isn't strictly true. Not everyone is bothered about having sex 24 hours a day. I find it funny that someone who claims to be so promiscuous can judge someone for seeking a fling from a prostitute lol. Your post reeks of hypocrisy and double standards. Marriage, with all the bells and whistles, costs around 18K in the UK. Then there's the honeymoon. Kids and a mortgage. All the obligation and stress that comes with marriage to a woman. You call sex with prostitutes artificial and false, but at least people accept it for what it is. It's an exchange where both parties get something out of it. I concede that having am affectionate relationship is better in some respects, but there are definitely aspects of relationships which I see as immoral. Marriage for one. A church wedding costs a fortune and for two people who love each other to be expected to carve such a large chunk out of their finances to fund such a clinical ceremony which is just essentially a contract between the couple and the state, seems pretty immoral to me. A joining of the hands ceremony in a forest is much more cost effective, fun and authentic.

"And a prostitute is sleeping with you because you pay her. I've never done that, but I'd imagine she isn't genuinely wanting to have sex with you. And she just probably had sex with five other guys that day before she had sex with you... which is pretty gross... so she's not genuinely into it. Newly wed sex is fun. Whose going to go home from work and find a prostitute naked at the door or under the covers and ready to have sex? From both a sexual quantity and quality perspective, the prostitute is not as good of an option.

And is a prostitute also going to cook you a nice dinner and clean the bathroom for you? Not likely. I would imagine some of them would do it if you paid the same rate."

I feel like there is some embellishment on part of those in this thread who advocate a puritanical lifestyle. I am calling bullshit on your claims that your wife waits naked under the covers for you to come home from work. I think you're just trying to push the idea that married life is the perfect life. Not all marriages are the same. A lot of the time the wives see their husbands as work horses and try to dictate to them how they should live etc. Always trying to change them. I've seen this a lot. I've also worked with married guys whose wives take their wages every month for bills and everything else and still don't put out for their husbands. Sometimes a woman will put out for her husband if he tows the line and in that respect marriage is just a glorified version of prostitution where women use sex as a commodity. At least prostitutes are just honest about it. Conversely there are some women who have been brainwashed by Disney cartoons and bullshit romance movies which set an unrealistic precedent for men to try and adhere to, because nobody is naturally THAT lovey dovey a lot of these women become dissatisfied and seek "love" elsewhere. All social engineering.
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by Outcast9428 »

@NGH607 There is so much wrong with that post I don't even know where to begin.


I swear liberals have the stupidest perspective on sex. They literally cannot comprehend that disapproving of promiscuity is not the same thing as being anti-sex. I am completely in favor of having sex every day, or multiple times a day, within a committed, love based relationship where you at least intend to get married. Mr Man is a little more strict then I am in that he disapproves of all premarital sex. I respect the sentiment but I personally still think as long as you're in love it is pretty much okay. I do not approve, however, of sleeping around without romantic commitments.

The way Mr. Man describes his marriage is pretty similar to how my parents' marriage is. It also sounds very similar to my relationship. Calculating the costs, at $200 per hour of sex it would've cost me 25k to date my ex. And that's despite the fact that we were long distance. We certainly did our best to make up for it though when we did see each other. My ex used to joke that if we ever got married we'd never get any work done again.

Both you and the other poster underestimate how much of a difference passion makes in your sex life. Traditional lifestyles spark a unique kind of passion between a man and a woman. When a woman is at home all day and her husband is out winning the bread, she thinks about him while he's gone and when he comes back she is bursting with sexual tension. Y'all don't understand this though because you're too busy whining about your freedom, about having to work, or be romantic. Stop whining about whether your woman expects you to work or not and learn to embrace your role as her caretaker. If she has no work to do outside of the home, her full time job is you. But the problem is too many guys don't appreciate it when a girl gives him her full attention.

The reason we're getting a lot of sex is because we have a genuine passion for our woman. We support and feed her emotional passion for us instead of complaining about her being "needy." Complimenting her, writing her letters, buying flowers for her, taking her out on dates, booking vacations together, all the little things that go with a romantic relationship don't feel like work to me. They are pleasurable on their own. You should take delight in seeing the joy on your girl's face, get in the habit of doing things for the sole purpose of seeing her smile. I love every second that I spend with my girl, whether its holding hands and watching the sunset, talking on the phone, or passionately making out in the jacuzzi. I loved cuddling with her for hours. I loved how she'd wrap herself around me at night and never let me go.

You say no man is really as lovey dovey as a Disney cartoon? That's definitely not true :lol:. My favorite thing about my ex was how she let me shower her in affection. She told me she fed off of it.

A big part of it is choosing the right woman. You have to choose a woman who is very passionate about love and romance. Any girl who is very romantic is going to have a very high sex drive, but the good thing is that you'll get a high sex drive + loyalty and commitment.
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 25th, 2022, 1:27 am
This kind of rhetoric always forces me to laugh out of bitterness for such a narrow-minded worldview. How someone who follows a religion where its very god is the epitome of immoral judging others as being immoral for following their own desires.
God is just. He also created us and justly has power over life and death.
Who gives a damn if people want to sleep with prostitutes? If we lived in a more open society which didn't impose all these artificial standards and responsibilities then people would probably have healthier attitudes to sex all around and prostitution might not exist. As it stands we live in a shit society where these prostitutes have no choice but to earn a living in order to survive and how you can call them immoral for that boils my piss. Also, a lot of men who don't fit a certain paradigm are forced to use prostitutes because they can't get women in western cultures where puritanism and feminism has tainted the relations between men and women on a general basis.
The idea of defiling yourself by sleeping with a woman who has defiled herself by sleeping with hundreds of other men may not resonate with you. You may not even be grossed out if she's had sex with ten men right before having sex with you. But think about children conceived by prostitutes. if she gets pregnant, she either kills the child, or the child is raised without his father. If you do a little research, you will find that children raised without a father in the home are more likely to become juvenile delinquents, to have trouble with the law, to have low grades, to get pregnant out of wedlock, etc. Sleeping with random women who don't charge you money--- the free prostitute (zero dollar, zero pound prostitutes) has the same problem. There are also diseases that are spread this way. So it is an ethical issue.
"Having a family and relationships also gives a man meaning in life. You have relationships with people, and ask you get older especially, it is good to have those relationships. Married men also live longer."
This isn't true at all. My friend was happily married to a woman he genuinely loved and he ended up taking his own life due to mental illness and depression. Why does this happen? Because we live in a toxic society which goes against the very nature of the human soul! Puritanism is part of this too.
It isn't an area of research, but I've read it many times that married men live longer, statistically. Here is a quote I got quickly from a Google search:
"Prostate cancer is a particular concern for men. To find out how marriage affects survival, scientists from the University of Miami investigated 143,063 men with the disease. Over a 17-year period, married men survived far longer (median 69 months) than separated and widowed patients (38 months); men who had never married had an intermediate survival rate (49 months). And researchers from Harvard and UCLA have identified similar survival benefits for married patients with bladder cancer, a predominantly male disease." ... %20months)

Not the best example, but this is an example.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but how do you know that living in a Puritans had anything to do with it. Did his wife contribute to his mental illness? Single 'incels' who were not married have killed themselves and others.

"From a purely hedonistic perspective, unless you are rich, won't sleeping with prostitutes keep you in a perpetual state of sexual dissatisfaction? I was getting sexual release about every 24 hours or so when I first got married to my wife, with probably over 200 or so occasions of sexual intercourse, except when ill or traveling and things like that. It slowed down after the babies started coming along, but probably more than the man with an average wage who goes to a prostitute. If I'd gotten as much action from prostitutes in a year as I did in the first year of marriage, at $200 a pop, that would probably have cost me between $60K and $70K, more than I was making at the time. Even after the babies came, I wouldn't have been able to afford that much sex."
Economically this isn't strictly true. Not everyone is bothered about having sex 24 hours a day. I find it funny that someone who claims to be so promiscuous can judge someone for seeking a fling from a prostitute lol.
Since I only have sex with my wife, I am not promiscuous. High sex drive and promiscuity are not the same thing.
Your post reeks of hypocrisy and double standards. Marriage, with all the bells and whistles, costs around 18K in the UK. Then there's the honeymoon. Kids and a mortgage. All the obligation and stress that comes with marriage to a woman.
Hypocrisy? What hypocrisy? I believe sex outside of marriage is wrong. My having a lot of sex, especially as a newly weds, within the bonds of marriage is not hypocrisy? What double standard?

Does the UK government charge you an 18K tax to get married in the UK? If that's pounds, then that's about $22,500 in the US. If you divide that by $200, that's 112, less than a year's worth of newly-wed sex for me, at least. I'm just sayin'. And it's guilt free, in a loving committed marriage relationship.

In the UK, is there still this cultural expectation that her dad will pay for it? Can't a man suggest the cheap forest wedding?

I got married over 20 years ago during the Asian Monetary Crisis in Indonesia. My parents threw us a party in their house in the US after it. I paid about $2000 for the wedding, probably a couple more thousand for plane tickets and travel. That's probably double in today's dollars. Prices were really cheap right after the rupiah devalued.
You call sex with prostitutes artificial and false, but at least people accept it for what it is. It's an exchange where both parties get something out of it. I concede that having am affectionate relationship is better in some respects, but there are definitely aspects of relationships which I see as immoral. Marriage for one. A church wedding costs a fortune and for two people who love each other to be expected to carve such a large chunk out of their finances to fund such a clinical ceremony which is just essentially a contract between the couple and the state, seems pretty immoral to me. A joining of the hands ceremony in a forest is much more cost effective, fun and authentic.
I have been to plenty of low-budget church weddings that just had light snacks. I had a cousin who married a girl whose father had some money, and they had a full meal in the country club with cooks with chef hats, shrimp, some kind of meaty dish, etc. Is low-budget not an option in the UK?
And a prostitute is sleeping with you because you pay her. I've never done that, but I'd imagine she isn't genuinely wanting to have sex with you. And she just probably had sex with five other guys that day before she had sex with you... which is pretty gross... so she's not genuinely into it. Newly wed sex is fun. Whose going to go home from work and find a prostitute naked at the door or under the covers and ready to have sex? From both a sexual quantity and quality perspective, the prostitute is not as good of an option.

And is a prostitute also going to cook you a nice dinner and clean the bathroom for you? Not likely. I would imagine some of them would do it if you paid the same rate.
I feel like there is some embellishment on part of those in this thread who advocate a puritanical lifestyle. I am calling bullshit on your claims that your wife waits naked under the covers for you to come home from work. I think you're just trying to push the idea that married life is the perfect life
I have no reason to lie. Also, I believe in God, and God knows if I lie. It's those atheists we have to be especially careful about when it comes to lying.

I did not say that was a regular thing, but it did happen. I suggested the naked-at-the-door idea probably within the first month of our marriage, and she did that, acting a little shy and a little excited about it. Of course, I pounced right on that opportunity. Another time, I came home and went to the room where the computer was to get on the Internet (dialup back then) to respond to a post or email, and my wife was disappointed because I didn't even greet her. She was naked under the covers. I think I can remember one more naked-under-the-covers incident when I got home, vaguely.

Now, we have kids, but we have a master bathroom, so she may come to bed naked from the bathroom if we are going to have sex. At times, she doesn't prioritize sex frequency like I do, and there are health issues and stress from deadlines from different projects. But it seems like a lot more sex than the average man could afford from prostitutes. Some married men live in sexless marriages, but I think the statistics show married men tend to have more sex. Couples with traditional ideas of sex roles tend to have more sex than other couples based on research that I have seen.
Not all marriages are the same. A lot of the time the wives see their husbands as work horses and try to dictate to them how they should live etc.
You've got to continually set boundaries about them 'dictating', in my experience. It's good to get another point of view, but it can be excessive and has to be done respectfully.
Always trying to change them. I've seen this a lot. I've also worked with married guys whose wives take their wages every month for bills and everything else and still don't put out for their husbands. Sometimes a woman will put out for her husband if he tows the line and in that respect marriage is just a glorified version of prostitution where women use sex as a commodity. At least prostitutes are just honest about it. Conversely there are some women who have been brainwashed by Disney cartoons and bullshit romance movies which set an unrealistic precedent for men to try and adhere to, because nobody is naturally THAT lovey dovey a lot of these women become dissatisfied and seek "love" elsewhere. All social engineering.
A man has to carefully vet a marriage prospect and continually manage her expectations.
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by Pixel--Dude »


"I swear liberals have the stupidest perspective on sex. They literally cannot comprehend that disapproving of promiscuity is not the same thing as being anti-sex. I am completely in favor of having sex every day, or multiple times a day, within a committed, love based relationship where you at least intend to get married. Mr Man is a little more strict then I am in that he disapproves of all premarital sex. I respect the sentiment but I personally still think as long as you're in love it is pretty much okay. I do not approve, however, of sleeping around without romantic commitments."

This is what i don't understand, what authority does the Church have over love and morality? Why does it matter if someone wants to sleep around so long as it is all consensual and nobody is getting hurt? Why do Christians see natural desires as immoral? A prostitute isn't immoral. The society she lives in is. And that is what necessitates their existence in the first place. Some people don't want romantic commitments and enjoy their own personal freedom more than commit themselves to a relationship, I don't think that makes them immoral at all.

"Both you and the other poster underestimate how much of a difference passion makes in your sex life. Traditional lifestyles spark a unique kind of passion between a man and a woman. When a woman is at home all day and her husband is out winning the bread, she thinks about him while he's gone and when he comes back she is bursting with sexual tension. Y'all don't understand this though because you're too busy whining about your freedom, about having to work, or be romantic. Stop whining about whether your woman expects you to work or not and learn to embrace your role as her caretaker. If she has no work to do outside of the home, her full time job is you. But the problem is too many guys don't appreciate it when a girl gives him her full attention."

This sounds like something from Stepford wives. I do not know a single person who describes married life like this. Where I do agree that passion enriches a relationship and a sex life, and prostitute liasons lack that dynamic, I disagree that the traditional lifestyle you've described here is conducive to human happiness. I don't want to be a work horse for some materialistic wife who uses sex as a commodity, I'm not overly romantic I find a lot of these romantic gestures portrayed in movies as disingenuous and a little bit cringe. I like space. I like to walk side by side without having to hold hands constantly, I like to be an individual. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate my partner (when I have one) but I shouldn't have to pretend to be someone I'm not to suit her romantic idealism. I don't believe in marriage, or that it changes anything really aside from the bank balance. The traditional marriage lifestyle seems more like a trap to me than a healthy way to live. Freedom is important in life. If you are happy to live this lifestyle and it works for you then power to you, just don't judge others for doing what is best for them based off a book written by a bunch of incels back in the day.

"A big part of it is choosing the right woman. You have to choose a woman who is very passionate about love and romance. Any girl who is very romantic is going to have a very high sex drive, but the good thing is that you'll get a high sex drive + loyalty and commitment."

I actually had a polish girlfriend recently who fits this description perfectly. She was very affectionate and everything you described here. I did enjoy it, but the introvert in me still craved that independence. It wasn't that I didn't care about her, I did. I just found that kind of constant romantic idealism a little bit overbearing. I have only ever had relationships with English women before this, and all of them were garbage. I made an effort to keep her happy, we went on dates and things like that. We liked walking along the coast and going to GoApe, which was fun. She knew I wasn't the lovey dovey affectionate type and sometimes it hurt her, but she knew I cared about her in my own way. I was happy for her to have her place and me to have mine.
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by Pixel--Dude »


"God is just. He also created us and justly has power over life and death. "

I wholeheartedly disagree.

"The idea of defiling yourself by sleeping with a woman who has defiled herself by sleeping with hundreds of other men may not resonate with you. You may not even be grossed out if she's had sex with ten men right before having sex with you. But think about children conceived by prostitutes. if she gets pregnant, she either kills the child, or the child is raised without his father. If you do a little research, you will find that children raised without a father in the home are more likely to become juvenile delinquents, to have trouble with the law, to have low grades, to get pregnant out of wedlock, etc. Sleeping with random women who don't charge you money--- the free prostitute (zero dollar, zero pound prostitutes) has the same problem. There are also diseases that are spread this way. So it is an ethical issue."

This is rubbish. I have never seen sleeping with anyone as "defiling myself" a prostitute is still a human being ffs. She's providing a service and if she's any good she will use protection and have regular health checks. Same as anyone should. The whole thing with disease is a roll.of the dice anyway regardless of who you sleep with. Say we have a prostitute who sleeps with 10 incels in a day, and compare her with some dude's wife who slept with 1 guy in her whole life before meeting her husband, but her ex partner had a disease. Which woman is "dirty" or "immoral"? Catching something like an STD does not deminish someone's value as a human being. They just got unlucky. Diseases happen. It's life. Get the hell over it.

"I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but how do you know that living in a Puritans had anything to do with it. Did his wife contribute to his mental illness? Single 'incels' who were not married have killed themselves and others."

No, you misunderstood me. He didn't kill himself because of puritanism. He also didn't kill himself because of his wife. (Even though some of his family use her as a scapegoat.) I'm actually still on very good terms with his widow and consider her a good friend. As far as I knew they loved each other. (He was a very kind and loving guy) but that doesn't mean they didn't have their ups and downs. To be honest nobody knows why he killed himself. I suspect it was because of society and how artificial and fake everything is, including people. He complained about this kind of thing a lot. I mentioned puritanism because I see that as something life denying. Let people be free and follow their hearts desire.

"Hypocrisy? What hypocrisy? I believe sex outside of marriage is wrong. My having a lot of sex, especially as a newly weds, within the bonds of marriage is not hypocrisy? What double standard?"

Sex outside of marriage is wrong? Why? Marriage is bullshit. It doesn't change anything within the relationship. Marriage is a fictional construct created by man (most likely the church who financially benefit from the tradition) it is an abstraction. Nothing but bullshit. I called you a hypocrite because I don't recognise the authority of the church or how a wedding makes the act of sex moral. You could bang your wife 30 times a day (power to you lol) and that is righteous and good because you are married. I could hook up with a girl who I find attractive and who finds me attractive just for a night. I'm the one who is immoral because we weren't married? Sex is sex
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by Outcast9428 »

@Pixel--Dude I already pointed out a lot of reasons why promiscuity and hookup culture is toxic in the following paragraphs written earlier...
1. Part of it is because PUA and hookup culture are more threatening to long term relationships then prostitution is. I used to be more liberal because I thought that hookup culture and more long term relationships could co-exist. Going to college taught me that they can't. If you have a hookup culture it is going to drown out love based, long term relationships. To me, I consider PUA to just be "learn how to sleep around" and I don't think that's a skill worth obtaining. Hookup culture defines itself in opposition to long term relationships and positions itself as an alternative to it. Hookup culture has displaced basically every method of finding a long term relationship. Nightclubs, bars, dating apps, and teenage parties are all dominated by casual sex seekers to the point where people searching for long term relationships essentially have nowhere to go to find that. In countries that have a lot of prostitution on the other hand, it doesn't seem to threaten long term relationships. Prostitution is much more capable of existing in its own universe essentially and leaving long term relationships alone.

2. PUA and hookup culture directly encourage avoidant attachment styles on the part of both men and women. Hookup culture creates an atmosphere of "whoever cares the least wins." Hookup culture is directly related to the increasing number of people who think its basically lame to make love the most important thing in your life or to honestly make your romantic partner your number 1 priority in life. Hookup culture attacks "neediness" and in doing so shames people for having emotional needs. Hookup culture also created the idea that being "dependent" on somebody is a bad thing. I actually think co-dependency creates a stronger bond between people. All of the strongest bonds formed between people in non-romantic situations involve dependency of some kind. Children are dependent on parents. The strongest friendships form out of need. Bonds forged between men at war result from being dependent on one another for survival. Why would romantic relationships work any differently? Why is it suddenly romantic relationships that we glorify independence?

I used to watch PUA videos, and the thing I always hated most about them was this advocation of avoidant attachment styles. I saw how my parents were growing up. My dad never withheld his affection from my mother. He would be, in the eyes of many people today, a simp who excessively lavishes affection on her. He is constantly telling her how cute she is, how much he loves her, she is definitely the number 1 priority in his life and he wants nothing more then to make her happy. Many people would call that being a simp these days, but my parents have the strongest relationship I've ever seen. Its the kind of relationship I want to have some day. I do not want to feel like I have to pretend for the rest of my life that my career or something else is more important to me then my wife. I especially don't want to have to pretend that is the case to my own wife. I realized that PUA advice may work, but it would create an awful society is we all followed it. We need to demand better then that. Instead of learning to play by the rules of the game we need to rewrite them and go back to the old rules where it was perfectly fine to be expressive and passionate about your love for your girl.

3. Hookup culture has strong ties to rampant levels of sexual assault and harassment. Hookup culture intentionally glorifies sexual situations where consent is ambiguous and this leads to varying levels of sexual assault. Consider the way that people grind in nightclubs for example. A lot of guys just walk up behind random girls and start grinding them. This is because a big part of hookup culture is essentially guys' competing to sleep with as many girls as possible and a big part of achieving that objective tends to be coercion. Prostitution on the other hand completely eliminates the ambiguity in the situation and makes it 100% clear whether sex is okay or not. There's no blurred lines or grey area at all.
That's how promiscuity and hookup culture damage love and relationships. Mr. Man provided a lot of great evidence for how promiscuity damages the family structure by birthing kids out of wedlock and forcing them to be raised by single mothers.

Promiscuous behavior is directly related to the crime epidemic in America. Kids born to single mothers are significantly more likely to commit crimes as a result of absent father figures. Not only that but child abuse is way more common when the mother introduces a step-father compared to when a child is raised by his or her biological parents...


The horrific results of rampant promiscuity on Earth prove that God was right to condemn promiscuous behavior and that the church does have a legitimate claim to authority over moral behavior.

If your natural desires are to love one woman, to take care of her, marry her and enjoy frequent, affectionate sex with her, to raise children with her, to be loyal to her, to nurture her femininity, protect her innocence and cherish her love for you then I have no problem with your "natural instincts." If your natural instinct is to pump and dump and make excuses for your behavior because you refuse to acknowledge that there are in-fact negative consequences to your behavior even if you can't immediately see the result of it, then yes, we have a problem with what you claim to be your natural instincts.

All that being said, I've mentioned before that I don't really look down on prostitutes. After reading Mr. Man's post, however, I am seriously starting to think that the services offered by prostitutes should not include intercourse.

If traditional lifestyles were not conductive to human happiness then why is the world becoming so miserable, angry, violent, and depressed ever since we abandoned them? 20% of American adults now are on anti-depressants. That is f***ing astonishing and quite frankly terrifying. Our suicide rate has been slowly rising for decades but is now higher then its ever been. We have over 100,000 people a year now killing themselves through drug overdoses. Rampage attacks and school shootings are becoming monthly occurrences and before the school shooters popped up we had lots of serial killers during the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Weird how all these problems just happened to coincide with rising liberalism? Think it must be something else? Think again, being unmarried can literally kill you...

The entire rise in white mortality rates in recent years has happened exclusively to unmarried men...

Marriage is associated with a 2.4x higher chance of early recovery from depression... ... cle/206644

Marriage has a protective effect on survival... ... 011-0032-5

Single men die younger...

Marital status has also been consistently associated with better mental health. Compared with their married counterparts, single 1 2 S. R. Braithwaite, R. Delevi, and F. D. Fincham men and women have higher levels of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, adjustment problems, and other forms of psychological distress (Coombs, 1991; Cotten, 1999; Simon, 2002). Marital status has also been shown to be an important predictor of alcoholism and drinking problems (Hradilova, 2005), with unmarried people experiencing a higher rate of alcohol-related problems (Woodruff, Guze, & Clayton, 1972). In short, across a number of different indices, there is strong and consistent empirical evidence that married people experience better physical and psychological well-being than their unmarried counterparts.” ... e_students

88% of Americans are happy or content with their married sex lives... ... ulfilling/

"That’s right. This same study found that the more religious a married couple, the more frequent and satisfying their sex. Religious people who are married, by far and away have the best sex lives. They have the most frequent sex, the most satisfying sex, the most fun sex and the longest-lived sex lives. When the researchers looked at which religious denominations had the best sex, they learned that the faithful who are married reported that not only was their sex more frequent, but also they were far more likely to rate their sex as being extremely satisfying. Conservative evangelical Protestant women, the survey found, reported the most satisfying sex and the most orgasms: 32 percent said they achieve orgasm every time they make love. Mainline Protestants and Catholics were only five points behind, while those with no religious affiliation were way down—at 22 percent."

On top of this, I will point out that despite Asian countries having a reputation for high suicide rates, Asian countries actually tend to have lower suicide rates then Western liberal countries do... Especially the Asian countries that are more traditional. Not only are their suicide rates lower but their drug overdose rates and percentage of the population that is on anti-depressants is nowhere near as high as it is in liberal countries.

Asian countries:

Suicide rate: 8.0 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 1.1 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 2.5 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 0.73 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 12.2 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 0.33 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 2.6 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 0.38 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 5.8 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 1.09 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 6.7 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 1.34 per 100,000.

South Korea:
Suicide rate: 21.2
Drug overdose rate: 0.20 per 100,000.

Western countries:

United States:
Suicide rate: 14.5 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 24.6 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 11.2 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 22.1 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 12.4 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 12.4 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 11.3 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 11.6 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 10.3 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 10.4 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 13.4 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 7.6 per 100,000.

Suicide rate: 11.8 per 100,000.
Drug overdose rate: 7.7 per 100,000.

As you can see, Europe is dealing with a much bigger suicide problem then Asia is despite Asia's reputation for high suicide rates. What's particularly different though is that Western drug overdose rates are extremely high compared to Asian countries, with the overdose rate alone being higher then most Asian countries suicide rates. The drug overdose rate in the US and Iceland is even higher then South Korea's suicide rate and overdose rate combined.

Its worth noting that South Korea is the only Asian country that seems to have a serious issue with depression and suicide. South Korea is also the least traditional Asian country with the lowest fertility and marriage rate.
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 25th, 2022, 4:23 pm
"The idea of defiling yourself by sleeping with a woman who has defiled herself by sleeping with hundreds of other men may not resonate with you. You may not even be grossed out if she's had sex with ten men right before having sex with you. But think about children conceived by prostitutes. if she gets pregnant, she either kills the child, or the child is raised without his father. If you do a little research, you will find that children raised without a father in the home are more likely to become juvenile delinquents, to have trouble with the law, to have low grades, to get pregnant out of wedlock, etc. Sleeping with random women who don't charge you money--- the free prostitute (zero dollar, zero pound prostitutes) has the same problem. There are also diseases that are spread this way. So it is an ethical issue."

This is rubbish. I have never seen sleeping with anyone as "defiling myself" a prostitute is still a human being ffs. She's providing a service and if she's any good she will use protection and have regular health checks. Same as anyone should. The whole thing with disease is a roll.of the dice anyway regardless of who you sleep with. Say we have a prostitute who sleeps with 10 incels in a day, and compare her with some dude's wife who slept with 1 guy in her whole life before meeting her husband, but her ex partner had a disease. Which woman is "dirty" or "immoral"? Catching something like an STD does not deminish someone's value as a human being. They just got unlucky. Diseases happen. It's life. Get the hell over it.
I didn't say fornication diminished your, or her, value as a human being. I married a virgin, so I don't have to worry about the one guy who had AIDS, chlamydia, etc.

Condoms aren't 100% effective. I read the they were about 92% effective. If you have sex 200 times in a year, that's like having sex over 12 times with a condom... for having babies. Condoms don't protect all the parts that can get venereal diseases, because there are many different types and some come from skin contact. And you had sex with a condom, which is what... like 20% of 40% of sex without a condom for sensation, and what about the emotional intimacy factor? Condoms might diminish that a bit, but having sex with prostitutes would have to be rather bleak in that regard.

Also, don't you find it a bit gross to have sex with a woman who had sex with five, ten, or fifteen other men the same day she had sex with you? What about if she didn't use condoms? I'd imagine back in the day, they didn't.
No, you misunderstood me. He didn't kill himself because of puritanism. He also didn't kill himself because of his wife. (Even though some of his family use her as a scapegoat.) I'm actually still on very good terms with his widow and consider her a good friend. As far as I knew they loved each other. (He was a very kind and loving guy) but that doesn't mean they didn't have their ups and downs. To be honest nobody knows why he killed himself. I suspect it was because of society and how artificial and fake everything is, including people.
Again, I'm sorry to hear that he did that, but how is this an argument agains tmarriage?
I called you a hypocrite because I don't recognise the authority of the church or how a wedding makes the act of sex moral.
What does that have to do with hypocrisy? You haven't presented any evidence that I am acting or not being genuine?
You could bang your wife 30 times a day (power to you lol) and that is righteous and good because you are married. I could hook up with a girl who I find attractive and who finds me attractive just for a night. I'm the one who is immoral because we weren't married?
One is moral, and the other isn't. Except 30 times might cause physical damage and pain, so it could be immoral in that case. :)

Marriage is found in cultures across the globe. Romans instituted the church wedding, adapting a wedding from Roman culture after accepting Christianity. The idea of a father giving his daughter in marriage to a man, and that that woman goes with that man and not another, is found all across cultures all around the world. If you argue it's a product of culture, it's found across cultures. So how do you explain that?
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by NGH607 »

@Outcast9428 man, all i'm trying to say is, it is VITAL for men to f**k as many women as possible, to develop confidence. Nowadays tho that no longer matters because most women are vaxxed. Do not f**k vaxxed women, at any cost
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

NGH607 wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 10:33 am
@Outcast9428 man, all i'm trying to say is, it is VITAL for men to f**k as many women as possible, to develop confidence. Nowadays tho that no longer matters because most women are vaxxed. Do not f**k vaxxed women, at any cost
Why not f**k vaxxed women?
You are free to make any decision you desire, but you are not free from the consequences of those decisions.
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by NGH607 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 10:45 am
NGH607 wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 10:33 am
@Outcast9428 man, all i'm trying to say is, it is VITAL for men to f**k as many women as possible, to develop confidence. Nowadays tho that no longer matters because most women are vaxxed. Do not f**k vaxxed women, at any cost
Why not f**k vaxxed women?
cause that mRNA vax shit is causing AIDS. Don't get blood transfusions either from hospitals, as the blood is all vaxxed now. The unvaxxed are in great danger from the blood of the vaxxed
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

NGH607 wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 11:22 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 10:45 am
NGH607 wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 10:33 am
@Outcast9428 man, all i'm trying to say is, it is VITAL for men to f**k as many women as possible, to develop confidence. Nowadays tho that no longer matters because most women are vaxxed. Do not f**k vaxxed women, at any cost
Why not f**k vaxxed women?
cause that mRNA vax shit is causing AIDS. Don't get blood transfusions either from hospitals, as the blood is all vaxxed now. The unvaxxed are in great danger from the blood of the vaxxed
a lot of the vaxxed also shed the spike proteins and can cause illness in you if you have sex with them.

i read about a vaxxed woman breast feeding her kid and the kid got that shit just spreads man
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by Outcast9428 »

NGH607 wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 10:33 am
@Outcast9428 man, all i'm trying to say is, it is VITAL for men to f**k as many women as possible, to develop confidence. Nowadays tho that no longer matters because most women are vaxxed. Do not f**k vaxxed women, at any cost
That is complete and utter bullshit. Developing the lack of shame required to sleep around and seduce random women is not a worthy goal for men. All any man needs is one loyal wife. This is what we should demand of women and expect from them.
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by WilliamSmith »

I'm not necessarily saying not to score with vaxxed women, but the main reason I personally would worry about it is: If she's having intense orgasms (or even is just getting on the way there but is really excited breathing heavily with her heart pounding) while we're going at it, what if she outright drops dead from the high rates of heart failure that the vax has caused? That would be bad!! :shock: :shock: Think of all those athletes dropping dead on the field after they got vaxxed... I would not want that to happen with a girlfriend while I was banging her brains out in bed!

This is another area where I count myself lucky to have gotten romantically involved with black women: Not just mine, but tons more black women out there are anti-vaxxers bigtime. 8)
A really big population of the black and white populations can't stand each other, and I'm under no illusions about forced-at-gunpoint integration by jew communists working out in the USSA or 'West', but another cool fact to those of us who might end up leaving and moving to a black country:
Black Africans were by far the wisest in terms of "vaccine hesitancy" against the synagogue of satan's vaccine, because they are wary that the NWO/JWO is trying to use the vax to sterilize and/or kill them as part of their depopulation agenda. I posted a thread awhile back compiling some of the evidence that a lot of black leaders even got assassinated by the NWO for trying to protect their own people and nations from the vaccine.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by ArchibaultNew »

Prostitution makes no sense in countries where hooking up is easy, but makes absolute sense in countries where it's hard.

For instance, I heard the Netherlands is hard to get laid. Hence, prostitution makes a lot of sense there. However, some Eastern European countries it is easy to get laid. Hence, prostitution would make less sense. However, I do believe that men in the English speaking countries, specially have it the hardest it's both hard to get laid and prostitution is illegal.
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Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Post by MrMan »

Which are worse, $200 prostitutes or free prostitutes?
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