Should 20-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

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Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Lucas88 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 6:00 pm
Mercer wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 4:09 pm
@Lucas88 doesn't understand that we don't live in the stone age anymore so strength isn't as important as intelligence. A smart autistic man has more of a chance of surviving and is better for society and raising a family than a dumb low IQ thug who only survives because of welfare, food stamps, public housing, etc. paid for by the "beta males" that Lucas88 likes to insult so much. If not for public assistance paid for with beta tax dollars then these so-called "alpha males" wouldn't survive in the modern era, they only had power when people were primitive. Modern women would choose to reproduce the dumb thug over the smart autistic guy but it's not because his genetics are better. It's also very stupid to assume that because a man is more popular with women then he's a better man. Your average woman today is destroying society with their sexual choices so it's actually the opposite

Women choose for vagina tingles, not for the best genetics. Only feminist retards who have been cucked by liberal and tradcuck propaganda think otherwise. @Lucas88 claims to be a Latin soul yet he sounds more like a western feminist betacuck with his arguments more than anything. Honestly I'd say a guy like @Outcast9428 who would raise a family and prefers everyone to succeed, have a wife, etc. (as long as they work hard and are good people) is more of an "alpha" male than someone who has been brainwashed into thinking being masculine means you're a low IQ retard who has harems of bitches and bullies what he thinks are "weaker" men.
Being BOTH intelligent AND strong is obviously better than being just intelligent or just strong. We don't have to be one-dimensional archetypes. It is possible to combine multiple virtues. That is indeed what a superior man does.

I am both intelligent and strong. I've always excelled at academic and intellectual pursuits. At the same time, I began weight training when I was 13 and have been doing MMA/combat sports training since I was 15. I'm an athletic dude and know how to defend myself.

Some guys have both brains and muscle/athleticism. Maybe you're just jealous!

Keep dreaming that "alpha males" only survive on betabux welfare, bud. Many guys with stereotypically "alpha" traits are perfectly successful in modern society, often having good careers or running their own businesses. Those guys have money, intelligence, physique, charisma and a high degree of male sexual dimorphism all at the same time. In other words, they have intelligence AND all of those other virtues while the nerdy autistic type only has intelligence but nothing else. The fact that some alphas possess both intelligence plus physique and other qualities doesn't seem to sit too well with Outcast. That's because it shatters his superiority complex and exposes him as the low-quality gamma male that he is. That's why he gets so triggered. Lol!

Not all alphas are thugs or criminals. That's just a fallacy that you incels want to push.

Neglecting physical training is utter folly. The health of the body is fundamental. It is always wise to do some form of resistance training. Those who don't do any kind of resistance training will usually see their body go to shit beyond a certain age. Ironically, people who believe that all they need is intelligence while neglecting their physique are not wise at all.

Similarly, not learning some combat skills is foolish. The world around us is always unpredictable. We and our loved ones could be physically attacked when we least expect it. It is wise to learn some fighting techniques, even if it's just basic boxing with a bit of wrestling or Judo. A noble man has the ability to protect his woman. But combat skills shouldn't be used for mindless thuggery. That would be an ignoble misuse of them.

Curiously, Outcast seems to believe that I am supposed to be like him just because we suffer from the same neurological condition. That's because he has constructed a fantasy world of how reality is supposed to be in his own mind and then projects it into everyone and everything else.

In reality, I am nothing like Outcast; I have a completely different personality and psychological constitution and have a somewhat different life history. Outcast is a weakboy who got bullied throughout school and college and seemingly did nothing about it. I myself on the other hand started doing strength training, took up martial arts, made myself strong, and fought back against the bullies. After a certain point, all of the bullying stopped and people were forced to respect me (or at least leave me alone). I actually did something about the bullying. That's because I'm strong and have a fighting mentality and am neither a weakboy nor a pvssy like Outcast is.

I was always smart enough to cultivate virtues other than just intelligence. I also focused on physique, athleticism and combat skills. Outcast on the other hand isn't really that smart. He is often unable to understand simple nuances, can only think in simplistic black-and-white terms and hastily projects his own unfounded assumptions onto things. He's obviously just a one-dimensional midwit who thinks that he's much smarter than what he actually is.

Outcast seems to think that I look down on "misfits" and that my rightful place is among misfits (specifically "nerds") like him. Nah, I see through you guys' delusions and warped hackneyed perceptions of the world and want no part of your mindless groupthink or echo chambers.

I don't hate nerdy misfits. Rather I simply observe that they don't have many desirable traits and wouldn't want to be like them. Moreover, their subculture and style just don't resonate with me.

I don't see the need to bully weaker men either. Likewise, I recognize that their weakness is an undesirable trait, but at the same time I am mostly indifferent towards them and will leave them alone as long as they don't do anything to provoke me.

Outcast also delusionally believes that he has more "self-awareness" than I do and claims that he somehow knows what's best for me - namely, hanging around with nerds and social outcasts. That was the motive behind his most recent sperg-out about me going to Latin America supposedly because I don't want to be with "socially awkward people". Lol! I think that I had self-awareness aplenty. As early as the age of 15 or 16 I instinctively intuited that I needed to learn Spanish and move to a Hispanic country. And, just as I anticipated, my social life improved tremendously. I'm not compatible with Anglo culture. My own nature meshes better with Hispanic culture. I've been saying this all along. But Pastor O'Castor just doesn't want to listen.
Even if guys who are highly intelligent, physically strong, and socially charismatic exist, they are a very very small percentage of the population. Half of everybody with an IQ above 140 is autistic. The median autistic IQ is 110 and 16% of autistic people have an IQ above 130 compared to 2% of the general population. Given that autists represent 25% of all people with an IQ above 130, that means the chances of a neurotypical having an IQ above 130 is only 1.5%. Suppose a neurotypical did have an IQ above 130 and thus had good social skills. Approximately 70% of Americans are overweight and another 5% are underweight. Most people with a healthy/normal body weight are not really muscular either. So the number of individuals who could possibly fit the fold of a muscular, socially skilled person with an IQ above 130 is probably about 0.1%, maybe 0.2% at most.

@Mercer Its funny that Lucas says I'm a midwit for being "one dimensional." He has said this in the past...
Outcast is undoubtedly intelligent and admits that he's a bit of a nerd. Even though I rarely agree with him, I recognize that he is more than capable of writing out coherent arguments and expressing himself well. Intellect is definitely his strong point in contrast to his lack of physical development and primal masculinity. I don't know what field of expertise Outcast has but he's mentioned that he graduated from college and seems to read a lot.
I didn't just graduate from college. I got through it while admittedly having atrocious studying habits. I probably only studied two hours a week. I've mentioned before how much I hated college, being extremely unmotivated was a big part of my life there. I did not feel like there was any point in me being there, I was only doing it because I felt compelled to finish what I had started. Despite terrible studying habits, I still ended up getting B average grades. This is despite the fact that some assignments, I simply didn't do at all. Some classes, I got an A in despite not having read a single page of the textbook. The college I went to is also a pretty competitive school. The reason I got fairly good grades was because I am extremely good at essay writing. Any essay I got, I could get an A in. Even the multiple choice exams, I could usually figure out what the answer was based on simply knowing the subject matter well enough to get the correct answer. Other students I met simply couldn't believe how well I was able to do with such horrible studying habits. Pretty much everybody else I knew who acted like I did failed out. I knew one guy who studied for an exam for two days straight. He wouldn't do anything, he spend all day studying for two days. A total of 24 hours. He got a grade of 78%. I studied for the same exam for about two hours and got 92%.

I have never bothered to get a real IQ test, but my father has... His IQ is 136. I don't believe mine is quite that high. My dad when he was my age did have slightly stronger intellectual abilities, some that would appear almost superhuman. He could, for example, remember a ten minute speech word for word. I can't do that, I have pretty good memory but it isn't quite that precise. Intelligence, however, is mostly determined by genetics and having a father with an IQ of 136 pretty much guarantees a highly intelligent son.

While I am sure Lucas is 120+ in IQ, I doubt he is 130+. He claims my "one dimensional" behavior is a sign of being a midwit. The truth is, his excessively extra-dimensional ideology is actually a classic sign of midwits trying to act more intelligent then they actually are. Now, I don't believe Lucas is actually a midwit. But I don't think he's a whole lot smarter then one. What intelligence basically comes down to is pattern recognition and ultimately being able to manipulate patterns correctly in order to achieve the right result. A political ideology is basically just the human systems equivalent of building a computer. A computer requires many parts in order to work, they need to be arranged in a certain order, you need to have all the right parts in all the right places. Otherwise, the computer doesn't work. Likewise, human systems are the same way.

Lucas seems to believe that you can just switch parts and place them wherever you want and expect the computer, or in this case, human organization system... To work. Any criticism of this way of thinking is deemed as black and white thinking by him and lacking in nuance. The truth is, his ideology is a disaster and he doesn't even seem to fully understand what his ideology is. He displays a deficiency in his ability to see how ideas that may technically be different flow together and enhance one another. Not only that but he seems fundamentally confused as to what his ideas actually stand for.

He claims to be an anti-feminist, yet he supports women working, he supports sexual promiscuity, he strongly opposes marriage and advocates in favor of what is essentially "alpha male" supremacism, and he's deeply hostile to all Abrahamic religions. I'd actually argue that nobody on this forum is more consistently feminist then Lucas is. He seems to have an interest in maintaining female privilege at the expense of average guys so that the top males of society can keep their advantage over average to low status men. Any opposition he has to feminism is incredibly shallow and superficial. Perhaps most bizarrely, he actually believes that automation is going make the skills of highly intelligent, "beta nerds" unnecessary and that automation is going to usher in an age where alpha males reign supreme because of women not needing men's labor anymore. He doesn't seem to understand that even if his scenario of automation killing jobs were to occur, it would in-fact be the highly intelligent beta nerds who'd be the only ones left who have skills that robots cannot do. He doesn't recognize that his idea of automating jobs/labor away and distributing resources equally among everyone is communist by definition thus making him an extreme left-winger.

Even the anti-semitism, while at first glance, one might think of him as an extreme right-winger for advocating war against the Jewish World Order... Its actually not incompatible with extreme leftism when you examine his reasons for being so anti-semitic. His reasons for anti-semitism primarily seems to come down to what is essentially class struggle rather then having an opposition to cultural marxism pushed by the Jews. He mostly dislikes the Jewish financial system. However, he seems to support every aspect of cultural Marxism with the exception of some particularly extreme stuff pushed by the 2010s/2020s far left. His ideology is actually remarkably consistent, however, with old fashioned far left ideology. Yet he doesn't recognize that all of these ideas are what lead to the society he hates the most... The UK. A society washed in cultural marxism which he superficially opposes but deep down is in favor of.

Lucas is the type of guy who's proud of the fact that his ideology essentially "breaks the left-right spectrum" and probably believes this makes him more unique and intelligent for having come up with something completely new. The reality is, if you've "broken the left-right spectrum," its because your ideas don't flow together and create a cohesive system. You've just mixed and matched with no regard to whether the ideas actually work in tandem with one another. Being able to come up with a bizarre and unique ideology is not a sign of exceptional intelligence. It actually shows a fundamental deficiency in pattern recognition skills. You can mess with a computer all you want, but unless you put all the correct parts in the right order/places... All the work you've done is not only meaningless, but it would have been better if you had just not tried at all because you've probably broken it.

Lucas is like an unqualified computer engineer trying to repair the computer of modern society but who's ideas would actually break it even more if implemented because he is utterly unqualified to speak about political ideas when he doesn't even understand what he essentially stands for.

My ideology and behavior is one dimensional because it is actually consistent and makes sense. It was constructed by using real life examples of what happened when these ideas were put forth. I have some innovative ideas that expand on this and are intended to bring about a society which is very similar to the ones I've used as examples but they're all ideas which fit into the same basic philosophy that created the real life examples I talk about.

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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

No, no, and no.

You are making wrong assumptions:

1. Not all men will be polygynous.
2. Democracy and Republics won't exist.
3. Corporations won't exist.
4. There will be an authoritarian monarchy.
5. Females won't get anything from a male in divorce.
6. Females won't need to be in polygynous relationships if they're "Free Females"
7. There will be widespread indoctrination and propaganda, much like Nazi Germany and North Korea.

You assume that everyone would have a Western Democracy like America. No! I would have an authoritarian absolute monarchy where the monarch is an autocrat, no corporations, no Jewish or Western Capitalism, no usury, and females will support the new system. Feminism won't exist.

Also, poll was part of the clickbait. Everyone who voted "No" voted "No" on abortion. There's much more support for my injection policy to change reproduction on the Spermatozoa level.
Well then, your country will be poor just like North Korea if you rule with an iron fist. One hell of a country your running, it's a very dysfunctional one. :lol:

If there is no corporations then how does your country make money or conduct business and trade?

I assume YOU, the philosopher king, will get all the women. :D
Free females? So the men can "F*ck and Chuck" whatever women he feels like and your marriage policy is not polygynous? Then you are going to have an army of bastard daughters and sons and an army of single baby mamas roaming around because the male population and your government have no obligation of taking care of the offspring and most male babies will be swiftly killed. This is a mass infanticide on a daily scale.. :shock:

One hell of an utopia your running here...similar to many one of failed dictatorships in Africa.. :lol: I can't wait to see tens of thousands of people fleeing your country like the North Koreans trying to flee theirs.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Outcast9428 »

@Tsar You addressed almost none of @Natural_Born_Cynic's points...

1. It doesn't matter if all men are not polygynous. Some men are extremely greedy. Ancient China had emperors who had harems of 1,000 concubines. In Africa before colonialism, some of the strongmen in charge had 3,000 concubines. If you legalize polygyny then you open the floodgates for rich, powerful men to treat the entire country like their own personal playground.
2. He wasn't talking about democracy or republic, he was talking about hypergamy.
3. If corporations don't exist, then how is your country going to build any kind of economy? Somebody has to hire everybody and provide them with their incomes. Are you suggesting the state take over all businesses and essentially run every industry in the country through government power? Because that is full blown communism, and it has been proven to be an absolute disaster.
4. Even if you are an absolute monarch... Kings get assassinated, especially if they don't do what the rich and powerful oligarchs want them to. The only reason why the aristocracy in Medieval Europe was able to be controlled was because the church was more powerful then anybody was, including the kings. So the oligarchs of Medieval were forced to do what the church said was morally permissible. Nobody was above the church's rules... Henry VIII was so mad about how much control the Catholic Church had over him that he created his own church to try and escape its rules.
5. So men can divorce women at will and women will just get thrown out onto the streets? This is going to fuel female resentment towards your regime. People can handle having unequal rights but not if you make their lives expendable.
6. What the hell are free females? Also, it wouldn't matter. You can't create a polygynous system that doesn't invoke female jealousy and drama. Women do not want to be #2 in a harem, they want to be #1. Women want to feel special to the man they chose, they don't want to be one of 5 different potential items on the menu for tonight. Women in harems have been known to kill each other. Your idea that they're all just gonna lez out while you're not f***ing them is like something a teenage boy who has watched way too much porn would say.
7. Propaganda and indoctrination works to some extent, but it can only go so far. If you completely alienate the majority of the population, they will plot your downfall.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Tsar »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 9:46 pm
I didn't just graduate from college. I got through it while admittedly having atrocious studying habits. I probably only studied two hours a week.
I was the same way. I only studied outside of college for 2-4 hours a week, went to class, and took notes. My final GPA was an average of A- but if didn't have one single course, my GPA would have been an A close to 3.90 or 4.0.

However, my education got me nowhere on this corrupt society with a corrupt economic system that's worthy of total annihilation. I want to burn it all to ashes for how it marginalized me. I want to comply annihilate the collective West because females reject me, I was denied friendship, rejected for a girlfriend, called a pedo online, and almost everyone in the Collective West is a Zionist Collaborator. The majority deserve death and destruction.
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 9:46 pm
Lucas is like an unqualified computer engineer trying to repair the computer of modern society but who's ideas would actually break it even more if implemented because he is utterly unqualified to speak about political ideas when he doesn't even understand what he essentially stands for.

My ideology and behavior is one dimensional because it is actually consistent and makes sense. It was constructed by using real life examples of what happened when these ideas were put forth. I have some innovative ideas that expand on this and are intended to bring about a society which is very similar to the ones I've used as examples but they're all ideas which fit into the same basic philosophy that created the real life examples I talk about.
Any ideology is more like an alloy. I honestly don't see how your ideology could work without ultimately decaying in some form at some point unless it completely achieved specific points necessary for sustainability and flexibility? Maybe I can ask for extra clarification on some traditional points? I don't think know of any ideology can work unless it's both extreme and radical.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Tsar wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 10:08 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 9:46 pm
I didn't just graduate from college. I got through it while admittedly having atrocious studying habits. I probably only studied two hours a week.
I was the same way. I only studied outside of college for 2-4 hours a week, went to class, and took notes. My final GPA was an average of A- but if didn't have one single course, my GPA would have been an A close to 3.90 or 4.0.

However, my education got me nowhere on this corrupt society with a corrupt economic system that's worthy of total annihilation. I want to burn it all to ashes for how it marginalized me. I want to comply annihilate the collective West because females reject me, I was denied friendship, rejected for a girlfriend, called a pedo online, and almost everyone in the Collective West is a Zionist Collaborator. The majority deserve death and destruction.
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 9:46 pm
Lucas is like an unqualified computer engineer trying to repair the computer of modern society but who's ideas would actually break it even more if implemented because he is utterly unqualified to speak about political ideas when he doesn't even understand what he essentially stands for.

My ideology and behavior is one dimensional because it is actually consistent and makes sense. It was constructed by using real life examples of what happened when these ideas were put forth. I have some innovative ideas that expand on this and are intended to bring about a society which is very similar to the ones I've used as examples but they're all ideas which fit into the same basic philosophy that created the real life examples I talk about.
Any ideology is more like an alloy. I honestly don't see how your ideology could work without ultimately decaying in some form at some point unless it completely achieved specific points necessary for sustainability and flexibility? Maybe I can ask for extra clarification on some traditional points? I don't think know of any ideology can work unless it's both extreme and radical.
If I created an ideology that was completely impervious to decay then I would have done something that no human being in history has managed to do. At some point it will collapse. Hopefully it would last for a few hundred years first, but no system is impervious to decay. If you set a good enough example though, eventually after the system has collapsed for awhile, future descendants will want to bring it back and it will rise out of the ashes.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Yeah.. like Outcast said.
Not the "Aborting 20% to 40% of male baby" one. I think it's the most insane thing I heard in my life :lol:
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Tsar »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 10:07 pm
3. If corporations don't exist, then how is your country going to build any kind of economy? Somebody has to hire everybody and provide them with their incomes. Are you suggesting the state take over all businesses and essentially run every industry in the country through government power? Because that is full blown communism, and it has been proven to be an absolute disaster.
No corporation will exist. Sole proprietorship, self-employment, partnerships, and cooperatives. All multinational large-scale business will be state-owned or 50.1% state-owned. No private business will be more powerful than the national government.
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 10:07 pm
4. Even if you are an absolute monarch... Kings get assassinated, especially if they don't do what the rich and powerful oligarchs want them to. The only reason why the aristocracy in Medieval Europe was able to be controlled was because the church was more powerful then anybody was, including the kings. So the oligarchs of Medieval were forced to do what the church said was morally permissible. Nobody was above the church's rules... Henry VIII was so mad about how much control the Catholic Church had over him that he created his own church to try and escape its rules.
Oprichnina, Inquisition, and make the aristocracy more determined by virtue and loyalty that anyone can join but anyone can lose. Also, invite all aristocratic opposition to a palace, fill the basement with explosives, stage a car accident to delay arrival at the palace, and destroy the palace to kill all opposition of the aristocracy. Then declare an Oprichnina, declare a War Against Traitors, and blame foreign enemies and their domestic collaborators. The pretext to engage in a mass slaughter of all opposition would be initiated. The creation of a Secret Police to arrest everyone considered dissidents, subversives, enemies of the Crown, traitors, or undesirables. Then, all civilians will receive an enhanced quality of life because the Autocratic Monarchy and surviving aristocrats can implement a National Socialist system with many elements of Stasserism, so it's borderline Communism, except extremely Nationalist and traditionalist, without any Judaism or Marxism. If European monarchs had any foresight and vision, they would have done an Ivan the Terrible move, initiated Oprichnina, and become a Monarch of the People.
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 10:07 pm
5. So men can divorce women at will and women will just get thrown out onto the streets? This is going to fuel female resentment towards your regime. People can handle having unequal rights but not if you make their lives expendable.
No, but no one will receive any compensation from the other spouse. Men will be guaranteed partial or full custody, unless they decline. Every 5 years, they can change their decision, but partial custody is mandated if a female raises the children for 5 full custody years between 0-13 because the child wouldn't have much of a relationship with the father. However, there will also be no child support in partial custody. Females that get divorced will have no right to remarry. Men can remarry unless they randomly divorce a female without a valid reason. Female obesity, withholding sex, infertility, adultery, or not being a virgin if he expected her to be a virgin, are all valid reasons for a guy to divorce a girl.
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 10:07 pm
6. What the hell are free females? Also, it wouldn't matter. You can't create a polygynous system that doesn't invoke female jealousy and drama. Women do not want to be #2 in a harem, they want to be #1. Women want to feel special to the man they chose, they don't want to be one of 5 different potential items on the menu for tonight. Women in harems have been known to kill each other. Your idea that they're all just gonna lez out while you're not f***ing them is like something a teenage boy who has watched way too much porn would say.
Free females are exactly that, free people. I advocate for the ability for men buy virgin females. Men can also buy female children and raise them like daughters. Once their slave girl is old enough, the guy can marry her, and then deflower her. This guarantees men the ability to have a virgin, incentivizes parents to have excess daughters to sell as slave girls to men, this enhances everyone's lives, the girl will grow attached to her male guardian, the male will prove himself virtuous and practice his skills with raising children and teens, and effectively demonstrate he can be an excellent father. The birthrates would skyrocket. Free females would compete with Slave girls.
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 10:07 pm
7. Propaganda and indoctrination works to some extent, but it can only go so far. If you completely alienate the majority of the population, they will plot your downfall.
Propaganda can work in an unlimited way as long as it's truth, defendable, legitimate, and the population is happy, is loyal to the absolute monarch, and believes in the system.
Last edited by Tsar on March 14th, 2023, 2:41 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Tsar »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 10:15 pm
If I created an ideology that was completely impervious to decay then I would have done something that no human being in history has managed to do. At some point it will collapse. Hopefully it would last for a few hundred years first, but no system is impervious to decay. If you set a good enough example though, eventually after the system has collapsed for awhile, future descendants will want to bring it back and it will rise out of the ashes.
Yes, but the ultimate goal is to create a permanent ideology that transcends time. That is perfectly designed so no matter technological advancement, opposition, or new philosophies or ideas, that the ideology is fixed but also fluid enough, that no one can challenge it. This requires a total holistic redesign of all civilization itself.

Even the Reich of 1,000 years is too short to be a viable system. 5,000 years minimum for something of true recognition. 20,000 years to be near-transcendental. 25,000 years or more, especially to the very end of human civilization, would have proven itself as a viable system that's transcended time.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Tsar »

fschmidt wrote:
March 12th, 2023, 7:33 pm
Tsar wrote:
March 12th, 2023, 7:00 pm
There's honestly no nation or culture that I would allow to exist as it does now if I had unlimited power.
What is wrong with traditional Anabaptists and Arkians?
1. Anabaptists undermined traditionalism, created or at least collaborated with predatory capitalism, supported democracy and republics, and are responsible for the destruction of the environment. Puritans were Anabaptists. Only the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church are most authentic Christians. Protestantism is too individualistic and doesn't have the same doctrine as the original theological branches of Christianity (Catholicism and Orthodox).
2. Arkians aren't recognized.
3. I am not intending to abolish religion. I intend to inflict a Collective Punishment to temporarily strip certain nations of their names, their people's right to officially be called their nationality in public, deny them the right to national flags, and deny them their secular culture. I specifically said Nation and Culture. I completely support authentic religion and nationalism. However, the Collective West must be denied a nation for 50-100 years and stripped of all Secular Culture.

It's not advocating the abolishment of religion like in the Bolsheviks attempting to abolish religion but a cultural Bolshevism more like Franco who temporarily ended the Spanish Monarchy but restored it upon his death, but instead of destroying religion or a monarchy, I will destroy their nations and secular cultures. I will destroy their nations and secular cultures for 50-100 years to teach them to value their nations and cultures. Then, they will never want to lose it again, and I effectively accomplished my goal of making the people far-right. Only chosen loyalists will celebrate their culture and nationality during the time of Collective Punishment. Only for continuity of documents will people be listed by their original nationality. People will still be allowed to celebrate their ethnic group because that's their identity, not their nation or culture, which is relative.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Tsar's nation is North Korea 2.0.
A perfect Dystopia. A repressive backwater. :lol:
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


1) If you purge the aristocracy all the time, then who is going to serve you? All the high rankers and aristocrats will defect to the west and portray you as the "Mad King" and the western media will have a field day mocking you day and night.
2)Tens of thousands of your people will escape just like the North Koreans escaping their country. Because your policies totally suck and you run a terrible police state with no political or economic freedom.
3) Your nation will receive sanctions from the west. If they can't nuke yeah, they can sanction you to kingdom come. The west might support your oppositional faction and try to overthrow your government.
4) Even China, India, and Russia will think your a maladjusted weirdo. No offense. They don't go far to abort 20% to 40% of the male population :shock:
5) Women will take up arms, rally all the "free females" and rebel.
6) No foreign countries will lend money to you or trade with you. Leaving your nation as a poor autarky like North Korea because of your grotesque human rights records of male infanticide and male genocide and nationwide police repression.

You remind me of this guy-Jean-Bédel Bokassa ... n-dictator
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Shemp »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 2:48 am
Tsar have you ever thought about just writing a science fiction novel and pouring all your dystopian ideas and wicked plans into that? You have quite a lively imagination and a way with words. Maybe turn your obsessions into a work of art, and profit from them. Your time would be better spent in writing for a much larger audience and monetizing your content, perhaps (self) publishing your works. Think about it; money is literally the only thing standing in between you and your dreams, and here you are pissing away precious time my brother.
Do you really think people will pay to read mad ravings like what is in this thread? If that were true, Winston could gather together the collected archives of this dumpster fire website and publish in 100 or 1000 volumes and become a bestselling author. Which is absurd. Modern world is saturated with megalomaniac ravings and rantings (see PAG aka GeraldButler as another example, no wonder he and Tsar hit it off sometimes). Nobody willing to pay for such crap.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Cornfed »

Shemp wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 7:16 am
Do you really think people will pay to read mad ravings like what is in this thread? If that were true, Winston could gather together the collected archives of this dumpster fire website and publish in 100 or 1000 volumes and become a bestselling author.
That wouldn't be a terrible idea if he had time on his hands.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 8:30 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 6:19 am

Tsar's nation is North Korea 2.0.
A perfect Dystopia. A repressive backwater. :lol:
Lol. Well at least when South-Korea has already died out, North-Korea will probably still be around. A backwater, yes, but I'm pretty sure the Kim Dynasty, for all it's copious flaws, will ultimately have the last laugh. Demographics are destiny brother.
Shemp wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 7:16 am
Do you really think people will pay to read mad ravings like what is in this thread? If that were true, Winston could gather together the collected archives of this dumpster fire website and publish in 100 or 1000 volumes and become a bestselling author. Which is absurd. Modern world is saturated with megalomaniac ravings and rantings (see PAG aka GeraldButler as another example, no wonder he and Tsar hit it off sometimes). Nobody willing to pay for such crap.
Not just ramblings, Shemp, this just reads like a deranged manifesto. More along the lines of a strange science fiction story in which the "incels" win. Like a modern adaption of 'Revenge of the Nerds' on a grander scale and way more f***ed up. Could be a cult classic if Tsar markets it well enough. Who knows? I mean, he stands to lose nothing if he tries, but will gain more than he does from debating inane revenge fantasies on HA into perpetuity. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. ;)
Yep, because China and Russia keeps giving North Korea food and other materials secretly.
In contrast, the South is facing a massive demographical crisis. The Lowest birthrate on the planet 0.78 child per women.
All their K-Poop, Samsung, and others won't save them.. They might as import Third world immigrants, but most Koreans are very racist ppl.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 9:03 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 8:47 am
Yep, because China and Russia keeps giving North Korea food and other materials secretly.
In contrast, the South is facing a massive demographical crisis. The Lowest birthrate on the planet 0.78 child per women.
All their K-Poop, Samsung, and others won't save them.. They might as import Third world immigrants, but most Koreans are very racist ppl.
It takes unreal levels of self-loathing and misery for a race to self-select for extinction the way South-Koreans are doing.
Yes, I know. It's so unreal. Even Korean Americans don't wanna hang out with South Koreans. They are like oil and water.
Fortunately for me, I am not one of them. I am not in the "South Korea is great" Hive mind mentality. I am going to get me some snow bunny Latina and reproduce while Kim from Korea won't and die in 1 square foot room.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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