Living The Dream In Thailand

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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Zero_Tolerance_Man »

Good idea, but do I really want to live in China? Bad air quality and really crowded
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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Winston »

Yohan wrote:
April 21st, 2018, 1:48 am
publicduende wrote:
April 21st, 2018, 1:23 am
Yohan wrote:
April 20th, 2018, 11:50 am
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Locate the whereabouts of a federal inmate incarcerated from 1982 to the present

Register Number: 14603-018
Age: 50
Race: White
Sex: Male
Released On: 04/13/1999
Thanks for doing all the research, Yohan. I haven't bothered by I was pretty sure there was a trail of information about this guy's past and present scams that's as wide as a highway.
This person is now on my Ignore-List.

I did yesterday a thorough internet research about this man, his activities and his strange comments and what I found is a huge pile of complaints dating back to 2001 plus a release from jail in 1999.

I doubt if this person is living now in Asia. Thai authorities are rather reluctant to offer long-stay permits and is known to be quick with deportation of foreigners who are troublemakers.
He definitely is or was in Thailand. He made videos of him and his apartment/condo there. See here: ... 11&t=15942

However, he had a falling out with Thailand and made an angry video blasting it and calling everyone there a bunch of money grubbing scumbags. Did you see it? I can't find it on YouTube anymore. Maybe it's been taken down.

Here was his Thailand Trip Report on YouTube.

Wouldn't it be rad if Oil Trading Academy and PAG got together to duke it out, whether online or offline? LOL. That would be like WW3, two super toxic people going at it. Better than Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield. Should be on Pay Per View. LOL
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

Join my Dating Site to meet thousands of legit foreign girls at low cost!

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Yohan »

http://oiltradingacademytradesvideoblog ... orted.html
My Story Of Being Slandered, Extorted, and Bullied By David Kuvelas
Updated: 05/12/19:

My story starts in 2012 when the Ripp Off Report on Oil Trading Academy was first started. I was gang stalked for over 3 years before I realized I was being gang stalked. Once I found out what was happening to me and my last warning made in public what would happen to the next person who dared to mess with me the gang stalking has stopped. All they do now is slander me online and play judge, jury, and executioner against me. And what I would like for people to know is that these are Jews who are doing this to me, and they need to be stopped. If I knew who they were in this world I would kill them myself with no problem whatsoever. But since they are sissies and cowards by their very natures they will of course never reveal their identities online, whereas I have done so because I'm actually a real man, whereas Jews are cowards and sissies by their very natures, and hate all truth in this life and bring forth nothing but non-stop never ending lies. Anybody who would dare do this sort of thing to another human being in this life should be executed. I am appalled by what the Jews have done to me, the gang stalking, the slander, the lies, the playing judge, jury and executioner against me and not giving me any chance to defend myself, and then to mock and ridicule me, to make fun of me online, to persuade people to think of evil of me, for these things the Jews deserve death......

My story starts 3 years ago, a guy called me on the phone and called himself "Travis", he told me he wanted to purchase my videos and that a friend of his would meet with me to pay cash for them, I agreed and met with his friend at the District in Henderson Nevada. A young guy half black half white met with me, I would describe this person as a metro-sexual type male with designer jeans and manicured nails who loves getting massages, to each his own. This person paid me cash for my videos and I later sent him my videos through email. A few days later I get another call from Travis again, and he told me he watched my video courses and vehemently explained to me that I need to stop selling these videos, that if I were to sell them at all I should be charging $10,000 for them, not selling them for only $400.

He then told me that he is scamming people on Craigslist for "forex investing" and he wants me to trade that money for him, I explained to Travis that I cannot do that and wasn't interested. He then again told me that I need to trade for him, and I explained again to him that I cannot do it, I don't have the time, it's not legal to do so, etc. He then got really angry and told me "I can make you trade for me". At this point I'm the one who got angry and told Travis that I could easily knock every one of this teeth straight down his throat, to give further proof that I'm capable of doing this to the public here are some pictures of myself, and keep in mind I'm a second degree black belt training since I was 5 years old under my Dad who was a Kenpo instructor for many years, and had our own karate studio at our house inside our garage.



Travis told me that he was "Polish" and that he was really "big" when I told him he couldn't force me to trade for him. About 10 days later a guy named "Travis" came onto a Ripp Off Report about Oil Trading Academy and said I scammed him, then another person by another name came on and said that I had scammed him too, his name was "Jeff" who was really Travis of course as were all the "people" who were posting there against me. What Travis was doing was putting on a false illusion that a whole bunch of people think I'm a scam and that everything I say is to promote that scam, he said I was a criminal, that I'm poor, that I live in a one bedroom apartment, etc. And the funny part to all of it is how everyone believed him, and it goes to show why lying is forbidden by God, all lying does is cause massive trouble for everyone.

It should be noted that Travis told me at the Ripp Off Report about Oil Trading Academy that "I'm safe until the time of the cleansing", because I asked him what's next, are you going to come and kill me now, and that's what he told me, that I'm safe until the time of the cleansing. You see this Freemason Polish Jew knows about the cleansing coming, while nobody else does. People have no clue that the Freemasons within the USA have setup FEMA camps under the guise of a potential emergency and purchased 30,000 guillotines for the purpose of putting millions of people to death by beheading them just as the Jew Freemasons did in Russia from 1917 to 1982 putting to death 60 million Christians. You see this is the big secret that you don't know about, right under your eyes and right under your noses the Freemason Jews have put the entire financial system under the control of computer, put a homosexual and transvestite as an abomination into the highest office of the USA, and are now ready to behead millions of people just as they've done time and time again and Americans walk around totally oblivious to what's going on being led from one lie to another fearful of everything not realizing everything they are being told is a 100% lie beyond belief. And when somebody like me starts saying the things I've just said they will be confronted in person and bullied non-stop 24 hours per day, wherever they go they will be confronted by dozens of people throughout the day. And if you speak the truth as I just have nobody will believe you, nobody will care, and thus the scientific reason is shown as to why it always happens over and over again, because human nature never changes nor will it change.

Starting at the same time as "Travis" started his slandering against me at all the trading forums out there, pretending to be a bunch of different people who all hate me, who I all treated unfairly, who I all yelled it, I was also being stalked in person. Now let me explain to you what these Freemasons have done to me so far. You are about to enter a bizarre world now one you won't believe but the truth needs to be spoken. In a general overall sense everywhere I would go, whether to the store or outside to the pool or anywhere at all, people would be all around me, starring at me, following me, giving me dirty looks, saying bad remarks about me, getting behind me on the road and then flipping out, coming into the driveway of my place and then freaking out at me for no reason at all, and I mean totally losing it flipping out as if the person were nuts or crazy or something.

One day I go down to the 7-11, I'm paying for my items when this guy at the back of the line starts calling me an idiot, a dummy, a tool, a moron, he started yelling at me and calling me every name in the book. He stood about 6'7" tall, I was so shocked that another human being was talking to me like this that I for the first time in my entire life was at a loss for words and didn't say anything at all, I simply walked over to him and cocked back my right arm about to knock every one of his teeth straight down his throat when he then pulled out a handgun on me and gave me a very evil smile. It was a setup, nothing more.

Not long ago another guy standing 6'2" slammed his cart into me on purpose at Whole Foods, when he did this to me I remained calm and said "excuse me". He then told me, "you meant to do that", I then told him "I didn't mean to have you hit me with your cart". He then told me, "yes you did". I then told him "no I didn't", he then said "yes you did, but you may leave now" as he pointed in the direction for me to go.

I then went up to him and told him, "why don't you get rid of your daughter and we'll settle this like men", he then walked away and said "no". I then walked back over to him which he was at the register and said "fat ass" as I walked by. He then said "oh yeah" and proceeded to lunge after me, I turned on him and covered getting into a martial arts stand and told him to come on, that he was a fat boy and didn't have a remote fraction of a chance against me, he just stood there like an idiot beyond belief, had I wanted to I could have easily hit him in the mouth, in the nose, in the stomach, anywhere I wished to hit him I easily could have. And I'll be honest right here and right now, if he hadn't of had a little girl about the age of 2-3 inside the cart he used to hit me with, I wouldn't have let him go, I would have hurt this man like his little pea brain isn't capable of comprehending, because he doesn't realize how stupid he is, many people are like that in this life. This again was another Freemason doing this to me, they wanted to let me know they didn't want me to talk about the Freemasons over at Online Traders Central as this reaches a great deal many people within the industry.

While this guy was at the register at Whole Foods he told the girl cashier something about me, before this happen this girl flirted with me and was very nice to me, afterward she acted very different towards me and I asked her what that guy said to her, she told me "none of your business", so obviously he did say something to her about me. It's my belief the guy told her some type of lie, this is what these people do to you when they want to get back at you, they go around everywhere telling everyone lies about you, and people actually believe these lies, this is the danger of these people, they are pure evil and need to be stopped.

These people have been playing a psychological game against me for the last 3 years, trying to make me go crazy, trying to make me believe things which aren't true, trying to surround me with people and circumstances which appear to be real but which are contrived events by actors playing out a role. For awhile I thought people all around me were losing their minds, acting crazy, screaming and yelling for no reason, getting pissed off at me everywhere I go, they were playing a war game against me to try and destroy me without looking like it.

It is time for every person in this world to wake up to what is really happening, this is going on all around you and you don't realize it. I'm going to begin to educate all of you as to what's truly going on at the highest possible level straight up to Lucifer himself and exactly what he is doing in this world through his people the Freemasons.

As I go forward with this blog I'm going to show you everything the Freemasons are doing, from all the politicians being Freemasons to the founders of the USA being Freemasons and Lucifer worshipers to all of Hollywood being Freemasons and pedophiles including the USA Congress and Senate and the Generals of the Army and Marines, all homosexuals and pedophiles, including Ronald Reagen who was also a Freemason to Bush Jr and Bush Sr to Ron Paul, all of these people including all the Kings of the earth are all Freemasons. Obama is also a Freemason and homosexual and his wife is actually a transvestite, the Freemasons are going to use Obama as a sacrifice to usher in their New World Order, otherwise known as the great 7-year Tribulation period within the Bible.

Almost all the people who you see and hear are in fact homosexuals, the reason for this is because the Freemasons have placed these people into positions of influence to get everyone to believe that being a homosexual is normal and good and that these people are talented and nice people, that there is nothing wrong with them at all.

Of course nothing could be further from the truth as I will clearly show and prove how homosexuals are evil people who hate God, hate Christ, hate righteousness, hate that which is good and embrace everything evil and corrupt like whore mongering, sexual perversion of every kind, prostitution, etc. They are the exact opposite of a godly person.

What you're going to learn from me over time is that everything you believe to be true, no matter what the issue is, is the exact opposite of the truth, and I do mean everything. All the people who you think are good people are pure evil, like Pat Robertson the Freemason or Joel Olsteen who teaches the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches and the exact opposite of what Christ taught. All of the people who you think are "Christians" are actually 100% Antichrist and will worship him when he comes.

You are about to enter the real Twilight Zone, where your whole entire world and what you call reality will be completely destroyed and you're going to realize the true nature of where you are and who you are, and you'll finally understand the truth. At that point you won't listen to the CIA television anymore or watch the Freemason sports anymore or listen to the media lies and fear anymore spoken by homosexuals and lesbians and you'll truly come out of the Matrix, finally realizing what the movie the Matrix is really all about where Neo is the Antichrist who fights against Christ to save Zion which is a homosexual hell hole underground with lesbians and homosexuals and fornication taking place inside the "Temple" and Neo is the Antichrist who meets with God and tells God "you better hope we don't meet again". Neo the Antichrist brings peace to Zion by defeating Christ and making peace with God, this is the Freemasons version of wishful thinking as they won't be getting any peace from God and the Antichrist won't be defeating Christ in a fight either.

All of the movies are Freemason creations, I broke the entire Hollywood Code in 2009, and I will be fully exposing everything Hollywood is doing and one of the things they are doing is using the movies to telegraph what is coming and what is already here. I will explain the meaning of all the movies to you, the main purpose behind each movie made is to serve the Antichrist and his ways, they don't really have much to do with entertaining anybody just brainwashing them just like the television does.

You are about to enter a world you cannot begin to imagine, most people will never be able to understand they are too caught up into this world and the lies of the world, but for those of you who want to learn the real truth of what's really going on God's servant is here to wake you up.

The whole entire brainwashing of evolution and psychiatry has been done by the Freemasons, they know and understand this information to be false but they tell everyone these lies to take the truth away from them, and then teach them these lies at the colleges and then give them a "diploma" to reward them for learning lies and being brainwashed into believing lies. The Bible describes how this is being done by the Jews, and that they would go into each country of the Gentiles and not only teach them things which aren't true such as lies about what the Bible says but also to approve of them when they sin, teaching them to whore monger by going to Thailand or the Philippines, or teaching them to hate men and that men are the enemy of women, teaching them to fornicate and how cool that is like being James Bond while you kill other people in the name of queen and country. To now openly teaching it's cool to act like a degenerate person fighting and cussing and getting tattoos all over your body and thinking about nothing or doing nothing of any value just sitting around doing nothing and talking about nothing, except of course for degenerate thoughts and actions.

Your whole entire life is about to change, and right now you have no idea about that, you cannot begin to imagine it, but if you read my posts here at this blog I'm going to walk you through everything one step at a time going back to the beginning of Adam and Eve and Noah's flood to the present, you will come away understanding all things and knowing exactly who the enemy is and where they are in society.

They are going to crash world markets in one day and they are going to bring out a meteor scare saying a meteor is going to hit the earth, and a black president will be in office when this happens. Get ready everyone, the end is closer than you think.....

David Kuvelas
Oil Trading Academy

P.S. This is my public statement and prior warning to the FBI, the Sheriff, any future Judge I may have and any future Jury I may have, the next person who this punk Freemason Jew Boy sends to confront me which will of course be a Gentile as the Jews are too much of sissy boys to do it themselves I will in fact snap this persons neck and purposely break their back on purpose. The reason for this is because I do not tolerate this kind of action being taken against me and after over 3 years of it I'm ready to take action. I will not use any weapon whatsoever, only my bare hands this I give my word on. But make no mistake, I have tried notifying the FBI each time I do they hang up the phone on me, I've had enough, the next time that comes it's over with for the person doing it, I do not care the consequences it makes no difference to me whatsoever, my life is lived outside the Jew Matrix not within it. This statement is here to bare record to the truth of what's been happening to me and what I fear is the ultimate outcome of this 3 year long journey going through hell at the hands of a Freemason Jew. I want this punk sissy Freemason Jew boy found and I want at a bare spanking minimum of this punk to be put into prison, or I want to kill him myself.....Signed....David Kuvelas
Posted 13th May 2019 by David Kuvelas

15 View comments

David KuvelasMay 4, 2015 at 9:46 AM
I would also like to go on record and state that the FBI and all law enforcement work directly for the Jews and do what the Jews tell them to do. Not one law enforcement agency will help me and not one lawyer gives a rats flying ass. The whole world now is corrupt beyond measure, and all these freaks think they can corrupt me as well and try to force me into it. I want to go on record stating it's the JEWS doing this, it's the JEWS who are the enemy, it's the JEWS who are gang stalking me, it's the JEWS lying to everyone all over the world. It's the JEWS who need to be put to death once and for all. Let David Lewis Kuvelas speak the truth to the whole entire world, and not one Jew anywhere on this planet is man enough to face me, 100% guaranteed on a silver and gold platter. In my opinion the Jews of this world are the biggest bunch of sissies the world has ever seen before, and they are disgusting beyond measure. And I can kick every Jews ass in this world with the greatest of ease.....Jews are faggots and sissies by their very natures.....And no little punk Jew boy can extort me to trade for them, and all the gang stalking to try and get me to do so hasn't worked and little Jew boy cannot stand it. so little Jew slanders me for over 3 years because little Jew boy cannot force a Gentile to trade for him. What a f***ing loser beyond description, I hate Jews more than anybody on this planet has the brainpower to understand. If people don't want to wake up to the Jew problem that's their own fault.....David Lewis Kuvelas


William ScottMay 31, 2019 at 6:05 PM
I do not know about the Jews David; but I do know that this program was developed, refined, and made operational by the C.I.A. It is now overseen/supervised by the F.B.I who use law enforcement agencies, federal, state and local to execute and implement this illegal, immoral, heinous crime against humanity.

David KuvelasJune 11, 2019 at 11:44 PM
And yet nobody is going to do anything about it whatsoever. All the right to bear arms, all the millions of guns, all for nothing. The guns prove they are cowards thus the reason why they have a gun to begin with, nothing but cowards. Americans are now the cowards of the world. And they are all criminals now being led by Jews. You cannot imagine what's going to happen in the USA, it's beyond everyone's imagination. What I find funny though is just like the Jew Abraham Lincoln, just like the Jew Stalin, Americans will worship their killers.......


AnonymousOctober 7, 2016 at 11:13 AM


AnonymousDecember 2, 2016 at 11:41 AM
Everything you are saying, David, makes absolute sense. I am very much a fan of yours, and find you not only very enlightening, but also in a very entertaining and funny way. I couldn't agree more with you that this pathetic excuse of a country is Lucifer's country. My whole life people have walked all over me and have taken advantage of me, and have shunned me. That's why I have very few, if any, friends. I wonder if what you're saying, about other countries not being this way, is really true. Only visiting a foreign land would be the way to find this out. When I have the means, I will do so. Thank you for being the awakener to us all, David. God and Christ bless. Please wish me luck in my endeavors, that I can break free of Lucifer's sphere of influence. Keep up the good work.


David KuvelasDecember 2, 2016 at 7:54 PM
Hi Anonymous, I'm now living in Thailand and you cannot imagine what it's really like here. Like you I wondered if it was true that people were nicer in other countries but of course I was somewhat skeptical. When I came here I immediately and continually realized that here in Thailand it's a whole other world here, both men and women are very friendly and respectful, you would be hard pressed to find a Thai who was mean or gave dirty looks or wanted to fight or acted stupid, I personally have not seen it. Living here has made me realize just how bad the USA truly is, it's so bad within the USA now it's not describable. Living in the USA I would give up all hope for humanity, living in Thailand has restored that hope and taught me a good lesson that if you live in Lucifer's country and allow Jews to own and run everything they will destroy your country, destroy your society, make everyone poor on purpose, pervert everyone's mind into pure depravity, make everyone hate each other, bring divorce and division and chaos at every possible level, teach nothing but lies, take away all truth and replace that with pure lies, gang stalk people to shut them up, kill people who speak the truth, try to control you and extort you and manipulate you and molest you when young. I don't have any hope left for the USA I believe it's going to go into martial law and it's going to go down just as the Jews took over Russia and put to death over 60 million Christians and turned it into a Communist country where everybody was poor and a serf. I hope that you're able to make it out of there but no matter what just remember that God is in control of all things :-)


AnonymousDecember 3, 2016 at 10:57 AM
Thank you David, that is very reassuring. I like sincerely to believe that God has the plan, and that things happen for a reason. I still do not know, however, why God put me on this planet. I feel very purposeless in my existence. Have you ever felt that way? And what do you do to remedy that feeling if you have? Thank you again for your correspondence.

David KuvelasDecember 3, 2016 at 9:41 PM
When I lived within the USA I basically always felt that way. But that is the way you're suppose to feel though within the USA, which has been scientifically engineered by the Jews who run and control the country. They have taken away God, taken away Christ, taken away the real Church, taken away family and marriage, taken away community and belonging, taken away human conversation except on the Internet where it's usually either vanity like Facebook or insults and depravity in forums and posts and conversations. They have taught women to hate men, and in return now the men are hating the women back. They have completely destroyed the USA society in every way possible, as Bush Sr pointed out the New World Order will have a thousand points of light. They using Lucifer's power and knowledge ruin everything in a thousand different ways. The points of light is the light which comes from Lucifer to the "Illuminati". Now the USA stands in ruins on a social level and is just like Saddam and Gomorrah, or Babylon. The USA is Mystery Babylon within the Revelations, it's where the blood of the prophets will be found, it's where the beheading of Saints will take place by the Jews Messiah who is the Antichrist. The USA is the country to be used by the Antichrist to put his enemies to death, to put those who call themselves Christians and have the testimony of both God and his Christ. This is why life within the USA is torture, you are deprived of everything good while at the same time spoon fed everything bad in a thousand different ways. From pornography to divorce to homosexuality to transvestites to gay rodeos to all good jobs leaving the country to inflation on purpose to make everything more expensive to Obama care which is extortion by the Jews and Communism to no more families, no more good music, no more good movies unless of course you like one person after another killing somebody with a gun, or like watching sorcery of every kind, or you like idol worship of Captain America or Super Man or some other super hero. Go to another country outside the USA and outside where the Jews live and reside and you'll find life is just the exact opposite of this because the Jews aren't there to destroy everything. In these other countries people are normal, they are nice, they are respectful, they are civilized, they are family orientated, they are friendly to each other in society, whereas for instance in the USA everybody is afraid of each other. This social interaction is what people truly need and want, not expensive cars or huge houses or designer clothes, but a sense of community, and community of decency and relative righteousness where everybody is uplifted by society to keep themselves under control and well behaved and not fall into the pit of sin and depravity which leads nowhere except for destruction. The Jews knows this all too well, which is they they lead people there to destruction because the Jews know full well they're going to Hell as does Lucifer and they want to drag as many people down with them as they possible can. There is no hope left for the USA, Trump like everyone else is a Freemason and Lucifer worshiper, nothing is going to change Trump won't do one thing he promised just as they all do not. And in fact he'll do the exact opposite of what he promised, as they all do. That's what Lucifer worshipers do, they lie through their teeth without end and then do the opposite of what they said all to show that they are superior to everyone else in that they can lie lie lie but nobody will do one thing about it. Now that I've left the USA my life has become a thousand times better then when in the USA, now I can be a man, have women everywhere interested in me, and have peace from other men who do not bother me in anyway and in fact are super friendly to me. Being a man is what God created us for and to be, and being out of the USA allows that to manifest naturally.

David KuvelasDecember 3, 2016 at 9:41 PM
The USA should now be considered a Jewish occupied Communist nation which is about to enter into the typical Communist pattern of dictatorship, chaos, and slaughter and famine on purpose, financial collapse on purpose, and destruction in every way possible. They will take away all the land ownership, then take away and or tax to death property ownership, then they'll come after the bank accounts and will get them under financial martial law. The Jews are going to do to the USA just as they did to Russia, only I believe this time around they'll have their Messiah the Antichrist or Son of Perdition helping and directing them. This is actually what the Freemasons created the USA from the very beginning to be and become. So if you're living within the USA you're living in a total hell hole without realizing it, and once you leave to a normal country your life should get a lot better in virtually every way.......David

AnonymousDecember 5, 2016 at 7:47 PM
This country seems to be like an onion, with layer upon layer of conspiracy being revealed and exposed. But why here and now do the Freemasons put their schemes in motion? At no other place and time in history could it have been done to such an extent? They have of course tried many other times in the timeline of human existence, but only now has their twisted nightmare succeeded so well to become realized.

David KuvelasDecember 5, 2016 at 8:22 PM
Well I presume it's because the Great Tribulation period is about to start, to which the Jews call "The New World Order". It's the time where the Jews get to take global control of the world through Jewish dictatorship and when their coming Messiah will take global power and be worshiped as God. The Jews are in full control of Russia, China, and the USA, and they are in full control of every money system in the world. If you want to know what's coming to the USA you can watch this video:

There is also a full version of that video and you'll learn a lot by watching it. The Jews have demoralized the USA and destabilized the USA, what comes next is crisis and then tyranny.

The USA was started from the very beginning by Jews and the first President of the USA was a Jew. The Jews now run and control Russia, China, and the USA and all of Europe.

The whole purpose to everything the Jew does is to pave the way or roll out the red carpet for their Messiah that's coming who is the Antichrist. The global wireless system that's been built all over the world is the system the Antichrist will use to control all peoples ability to buy and sell.

My real awakening came when these Jews gang stalked me everyday for over 3 years and how law enforcement wouldn't do anything whatsoever about it. And the Jews told me beforehand that's what would happen and they were right. They control everything not just the money of the world, everything you see and hear is one big gigantic Jew illusion including the whole concept of money itself. The Jews are going to destroy the USA to bring about the coming of the Antichrist to the world, and nothing can stop that from happening as this is also God's plan and the Jews are doing what God is allowing them to do. Anybody who follows the Jew and worshipers their Messiah will be going to hell, and in my belief most all people will be worshiping the Jews Messiah. As Paul said "the deception will be so powerful that if it were possible even God's very elect would be deceived". God only wants those chosen by him to come out of the great Tribulation, everyone else will be deceived in one way or another and not make it this first time around.

What's truly amazing to me in here in Thailand nothing like this even occurs, life here is like a paradise, all you have to do is get away from Jews and life becomes really good, be around Jews and it's a hell hole in every last possible way. And most all people follow the Jew in fornication, adultery, homosexuality, transvestites, lying, being filled with hate and violence, etc.

The Jews caused 9-11 in the USA and they will be causing the next big event to happen in order to roll the tanks down the streets and declare martial law. And the irony is when this happens the people will be so happy that it's happening......

AnonymousDecember 10, 2016 at 5:42 PM
Greetings once again, David. How is the temperature in Thailand, particularly in Bangkok, this time of the year? How much Thai can you speak? Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you Merry Christmas (and I mean Christ Mass, not "X-Mas") and a very happy New Year. It's incredible how the true meaning of this holiday has been turned so upside-down, so commercialized. It's evil. But I'm not gonna harp on it anymore. I don't know how to conclude my comment, so I'll just say to have a good one, take it easy.

AnonymousJune 4, 2018 at 4:06 PM
I am also a victim of gang stalking. I have over 100 videos online concerning gang stalking. Check out my video called FEMA's Citizens Corps & Unconstitional Treatment. I have videos that clearly show that funds are given to Jewish organization as urban grants and that this movement is unfortunately tied to Zionist.

AnonymousMarch 5, 2019 at 8:37 AM
Thailand is wonderful but talk about transvestites wow crazy in Thailand, I did not like being hit on by transvestites constantly. Also please do not say Jews like that. It is NOT Jews it is Zionists, pretending to be Jews. It's like calling all blacks the N word. Zionists are the evil Freemasons, that is not all Jews. Other than that yes everyone should know about whats really going on

David KuvelasMay 14, 2019 at 12:07 AM
I've been in Thailand now for over 3 years, nothing like this ever happens to me. But in the USA it's one faggot after another who hits on me and wants to get together with me. The USA, like Israel is the faggot capitol of the world. Whereas here in Thailand you would be hard pressed to find a faggot here. You would have to go down to the prostitute area to find such a thing, nowhere else does it exist. So here in Thailand faggots do not bother me at all, but the in the USA is an epidemic off the charts......
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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Winston »

Yohan wrote:
April 20th, 2018, 11:50 am
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Locate the whereabouts of a federal inmate incarcerated from 1982 to the present

Register Number: 14603-018
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Released On: 04/13/1999
Do those records explain what he did and what he was arrested for? Was the evidence against him rock solid? What if those "jews and freemasons" he hates had him framed? Isnt that what he would claim?
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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Winston »

In case anyone wants to know, David Kuvelas explains at the beginning of this video why he killed a biker dude in self-defense who was trying to kill him. Maybe that was why he was arrested? If so, then if a man kills in self-defense, it doesn't make him a criminal really right?

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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Winston »

I don't understand. Why would OTA put that review from someone who claimed he was scammed and bullied and extorted by him, up on his own website? Isn't that against his own interest?

He looks really buffed by the way. lol


Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote:
April 18th, 2020, 11:27 am
Yohan wrote:
April 20th, 2018, 11:50 am
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Locate the whereabouts of a federal inmate incarcerated from 1982 to the present

Register Number: 14603-018
Age: 52
Race: White
Sex: Male
Released On: 04/13/1999
Do those records explain what he did and what he was arrested for? Was the evidence against him rock solid? What if those "jews and freemasons" he hates had him framed? Isnt that what he would claim?
... might be something like fraud/forgery...see below... ... ic=14113.0

Title: Re: Re: Re: Thank God!!!
Post by: John LV on December 15, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Thank God!!!, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 15, 2002

Buddy, I'm very sorry to tell you but boxing is a sport, and if thats all you know, you wouldn't stand a fraction of a chance against me.
I'm a second degree black belt in Kenpo and Tae Kwon Do, I have been training since I was five years old, and when I went to prison twice in my life for credit card fraud, I kicked more black guys butts than you could every possibly imagine, my nickname was Rocky, and on the football field, my nickname was Elway.

I can punch concrete walls at 75% power, I can punch anything I want and not even begin to hurt my hand, and I can punch harder than most anyone.

Do you understand Bruce Lee's system Jeet Kune Do? It means "the way of the intercepting fist", and it's a perfect system to fight a boxer with, you would walk right into a punch as you tried to punch. And that's if you didn't piss me off, because if you did I would rip out one of your eyes so fast you wouldn't have the chance to even blink, let alone hitting you in the solar plexes or groin.

I taught many black guys martial arts while in prison after they saw me kick the hell out of some of their buddies, even a boxer who taught boxing decided to learn from me.

Do you know what a Wing Chun Roll is?

The best thing I do on this planet is fight, and few have ever been able to stand up to me.

As far as money goes, money is evil, and it is wrong on a quantum level, and as the Bible says, "it would be harder for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camal to go through the eye of a needle"

I would never want to be rich, for if you are rich it means you do not care about other people who make 7 dollars an hour and cannot afford to survive.

But the story of your friend who gives away 950K of the 1M, heck, if that is true, he is a very special person, I have never met or even heard of such a person before.

I have lived a very sad and depressing life, and its amazing I'm still alive, and to be honest, I don't care about being alive any longer, so let me just go my way and you won't have to hear from me anymore, ok?

I have enough problems right now than to have to deal with people wanting to fight me, besides I'm too depressed to fight anyway.

I sincerely honestly appreciate all of you who have given me advice, I do believe you guys are very nice people, but the fact of the matter is I do have very serious problems, and nobody can help me with them, its hopeless I can assure you.

All I want to do is finish my two books I put on hold while I was with Natasha, and start my website where I will describe the truth about this life, that will be my small contribution in this world before I exit stage right.

Peace my friend, you sound like a nice guy, I'm sorry if I said anything to you that made you angry, trust me, I'm not worth getting angry over.

David ... #comment_3

David Kuvelas
AUTHOR: biffco - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well, David. How about you explain your multiple felony fraud and forgery convictions in Florida? Or the liens against your property filed just last year by creditors? What about all the stuff in Southern California?

You leave quite the slimy trail, my friend. But now you've spammed the wrong person -- one who knows how to put you where you belong, with some of your fellow conscience-free scumbuckets. You're human garbage - your whole life is devoted to running sleazy, lowlife scams, and you don't even do THAT well. If you had just gotten a real job years ago and stopped trying to screw people over, none of what is about to happen to you would have happened. Too late now, though.
This comment is still out on the internet, link above.

And this is the reply from David Kuvelas...

Empty talk only - but he does not deny these accusations... and for sure, the Federal Bureau of Prisons Records makes it clear that he has been a federal inmate.

#4 REBUTTAL Owner of company

You Have A Lot Of Nerve, and Even More Stupidity
AUTHOR: David - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, June 18, 2011

First you bear false witness against me, then you threaten me and say "what's about to happen to you, and now it's too late", ROTFLOL. Listen, I know you don't have the brainpower to understand this, but you don't have the brainpower to do anything to me whatsoever, I could tell you where I live, my phone number, or anything else, and like a sissy you aren't going to do anything whatsoever, except of course continue to bear false witness against me. You make me laugh, you call me a scum when in reality it is you who is the scum, plain and simple. And furthermore dumb dumb, I have a bare minimum of a THOUSAND times your intellect, let alone moral character, and I know more about this life than you are capable of imagining let alone comprehending. Not only am I superior to you intellectually, but I'm also superior to you in every other way as well, physically and morally for instance.

Your problem is you are jealous of me, and you are a punk, plain and simple, and I'm challenging you here in a public place on the Internet do to anything to me whatsoever punk, and I laugh in your face for thinking you have the brainpower to do anything to me whatsoever.....


Oil Trading Academy
This is all crazy stuff and the best is to have nothing to do with this kind of people.
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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Yohan » ... ic=14113.0

David Kuvelas was posting there, obviously after his release from jail.
Still some fragments in archives on the internet
Title: Re: LP really, I'm surprised at you, what chance do you have-
Post by: John LV on December 15, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to LP really, I'm surprised at you, what ch..., posted by Oscar on Dec 15, 2002

You would be surprised how good those Secret Service agents are, I certainly was, you would not believe how they were able to catch me, I had no idea they would go to such lengths to find someone. They impressed me very much, and I realized it just wasn't worth trying to fight the Federal Government, they are just too powerful and resourceful, and that's why I don't mess with them anymore either.
Besides, I only have a certain type of intelligence, in many ways I would not even be considered average, let alone intelligent.

Most people have a more balanced intelligence, I have a very imbalanced intelligence, very intelligent in certain ways, and not very intelligent in others. I suspect this is true of many of the most intelligent people in this world, or a least a lot of them.

I think it would be more true to say I have a great deal of knowledge and understanding as oppossed to intelligence.
It seems he was grown up with a crazy mother - nothing mentioned about a father btw.
Title: And....
Post by: wizard on December 15, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Not Interested Any More, posted by John LV on Dec 15, 2002

I guess you also qualify as an astronaut, brain surgeon and messiah too??? Eh...
You come to this forum, beg for advice, ingnore all that is given, then vilify those who call you on your dubious behavior...

Didn't your mama teach you how to play nice???

Title: Re: And....
Post by: John LV on December 15, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to And...., posted by wizard on Dec 15, 2002

No my mother left when I was about 7 years old, but before she did, she used to leave me in the car for hours upon hours while she visited with people, did the shopping, or even at the house when she went inside, I was left in the car, told not to leave.
I remember one time when I woke up at nightime, in a strange neighborhood I did not recognize, it was dark and I was in the car, I started crying and didn't know what to do so I got out of the car, walked across the street to the nearest house and knocked on the door, this elderely couple answered the door and must have been pretty surprised to see a 5 year old standing there crying. They let me in and told me to sit on their couch, so I did but I was so scared I wet my pants all over their couch, (poor people). They called the police, I remember the police showing up and I would assume they started knocking on doors to find my mother, they did and she came to get me.

If that had happen today, she would no doubt be arrested and put in jail for child neglect, as she should have been.

Lesson to be learned? Yes, don't get pregnant when your 14 years old and have a kid when your 15. And, not all woman make good mothers.

But hey, thanks for asking.

Title: Wait a minute now.....
Post by: SteveG on December 15, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The Racist Agenda - *THIS* is the Ch..., posted by John LV on Dec 15, 2002

You just said above that you beat many black men senseless when you were in prison. They were helpless before your superior athletic ability in fighting. They came to you begging for you to teach them your superior skills even. Now you say Blacks are far superior in athletic ability to you? Huh?!?! If your gonna blow smoke at least make it consistent! LOL
Title: Yes, and You Are (Among Other Dysfunctions) a Bigot . . .
Post by: Dan on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The Racist Agenda - *THIS* is the Ch..., posted by John LV on Dec 15, 2002

And a racist and it is abhorrent. It is also counter to the teachings of Christianity - which flies in the face of your other recent posts on this board.
You are one sick puppy David. Get help - and soon.
- Dan
Title: David, you'd better forget revenge
Post by: Mike on December 15, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
You will only cause yourself and prolong you hurt by seeking out revenge on your X. She has been here long enough to stay and that is a fact! Go do a search and see if you can find one man that sent his wife back to Russia when she wanted to stay here. I bet you don't find one case. David, if you want her to leave the country you had better have proof that she committed a very bad crime, and that means something more then just your word! (selling drugs, robbing banks, stealing from the government---). At this point anything you do will instantly be looked at by the INS as just a heart broken man wanting revenge and they will ignor it. She has been here long enough to stay and there's nothing you can do about it. I knew one guy that was so angry that he told the INS that he married his wife only to get her a green card and it was all a fake marriage! Needless to say nothing was done about it because they knew he was just hurt and out for revenge. If anything the idiot is lucky they didn't fine him for many thousands of dollars.
Title: Thank God!!!
Post by: Globetrotter on December 15, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Not Interested Any More, posted by Charles on Dec 15, 2002

Well, free legal advice, and he pees on the lawyer. Let the jerk go. Wouldn't it serve him right cause his wife couldn't afford a lawyer, she ends up with the best lawyer "his money can buy?"
He insults most on the board, threatens me, and does nothing with his supposed "amazing" skills (memorized from science books.) Like a body builder...what do they do with the beautiful body? Pose. He has revelations and talks to God, knows more than anyone on the planet, suicide is a corageous act, and his mom was made pregnant by a demon's rape. (I wonder if the pregnancy came to term?) Does he use his "incredible" skills to teach, invent, help? No...he's a day trader! Gee, I wonder why this "legend in his own mind" has no friends and a failed marriage. Let's see...what odds would you give him to succeed next time? Since he lives in Vegas, I think a bookie could clean up at 1000 to 1.

Let the penishead, abject, loathesom, urban-toughguy-want-a-be-Rambo.........just disappear.

PS: Death by suicide can be accomplished by purchasing a piece, brandishing it in the street, and when the cops show up, point it at them. Done, problems solved...and your "plasma/DNA that never dies" will fester within the universe for all time!

Sorry LP, we all have our breaking point. Now I see why this turkey/idiot/moron is so hated.
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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Yohan »

This guy is plainly crazy, a case for a secure mental hospital.

http://oiltradingacademytradesvideoblog ... ll-my.html

For the full text see link above
Both YouTube and Facebook are blocking all my posts, so therefore I'm posting all my responses here at this blog post so that the truth can be spoken and not blocked by Jews who don't want people to know what is really going on......David Kuvelas
I hate all Jews on this planet and want to f***ing kill every last f***ing Jew boy mother f***er there is on this planet.....and before I die I 100% f***ing guarantee I'm going to get Jew blood.....and I'm going to take great f***ing pleasure in killing Jews, and anybody who gets in my f***ing way is also going to die......FBI.....CIA.....Secret Service.....all sissy little f***s working for Jews.....get in my f***ing way mother fuckers and you'll also die you bunch of sissy ass little f***ing bitches.........Sincerely......David Lewis Kuvelas
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Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Post by Yohan »

HappierAbroad is also mentioned as a link. ... ew-29.html
Robotman View Post
Just received an email spam from our old friend David.
I feel like I'm back in the "Club 3000" from back in the 1990s. David is at it again with a new scam.

This time he's invented a whole bunch of fake commenters accounts so he can post to YouTube and make it look like there is a lot of interest out there. Every post uses similar words and language.

You've got to ask yourself one question. If you had stumbled upon a system to make a ton of money in the markets, would you sell it or trade the hell out of it?

I'm just surprised the CTFC hasn't shut this guy down yet. But he is entertaining to listen to.
I wonder if he would sell to me if I told him I was a Jewish Freemason?

Apparently he's since moved to Thailand. More "gifts" that keep on giving, have fun!
(as usual, with his fake id yt comments) ... // (him showing off his computer setup from his ill-gotten fraud profits, more disgusting than funny) ... // (leaving USA, rant) ... // (Thailand) ... ... // (blackjack scam) ... 2&start=15

Last edited by Cloudy; December 6th, 2018 at 11:53 AM.
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