Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by Winston »

droid wrote:
Winston wrote:The thing is, the people around u rub off on you. When youre in taiwan and all the women u see are in a state of extreme fear, weakness, and zero confidence and zero social skills and zero personality, that will definitely rub off on you and make you uncomfortable and give you creepy vibes too.

Simply put, if taiwanese girls feel creepy about talking to strangers and strange men then you too will feel the same creepiness when trying to talk to them too. Similar to trying to cold approach in america and feeling that taboo creepy feeling of forbiddenness, which we can all attest to.
Yeah spending even a few hours among shitty people like this can definitely kill your 'mojo'.
This kind of feeds on itself and that's probably some places becomes so bad, and since they are conformists, nobody tries to break the cycle.
Winston wrote:For sure, taiwanese girls are the weakest and least confident females ive even seen on the whole planet. No other country has such weak girls with zero confidence and zero social skills to talk to strangers. Its like they are mentally handicapped or something. Very weird. And it feels like the most awkward thing to try to talk to them or to even be near them.
I thought it was that they had a smug attitude/cliquish, not just just simply shy/inept? or is it both?
If they are anything like the stupid koreans i've seen then i feel for you dude.
Yes very true. Good observation. Wherever you are, the environment rubs off on you, even though it's subconscious and not exactly a conscious choice. Its not a choice. Its inevitable. Some things are out of your control.

Yeah the fact that brothels in taiwan look creepy and dark at night and have bad marketing, coupled with the fact that taiwanese are conformists and feel guilty about going to such places due to the negative stigma, means its no surprise then that such places are usually empty with no other customers. Id imagine that a brothel in Taiwan gets maybe one or two customers a night. So you dont usually see any most of the time. Especially in smaller cities.

In contrast the brothels in Philippines and Thailand are usually packed.

Plus most of the girls there look unhappy and dont wanna be there. A few have good attitudes and are sweet but you have to wade through bad apples first to get to them. It just feels like a chore with weird and bad vibes.

Plus taiwan is very guilt inducing and fear inducing. So you feel fear and guilt all the time, especially if you do something taboo. So you cant feel confident in taiwan because confidence is not validated or approved of.

In short you arent allowed to be yourself in taiwan, unless of course your true self is one of fear, weakness and guilt. Lol.

So theres no freedom in taiwan if you cant be yourself. So why then does the US government call taiwan "the free face of china"? Wtf is the US government smoking?! Theres even a US government video on YouTube called "taiwan the free face of china" from 1960s. Lol. Free to do what? The US government and media never make any friggin sense!

Yes of course taiwanese girls are not just snobby and cliquish. They are shy and inept as well. Zero social skills and zero confidence and shitty personality. Definitely the most boring girls on Earth. Totally impossible to connect with. Ive never understood how taiwanese couples connect or have any chemistry or connection.

Theres nothing with being shy. Thats not the problem. You see, a shy girl can still be approachable if they like you and are sweet. Many girls in Philippines are shy and when i flirt with them they blush and giggle. Even in Russia, many young girls act shy and sweet and blush. They dont treat me like i dont exist or act like im an annoying pest like taiwanese girls do.

In taiwan if youre a stranger, all girls under 40 years old will ignore u like u dont exist. Only the women that are 40 start to become more confident and relaxed. Totally sucks for sure. But this fact gets no media coverage outside this forum for some reason. Why does no one else state the obvious?????

Also when i bring up these subjects to locals in Taiwan that i make small talk with, they never deny that im right and always admit that im right. So im definitely not the only one that sees this, its just that no one else will bring up such a subject with others.

Yes taiwanese girls seem similar to korean girls. Similar vibe. Korean girls are like that too. They treat strangers like they dont exist. There are many korean girls in angeles city and they ignore all people except for their korean friends. Even rock was afraid to approach them when i challenged him to when he was in angeles city.

If you've been around korean girls then you know what i mean. They have a weird vibe too and an ice wall. It feels creepy to approach them or try to open up a conversation with them.

I dont understand why taiwanese girls like to dress so sexy and show off their legs and skin so much, if they arent looking to meet anyone. Do they enjoy being a cock tease? As the saying goes, "if you aren't in business, dont advertise."
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Post by MatureDJ »

momopi wrote:Studio photos may not reflect actual appearance:

These gals are really cute, like real live anime cartoons!
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by momopi »

With Taiwan girls if they are interested in you they will be more open and friendly, otherwise they won’t waste their time. Of all my ex GF’s the one who treated me the best AFTER the breakup is in Taiwan. After parting ways with my ex fiancé in 2008 she continued to send me funny and cheerful emails every week until 2011. She made sure that I was OK and talked to me when I was upset. She also offered to pay for a match making event in Taipei for me where they host 30 guys and 30 girls for speed dating. She meet her husband that way. Last week was her 40th b day and she was at the hospital isolation ward due to an infection. Fortunately it wasn’t serious and she was able to spend the weekend celebrating her B day with her son. I was very relieved at the news.

I was introduced to her at a wedding by her godmother who knew me for over a decade and vouched for me. Actually to be more precise I was setup as her rebound as she was still depressed from her previous breakup (she dated a younger coworker that her parents hated and forced the breakup). If I had saw her on the street and tried to hit on her she would probably have turned me down flat with my shitty cold pickup skillz. But her godmother insisted that I was good marriage material and spoke to her parents beforehand. Things didn’t work out but I would never be ungrateful to her. If you think this kind of relationship is bullsh*t or pathetic, don’t bother going to TW — wrong place for you.

While couples do meet and marry by themselves in TW the parents can sometimes have a large influence. I went to Kaoshung to attend my cousin in law’s wedding last year. They meet at work and the girl was HR department eye candy. The owner of the company knew the girl’s parents and personally intervened to put in a good word for my cousin to her parents. They were married within the year. @-@. I will dig up some photos for posting later.

As for P4P in Taiwan you really need to be able to read and communicate in Chinese for better access. JKF forum is a good resource with reviews, but be wary of bait and switch & fake reviews. You’re on your own for this one (don’t ask me to help).
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Re: Re:

Post by momopi »

MatureDJ wrote:
momopi wrote:Studio photos may not reflect actual appearance:

These gals are really cute, like real live anime cartoons!
Some of the photos are obviously fake and stolen from popular webcam/internet models in Taiwan.

The webcam girl market in TW pretty much crashed from too many girls and not enough customers. Some turned to semi nude/nude modeling to make a living. I think it may be possilbe to open a small photo studio and service to cater to the models, as their fan base are pervert men willing to pay to take photos in person. You would need to act as manager and bodyguard against hairy palmed fans and stalkers. But it’s a way to these girls who have little to no marketable work skills and possibly looking for a meal ticket.
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by droid »

Winston wrote:Yes of course taiwanese girls are not just snobby and cliquish. They are shy and inept as well. Zero social skills and zero confidence and shitty personality. Definitely the most boring girls on Earth. Totally impossible to connect with. Ive never understood how taiwanese couples connect or have any chemistry or connection.

Theres nothing with being shy. Thats not the problem. You see, a shy girl can still be approachable if they like you and are sweet. Many girls in Philippines are shy and when i flirt with them they blush and giggle. Even in Russia, many young girls act shy and sweet and blush. They dont treat me like i dont exist or act like im an annoying pest like taiwanese girls do.

In taiwan if youre a stranger, all girls under 40 years old will ignore u like u dont exist. Only the women that are 40 start to become more confident and relaxed. Totally sucks for sure. But this fact gets no media coverage outside this forum for some reason. Why does no one else state the obvious?????

Yes taiwanese girls seem similar to korean girls. Similar vibe. Korean girls are like that too. They treat strangers like they dont exist. There are many korean girls in angeles city and they ignore all people except for their korean friends. Even rock was afraid to approach them when i challenged him to when he was in angeles city.

If you've been around korean girls then you know what i mean. They have a weird vibe too and an ice wall. It feels creepy to approach them or try to open up a conversation with them.
Some more loose thoughts here:

And ain't life a bitch in that the better looking ones are like this? Imagine if NE asians behaved like filipinas, and filipinas behaved like NE asians lol.
Still, those guys that went there in the 80's and 90's must've had a blast though.

The thing is those girls are all into familiarity and rapport, I see the dorkiest of guys with them because they share common activities. They're really not bad people I think, it's just that they need to see you four or five times to star recognizing you and at least saying hello. It is what it is.

One thing I do give Koreans is that despite the sexiness on the music videos, they are not into tattoos or piercings and are still conservative in some of those aspects, that's an awesome thing they still have, I respect that.

*I must add the caveat that there are conflicting reports though, everdred told me he would get stared at in Korea and that they were more social if they weren't the wealthy ones we see abroad.

This is a nice video about some of this

momopi wrote:I was introduced to her at a wedding by her godmother who knew me for over a decade and vouched for me. Actually to be more precise I was setup as her rebound as she was still depressed from her previous breakup (she dated a younger coworker that her parents hated and forced the breakup). If I had saw her on the street and tried to hit on her she would probably have turned me down flat with my shitty cold pickup skillz. But her godmother insisted that I was good marriage material and spoke to her parents beforehand. Things didn’t work out but I would never be ungrateful to her. If you think this kind of relationship is bullsh*t or pathetic, don’t bother going to TW — wrong place for you.
This is pretty much it, in a nutshell Winston. To "succeed" within these cultures you have to be slowly introduced and be a conformist willing to be the 11 hour shift salary man. No way around it I think.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by momopi »

Well, if you looked like Kim woo-bin then you are exempt from slow introduction. Hehehehe

My mom’s ex boss (from TW) has 2 sons, both were into body building and had chocolate abs. They both married Korean hotties from UCLA.

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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by Winston »

Two updates from September i forgot to post, but sent to my friends on WhatsApp:

First update:

[9/5, 7:02 AM] Winston: I finally did it. Went to brothel.
[9/5, 5:56 PM] Winston: It was ok but she was impatient and robotic. No passion.
[9/6, 4:05 AM] Winston: In thailand the girls are much warmer and put out energy.
[9/6, 4:06 AM] Winston: Ive begun to notice something. Taiwanese are like cold blooded reptiles. Theres something missing in them that makes them not able to enjoy life. Hard to put in words. U know what i mean right?
[9/6, 4:06 AM] Winston: How come im not a cold blooded reptile even though i have taiwanese blood and genes?

Second update:

[9/18, 3:39 AM] Winston: Wow what a night......
[9/18, 3:42 AM] Winston: First i had a dud at the brothel. She didnt like to be touched at all. Then she told me next time to ask for a girl in advance who is cooperative and like to be touched. Aka "peh hur".
Then she brought me another girl with a better attitude and she was perfect. Tall and white and sexy and curvy and smiley. Good attitude and cheerful. Let me touch her everywhere and hug her affectionately. She even let me f**k her without a condom wow. I never came inside a taiwanese girl without a condom before. So its a historic milestone! Lol.
[9/18, 3:44 AM] Winston: So white and tall and sexy legs. Wow. I wish the manager gave me her in the beginning.
[9/18, 3:45 AM] Winston: Then after the brothel i went to an all night vegetarian canteen and met this waitress girl from a bar. Shes a dancer too. She gave me her FB contact. Her photo from Facebook is below.
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by Winston »

momopi wrote:
October 23rd, 2017, 3:04 pm
With Taiwan girls if they are interested in you they will be more open and friendly, otherwise they won’t waste their time. Of all my ex GF’s the one who treated me the best AFTER the breakup is in Taiwan. After parting ways with my ex fiancé in 2008 she continued to send me funny and cheerful emails every week until 2011. She made sure that I was OK and talked to me when I was upset. She also offered to pay for a match making event in Taipei for me where they host 30 guys and 30 girls for speed dating. She meet her husband that way. Last week was her 40th b day and she was at the hospital isolation ward due to an infection. Fortunately it wasn’t serious and she was able to spend the weekend celebrating her B day with her son. I was very relieved at the news.

I was introduced to her at a wedding by her godmother who knew me for over a decade and vouched for me. Actually to be more precise I was setup as her rebound as she was still depressed from her previous breakup (she dated a younger coworker that her parents hated and forced the breakup). If I had saw her on the street and tried to hit on her she would probably have turned me down flat with my shitty cold pickup skillz. But her godmother insisted that I was good marriage material and spoke to her parents beforehand. Things didn’t work out but I would never be ungrateful to her. If you think this kind of relationship is bullsh*t or pathetic, don’t bother going to TW — wrong place for you.

While couples do meet and marry by themselves in TW the parents can sometimes have a large influence. I went to Kaoshung to attend my cousin in law’s wedding last year. They meet at work and the girl was HR department eye candy. The owner of the company knew the girl’s parents and personally intervened to put in a good word for my cousin to her parents. They were married within the year. @-@. I will dig up some photos for posting later.

As for P4P in Taiwan you really need to be able to read and communicate in Chinese for better access. JKF forum is a good resource with reviews, but be wary of bait and switch & fake reviews. You’re on your own for this one (don’t ask me to help).
Not exactly. They may be a little more open if they're interested. But thats if they are older. The young ones still have no social skills or confidence at all. And they act so fake that they have an uncomfortable vibe. Me and several guys here noticed that, including @bao3niang, @falcon, @zboy1.

They simply do not need guys and there is a lack of interest in making new friends in Taiwan. Many expats notice this too and have trouble making any local friends at all. And even other expats have adopted this same attitude where all they care about is privacy. The Taiwanese media has also noticed that Taiwanese only want privacy today, not social connection.

So there are multiple factors against you in taiwan. You cant even find a girl for language exchange anymore. The girls that want to learn English can just use their language apps to learn.

In Philippines i knew a cute Taiwanese girl who was dating a korean guy. She had a fat filipino girl for language exchange. I offered myself for language exchange to her but she only wanted a female for that. See how tight assed taiwanese are? Lol. Everything is against you in taiwan.

In 1989 all my relatives thought my loneliness in the bay area would subside when my cousins moved there. They were my same age. But when they arrived all they wanted to do was study and obey rules. Again a let down. Everything seems to be against me when it comes to taiwanese. Its as if there is some conspiracy against me.

@Momopi you had taiwanese girlfriends before. Can you explain how you connect with them or have any chemistry with them? I mean they have no interests or social skills and no soul. What do you talk about? How do you connect with a hollow eggshell? I see no logical answer. I am very good with people usually btw. I can connect with kids and elderly people and talk on their level. So my social skills are usually superb with westerners and those in friendly open countries. But when it comes to taiwan, im at a loss, like Superman without his powers on an island of kryptonite, like in the movie Superman Returns 2006.

Do you have any logical answers rather than wisecracks? The kind of logical answers that Spock or Data would give? How come my social skills work very well with different levels of people, including children and older people, but never with taiwanese? They have a bizarre vibe that even @falcon noted recently in another thread. Its hard to put into words. But you get the idea.
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by Winston »

droid wrote:
October 24th, 2017, 9:32 am
The thing is those girls are all into familiarity and rapport, I see the dorkiest of guys with them because they share common activities. They're really not bad people I think, it's just that they need to see you four or five times to star recognizing you and at least saying hello. It is what it is.

This is pretty much it, in a nutshell Winston. To "succeed" within these cultures you have to be slowly introduced and be a conformist willing to be the 11 hour shift salary man. No way around it I think.
Actually they are bad people. If you talk to them you see that they are spoiled bitches with a snotty attitude for no reason other than that they are girls and have pussies. That's the kind of attitude we all hate here. They are hollow and amoral too. The young generation in Taiwan is seen by all above them to be spoiled, useless and have no morals or respect for others. There is also a moral degeneration in Taiwan, similar to America. A degradation of family values too. So yes, they are shitty people on the inside. Talk to them and see their diva attitude and you'll see. They also have very bad vibes as me and Falcon noted in other threads.

Your last point is only half true. Yes of course they like to be introduced by mutual friends. But that's only half the problem. You see, the problem isn't just finding a way to meet them. It's also finding a way to connect with them too, or generate any chemistry. Even Falcon, who is in his 20's, cannot connect with them and he never matches on Tinder with them either.

What I mean is, even when they meet you, nothing happens. They have no interest in meeting new friends or even in language exchange. All they care about is their privacy so they can enjoy their luxury and phones. They don't give a damn about anything else. No soul. No inner life. No values. No accomplishments. No purpose in life. Nothing. All they got is looks and money. Nothing else on the inside. They have no other value than their looks. No inner qualities or soul or intelligence. Nothing.

How are you supposed to connect with that? Ask momopi. Maybe he will know. He's had TW girlfriends before. Maybe he can explain logically. Cause me and every computer in the world, including Spock and Data, cannot. I'd have an easier time explaining how a wormhole works in getting you from one side of the galaxy to the other, lol, than in explaining how to generate any chemistry with Taiwanese girls. Even nuclear physics would be easier to explain. lol

Even Rock cannot generate any chemistry with them. He says all the older ladies in Taiwan either prefer to be single or have personality problems and issues which make them too difficult to get along with, let alone generate chemistry with.

With Filipinas though, all you have to do is say anything corny or dorky or sweet and they will have a good time with it. That's an easy way of generating chemistry. Ask Falcon, he will agree 1000 percent.

Also, a much deeper problem than this is that they simply DISLIKE me for me. When they talk to me, they also dislike my personality and vibe. I don't know why. Women who are very superficial and judgemental and shallow usually dislike me, because I'm the opposite of them. People can sense that you are different if you are. You can't pretend to be like others if you are not. They can sense that you are not. One cannot fake their vibe.

Note that this has nothing to do with me doing anything wrong or saying anything wrong. They simply dislike who I am. In other words, they dislike me for me. They dislike my TRUE SELF. It's like when someone dislikes you for you. Know what I mean? As you know, when someone dislikes you for you, theres nothing you can do about it. Your soul, your frequency, what you are, puts them off somehow. I would say about 95 percent of Taiwanese girls don't like me for me, and avoid me after meeting me or give me the cold shoulder. The rest aren't attractive enough to bother with. I don't have their same uptight/repressed/self-hating snobby vibe, so what do you expect? lol. So you see, the problem goes far deeper than just "meeting them through circles of friends or school or work".

Also remember that two judgmental people will dislike each other if they don't have similar views and attitudes. Two open minded, laid back,non-judgmental people with differing views can get along though. But not two judgmental people with differing views, no way, that's a recipe for disaster, like oil and water. I can be judgmental too, but not in the superficial material sense. I judge people on the quality of their soul and character. In that sense, I can be judgmental of course. I think most here would be judgmental in that sense too. I've noticed that people who judge on soul and character usually like me, which speaks volumes in my favor.

Do you understand the big picture now? So you see this is not as simple of an issue as you think. Its a problem on many levels and cannot even be explained in words.

Even @momopi said he knows many taiwanese women he can introduce me to if I'm serious about marriage and settling down. However he never really introduces me to anyone because deep down he knows they will dislike me and that i would not be considered a good catch by their standards. Moreover i would have nothing in common with them either.

Moreover, I have no respect for Taiwanese snobbiness. They have nothing to be snobby about. No great accomplishments. Nothing to be proud of. All they have are looks and money. That's not a reason to be snobby. No one respects that kind of snobbiness. It's petty and immoral and attests to an ugly inner self and corrupt soul.

On the other hand, I can respect British snobbery, because Britain does have a lot to be proud of, and many accomplishments. They had the world's largest empire for almost 300 years, their language is the universal international language of the world, they created Western culture, had the best navy before, helped bring civilization to many backward countries, have won many great battles, etc. They have tons to be proud of. Thus they have a right to be snobby. And their snobbiness is AUTHENTIC and JUSTIFIED and backed up by real stuff.

But what I hate is when a country like Taiwan acts snobby for no reason other than that they are developed. That kind of snobbiness is immature, baseless and petty. Its an indication of a corrupt soul too. It deserves no respect, and it's INAUTHENTIC too. It feels fake and I deplore it. Its not justified at all. They also look down on mainland China for no reason. At least China had some great cultural accomplishments in the ancient past. Taiwan has none of that. Thus their snobbiness is fake, undeserved and despicable. Yet all Taiwanese are supposed to defend Taiwan as if it were some great country. Even Rock does. He has a weird Taiwanese/Asian soul and follows their snobby attitude toward China for no reason. He's definitely not a logical man.

Sorry for the superfluous long rant. But I just wanted to rub that in too.
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by Falcon »

With Filipinas though, all you have to do is say anything corny or dorky or sweet and they will have a good time with it. That's an easy way of generating chemistry. Ask Falcon, he will agree 1000 percent.
Oh yeah absolutely. Even mguy told me to do that. He told me to just walk up to random girls in Manila malls and say that they are maganda, straight to their faces. He just walks up to random girls and takes their photos. Now can you imagine that happening in Taiwan? No way.

Let me touch her everywhere and hug her affectionately. She even let me f**k her without a condom wow. I never came inside a taiwanese girl without a condom before. So its a historic milestone! Lol.
Dude. It feels good for a few minutes, but I'd personally be worried about getting something from these women.
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by Falcon »

Winston, you're good at putting these impressions into words.
I can't even talk about these things with my dad or brother or other family members without quickly eliciting a defensive answer. Taiwanese really, really don't like to be analyzed in the mirror like this.

Some eccentric old Taiwanese women that I met on the streets would randomly talk to strangers. Our conversations are so fun and even goofy. But it looks like they're the only ones who are like that.

Taiwanese women under the age of 35 are so boring, like frozen zombies. They don't try to criticize you or make you feel bad. They're just zombified, cold creatures.

Taiwanese women aged 35-60 are often very narrow-minded, workaholic corporate rat racers who will constantly make you feel fearful, guilty, inadequate, and negative. Criticizing this and that all the time. It's deeply ingrained into their subconsciousness, so they will constantly be like that. Almost all Southeast Asian migrant workers will complain about how many Taiwanese constantly make them feel this way.

And what do they attain after all those years of torturous rat racing? They buy tiny little condos that look like prisons and make you feel like you're in jail. The doors are protected by huge huge metal bars, the windows are barred, and security cards are needed to get in. My relatives all live in these cramped condos that are pretty much like jails. Taiwanese think it's what all adults need to accomplish in their lifetimes. Some also buy tiny little two-door mini cars.

All that relentless self-torture, sacrifice, obsession over money, and workaholism just to be able to afford this crappy mediocre middle-class lifestyles? It really blows my mind.

Not even ethnic Chinese from Malaysia, Singapore, or Hong Kong are like this. On the other hand, they are really energetic people who aren't like Taiwanese zombies.
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by momopi »

Winston wrote:
November 26th, 2017, 6:40 am
@Momopi you had taiwanese girlfriends before. Can you explain how you connect with them or have any chemistry with them? I mean they have no interests or social skills and no soul. What do you talk about? How do you connect with a hollow eggshell? I see no logical answer. I am very good with people usually btw. I can connect with kids and elderly people and talk on their level. So my social skills are usually superb with westerners and those in friendly open countries. But when it comes to taiwan, im at a loss, like Superman without his powers on an island of kryptonite, like in the movie Superman Returns 2006.
First, referring specifically to my ex-fiance, please make sure that we are talking about the same demographics group. My ex-fiance was not a young Taiwanese girl that I just dated. She was 27, has MA degree from NTU, spoke passable English/French, youngest person promoted to section chief at work (government agency), financially savvy (she had savings/investments of ~$50K USD), travelled abroad in Asia, US, and EU, has had several relationships and not a virgin. I was introduced to her by her god-mother specifically for marriage. I bought her a ring and her parents gave permission for us to travel knowing that we would be sleeping together. Does she fit the demographics that you are thinking?

Second, let's separate "chemistry" and "talk" (long distance relationship). When a couple finds each other physically attractive and hit it off, they have chemistry where even if the jokes are lame they are still funny. When I was in Southern TW with my ex she told me back when she was in Jr High, when the girls were developing boobs, they would sneak up to each other and grab each other's boobs from behind in horseplay. The school admins freaked out and sent them to counseling for improper sexual misconduct. My ex grabbed my chest from behind to demonstrate and I returned the favor, which turned into a make out session by the beach trail until someone walked by. That's chemistry (emotional and not logic), but let's take a step back.

Prior to meeting me in 2007 she was in a relationship that her parents did not approve that ended badly. Afterwards I think she decided to not be emotionally vested unless if her parents approved. Before I meet and received her parent’s approval we did not become a couple. Like many Taiwanese you're either "in" or "out".

Now let's look at "talk". Since it was a long-distance relationship we chatted on MSN and called each other every weekend. She loved to travel so we talked about places that we would go see on my next visit or trips abroad together. We lived in different countries so I had to consider topics of discussion that was relevant to her. For example I would tell her that she resembled 宋慧教 (Song Hye Kyo) from 浪漫满屋 (Full House 2004). She had seen the show but even if she did not, it was easy to obtain the DVD. This is one way to "connect" over long distance. Couples that don't have to deal with long distance often don't need "talk" as much when they are next to each other, as seen with couples that don't speak each other's language but have hot chemistry and communicate by body language and tone of their voice. Some estimates have claimed that communication between couples is 7% verbal, 38% voice tone and 55% body language. This is why long distance relationships are often difficult.

By 2008 our topics of discussion turned to topics like wedding hall selection, engagement photo studios, wedding planning/budget, meeting her grandparents/extended family, jointly purchasing a condo in Taipei, quitting her job and moving to US (which she ultimately refused), who would be responsible for what household choirs, and our thoughts on how to raise children. This isn't the kind of "talk" that you're thinking of, is it?

This conversation is like deja vu. It feels like you ask the same questions and write the same rants every few years. It’s like the previous lengthy conversations got wiped from your memory and you have to ask the same questions over and over again. I should save the URL’s from 2008-2013 and just paste them as replies to save time.

Winston wrote:
November 26th, 2017, 7:22 am
Even @momopi said he knows many taiwanese women he can introduce me to if I'm serious about marriage and settling down. However he never really introduces me to anyone because deep down he knows they will dislike me and that i would not be considered a good catch by their standards. Moreover i would have nothing in common with them either.
On Dec 20, 2012, this is what you wrote to me:

Post by Winston » Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:16 am
I didn't ask you to introduce me to a marriage partner. I only asked you to introduce me to a casual friend/dating partner. That's not a lot to ask. I do that for other people too. Why is that so complicated and difficult, like everything is in Taiwan? Why can't it just be simple and normal.

I did try to send you to a speed dating event hosted by siplove for Taiwanese with international experience (have lived/worked/travelled abroad) on August 11, 2012, where you could have meet 30+ girls. You blew me off.
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors - Winston's scouting report

Post by momopi »

Winston wrote:
August 29th, 2017, 6:47 pm
Wtf???? The other night i tried to go to the brothel again. I spent two hours circling around and even parked for a while, trying to get the nerve to go in. But the problem is.... No matter how hard i try, no matter how much will power i have, i get into this weird FIGHT OR FLIGHT panic mode whenever im physically near a brothel in chiayi. Its like a PARALYZING fear overtakes me that i have no control over! I dont know why. Its terrible as though it were a life and death situation and my life was in danger. Wtf?! This is in spite of the fact that ive been to many brothels and go go bars before. I dont know why. It's very f***ing weird and inexplicable.

Theres a Murphy's law here too, in that when I'm not near the brothel, i feel horny and sexual desire which makes me want to go. But then when i approach it and get nearby, i start to go into a panic mode again which subdues my sexual desires! So i can't f***ing win!!!!! Its a no win situation!
I don't really understand your fear. But if I felt nervous visiting such places, I would allocate some funds and visit "massage only" places for few weeks to de-sensitize myself. Preferably at good distance away from home (never know who you might bump into) like day/weekend trip to Taoyuan. For example:
https://www.facebook.com/love3356666 (Click on videos)

https://www.facebook.com/%E6%A8%82-%E6% ... 008108412/

https://www.facebook.com/%E5%AE%8C%E7%B ... 783300315/

Since you're only getting a massage there is no pressure to perform. But if your mentality is that you won't go the distance or won't pay because you're not getting laid, then you missed the point.

The girls who work at these places tend to have questionable backgrounds (school dropouts, poor parents sent them to work in massage parlor, former/current gangster GF, supporting unemployed BF, single mother, whatever). You can pay for an hour and have them give you full body massage while you chat them up. Usually no sex, but some places (not all) allow regular customers to pay and take girls out to lunch/dinner. If you get lucky and find a girl who would agree to it you can show her pics of “red beans” in taoyuan and ask to take her there, cute place with underwater theme:


What you do on paid dates is between you and the girl. I'm just assuming that if you spent 2 hours eating, shopping and chatting with her you'd feel less nervous. Some will push for up-sale ("come see me at hostess club XYZ...", "buy me this purse...") but I think you're smart enough to walk away as needed.
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by GuyAbroad8293 »

KTVs are going to appeal to a higher-income bracket of men, from what I understand. If you want cheap girls, then you've got to go to massage parlours in less expensive areas of town.

I mean all you are paying for is the girl and the room, right? Most brothels have a few girls and you choose and then you take her into one of the back rooms for like 15 or 20 minutes. And all together it should cost you from 15 to 30 US dollars.
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by Winston »


Question. How come in philippines or thailand i have no problem going to brothels or sex workers or freelancers? But in Taiwan or America it feels creepy and guilty and i cant force myself to do it even if i want to? Is God or the universe interfering with my free will? Hypermak how come i cannot exercise my free will? How come i constantly feel conflicted and gridlocked like i cant do what my will wants? Like an invisible wall keeps blocking me?

Is it because the universe or God blocks me and interferes with my free will? Or because:

1) in philippines and thailand taking a sex worker or bar girl is part of the mainstream culture and have better attitude too? Whereas in taiwan or america that stuff is not part of mainstream culture so it makes me feel guilty and creepy, like I'm doing something wrong and going underground? Like going into a dark alley to buy hard drugs?

2) i dont fit into taiwanese or american culture so it lowers my confidence and self esteem so i cant be as brave or outgoing as i am in cultures i fit more into?

What do u think?

Also hypermak didnt u say that nothing interferes with our freewill and that our mind is unified and never conflicts with itself? Why do i not experience that at all? Or did i misunderstand you?

Am i the only one that feels that way? Do others do too? What about in the US?
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