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Post by Jester »

abcdavid01 wrote:
Jester wrote:Some people start to get off the plantation, and they get warnings. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, George Bush Sr., Cynthia McKinney, and Ross Perot have all received obvious warnings that were reported in the news.
RON PAUL - 2012 - entire entourage radiation-scanned by TSA as they boarded a PRIVATE jet, leaving the Republican Convention. Ron Paul had failed to endorse Mitt Romney. They wanted to give him a warning sign that he should NOT run an independent candidacy. As a Freemason and longtime member of Congress, Paul undoubtedly recognized that he was receiving a warning. I don't believe that he was going to run an independent candidacy, but they were just rubbing it in anyway. And making sure he didnt become a loose cannon and start bringing up 9/11. chemtrails, whatever.

RAND PAUL - 2012 - Sitting U.S. Senator ordered by TSA to undergo grope-search while on a routine trip. Rand Paul is a known opponent of TSA.

DONALD TRUMP - Almost brought down financially by Forbes magazine, after throwing Malcolm Forbes and his gay-male buddies out of the bar the Trump Plaza Hotel, for making out in public. One could argue that this was personal betwen Forbes and Trump, not an Illuminat "hit". Except at the time I had already heard from a New-York-Jew friend, that Trump's big mouth and high profile was irritating people. So who knows.

GEORGE BUSH SR. - A plane on the way to pick him up, piloted by his personal pilot, suddenly lost power and hit a power line. The pilot died. Bush calmly called for another plane, and was picked up without incident. Cold-blooded. This "near miss" clearly showed the former President that he was not the overall capo, and shouldn't get too big for his britches. I always assumed it was a message from the Rockefellers, who oversee North America, but it could have been from the Rothschilds, or even Bill Clinton (less likely). The fact that he was not shaken by the incident shows that he recognized it as amasonic or illuminati warning, not a full-on assassination attempt.

CYNTHIA MCKINNEY - She was entering the Capitol, when a security guard or Capitol cop grabbed her by the arm, to force her to go through security rather than around it, as Congressmen do. She herself was a member of Congress from the Atlanta area. She hauled off and punched the guy. Frankly, IMO she wold have been within her rights to shoot him. You can't interfer with a member of Congress, that's in the Constitution. Anyway her reaction became the news story, But the original intent was just to humiliate her, take her down a peg with a minor incident that deonstrated the reach of "The Man". She was always outspoken about 9/11 and so on, and also ran for President.

ROSS PEROT - This one is a little confusing. As I remember it, Perot had run for President before, with the permission of the PTB. With him cutting down Bush Clinton was elected. The next time around, apparently he was off the plantation, and didn't realize he needed permission. Operatives threatened him that they would ruin his daughter's wedding if he didn't pull out of the race. (I guess this meant by releasing pictures of her having sex in the past?) He DID pull out of the race. He diidn't say why at the time. The explanation came later - when he got back INTO the race. He said that his daughter was now married so he could resume his candidacy. Anyway it was too late and he had no impact. I never bought the story fully. Any dirt the Bush operatives had on his daughter could still have been released AFTER the wedding, right? So I think Perot must have gotten other assurance, from someone mutually feared, that he could get back into the race. Or found some dirt on Bush. Not hard to imagine, since Perot has CIA roots, and made his money in EDS as a goverment contractor, and had his own network of operatives inside Iran in 1979 or 1980 or so, when they busted open an Iranian prison to rescue some friendlies imprisoned there. Anyway although Perot was himself a low-level player, he was clearly intimidated b the Bush people.

TEDDY KENNEDY - Chappaquiddick Incident. Running for president, with the wrong last name. Driving home, his brakes suddenly went out . He skidded off the long bridge or causeway into the water. The girl with him, Mary Jo Kopechne, drowned. He believed he had undergone an assassination attempt, and fled without trying to save her. He may have thought "cleaners" would come finish him off. He huddled with family advisors before contacting the police or the press. They realized that everyone knew that the fall into the water wouldn't kill him, and also everyone knew that all the Kennedys were excellent swimmers. So it clearly was not an attempt to actually kill him. Once they figured out that the incident was just a warning, he went on TV and blustered about how he tried to save the girl. But he never again ran for President. And he never challenged the PTB. Instead he salved his conscience by pushing for national health-care and other innocuous causes. Jon-Jon Kennedy, JFK's son, later DID make plans to run either for President or for Senate (against Hilary). He was assassinated in a plane crash. He didn't get the message. Teddy did.
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Post by Jester »

Teal Lantern wrote:Very few people know how dirty they did McKinney
I am from Georgia, but have been away a long time. So I only know what got reported on national news.

Saw her on TV doing a committee hearing, she was fantastic.
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Post by Teal Lantern »

I was thinking about McKinney's re-election bid after her question about 9/11, where they first edited what she originally said (like they did with the Zimmerman 911 call) then had GOPers cross over and vote for her democrat opponent in the primary.
Also, she was later held as an unwilling "guest" at a prison in a certain foreign country.

Didn't know about the Bush Sr. plane incident or the private jet event with Ron Paul. :shock:
Reading those, I immediately thought of Paul Wellstone.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Banano wrote:Are Illuminati real, is there such an organization or is it just a broad term for people who are in power, elites?

How about visit from Lizard/Reptilian man or their representative?

Even if you get visited by reptilian how would you know that he is da real lizard, he could be fake pretending to be real just to get money from you, unless he can demonstrate turning into gekko and back I wouldnt take him seriously
on top of that if you got mega rich you would get so paranoid and treat everyone with suspicion and potential threat to you and your wealth
when I use the term "Illuminati" I mean all those people who are Illuminists who worship their God Lucifer the light bringer. One person told me that this is about 5% of the US population in the US. They are not just the people at the top. LOTS of people are Illuminists.....many are just "useful idiots" doing what they are told and made to feel important. But LOTS know exactly what they are doing. Most police chiefs for example. Most police chiefs are Illuminists and very often freemasons as well. They know what they are doing. I have told them in Ireland and Australia. In Australia my notice to the police has had 5,000+ views....check out my posts to the NSW Police facebook.

If they were not the criminals I am calling them they would DENY my accusations and they would accuse me of slander. But they just delete what I say and remain silent thereby admitting their crimes.

http://www.crimesagainstfathers.com/aus ... fault.aspx

Now...there are non human non visible entities among us. I have been having direct personal experience of this since I was 16. Many people report that entities can appear in many different guises. I have one contact who swears blind she has been visited by Jesus Christ over and over again. She is not making that up. She is a heavily targeted Targeting Individual. (TI).

Over recent years more and more people have reported their paranormal experiences to me. Often times they are very disturbed at these experiences and have been sent to me for some reason or other.

So, could these entities be reptilian in nature and be outside our visible range of site? Sure they could be. Let us not forget that we are descendents of reptiles ourselves. The R complex in our brains is the REPTILE complex. In utero we have what looks like gills and webbed feet for a period. In utero babies look quite reptilian in nature themselves.

Would it be possible that there was a race of highly evolved reptilians who decided to domesticate neanderthals so they did not have to work for themselves? Sure that is possible. They had a LONG time to evolve. It is also possible that whoever or whatever these non human entities are came from another planet and settled here and domesticated and genetically engineered neanderthals into homo sapiens.

Where ever these entities came from? Does it really matter? I do not think so. What matters is that they are here and they are farming us like sheep. What also matters is that they want to kill 90% of us and I do not want to be in the 90%.

Once you realise that we have been genetically engineered and altered to make us more domesticated? Just like we do with cows and sheep? You realise the real predicament we are in. Our adversary has MUCH more information and MUCH more intelligence than us. So we can't fight them...all we can do is leave the control grid. And many have come to that conclusion.

Remember...they see themselves as our benefactors, our creators, our farmers. They see themselves just exactly like farmers see sheep and cows. Do farmers hate their sheep and cows? No. They actually care about them. They look after them and treat them well enough so that they can get from the farm animals what they want.

When I finally realised they see themselves as our benefactors, creators, farmers? My perspective changed. Their argument is that there are too many people and they want to cut the number back to the pre 1800 levels. They have a good argument. And 99.9% of people on the planet will not defend themselves when the time comes....amazingly enough.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Hi Jester,
yes.....it is a VERY bad idea to backtrack on the Illuminati having been a member. All the senators and congressmen in the US are part of the Illuminati system. They did not get elected without being approved. Some governors were not part of it...Aron Russo as an example made it to governor without being part of the Illuminati....it was only after he was governor Nick Rockefeller tried to recruit him.

But if you go in and try to buck their orders? You will be warned in such a way that you can not miss the warning. If you keep going you will wind up dead in the end.

At that level there is simply no way to protect yourself from them. No one is going to protect you at that level. Guys at that level can not be left alive because they can not be ignored by the "masses". Guys like me do not need to be killed because 99.9% of people I tell about this stuff do not believe me. They deny what I am saying could be true. Perhaps part of the reason I am still alive is because the Illuminati know that 99.9% of people WILL ignore me so the do not believe I will be able to get our courts going.

What I think will happen is this. Even if people DO start believing what I am telling them and do start joining the MBA it will be so few that it will not make any real difference overall. So perhaps they will just leave us alone.....certainly that seems to be what they are doing at the moment despite all the provocation I am throwing at them.
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Post by Winston »

That's fascinating. So how did you know this person that tried to recruit you for your skills was part of the Illuminati? He didn't use that word right? They probably don't reveal themselves to new recruits. They probably reveal themselves through a sub group first, like an intelligence branch, right?

I'll bet that most secret government groups or intelligence operations don't even have a public name. The ones that the public knows about, such as the NSA, CIA, FBI, and the publicly known secret societies, are probably just outer circle organizations that serve as stepping stones to the inner unknown groups right?

It's interesting that you say that they tried to hurt or kill you and may have known about you before you were born. I heard some conspiracy researchers say that the Illuminati can see outside the matrix, and outside of space and time, so they can see into the future and eliminate people that they know would be a threat to them in the future. Have you heard of that?

Yeah I remember that during the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot pulled out saying that his daughter's wedding was threatened. It never made any sense. Why did he say that and make himself look like a paranoid mentally unstable crackpot? Why didn't he give a more valid reason? At the time, people thought that the Republicans were threatening him and his family.

So Ross Perot didn't have to join a secret society to become a billionaire? Why didn't they try to recruit him? Does he know about them?
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Post by Winston »

Long ago, an eccentric strange guy who called himself Dr. Quack, who knew one of my friends, emailed me once and suggested that my skills could be put to use working as a spy for my country. Was he trying to recruit me or screen me? Here was his strange letter. What do you think?

Note: I don't know if this is relevant or not, but the mutual friend of ours that he learned about me from, was an eccentric actor who told me that he used to be a Freemason long ago, and that there was nothing sinister about them.

Subject: Wu...Winston Wu.. Stirred, but never shaken!

Hello Winston,

I first heard about you when talking on the phone with John Benneth about homeopathy, skeptics, and he mentioned your slugging it out with them. Googled you and found some of your enemies on-line, too. Went to your HappierAbroad site and you make me laugh, man. You're just trying to live the Cassanova life we all would if we could, I think! :-) The Devil's in you as a strayed Christian, indeed!! Then again, who am I to point out a man's sins?

I write to ask you a question which I already know the answer for, but to get you thinking some about it. As time goes by and all that kissing of strange women leaves you feeling empty inside -- wasted and depressed, but just masking it over in an actor's gig of enjoyment and marketing -- what if you somehow channeled all that interest into service of country?

You know what I'm getting at.
America needs people who like to travel abroad.
Who like to mingle, party, and have a sexy babe in each arm.
People like you who can take international businessmen on wife-seeking / wife-swapping tours.
Who can corrupt the souls of key politicians with those babes you keep.

A dangerous profession, indeed. But, then someday you could write books, websites, and market yourself as Winston Wu, the man who truly lived; A great patriot who knew how to party just like Ben Franklin in France; As an old man regretful of his sins and intrigue, a repentant Winston who returns to Christ again in shame....but a colorful life of a great sinner gone great saint all the same. Some American arms delivered abroad. Drugs imported. Russian babes in every port. Powerful friends and mobsters in dark corners. Mixing and mingling with the underworld and doing arms deals with Achmed while rendering key information from the inside that America wouldn't otherwise obtain. You know these holy-roller Taliban sorts -- for all their praying and bullshit -- oooh, do they love to party and sin in youth. In fact, a great majority of Arab terrorism and extremism is often done in Koranic guilt over simply having been prior putang fiends. The most hard-core terrorists....all putang fiends once. Research it sometime. Think about it. Forty virgins?! Come on, man. These dudes are cherry fiends! And you're a man they secretly admire.

Wu....Winston Wu. Superagent Extraordinaire. The King of Putang. Slayer of Arabian Knights. Keeper of the Harems. International Man of Mystery helping save the world from Dr. Evils and rabid sheiks! Gambling with the hottest of chicks in Monte Carlo in your tuxedo. Sending in a few girls here and there to play with skeptics and photograph them in scandals in thanks to your homeopathic buddies who once guided your lost soul to redemption. And then, you see.....all those sordid interests you keep are no longer scandalous, but merely a great hero's putang privy. Because nobody cares of the sins and wanderings of great heroes, you see.

Where America curses you as sleazy today, why tomorrow you could be her beloved James Bond maybe even wearing a secret Congressional Medal of Honor.

Just a thought from General Quack.

I hate to see a brilliant, once Christian life wasted on debauchery when, if adjusted a bit for God & Country, why you could be a legend. Why not be all that you can be, man?

Remember the saying? "Never entrust a sword to a man who won't dance." And you, my friend, where once a wallflower staring at his shoes, you dance with all the lovely ladies today! This is a great warrior in the making, I smell. A great novel not even yet written. Your parents and grandchildren would be proud. Your critics would be held at bay as mere chickenshits who never dared live the life you dared.

Just thinking maybe you might want to think about adjusting your travels some and chasing putang in places like Mindinao and Persia, too? Get the American tax payer paying for your beer instead of you, Special Agent Wu. Every woman wants him; All men want to be him!

Warm regards and Happy New Year,

Sir Quacksalot
His next letter:
Hi Winston,

No, no criticism. No judgment. No sarcasm. I'm serious and funny, too. Just saying that your enemies make many criticisms of your life and all that HappierAbroad scandalous living you do. A lot of that I think is in jealousy because you're having fun while they're trapped at home with a nagging wife, brat kids, and now just cranky old farts.

I will tell you very bluntly -- fully serious and no jokes -- that, when I heard about you from John as a defender of homeopathy, and then googled you....I found the criticisms of your enemies. I found it all kinda funny -- that guy who hates you and his website. Unbelievable, so I went to your own site to hear it from the horse's mouth instead. As I studied your site, I see what you're trying to do there. I'm not sure exactly what. I think you're just trying to enjoy life while being outrageous is also excellent marketing factor you probably studied in school. I think you're serious on what you profess. I laugh a little, not at you, but at the whole thing. You're just so blatantly scandalous more than society accepts, and so you remind me a lot of the Cassanova story. Are you familiar with his life and story? Check it out sometime. Ben Franklin was another party boy in France. Most of Washington's politicians....they all like to live your life, but they do so in secret.

My point is that, as I was studying you, I felt kinda sad for you. Not sad like in pity over your sinful life and destruction of the soul; for your ultimate outcome is not mine to know. That's between you and God. Probably you'll be okay and you'll have lived a nice life. But, the course you go now is like being almost a porn star. Might be a fun life. Makes ou some money. Ample good times. But, my point is that with your face and name and past life all over the web, that's something you can never shed. It will always follow you just like an ex-porn star. That's where I was kinda sad for you. Because you defend homeopathy and our physician world is largely composed of women who will hate you or skeptics who will use your HappierAbroad life in order to discredit any good you say for homeopathy or to attack homeopathy (or John) in general for any associaiton to you, I wrote to just offer you consideration of a solution.

I'm not trying to be some busy body. Not trying to antagonize you or hurt your feelings. If I could, I'd probably live my life exactly like you! You're young. Can't blame you. What I see is, however, is a very sad inner need to chase so many women rather than appreciate just one. I have seen these things before in men and friends. It's a sex addict streak, but that is always based in deeper mental derangements. I don't mean that in insulting form, but just as a homeopath sees things. We don't really judge even the most perverse. All just various forms of sickness calling to a particular remedy. You can show me Charely Manson and, where people see an evil man, I see just a sick man who does evil. Someone we could have helped with remedies and proper counseling if caught early on. So, you're a far cry from Mr. Manson. I have seen evils in this world that would make you puke, and the worst of your sins doesn't even measure up, nor to my own. So, I really don't care of your sins. I'm not your Pat Robertson here.

My point is that, if you search your soul deep enough, you will find that you do these things out of an emptiness inside. You may not see that or want to see that, but you do. No shame to it. When I first came across your relentless chase of women, that called out to me in PQRS (Peculiar / Queer/ Rare/ Striking) observation. It is not normal. It is beyond mere lust, now isn't it? How many women have you been with now? Dozens? Over a hundred? Or do you just enjoy conveying that Hugh Heffner impression? In any case, it is a striking and unusual SYMPTOM of something else going on inside you. At the mental level, yes. One's loves, hates, desires, lusts, and aversions tell us the most about the remedy needed. So, anyhow, that's all. I just see something wrong there. Something driving you. An inner sickness/ suffering/ longing you're having trouble satisfying. You talk of homeopathy, but what's going on in you is a need for a homeopathic remedy is all I'm saying.

....So, there's that factor that I observe to you. Secondary is simply that what man could blame you for having fun playing with so many gorgeous women!

Therefore, with no insults intended, the constructive criticism I wanted to mail you is simply that. Just something to consider is all.

The other issue in teasing you as Special Agent Winston Wu was, yes, having fun with teasing you but also very serious. Gets into that ex-porn star emptiness you will later feel if you haven't started to already. My point was that it doesn't matter what you do. Take wealthy businessmen and politicians on vacations to party with wild women. Or, you could hook up with FBI/ INS and dig into the sex slave trade that goes on with kidnapped children out there. Or, you could work your present lustly life into a good CIA gig, too. Whatever.

My point is that you actually do have a very good profile for a potential American spy. You speak a couple languages. You've lost your earlier shyness of nerdy youth. Now you're a stud in every bar abroad. You mix and mingle. You, Winston, could be our new Austin Powers is all I'm saying. No joke. You can live your glamorous, putang-chasing life as you like and nobody would care. Nobody would criticize. Why America would even help you, fund it, and carry you into a very cozy life partying with all the women you like....if only you can find a way to use what you've built and what interests you to her silent service.

Don't you see it? You are already positioned and living the life of Austin Powers and James Bond, but you're just not serving a cause higher than yourself. If you don't feel it yet, that will leave you empty eventually. Empty, ashamed someday, venereal disease-ridden, lonely, married to some tramp at best, and with all the world seeing you as just Winston Wu, former porn star. Ah, but, if somewhere along the way, you find a way to do some good with it -- whether in Intelligence or something else -- then you will have your dignity. In the future, you could even write a book and they'd make a movie on your wild life. You'd transform your future away from Winston Wu, broke and lonely and ex-porn star drinking in the gutters in depression.....to "Wu, Winston Wu....00Quack.....All women want him; All men want to be him; Fastest gun in the West; Super Agent Extraordinaire; High Chief Stud. Rescuer of children! The savior of nations! Yeah, yeah...a horribly sinful man in his day, but what a stud all the same! It's his privy to be like that. He lived the life all men should. He transformed his sleazy ways into the greatest of service to God and Country and his name shall be honored for all time. Wu....Winston Wu. He just liked to shag. He made all the women randy."

Now, you could post that on your website. I don't really care. But, I don't think it's a good idea for you. You like to travel abroad. If you post this, in foreign lands, their intelligence people will start to suspect you as an American spy. The women you kiss abroad they'll suspect as American spies. It'll endanger you, them, and your families. I'm not the one traveling in their countries nor stealing their women.....so, I think it would be no good for you ultimately.

But was just passing you some thoughts to consider. That's all. If you can make that HappierAbroad dream you chase into something blended with bold to service to country or at least something humanitarian and good; Something other than serving thyself (And I don't mean that as an insult)....my point is that's a recipe for designing your life and future into a great, good story rather than something you later grow to regret and resent and depress over like an ex-porn star.

Forget what you think about what American spies should be. You have what it takes. They have some of the most incompetent dipshits and holy roller school boys taking good GS pay for doing basically nothing. You've been abroad. You know your ins and outs in various places. You mingle well. You know how to work a bar and have a pretty girl in each arm. That's a powerful spy factor, Winston. America could send you to do deals in Latin America and Asia especially. Japan, China, Korea, Philippines....your HappierAbroad debauchery is just after-work happy hour time in those lands. You take them on vacations. You get them the gorgeous women. You make friends with them. America helps you set up other business offshoots so you can keep doing business with them. Just depends what you're willing to do and what America needs that matches your asset capacities in the field. But you can write the story of your life however you'd like from there is all I'm saying, Special Agent Wu. And, when you're old and gray, nobody would ever mock you and your sins. No shame would you have over them. No depression. No emptiness.

Only trick -- and the hardest part -- in walking that alternative path I submit for your consideration is that it will become far harder for you to keep from losing your soul entirely. You would certainly be asked to kill or support such operations -- sometimes even with the innocent if required -- if you spend many years in that ugly world. It is an invisible world filled with great evil and also great good. How your soul lives or dies is entirely as you make of it. You'd just be stepping into the seat of a much faster race car. You can drive in greater aggression to the finish line or off the cliff with your soul entirely as you choose. Or you can be as you are. Whatever.

Just some thoughts for you,


P.S. I CC this to John since he's our mutual friend and you CC'd him on the last one. Nothing to private between us three. Apologies if I have offended you. Just saying things as I see it and giving you some things to consider that you might not otherwise have.
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Post by Jester »

Teal Lantern wrote:Reading those, I immediately thought of Paul Wellstone.
One of my sons knew him, from fundraising or political events.

Sometimes liberals don't come out and say what they mean, but judging from their tone when talking on NPR about his plane crash, I guess many liberals suspected or assumed assassination.
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Post by Jester »

PeterAndrewNolan wrote:
Banano wrote:Are Illuminati real, is there such an organization or is it just a broad term for people who are in power, elites?..........
when I use the term "Illuminati" I mean all those people who are Illuminists who worship their God Lucifer the light bringer. One person told me that this is about 5% of the US population in the US. They are not just the people at the top. LOTS of people are Illuminists.....many are just "useful idiots" doing what they are told and made to feel important. But LOTS know exactly what they are doing. Most police chiefs for example. Most police chiefs are Illuminists and very often freemasons as well. They know what they are doing. .....
I would disagree on semantics or the nuance of the word. To me "Illuminati" is a specific organization that you have to join by ritual. E.g., Masons, Skull and Bones, Sicilian Mafia, Illuminati, Jesuits.

When you talk about the entire 5%, that figure could be about right - or it could be high. But anyway it would include all Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee members, all Supreme Court Justices, 90% of Congress, etc. I would call these people "Luciferians". Because they believe they are part of a larger movement to "enlighten" mankind, bring order, break down quaint traditions, and so on, while enriching themselves and their fellow Enlightened, and gaining power. But they are not necessarily folks who have killed, raped, stolen, whatever you have to do to in order to be a "made man" in the actual Illuminati.

haha - I guess I am saying we should speak precisely -and "give the Devil his due".
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Post by Winston »

Check out this trailer for The Skulls (2000), a movie about the Skull and Bones secret society and elite fraternity. Isn't it so accurate?

Here is the initiation ceremony clip. Is it accurate?

Here is a clip showing the good life that members get in the elite fraternity. (which includes hot babes)

The revealing process.

What do you think? How could they let a movie like this be made?
Last edited by Winston on February 7th, 2013, 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

I just saw this movie called Brotherhood of the Bell (1970) starring Glenn Ford and Dean Jagger that was recommended to me on ATS. It is probably the best and most accurate portrayal of secret societies and fraternal orders and how they work in controlling all major organizations. You will love it for sure. It's also very suspenseful and gripping. But you can't help shaking your head about how stupid Glenn Ford's character is. I wonder how they got away with making this film.

Also, have you seen the film "The Parallax"? It's about an Illuminati assassination recruitment operation. There is a scene where the protagonist gets offered a secret position that will utilize his talents. You can see a clip of it in the trailer. Is that what's said to recruits? Is that what was said to you?


Here is a trippy scene in the film where new recruits are shown a series of slides to gauge their emotional reaction. What do you think the purpose of these slides is?

Last edited by Winston on February 8th, 2013, 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tsar »

PeterAndrewNolan wrote:Now...there are non human non visible entities among us. I have been having direct personal experience of this since I was 16. Many people report that entities can appear in many different guises. I have one contact who swears blind she has been visited by Jesus Christ over and over again. She is not making that up. She is a heavily targeted Targeting Individual. (TI).

Over recent years more and more people have reported their paranormal experiences to me. Often times they are very disturbed at these experiences and have been sent to me for some reason or other.
How do you know if you've been visited? Could a visitation happen inside a dream?

What if a person was visited by an entity that opposes the Illuminati, inferred by the message the visit entity gave and promising the person of generous gifts asking nothing in return? Wouldn't the Illuminati try to eliminate people that were visited? What if those people who were visited and received gifts decided to return the generosity to the entity that visited them by trying to spread a new religious movement in honor of the entity? Assuming the Illuminati do control the major institutionalized religions and find it easy to discredit most major religions, wouldn't a new religious movement pose a threat if it couldn't be infiltrated and it couldn't weakened by the Illuminati's anti-religion tactics?
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Jester wrote:
PeterAndrewNolan wrote:
Banano wrote:Are Illuminati real, is there such an organization or is it just a broad term for people who are in power, elites?..........
when I use the term "Illuminati" I mean all those people who are Illuminists who worship their God Lucifer the light bringer. One person told me that this is about 5% of the US population in the US. They are not just the people at the top. LOTS of people are Illuminists.....many are just "useful idiots" doing what they are told and made to feel important. But LOTS know exactly what they are doing. Most police chiefs for example. Most police chiefs are Illuminists and very often freemasons as well. They know what they are doing. .....
I would disagree on semantics or the nuance of the word. To me "Illuminati" is a specific organization that you have to join by ritual. E.g., Masons, Skull and Bones, Sicilian Mafia, Illuminati, Jesuits.

When you talk about the entire 5%, that figure could be about right - or it could be high. But anyway it would include all Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee members, all Supreme Court Justices, 90% of Congress, etc. I would call these people "Luciferians". Because they believe they are part of a larger movement to "enlighten" mankind, bring order, break down quaint traditions, and so on, while enriching themselves and their fellow Enlightened, and gaining power. But they are not necessarily folks who have killed, raped, stolen, whatever you have to do to in order to be a "made man" in the actual Illuminati.

haha - I guess I am saying we should speak precisely -and "give the Devil his due".
Hi Jester,
that is why I said what I mean....I am clear when I talk about Illuminati that I mean ALL those who are Illuminists who worship Lucifer the light bringer. The problem I have with definitions that just talk about the elite groups is that people then think it is just "us against the elites". It is not like that at all and to think so will ensure that the person is totally ineffective in dealing with the Illuminati. The Illuminati will include your local school principals, your local police chiefs, your local judges and lawyers, some of your local council members, you local doctors.

The Illuminati are all over the place...they are among us...indeed they present themselves as one of us so as to be able to control us and lie to us. Most people have NO IDEA this is the case. Especially those morons at occupy...I have never seen a bigger bunch of useful idiots as occupy.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Hi Winston,
I did not read the whole thing but yes.....it looks like a first approach to me....a bit strange they would do it that openly. I have not seen something like that before. Usually it is face to face. If they really want you? They will come and talk to you and you will be in no doubt as to who is doing the talking.

It could also be a spoof...a fake out to see what you might do.

I am constantly getting spoofed....and I also constantly spoof my emails and texts with "plausible" disinformation. Both sides know we do this...spoofing with plausible disinformation, or even outright rubbish, puts the other side into doubt over which is real and which is not. It also creates plausible deniability of anything that they have read of mine...I can say "that was spoofing" and discredit anything I have said because I can point to consistently spoofing.

Further..we all know they can manufacture evidence so manufactured evidence can also be discredited.

This is all normal stuff....I had to learn all about this so as to be effective. You have to know what your enemy does and create strategies to handle them...
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Post by Bane »

Hi Winston,

I'm going to respond to your OP.

Yes, I have been wondering about the same things myself from time to time. When you say things like, 'We will take you out, and we can make it look like suicide," my first thought was about the controversy surrounding Marilyn Monroe's suicide death in the early '60s. Was she someone who was approached, but either refused outright, or joined for a time but later withdrew? I also wonder the same thing about Michael Jackson and President John F. Kennedy.

We can also see the build up to this possibly happening again. Many people believe that stars like Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan are in the positions they are now in because they either withdrew support from secret societies, or refused to join when they were approached. Modern pop singers like Katy Perry have even admitted to "selling my soul to be where I am now."

Perhaps the deceased people I mentioned were products of MK-Ultra or something similar, and somehow "broke free" from the programming, and had to be terminated before they told the world about it?
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." -Oscar Wilde

"Invincibility is in oneself, vulnerability is in the opponent" -Sun Tzu
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