Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
December 4th, 2022, 12:26 pm
Anyway, does all this fit into your view of Yahweh? Is it a parallel to what you said above? Is Lucifer just another name for Yahweh? The audiobook series says it is.

Here is the link to the thread where you can hear the Divine Secret Garden series from my Google Drive or from a YouTube playlist:

Hey Winston!

The name of the audiobook sounds familiar, although I haven't listened to it myself and have to say that 50 hours of content would be a real slog to get through, even for somebody who is obsessed with esoteric topics like myself! :)

But, to answer your question, the theory which you have outlined above doesn't really fit with our view of Yahweh at all.

In my view, many theories of that kind rely far too heavily on Jewish or Christian theological ideas and therefore are barely able to leave the matrix of the biblical worldview. This is evident from the fact that they are always give predominance to biblical characters and concepts such as "Satan", "Lucifer", "Jesus", etc.

Pixel--Dude and I however view the Bible as simply the malevolent impostor god Yahweh's version of events which he and his followers have concocted in order to slander humanity's original gods and goddesses and even to whitewash his own tyrannical regime by the time of the New Testament. The entire Bible is nothing more than a hoax designed to hide or distort our true history and convince a large portion of humanity to accept Yahweh as their celestial king. Once a naïve seeker accepts the biblical narrative at face value, his interpretation of reality is already confused beyond repair as he wades helplessly within a murky swamp of contrived theological notions.

In reality, the matter is much older than the Bible. The prebiblical mythologies of various more ancient cultures already give more authentic and less distorted insights into the true nature of the cosmic battle known posteriorly as the "War in Heaven" - namely, a multimillennial conflict for rulership over the planet between the noble son Enki-Ea and the ignoble father Anu-El-Yahweh. Enki revealed his divine knowledge to his human children including knowledge of the occult and the sacred Kundalini for our own ascension to godhood and sought to elevate humanity in his previous Golden Age while Yahweh opposed our spiritual advancement and therefore decided to invade the Earth and make war against Enki. Unfortunately, Yahweh and his evil faction - the "angels" of Christianity - came out on top, banished Enki and our original gods, and subjugated the Earth. This was what brought about the transition to Kali Yuga.

Neither Enki nor Yahweh created the Earth. Yahweh attempts to masquerade as the cosmic creator throughout his Bible but the truth is that he is just a powerful extraterrestrial or lesser god who illegitimately conquered the Earth and has now turned it into his perverse little playground. Yahweh's deceptive religions came up with the notion of a devil figure who would later be called "Satan" or "Lucifer" in order to shift the blame for all of the evil in this world onto a fictitious scapegoat. The evil motherfuckers were even cunning enough to conflate that same scapegoat devil figure with the noble Serpent of Eden who bestowed upon Adam and Eve the knowledge of godhood (the serpent was always as symbol of the god of wisdom Enki in the Sumerian religion). But all of this is just a Judaic inversion of reality. Enki is our true father and benefactor. Yahweh is an evil impostor whom millions have been conditioned to regard as "God".

Judaism is the root of the conspiracy and the principal driving force behind the New World Order. The Jews are a demonic race - at least at the elite level - created and installed by Yahweh for the subversion and enslavement of the Gentile nations. They are the chosen people of the devil, and that devil is none other than the evil biblical impostor god Yahweh. But the Jews don't want to do their evil deeds in the open nor do they want us to realize that Judaism is absolutely evil and demonic from beginning to end. Some Jews and their lackeys therefore adopt a "Satanic" or "Luciferian" veneer and now we are being force-fed all of those conspiracy theories about the "Satanic Illuminati" or the "Luciferian NWO" while anybody with two brain cells to rub together and enough freedom from Judeo-Christian religious programming can see that the Old Testament is nothing more than a plan for Jewish world domination and Gentile enslavement endorsed by Yahweh and that the NWO is a purely Jewish phenomenon as well as the material manifestation of that same Old Testament Jewish plan. All of these biblical figures like "Satan" and "Lucifer" are just made up by the enemy. Yahweh alone is the evil one.

As for Enki - our true father and benefactor -, he and his allies were exiled by Yahweh millennia ago (see the story of the banishment of the Watchers in the Book of Enoch and the Book of Revelation) and have nothing to do with the New World Order or any of the negative events that are taking place on Earth. They remain locked outside of the Earth's physical plane which has been occupied by Yahweh ever since his invasion and are set to retake the Earth in the final battle (Yahweh thinks that he can win but the Book of Revelation, like the rest of the Bible, is nothing more than a propaganda document and an inversion of the truth). Until then, the only way to escape this messed-up, dystopian reality is to raise one's own Kundalini and reach godhood ourselves. Following the Jesus program and its ritual of Jewish black magic will only result in the binding and further enslavement of the soul.

Most Christians and other religious fanatics who promote one version or another of the enemy slave program are in fact false souls or "NPCs" fabricated and incarnated by the evil impostor god Yahweh. Most "human beings" today fall into this category and simply blindly worship the impostor god if they happen to be raised in a culture with a lot of religious programming. Only a small minority of us here on Earth are authentic souls who originate from the true divine light and possess higher divine consciousness and the potential for godhood. All others are a completely alien soul species who are human in appearance only and have absolutely no relation to us at the level of the soul.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Cornfed »

Eh, they set themselves up in opposition to Christianity, promote inversions of the natural order and attempt to corrupt their victims while they are doing it. That is Satanism.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Winston wrote:
December 4th, 2022, 12:26 pm
@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude:

Did you ever look at the thread about Lucifer ruling this world and the links I posted to the Divine Secret Garden Audiobooks? A lot of the content in it is similar to what you say, with the names and labels just mixed around a little. I was wondering if you resonate with it. It's very interesting but the whole audiobook series is over 50 hours so it will take a while to get through. The gist of it is that Lucifer rules this world as the God of Light, while Satan works for him and rules the physical plane and controls the opposite end of the polarity. Together they play good cop, bad cop to entrap humanity into a duality prison. Lucifer and Satan are both separate and part of the same entity as well, it's complicated but in the 4th dimension stuff like that is possible. So basically Lucifer plays the role of the Yahweh Demiurge that you describe above. What do you think of that theory?

This means that the Illuminati are illuminated by the light of Lucifer, and the Freemasons are too. And all Sun worship is Luciferian too, since the Sun represents the God of Light, which the Christians also unknowingly worship. Jesus the "Son" represents the "Sun" as well, that's why you see the Sun behind Jesus in many paintings and images and icons. So the elite have conned people into worshipping the Sun on their behalf, so all the energy transferred goes to Lucifer, their god. Same with corporate logos and many national flags (e.g. Japanese and Taiwanese flags) which show the Sun on their logo or flag. It's homage to the God of Light. That's why Sun worship is everywhere, often hidden.

What the series says is that Lucifer rules the 4th dimension outside of this world, and Satan rules the 3rd dimension material world, and that they both work together. The NWO that is coming is where Lucifer takes the baton from Satan and comes into this world as the savior coming to rule the world. So basically the second coming of Jesus that Christians are waiting for is actually Lucifer coming to reign, since this is his world, not Jesus' world, so Jesus can't come to rule the world. This sort of makes sense.

The 2nd audiobook explains how the Fall in the Garden of Eden was an entrapment by both God and Satan who were working together, and gives many good reasons for it. That's why God would put a dangerous tree in the middle of the garden without any fence or guards, which no one would do, that's like a parent putting a loaded gun in their kid's room and telling him or her not to touch it, rather than hiding it off. Even the US government does not allow the public to touch something dangerous, but walls it off with security and makes it unaccessible. Furthermore, if the Serpent were truly the enemy of God, he would not have been allowed into the garden in the first place. Therefore, it was all intentional and planned by God and Satan, to entrap mankind so he could become a slave and pin the blame on mankind for it. The audiobook uses sheer irrefutable logic to prove this and make it obvious.

Anyway, does all this fit into your view of Yahweh? Is it a parallel to what you said above? Is Lucifer just another name for Yahweh? The audiobook series says it is.

Here is the link to the thread where you can hear the Divine Secret Garden series from my Google Drive or from a YouTube playlist:

I will check out the series when I have the time. I do a lot of travelling up and down the country so that will be an ideal opportunity to listen to the series and form an opinion on what it is proposing.

My personal view on Yahweh is that he is not any kind of creator or all powerful God in the traditional sense. He is not the creator of the cosmos, but rather part of the creation himself and an imposter who has usurped the title of all powerful creator. That being said, I do believe he is a god in his own right. To put it another way I think Yahweh is a being from a distant region of the universe who is similar to ourselves with the same kind of spiritual anatomy viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=46686 the kind of which I explain in this thread. You should give it a read I think you would find it extremely interesting.

I believe Lucifer is another such god the same as Yahweh. But Lucifer is bringer of the light. The first of their species to raise their Kundalini and become a Being of divinity. He taught the rest of his kind the occultic secrets, including Yahweh who is the king of their race. viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=45587 in this thread I talk about a psychedelic experience I had where Lucifer/Shiva/Enki (visually this god looked like Shiva from Hinduism, but i believe all the above aliases are the same being renamed by different cultures) taught me the secret of our purpose here in physical reality and shared different philosophical concepts previously unknown to me but present in Hermetic philosophy. Another thread I think you might enjoy if you haven't already had a look.

Lucifer/Satan/Devil are just slanderous terms Yahweh has associated with Enki/Shiva as part of his propaganda programme to turn Enki's children against him. Enki is humanity's true benefactor and loving father. He wanted to teach us how to become gods as was our birthright. viewtopic.php?style=11&f=14&t=46405 there is more information about this throughout this thread I made. Another I want to recommend to you.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Kalinago »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 7th, 2022, 7:06 am
Winston wrote:
December 4th, 2022, 12:26 pm
@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude:

Did you ever look at the thread about Lucifer ruling this world and the links I posted to the Divine Secret Garden Audiobooks? A lot of the content in it is similar to what you say, with the names and labels just mixed around a little. I was wondering if you resonate with it. It's very interesting but the whole audiobook series is over 50 hours so it will take a while to get through. The gist of it is that Lucifer rules this world as the God of Light, while Satan works for him and rules the physical plane and controls the opposite end of the polarity. Together they play good cop, bad cop to entrap humanity into a duality prison. Lucifer and Satan are both separate and part of the same entity as well, it's complicated but in the 4th dimension stuff like that is possible. So basically Lucifer plays the role of the Yahweh Demiurge that you describe above. What do you think of that theory?

This means that the Illuminati are illuminated by the light of Lucifer, and the Freemasons are too. And all Sun worship is Luciferian too, since the Sun represents the God of Light, which the Christians also unknowingly worship. Jesus the "Son" represents the "Sun" as well, that's why you see the Sun behind Jesus in many paintings and images and icons. So the elite have conned people into worshipping the Sun on their behalf, so all the energy transferred goes to Lucifer, their god. Same with corporate logos and many national flags (e.g. Japanese and Taiwanese flags) which show the Sun on their logo or flag. It's homage to the God of Light. That's why Sun worship is everywhere, often hidden.

What the series says is that Lucifer rules the 4th dimension outside of this world, and Satan rules the 3rd dimension material world, and that they both work together. The NWO that is coming is where Lucifer takes the baton from Satan and comes into this world as the savior coming to rule the world. So basically the second coming of Jesus that Christians are waiting for is actually Lucifer coming to reign, since this is his world, not Jesus' world, so Jesus can't come to rule the world. This sort of makes sense.

The 2nd audiobook explains how the Fall in the Garden of Eden was an entrapment by both God and Satan who were working together, and gives many good reasons for it. That's why God would put a dangerous tree in the middle of the garden without any fence or guards, which no one would do, that's like a parent putting a loaded gun in their kid's room and telling him or her not to touch it, rather than hiding it off. Even the US government does not allow the public to touch something dangerous, but walls it off with security and makes it unaccessible. Furthermore, if the Serpent were truly the enemy of God, he would not have been allowed into the garden in the first place. Therefore, it was all intentional and planned by God and Satan, to entrap mankind so he could become a slave and pin the blame on mankind for it. The audiobook uses sheer irrefutable logic to prove this and make it obvious.

Anyway, does all this fit into your view of Yahweh? Is it a parallel to what you said above? Is Lucifer just another name for Yahweh? The audiobook series says it is.

Here is the link to the thread where you can hear the Divine Secret Garden series from my Google Drive or from a YouTube playlist:

I will check out the series when I have the time. I do a lot of travelling up and down the country so that will be an ideal opportunity to listen to the series and form an opinion on what it is proposing.

My personal view on Yahweh is that he is not any kind of creator or all powerful God in the traditional sense. He is not the creator of the cosmos, but rather part of the creation himself and an imposter who has usurped the title of all powerful creator. That being said, I do believe he is a god in his own right. To put it another way I think Yahweh is a being from a distant region of the universe who is similar to ourselves with the same kind of spiritual anatomy viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=46686 the kind of which I explain in this thread. You should give it a read I think you would find it extremely interesting.

I believe Lucifer is another such god the same as Yahweh. But Lucifer is bringer of the light. The first of their species to raise their Kundalini and become a Being of divinity. He taught the rest of his kind the occultic secrets, including Yahweh who is the king of their race. viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=45587 in this thread I talk about a psychedelic experience I had where Lucifer/Shiva/Enki (visually this god looked like Shiva from Hinduism, but i believe all the above aliases are the same being renamed by different cultures) taught me the secret of our purpose here in physical reality and shared different philosophical concepts previously unknown to me but present in Hermetic philosophy. Another thread I think you might enjoy if you haven't already had a look.

Lucifer/Satan/Devil are just slanderous terms Yahweh has associated with Enki/Shiva as part of his propaganda programme to turn Enki's children against him. Enki is humanity's true benefactor and loving father. He wanted to teach us how to become gods as was our birthright. viewtopic.php?style=11&f=14&t=46405 there is more information about this throughout this thread I made. Another I want to recommend to you.
if this is true,how do you explain the stories of ex-occultists on spiritreports.blospot.com?
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Winston »

Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 1:22 pm
if this is true,how do you explain the stories of ex-occultists on spiritreports.blospot.com?
There are former ex members of everything. How do you explain all the countless sites and blogs with former Christians who got out of fundamentalist Christianity? All that proves is that there is no one religion or faith that is right for everyone. There are also ex Mormon sites, ex Jehovah Witness sites, ex Freemason sites, etc.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Pixel--Dude »


What @Winston says is true. People gravitate to whatever resonates with them personally. So people may dabble in occultism or spirituality and decide it isn't for them. I used to be Christian, as did @Lucas88. I think I've found what I was looking for though, spirituality and occultism resonate with me very well. More so than any mainstream religion or atheism.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Kalinago »

Winston wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 1:36 pm
Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 1:22 pm
if this is true,how do you explain the stories of ex-occultists on spiritreports.blospot.com?
There are former ex members of everything. How do you explain all the countless sites and blogs with former Christians who got out of fundamentalist Christianity? All that proves is that there is no one religion or faith that is right for everyone. There are also ex Mormon sites, ex Jehovah Witness sites, ex Freemason sites, etc.
@Winston ,and you,I meant the accounts of ex-occultists that lucifer was a being that did terrible things,killed people etc and was powerless against Jesus and his angels,aswell as visiting astral places with demons that sought to 'end'christianity,and lure christians into various types of sin and then kill them so they go to 'hell'?

maybe these accounts are fabrications,but why are there so many?

I suggest you visit that site to see what I mean.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Kalinago »

@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude and @Winston how do you explain this account from indonesia,of kundalini being a christian version of a 'demon'banished by Jesus?

https://spiritreports.blogspot.com/2020 ... ndojo.html

this is the kind of stuff that makes me doubt paganism,and keeps me trapped in the abrahamic matrix.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Lucas88 »

Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 5:40 pm
@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude and @Winston how do you explain this account from indonesia,of kundalini being a christian version of a 'demon'banished by Jesus?

https://spiritreports.blogspot.com/2020 ... ndojo.html

this is the kind of stuff that makes me doubt paganism,and keeps me trapped in the abrahamic matrix.
I read the testimony about the Indonesian guy involved with Kundalini practice.

The Kundalini is not a demon as some Christians claim. It is simply dormant lifeforce energy which may be awakened through Yogic breathwork. It is made up of the same prana or qi which animates our bodies every day and without which one cannot live. Kundalini Yoga can be extremely beneficial if done correctly and when one is adequately ready for it and there are testimonies of people who do Kundalini practice without any problems whatsoever. Indeed, the ascension of the Kundalini is necessary for our future evolution and is the key to achieving godhood and immortality. Notice how the Egyptian gods in some reliefs are depicted with a golden disk above the head and a serpent protruding from the forehead? That imagery symbolizes that they achieved their own divine state by raising the Kundalini. Kundalini practice was taught to humanity by Enki and the original gods. Knowledge of it was preserved mainly in the Indian spiritual tradition but other glimpses of its symbolism can also be found elsewhere.

The problem with the guy in the testimony is as follows. In Hinduism today there are many cults and corrupt forms of spirituality often with their own charismatic "gurus" and "spiritual masters". Many of these have no real principles, are only out to make money, and even brainwash and manipulate their followers. They are no different from the cult religions that we see in the West. Some of these fake gurus and cult leaders are influenced by hostile entities which have corrupted once worthwhile spiritual traditions. Most of Hinduism is corrupt and has been for millennia. When these fake gurus and cult leaders teach "Kundalini", they teach it in a completely wrong way. Moreover, their corrupt cults open followers up to hostile entities which have nothing to do with true Kundalini practice. I can tell that this is the case with the testimony of that Indonesian guy. His cult told him that "breaking the rules" of the Kundalini would cause him to die (as punishment). Real Kundalini practice isn't like that at all. That's just cult talk.

Genuine Kundalini practice is extremely rare. Most of what passes for Kundalini practice today is just New Age delusions in which a Yoga practitioner confuses a minor jolt of energy for a Kundalini awakening and then thinks that he/she is "enlightened" or the kind of corrupt Hindu cults that I've talked about. There are very few decent sources of Kundalini knowledge even in the age of the internet. As far as I know, the techniques given by www.loveenki.com are the most complete. But you should study them in depth first before you attempt any kind of occult practice and begin with the basics.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Kalinago »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 8:24 pm
Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 5:40 pm
@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude and @Winston how do you explain this account from indonesia,of kundalini being a christian version of a 'demon'banished by Jesus?

https://spiritreports.blogspot.com/2020 ... ndojo.html

this is the kind of stuff that makes me doubt paganism,and keeps me trapped in the abrahamic matrix.
I read the testimony about the Indonesian guy involved with Kundalini practice.

The Kundalini is not a demon as some Christians claim. It is simply dormant lifeforce energy which may be awakened through Yogic breathwork. It is made up of the same prana or qi which animates our bodies every day and without which one cannot live. Kundalini Yoga can be extremely beneficial if done correctly and when one is adequately ready for it and there are testimonies of people who do Kundalini practice without any problems whatsoever. Indeed, the ascension of the Kundalini is necessary for our future evolution and is the key to achieving godhood and immortality. Notice how the Egyptian gods in some reliefs are depicted with a golden disk above the head and a serpent protruding from the forehead? That imagery symbolizes that they achieved their own divine state by raising the Kundalini. Kundalini practice was taught to humanity by Enki and the original gods. Knowledge of it was preserved mainly in the Indian spiritual tradition but other glimpses of its symbolism can also be found elsewhere.

The problem with the guy in the testimony is as follows. In Hinduism today there are many cults and corrupt forms of spirituality often with their own charismatic "gurus" and "spiritual masters". Many of these have no real principles, are only out to make money, and even brainwash and manipulate their followers. They are no different from the cult religions that we see in the West. Some of these fake gurus and cult leaders are influenced by hostile entities which have corrupted once worthwhile spiritual traditions. Most of Hinduism is corrupt and has been for millennia. When these fake gurus and cult leaders teach "Kundalini", they teach it in a completely wrong way. Moreover, their corrupt cults open followers up to hostile entities which have nothing to do with true Kundalini practice. I can tell that this is the case with the testimony of that Indonesian guy. His cult told him that "breaking the rules" of the Kundalini would cause him to die (as punishment). Real Kundalini practice isn't like that at all. That's just cult talk.

Genuine Kundalini practice is extremely rare. Most of what passes for Kundalini practice today is just New Age delusions in which a Yoga practitioner confuses a minor jolt of energy for a Kundalini awakening and then thinks that he/she is "enlightened" or the kind of corrupt Hindu cults that I've talked about. There are very few decent sources of Kundalini knowledge even in the age of the internet. As far as I know, the techniques given by www.loveenki.com are the most complete. But you should study them in depth first before you attempt any kind of occult practice and begin with the basics.
What are these demons on that site then?is it theatre?why do they attack converts to Christianity of it's all theatre?

And thanks for the link,I read it from another thread where you linked it.

I don't know whether to believe the JOS or that site ?

JOS has a evil energy and some say Maxine is working with thoughtforms and plagiarized Franz Bardot?

Enki also seems more light than Shiva for some reason and Enki has a good energy to it when I pray to him today.

Is race mixing evil and against enki like Jos says?

Is Yahweh is hivemind of reptilians connected to a egregore as Jos states with sources from Jewish literature or a fallen god like enkists claim?
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Lucas88 »

Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 9:55 pm
What are these demons on that site then?is it theatre?why do they attack converts to Christianity of it's all theatre?

And thanks for the link,I read it from another thread where you linked it.

I don't know whether to believe the JOS or that site ?

JOS has a evil energy and some say Maxine is working with thoughtforms and plagiarized Franz Bardot?

Enki also seems more light than Shiva for some reason and Enki has a good energy to it when I pray to him today.

Is race mixing evil and against enki like Jos says?

Is Yahweh is hivemind of reptilians connected to a egregore as Jos states with sources from Jewish literature or a fallen god like enkists claim?
The hostile entities allied with the false god Yahweh control many different egregores and will attack anybody who opens themselves up to them through their various religions and cults. They attack Christian converts but Christians will just blame it on "demons" or say that it's a test of their faith from "Satan" - even though it's really the same entities behind Christianity that are really attacking them. The same entities likewise attack those involved in Satanic cults and the New Age. They simply pose as different beings. Most religions are dangerous from an occult perspective. It's better to stay away from them.

You're right about JOS. The group has a really heavy and negative energy in my opinion. And yes, the meditations given by Maxine are extremely similar to those taught by Franz Bardon. I too am aware of the accusations of plagiarism.

Loveenki on the other hand has a much lighter and more harmonious energy than JOS. It really resonated with my soul ever since I discovered the website in search of Enki and true spirituality and the information contained therein is of much better quality and much more serious. The author undoubtedly has a deep and authentic knowledge of occultism. The meditations are extremely powerful. The aura meditation is particularly good for cleansing our subtle anatomy and protecting us against negative influences.

Race mixing is not evil or against Enki. We are, after all, hybridized with Enki's race. Enkism is opposed to racism. You can love a woman from whatever race you want.

Yahweh is a fallen god. He is the same as the Sumerian god Anu but he became evil and turned against humanity. Yahweh is a real being but at the same time he created a thoughtform in his own image which would become the central piece of various religious egregores beginning with Judaism. That is the thoughtform which the Kabbalistic Jews worship. The Reptilians are an evil race allied with Yahweh. Some of them have incarnated on Earth amidst the Jewish elite. The elite Jews have evil Reptilian souls. They are a completely different species from regular humans.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Kalinago »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 10:34 pm
Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 9:55 pm
What are these demons on that site then?is it theatre?why do they attack converts to Christianity of it's all theatre?

And thanks for the link,I read it from another thread where you linked it.

I don't know whether to believe the JOS or that site ?

JOS has a evil energy and some say Maxine is working with thoughtforms and plagiarized Franz Bardot?

Enki also seems more light than Shiva for some reason and Enki has a good energy to it when I pray to him today.

Is race mixing evil and against enki like Jos says?

Is Yahweh is hivemind of reptilians connected to a egregore as Jos states with sources from Jewish literature or a fallen god like enkists claim?
The hostile entities allied with the false god Yahweh control many different egregores and will attack anybody who opens themselves up to them through their various religions and cults. They attack Christian converts but Christians will just blame it on "demons" or say that it's a test of their faith from "Satan" - even though it's really the same entities behind Christianity that are really attacking them. The same entities likewise attack those involved in Satanic cults and the New Age. They simply pose as different beings. Most religions are dangerous from an occult perspective. It's better to stay away from them.

You're right about JOS. The group has a really heavy and negative energy in my opinion. And yes, the meditations given by Maxine are extremely similar to those taught by Franz Bardon. I too am aware of the accusations of plagiarism.

Loveenki on the other hand has a much lighter and more harmonious energy than JOS. It really resonated with my soul ever since I discovered the website in search of Enki and true spirituality and the information contained therein is of much better quality and much more serious. The author undoubtedly has a deep and authentic knowledge of occultism. The meditations are extremely powerful. The aura meditation is particularly good for cleansing our subtle anatomy and protecting us against negative influences.

Race mixing is not evil or against Enki. We are, after all, hybridized with Enki's race. Enkism is opposed to racism. You can love a woman from whatever race you want.

Yahweh is a fallen god. He is the same as the Sumerian god Anu but he became evil and turned against humanity. Yahweh is a real being but at the same time he created a thoughtform in his own image which would become the central piece of various religious egregores beginning with Judaism. That is the thoughtform which the Kabbalistic Jews worship. The Reptilians are an evil race allied with Yahweh. Some of them have incarnated on Earth amidst the Jewish elite. The elite Jews have evil Reptilian souls. They are a completely different species from regular humans.
When I joined the JOS in 2018,a blonde Nordic figure looking like Dolph lundgren appeared to me three times for like three seconds at a time,now that I prayed to enki ptah he appeared a few times and is stalking me as I can see him from the corner of my eye.I think it's because I'm opposed to anu again and am out of his matrix maybe he is a fallen Nordic alien that help the rabbis?

I used to think he was Shiva or satyan but his energy is opposed to enki and ptah wholesome energy though Shiva has some little negative energy to it idk why?

My mind is under attack energetically but not as bad as when I was in anu worship even just this morning where I was in lunacy and confusion.

You mentioned the same thing when you were in anu worship.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Kalinago »

@Lucas88 @Pixel--Dude
Last night I got attacked in my dream but no choking or anything as enki protected me and I had a good sleep in over two years !

They wiped out my memory but I think they were trying to denigrate enki.

I dedicated to enki before sleep so that helped!
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Winston »

Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 5:40 pm
@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude and @Winston how do you explain this account from indonesia,of kundalini being a christian version of a 'demon'banished by Jesus?

https://spiritreports.blogspot.com/2020 ... ndojo.html

this is the kind of stuff that makes me doubt paganism,and keeps me trapped in the abrahamic matrix.
That's interesting. I've seen stories like that before. But you gotta understand that the occult is not all evil, as Christians think. It is a force that can be used for good or evil, just like the Force in Star Wars. Even the God of the Bible did good and bad things which is obvious from the Bible. In the book of Isaiah, there is even a verse that says "The Lord creates both good and evil". You can look it up. So the Bible condones good and evil does. We live in a dualistic reality that allows for both and the gods do both good and evil too, they have to to maintain a dualistic matrix.

If you are trying to say that Christianity is the only truth and all other beliefs are wrong, I invite you to answer my impossible questions for Christians threads:



Btw you might like this site. It's by a New Ager who turned to Jesus.


Btw you should look up John Todd's lectures on YouTube. He claimed to be ex-Illuminati and explains how Satanism operated in Hollywood and the music industry and in the occult. He vanished but his lectures remain on YouTube and are very warped but entertaining.
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