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Posted: October 26th, 2022, 8:59 am
by TechnoTristan
Hi guys, my name is Tristan.

I found happier abroad looking for information on how to find foreign women and have been a lurker around here for a while now. I'm sick of trashy Western women and their feminist bs. I wanna get me a nice latina from Costa Rica or Colombia.

I've also had it with all the scummy marxists and woke libtards who are destroying the west and turning it into a third world cesspool. They can all go to hell! I'm thinking of getting outta dodge before that commie asshole Biden turns this place into North Korea or China.

I'm into foreign women, techno music, NFL, UFC, nascar and shooting.

I'm a libertarian and won't let no evil marxist dictator or anyone else take away my freedom. I'm a fan of my man Donald Trump. Make America Great Again!!!

Thanks for having me here Winston! You've got one helluva forum here! Bravely fighting back against marxist censorship!