Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

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Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by mattyman »

This might seem like an obvious question.

We all want to met girls quo are sweet, easy to talk to, civil and without any of that nasty attitude.

When guys fin love from a foreign women (who let's be honest, us usually musch more graceful, devoid of rudeness, and more sociable than English-speaking women) they're usually accused of seeking mail order rides, getting into a relationship because the woman was 'weak'. That stance is incredibly insulting to the women of that country. How come it's not OK for men to make generalizations and point out patterns of behaviour among the English-speaking countries, yet it's OK for angry feminazi's to say that girls from Thailand are all bar girls, girls from Russia are all mail order brides. That is incredibly offensive & insulting to women of those nationalities. They accuse people like us of generalizing, yet it's perfectly OK for them to make generalizations?

The question is, instead of bashing men for the choices they make, why don't western women look at themselves and look at what it is that men find attractive about foreign women and ASPIRE TO BE MORE LIKE THAT; sweet, kind, taking the time to get to know people, not behaving like their looks give them powers etc. and stop being typically western.
-Stop being so indifferent
-Stop acting tough and talking like a gansta
-Be a bit more kind to people
-Take care of your body's
-Stop behaving like your looks or your gender excuse you from the basics of social etiquette
-Stop behaving like every man outside your social circle is a creep or a rapist
And for heavens sake, get rid of that masculine voice, that rising intonation, that whole 'acting tough' thing. Yeah, we get it. You're not submissive, neither are foreign girls. They don't see the need to destroy their femininity.

Why don't western women see the women that guys find attractive as role-models to aspire to? I know a theory, guys don't dare bring the subject up for fear of disapproval from their peers. What's more, a lot of guys don't have reference points, they think that what they've know=the world. English and AMerican women should aspire to be like women from the other countries and stop writing it off as a sign of the patriarchy and male oppression. If you want to be a horrible, vindictive, fat bitch, go ahead and eat yourself to death. If you want to be a whore, go ahead to don't be surprised if you can't find a decent man.


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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by Wolfeye »

I think it's a couple of things. On the one hand: they see pretty much everything as being oppressed & down-trodden, so acting without the degree of egotism that a lot of people have here ("don't ask permission, don't apologize, I'm never wrong, support me or I'll have a fit" type of thinking) is harder for them. It's seen as being a sell-out to have a good relationship with a man. I've heard it has something to do with the Anglo-Saxon dynamic between men & women, but I don't know much about that.

On the other hand, a lot of people are VERY socially lazy. They don't have as much of a concept of being considerate or noticing (with approval, anyway) that someone was considerate. In America, there's a lot of bullshit that more or less amounts to playing invincible or some other kind of mind-warp. They think they're being such a success to act like a dipshit with some kind on mental disorder or like it's going to bring that success- usually, they're just hiding behind assault or homicide laws.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by Adama »

Women cannot exalt themselves by being humble and submissive. Kindness deosn't make evil people feel powerful or great. Evil people must use oppression and cruelty to exalt themselves to high elevation. Because they were not set in that position by God.

So if a man wants to seek a non feminist woman - who by definition are kind, meek, humble and submissive, and who are not seeking to be cruel or oppressive or oppositional - then that directly disempowers the greedy oppressive, feminist women.

Therefore they seek to brainwash those men into thinking that the pursuit of kind women is the true oppression. When in reality the pursuit of kind women is seeking to run away from oppressive, cruel women.

Somehow the cruel women refuse to acknowledge that they are cruel. Instead they think this is the way women were meant to be, if only they weren't forced into the inferior, humbled position of kindness. They think acting with kindness, humility and submission is men oppressing them, when in reality, that is the role they were made for. Just that the arrogance of their prideful egos will not accept it.

Gentle men want to live in peace, not war. In order to live with a peaceful woman, the woman must be humble. Feminists are most definitely not humble, because they are seeking to rule their men by being evil, by using cruelty, by shaming them, by trying to deceive men into believing that evil is good and that good is evil (that their feminist cruel behavior is ideal and anything else is the real oppression), by trying to turn reality upside down so they can be on top.

All such activity is the hidden evil of those who seek ego glory. They will be destroyed by their attempts to destroy others: by their lies, by their cruelty, by turning reality upside down, by being the enemies of peace, and by trying to keep others from their destiny, simply so they can have the vain glory of being great gods in this life. These are enemies of righteousness. Feminists are enemies of Christ.

A woman who exalts herself against her husband is rebelling against God, because God clearly has ordained women to obey and to submit. A woman who rules over her husband is in for some serious trouble. Just she doesn't see it while she is alive, because such women are likely to be rejected by God. This is grave evil, similar to a son who seeks to rule over his mother. The man is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the man. A man cannot command God, neither can a woman command or boss her husband.

Too bad for these feminist women, their greed to come up out of their place has destroyed their eternal lives. Whoops. They believed the lies of Satan because they were greedy for unrighteous gain. Avoid all such women who use shame whenever you express your heart's desire to live with a peaceful woman.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by Adama »

mattyman wrote:
February 6th, 2018, 6:45 pm
English and AMerican women should aspire to be like women from the other countries and stop writing it off as a sign of the patriarchy and male oppression. If you want to be a horrible, vindictive, fat bitch, go ahead and eat yourself to death. If you want to be a whore, go ahead to don't be surprised if you can't find a decent man.

Life was meant to be patriarchy and it is. That's why fathers always ruled. That's why empires are called kingdoms and not queendoms. That's why from the first women did not rule. From the first day, men ruled, because this is the rightful order.

And anyone trying to make things into something other than a patriarchy is in trouble. Because patriarchy is what God designed. Trying to change reality into a different order than what God has ordained is evil, and anyone doing such a thing is working iniquity and is an enemy of God.

It even says, women are not to usurp the authority of the man.

And those poor women who steal children away from their fathers, they are in trouble too. Because children belong to their fathers.

They abandoned the knowledge of God. So they have destroyed themselves. Because they love vanity and committing evil. Whoops.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by mattyman »

Excuse the typos at the beginning, was a bit over-excited when making the post, but anyway
Somehow the cruel women refuse to acknowledge that they are cruel. Instead they think this is the way women were meant to be, if only they weren't forced into the inferior, humbled position of kindness. They think acting with kindness, humility and submission is men oppressing them, when in reality, that is the role they were made for. Just that the arrogance of their prideful egos will not accept it.
You've hit the nail on the head mate, the thought that 'kind=weak', 'feminine=weak wants to be taken advantage of', that's probably at the root of a lot of the differences between foreign women and English-speaking women. That must be a core belief that so many young western women have picked-up and which needs addressing, not just on forums like this, but by academics and mental health professionals.

All the manosphere forums arose because of one thing; men are not allowed to publicly discuss things like this let alone suggest recommendations for western women to be better people. It's the fact that views are not allowed to be expressed without being shut-down or insulted for expressing valid points (such as me pointing out the above belief structures that might be behind the behaviour common among many young western women) that makes a lot of people angry, hence you have communities like MGTOW and ROK.

I don't agree with the idea that 'women were made to serve men', but I do think that western women need to learn to be a bit more kind, a bit more feminine and get rid of the belief that being so is a sign of weakness.

I think the culture of blame is a big part of it. All the discussions both in feminist spheres and the manosphere are all about putting the blame on one gender and using soundbytes like patriacrhy, rape culture etc. Genders blaming each other doesn't achieve anything. The fundamental root cause is that people don't understand each other. There's no attempt made to understand why people behave the way that they do. It is my belief that the only way to affect to change is to understand why people behave the way that they do.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by Adama »

The reason why is because those who are filled with hatred want to see people suffer. And those who seek vain glory want to exalt themselves and worship themselves by oppressing others. (They really do think they are gods.)

The solution is to seek someone who is humble and not an oppressor: a kind, gentle person who hates being mean to others.

I don't think there can be any mass awakening or enlightenment. Information is powerful, but this is too deep for most people to accept. This is knowledge that their egos will refuse, because peace, humility and kindness can't give them the power and glory they seek.

A woman cannot exalt herself above her husband by being kind or gentle. So if a woman seeks to control her husband, she must use cruelty and opposition. It's only that, they want glory they were not made for. They were not made to rule over the man. Yet that's what they want to believe they are entitled to.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by chanta76 »

It's western culture. Western culture is about 'me' . It's selfish culture where ego is big thing. So obviously western women cannot see their own flaws. I would also argue that western men do this too. Western guys travel abroad feeling entitled and if they don't get what they want .They think the country is either racist or f***ed up.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by Jonny Law »

Question: "Why don't western women see the women that guys find attractive as role-models to aspire to?"
Answer: They do not have to! Simps, cucks, p***y worshiping manginas are the most abundant resource on earth!
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by Misko_Varesanovic »

Part of it is about purported cultural superiority - and that's not just the women. The idea that the West has anything whatsoever to learn from China, Japan, the Islamic world, Latin America etc. is still - to borrow a phrase of Winston's - largely taboo. Even when another culture does something that is manifestly superior, far too many Western commentators either pooh-pooh it in knee-jerk fashion (on topics such as the family) or falsely claim it as their own (technology).

Moreover, you have to ask what Western women have to gain from admitting that they might be inferior to women from other cultures. Not a whole lot, I would suggest - assuming that they are short-term utility-maximisers, which they probably are. Virtually none of them are willing to take a hit for the team when it comes to improving their culture globally.

Plus, there is no obvious, direct incentive for them to change. In countries such as the US and UK, men are quite willing to accept gross faults in women: toxic personalities, insane levels of materialism, appalling aesthetic standards, very poor levels of domestic competence etc.

That said, not all Western women are the same. They vary a lot by country and social class. Some are much more open to new ideas and new ways of doing things: you only have to look at the relatively high intermarriage rate with foreign nationals in countries such as France and Germany to see this. And some of them are genuinely great people - it's just that they are relatively scarce on the ground, particularly in the Anglosphere.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by mattyman »

Moreover, you have to ask what Western women have to gain from admitting that they might be inferior to women from other cultures. Not a whole lot, I would suggest - assuming that they are short-term utility-maximisers, which they probably are. Virtually none of them are willing to take a hit for the team when it comes to improving their culture globally.

Plus, there is no obvious, direct incentive for them to change. In countries such as the US and UK, men are quite willing to accept gross faults in women: toxic personalities, insane levels of materialism, appalling aesthetic standards, very poor levels of domestic competence etc.
You're probably right in many regards. A large part of it is that people are too afraid to criticize the appalling qualities that are now commonplace among western, specifically English-speaking women. Regarding accepting shitty personalities and attitudes; partly it's due to the fact that some guys might not have a point of reference to compare things with & therefore accept it as the norm and think that what they know is the norm the world over, secondly the cancer of political correctness is another factor.

The fear of disapproval from peers is another factor that prevents people from mentioning such things. Many people probably feel the same way I do and so many people on this board do about Anglo women, but feel they can't criticize the way things are for fear of losing friends, jobs or disapproval. That is what's got to change.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by Adama »

mattyman wrote:
February 13th, 2018, 3:07 pm
The fear of disapproval from peers is another factor that prevents people from mentioning such things. Many people probably feel the same way I do and so many people on this board do about Anglo women, but feel they can't criticize the way things are for fear of losing friends, jobs or disapproval. That is what's got to change.
That will not change, because that indicates a problem within the heart of the person. If a person loves lies or hates other people's souls so much that they will not speak or acknowledge the truth, even when the other soul reaches out to them in pleas for help, then there is something seriously going on inside the heart.

Keep your heart with all diligence. For out of it are the issues of life.

As soon as you confess your heart's desires, feelings, opinions, hopes, dreams, or interests, it is very likely, an evil person will come along to try to deceive you: to tell you it's wrong, that it's impossible, that only sick people are interested in good things, etc.

These problems have always existed. It is just women did not enjoy the elevated status in society at the beginning that they now enjoy (to their own destruction, being exalted out of their natural place).
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by yick »

Because they don't care what you think - those fat, ugly, cake monsters that you don't find attractive back home do NOT care what you think.

They have plenty of choices regards a sex life, it takes a really ugly woman with a severe set of mental retardation and probably severe disability before she becomes universally unfuckable.

But what I ask is why do YOU care that she thinks people who date Thai women are this, that or the other.

If you're not interested in dating them then they don't matter - what they think is meaningless.

Loads of men find THESE WOMEN attractive - they might not have much in the way in standards, but very very few women back home are going without.

No-one is asking you to f**k them, and if you make the choice not to - then forget about what they think, why do you CARE? Take a leaf out of their book.

What a waste of time - if I make the choice not to f**k or date them and some other mug back home does - more fool them or whatever - good luck to them.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by Misko_Varesanovic »

mattyman wrote:
February 13th, 2018, 3:07 pm
Moreover, you have to ask what Western women have to gain from admitting that they might be inferior to women from other cultures. Not a whole lot, I would suggest - assuming that they are short-term utility-maximisers, which they probably are. Virtually none of them are willing to take a hit for the team when it comes to improving their culture globally.

Plus, there is no obvious, direct incentive for them to change. In countries such as the US and UK, men are quite willing to accept gross faults in women: toxic personalities, insane levels of materialism, appalling aesthetic standards, very poor levels of domestic competence etc.
You're probably right in many regards. A large part of it is that people are too afraid to criticize the appalling qualities that are now commonplace among western, specifically English-speaking women. Regarding accepting shitty personalities and attitudes; partly it's due to the fact that some guys might not have a point of reference to compare things with & therefore accept it as the norm and think that what they know is the norm the world over, secondly the cancer of political correctness is another factor.

The fear of disapproval from peers is another factor that prevents people from mentioning such things. Many people probably feel the same way I do and so many people on this board do about Anglo women, but feel they can't criticize the way things are for fear of losing friends, jobs or disapproval. That is what's got to change.
Your observations ring very true, but there is another point which must be mentioned.

Let's illustrate it using a hypothetical example: a man from the developed Anglosphere begins a serious relationship with an excellent woman, a lady who is attractive, empathetic, skilled and intelligent. This lady almost by definition is not from the developed Anglosphere; however, she could have been born and raised on any one of at least 100 other countries. For the sake of easy identification, we'll call her Valeria and give her an Argentine background. We'll name the developed Anglosphere male Stewart.

So Stewart and Valeria get married; Valeria moves to the developed Anglosphere. What is the likely reaction of Stewart's social circle to the arrival of Valeria?

Well, some of them - Stewart's sincere friends - will be extremely happy for him. But his social circle as a whole will be intimidated by Valeria. As a rule, the men will be jealous, conflicted and confused. A small minority may even try to steal Valeria from Stewart. Conversely, some will not even recognise Valeria's greatness because they literally cannot compute it. And generally, the women will view her as threat which needs to be neutralised by dragging her down to the level of the group. If they can't do this - because of Valeria's strong values - then she will be ostracised, ignored or otherwise frozen out. Of course, some of the women may admire Valeria and praise her for her good qualities, but this will not be the majority viewpoint.

Why is this important? Because it shows the level of resistance to change in an environment where 90%< of people stand to lose self-esteem and social standing from this type of 'disruption', at least in the short-to-medium term. In order for the kind of profound (and desirable) shifts of the kind you describe to take place, there is going to have to be an unbelievable cultural renaissance in the developed Anglosphere.

In fact, it's going to have to be beyond merely cultural - there is a bona fide spiritual vacuum which is going to have to be filled, because I can't see how else one is going to enable positive and profound changes in character and behaviour. If you can identify any other mechanisms, then be my guest.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by mattyman »

Fantastic points
A small minority may even try to steal Valeria from Stewart
. Quite naturally, more importantly;
" Conversely, some will not even recognise Valeria's greatness because they literally cannot compute it." Lack of a point of reference, even more importantly;
And generally, the women will view her as threat which needs to be neutralised by dragging her down to the level of the group.
This probably explains why a lot of anglo women are so terrible. This is born out of the realisation that she (Valeria, or foreign woman) is probably their better (the conventional anglo women's) deep down. Do you remember that youtube channel nollagirl (under threat of being banned from youtube)? A woman with conservative views who has talked about not having female friends deliberately purely because they try to bring her down and make her feel bad. A lot of these western women do behave in disgusting ways purely for approval from the peer group and to fit in, out of low self esteem. That's the irony of 'acting tough'. A lot of those women who do act tough and unfeminine probably have the lowest self-esteem and lowest confidence.

Ultimately, the problem is that these issues are something that people cannot bring up without fear of disapproval from the peer group. The solutions are simple; be in a position where you don't have a peer group who'se approval you care about, or have a peer group where you can openly discuss these sorts of things.
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Re: Why don't western women see foreign women as role-models?

Post by Adama »

Misko_Varesanovic wrote:
February 16th, 2018, 12:57 pm
But his social circle as a whole will be intimidated by Valeria. As a rule, the men will be jealous, conflicted and confused. A small minority may even try to steal Valeria from Stewart. Conversely, some will not even recognise Valeria's greatness because they literally cannot compute it. And generally, the women will view her as threat which needs to be neutralised by dragging her down to the level of the group. If they can't do this - because of Valeria's strong values - then she will be ostracised, ignored or otherwise frozen out. Of course, some of the women may admire Valeria and praise her for her good qualities, but this will not be the majority viewpoint.

Why is this important? Because it shows the level of resistance to change in an environment where 90%< of people stand to lose self-esteem and social standing from this type of 'disruption', at least in the short-to-medium term.
Actually I think if someone truly is head and shoulders above the rest, regardless where they are in the world, people will try to take them down because of jealousy, whether it is an Anglophone country or any other country. This is what evil people do, and there are evil people who live for their egos, vain glory and vanity all over the world. They are not exclusive to Anglophone countries.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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