Biggest hangup I've noticed with American women.

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Biggest hangup I've noticed with American women.

Post by jjtheprince »

Hey everyone, I don't know if any of you all have experienced this, especially us guys 5'8" or under, but women in America have serious issues when it comes to a guy's height. I don't have a great deal of money & that's never seemed to be a problem. I'm above average looking, but 5'8" tall. Most women I've encountered say I'm too short & don't date guys under 6'. I even had one tell me she didn't date guys under 6'6", and get this, she was only 5'2". Their big excuse is that "Oh I can't be taller than him in my high heels." The problem is not with us, it's with them. They are insecure & feel that they aren't feminine if they are taller than a guy, and thus embarassed to be seen with them.

I've never experienced this in my travels to other countries, even in the Netherlands & Scandinavian countries where a good number of women are around 5'10". They didn't care much about my height.

Also I think a lot of it has to do with American diet. With all the hormones & genetically modified foods, people are growing into being giants vertically and horizontally. 50 or 75 years ago supposedly it was extremely rare to see a woman over 5'9" or so. Nowadays more and more of them you see are 6' or taller. I know of one that's 6'7"

Can anyone relate here?
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Post by Enishi »

I'm 5'7". I've had goth girls tell me they wont date any man who isn't taller than them when they're wearing 6 inch platform boots.

I have to wonder, are girls in other countries this picky when it comes to height?
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Post by jjtheprince »

Enishi wrote:I'm 5'7". I've had goth girls tell me they wont date any man who isn't taller than them when they're wearing 6 inch platform boots.

I have to wonder, are girls in other countries this picky when it comes to height?
They're not. In the Netherlands & Denmark, I had girls hitting on me who were nearly 6 foot tall. In Brazil girls didn't seem to care about height either. From what they told me, the guy's personality and the connection with them is most important. That's really how it should be. It's way different than here in America where you need to be a 6'5" orthopedic surgeon that drives the newest high-end BMW to be desirable.
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Post by ladislav »

High expectations, too many rights, feminism, too many choices and plenty of compliant, willing men eating out of the palm of their hands. Men are treated worse than women are treated in Afghanistan. This fact has long ago been established and we have long ago moved on. I suggest we no longer create bad energy by constantly discovering some other hang up. Women in the US should not be considered at this site. This site is Happier Abroad. Lets follow the title.
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Post by Linc4Love »

Im 5'9 which is considered average height. I'm pretty sure my height is a factor in rejection, but I'm also sure my disability probably sends them running before they start to consider my height (I'm hearing impaired in both ears). Women want metrosexuals 6 foot or higher with no physical blemish whatsoever. Since there are more single men than women (at least in my age group) they can afford to be the picky, shallow f***s that they are. I see men now, decent looking too, dating uggo obese chicks because there's so few options out there, and yet they call US shallow? Get the f**k out of here.
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Re: Biggest hangup I've noticed with American women.

Post by momopi »

jjtheprince wrote:I even had one tell me she didn't date guys under 6'6", and get this, she was only 5'2".
Where does she find guys who are 6'6"+ ? She'd have to join a cheer squad for basketball team or something. I went to high school with the O'Bannon brothers. I think Ed was 6'8" (tallest guy in school) and his brother is 6'5".

Heightism is a fact of life, just like the scales for physical beauty. Men wants pretty girls and girls want tall, strong, and handsome men. It's perfectly natural and normal from biological perspective, but not in terms of equality (ideology).
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Post by Enishi »

All the women I've been with were shorter than me. I don't bother flirting with women of equal or greater height, I don't want to waste my time.

Having a height of at least 6' seems to be a magical number though with many women. Even the ones who are a good deal shorter than me still prefer the six footers. Shrug. Some preferential bias I can understand, I prefer women who are thin and have at least a B cup.

From my perspective however, a short girl insisting on a man who is 6' or above would be the equivalent of me insisting that all my girlfriends have at least D cup or larger. Lol.
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Post by jamesbond »

Linc4Love wrote:I see men now, decent looking too, dating uggo obese chicks because there's so few options out there, and yet they call US shallow? Get the f**k out of here.
I have noticed quite a few "morbidly obese" women dating guys who are slim. Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead with a fat chick and I am sure most guys feel the same way. I keep myself in shape by working out at the gym and I expect the woman I date to do the same thing.

The most hidious women are the obese ugly chicks who look like human whale shit! :shock:

I realize beauty is only skin deep .......... but ugly cuts right to the bone! lol :lol:
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different in other countries

Post by have2fly »

Well, with me growing up in Ukraine, I've noticed quite often that guys would date women that are much taller than them. People would find it funny if the guy is MUCH shorter than a girl, but that's about it. I am 5'11", almost 6', so I guess I should feel lucky. I do LOVE tall girls, but in the US, a tall girl usually looks like a tall guy - VERY skinny, no ass, no boobs, ugly on the face and very masculine. TOTALLY different in Ukraine - girls are VERY feminine, skinny, but have boobs and nice ass. In general, women in Ukraine are taller because they almost ALWAYS wear heels everywhere they go, which I have to admit looks AMAZING. I need heel and beauty therapy for a few months, I should just live in Ukraine and drink beer in the city center everyday and watch these models walk by (well, not only watch lol).

Another big HUGE thing - Ukrainian girls pay HUGE attention to nails, manicure, eye brows, make up, proper clothes that matches colors etc. I don't know about you guys, maybe it's just because I grew up there, but pretty nails on a girl is a BIG turn on for me. Even simple clear nails look great. I was SO shocked when I would see peeling manicure on American chicks that actually look pretty good, not even talking about others.
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Re: different in other countries

Post by WarmnCool »

have2fly wrote:Well, with me growing up in Ukraine, I've noticed quite often that guys would date women that are much taller than them. People would find it funny if the guy is MUCH shorter than a girl, but that's about it. I am 5'11", almost 6', so I guess I should feel lucky. I do LOVE tall girls, but in the US, a tall girl usually looks like a tall guy - VERY skinny, no ass, no boobs, ugly on the face and very masculine. TOTALLY different in Ukraine - girls are VERY feminine, skinny, but have boobs and nice ass. In general, women in Ukraine are taller because they almost ALWAYS wear heels everywhere they go, which I have to admit looks AMAZING. I need heel and beauty therapy for a few months, I should just live in Ukraine and drink beer in the city center everyday and watch these models walk by (well, not only watch lol).

Another big HUGE thing - Ukrainian girls pay HUGE attention to nails, manicure, eye brows, make up, proper clothes that matches colors etc. I don't know about you guys, maybe it's just because I grew up there, but pretty nails on a girl is a BIG turn on for me. Even simple clear nails look great. I was SO shocked when I would see peeling manicure on American chicks that actually look pretty good, not even talking about others.
Ukrainian and Russian girls are the most stunning and beautiful girls!! There are so many obese or masculine looking women in America.
Those who are beautiful can be arrogant bitches. They may have a feminine demeanor about them, but they get arrogant and give a shit about
you attitude, knowing that they can "get laid" anytime and with anybody they want. Men chase them and are ready to bend over backwards to do favors to them. So they are used to the attention and are very manipulative and always put their own preferences and conditions above yours.

Yes I've seen women who make a huge deal out of height of the guy. Even if they are short. I think a girl should be little shorter than the guy. That seems good. But not that she's 5,2 and she wants only 6,6. A woman who changes a guy only cuz she needs to wear heels is not worth having a secure relationship with. Because to her, her clothes and heels are more important. NOT YOU. And this attitude will not change.
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Post by Adama »

There is only one reason American women reject men for any particular nonsensical reason: It makes them feel better about themselves to reject men. If they can reject you, these losers figure they are better than you by proxy simply because they have that power. They need constant reinforcement of how awesome they are. Either they can get their ego boosts by attention whoring or by rejecting perfectly decent men.

I suspect that many of these women do not have BFs or lovers period. Just a gaggle of girlfriends (or men who might as well be GFs). If only one in 10,000 men are good enough for them, then it will make for a very lonely existence.

In fact, I am aware of at least two American women who havent had BFs in the last four years simply because they are out of their minds with requirements. Basically eliminating themselves from the dating pool with these psychoses and hangups.
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Post by jamesbond »

Adama wrote:There is only one reason American women reject men for any particular nonsensical reason: It makes them feel better about themselves to reject men. If they can reject you, these losers figure they are better than you by proxy simply because they have that power. They need constant reinforcement of how awesome they are. Either they can get their ego boosts by attention whoring or by rejecting perfectly decent men.

I suspect that many of these women do not have BFs or lovers period. Just a gaggle of girlfriends (or men who might as well be GFs). If only one in 10,000 men are good enough for them, then it will make for a very lonely existence.

In fact, I am aware of at least two American women who havent had BFs in the last four years simply because they are out of their minds with requirements. Basically eliminating themselves from the dating pool with these psychoses and hangups.
Women in America have high standards when it comes to dating because they think they deserve the absolute best man (a guy who is rich, tall and handsome). It doesn't matter if the woman herself is not attractive or in shape.

It's funny when I look at profiles of women on dating website and they say things like, "looking for my prince charming" or "must be attractive" or "must have a good stable career" when the women with these profiles are as ugly as sin! :lol:
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

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Re: Biggest hangup I've noticed with American women.

Post by Disillusioned_American »

jjtheprince wrote:Hey everyone, I don't know if any of you all have experienced this, especially us guys 5'8" or under, but women in America have serious issues when it comes to a guy's height... Most women I've encountered say I'm too short & don't date guys under 6'... Can anyone relate here?
Ironically, I have actually experienced the opposite of what you're talking about. I am above average height (6'2"), and around 200 lbs, thin and fit with above average looks. When I lived and worked on the East Coast, most of the attractive women that I encountered would rarely even acknowledge me. Through observation, it seemed that most of those of whom I would consider to be "hot" women, were usually paired up with shorter-than average, stocky or portly men. Also worth mentioning, is that many of these women, even if they had above-average attractiveness, usually looked at least a tad bit overweight. Maybe they avoid tall slender/fit men because they feel inferior or insecure about their own weight/looks in contrast to the man's. It was a very puzzling phenomenon for me to grasp.

Now, since moving to the interior of the US, it seems like I get more positive attention from the women here, as if they at least appreciate my height and looks. The average height here doesn't seem to be any different for either men or women than it is on the East Coast though, so I am confused by my newfound "popularity" in comparison. Fortunately, I have lost interest in pursuing American women altogether at this point anyhow; they are flakey no matter where you go in the US. The good thing about this experience though is that it reinforces the notion that a man can have more positive encounters with women, simply by picking up and moving to a new geographic location. Had I been still stuck in the Northeast, I would have been convinced by now that I am a totally helpless loser with women, lol. I'm glad that I moved.
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Post by Jester »

I am tired of the Angrier Assholes posts, and can't sleep tonight, so I have been going through old threads. Here's a post of Ladislav's that speaks eloquently.
ladislav wrote:High expectations, too many rights, feminism, too many choices and plenty of compliant, willing men eating out of the palm of their hands. Men are treated worse than women are treated in Afghanistan. This fact has long ago been established and we have long ago moved on. I suggest we no longer create bad energy by constantly discovering some other hang up. Women in the US should not be considered at this site. This site is Happier Abroad. Lets follow the title.
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Post by All_That_Is_Man »

Jester wrote:I am tired of the Angrier Assholes posts, and can't sleep tonight, so I have been going through old threads. Here's a post of Ladislav's that speaks eloquently.
ladislav wrote:High expectations, too many rights, feminism, too many choices and plenty of compliant, willing men eating out of the palm of their hands. Men are treated worse than women are treated in Afghanistan. This fact has long ago been established and we have long ago moved on. I suggest we no longer create bad energy by constantly discovering some other hang up. Women in the US should not be considered at this site. This site is Happier Abroad. Lets follow the title.

His post stands out! But since I've never seen this thread before, let me add that I am about 6'2'' and I still get no dates or p***y from American women. We need a sticky thread that explains that "above average" or "hot" single guys have absolutely no privileges of attracting women in America. I'm tired of all the hatred toward good male genes as if we are just fighting to keep western women off our dick just because we are tall, dark, and handsome (and literally so). Women clearly do not like men overall in this country, so there you have it. Again, let's follow the title of "Happier Abroad".
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"I used to be one of those men who believed that men are better than women at everything. Then I stood corrected!
Women are better than men at... getting fat." - me (02/24/2013)

Black women suck at life.
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