Why Western females are garbage

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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by Adama »

Conjo wrote:
OutWest wrote:Note on this forum, the primary drive abroad is to find nice girls abroad and convert them to skanks. Western women are garbage, quite nicely balanced with the man-trash.
Fortunately, many Filipina are waking up to what trash most American men are
This is a point that cannot be made enough times: for every Western female that is garbage there is a Western male that is also garbage. It is literally a 50:50 divide. As a result a lot of the women that we know to be garbage will claim to be good, and a lot of the men who claim to be good are in fact garbage themselves. The men who try their luck abroad are not of higher morals compared to the men that stay behind. They are just more creative and bring their perversion elsewhere instead of sleeping around with hoes at home, which many of them find difficult to achieve due their looks being as rotten as their personalities. There are a lot of men who perceive themselves as far more righteous then they really are.
There's at least one white western man who openly posts here that white women find him unattractive.

You'll also note that other expats indicate they had no success with Western women, which forced them to keep moving til they found a place where the women would accept them.

These men refuse any accountability. They lack social development and simply can't interact well with Western women. That is all it is. Foreign women might be more forgiving of awkward type, socially inept men.

Also prostitution is much cheaper and ubiquitous. That's another reason why many men want to expat.

Although many western women are terrible creatures who should be avoided at all costs, for the most part western men have the women they deserve. Now it is their job to infect the remainder of the earth with their way of spoiling women.
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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by Cornfed »

Adama wrote:You'll also note that other expats indicate they had no success with Western women, which forced them to keep moving til they found a place where the women would accept them.

These men refuse any accountability. They lack social development and simply can't interact well with Western women. That is all it is. Foreign women might be more forgiving of awkward type, socially inept men.
Generally the problem is not anything the men are doing, but the fact that huge amounts of resources in the West go to propping up the value of females and male dirtbags, so righteous men are seen as being of no value by Western skanks, as is the point of this thread.
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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by Adama »

Cornfed wrote:
Adama wrote:You'll also note that other expats indicate they had no success with Western women, which forced them to keep moving til they found a place where the women would accept them.

These men refuse any accountability. They lack social development and simply can't interact well with Western women. That is all it is. Foreign women might be more forgiving of awkward type, socially inept men.
Generally the problem is not anything the men are doing, but the fact that huge amounts of resources in the West go to propping up the value of females and male dirtbags, so righteous men are seen as being of no value by Western skanks, as is the point of this thread.
When I was part of MGTOW, I would have agreed. Look at DrRonnie, for example. I love the guy, but I think most MGTOW and other anti-feminists are similar to him, in that they lack confidence and have no idea how to escalate things with women. They are also depressed, negative thinkers, which colors everything negatively, eliminating all hope.

It also depends on whose definition of righteous you're using, but we'll leave that alone.
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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by gnosis »

Cornfed wrote:
Conjo wrote:This is a point that cannot be made enough times: for every Western female that is garbage there is a Western male that is also garbage. It is literally a 50:50 divide.
In my experience ~100% of Western females are garbage whereas probably only around 75% of Western men are garbage. This is because some men are hardwired to be good, and also because not all men are subjected to govt pressure to become garbage, whereas all females are.
It might be because some men have better-developed souls?
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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by OutWest »

gnosis wrote:
Cornfed wrote:
Conjo wrote:This is a point that cannot be made enough times: for every Western female that is garbage there is a Western male that is also garbage. It is literally a 50:50 divide.
In my experience ~100% of Western females are garbage whereas probably only around 75% of Western men are garbage. This is because some men are hardwired to be good, and also because not all men are subjected to govt pressure to become garbage, whereas all females are.
It might be because some men have better-developed souls?
Read the writings of the philosopher Hannah arendt in this regard. She would agreement.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by droid »

Adama wrote:You'll also note that other expats indicate they had no success with Western women, which forced them to keep moving til they found a place where the women would accept them.

These men refuse any accountability. They lack social development and simply can't interact well with Western women. That is all it is. Foreign women might be more forgiving of awkward type, socially inept men.

Also prostitution is much cheaper and ubiquitous. That's another reason why many men want to expat.

Although many western women are terrible creatures who should be avoided at all costs, for the most part western men have the women they deserve. Now it is their job to infect the remainder of the earth with their way of spoiling women.
Yeah Adama you're being a dishonest scumbag or should I say reprobate.
Some of us moved here also because women for the most part, apart from having basic manners, are free of tattoos and they don't drink alcohol or do pot. So again, there is an objective difference in quality. This is an indisputable fact.
Just because God didn't land you a woman effortlessly this summer, you don't have to take it on others to feel a little bit better about yourself.
Well maybe he did send you some, but they started shifting in their seat when you brought up the flat earth and the lake of fire stuff lol.

And again, most expats here are just regular chumps of all the same types from back at home. Business guys, good looking English teachers, tattooed dirtbags, etc. There is no f*king pattern. Stop talking out of your ass, are you making up 'facts' now like you do with physics?

If anything, the missing types here are the earl buttcracks and the neckbeards, which are most likely to stay in their basement. This fantasy about only the socially awkward types being the ones abroad is such bullshit.

You and that conjo pointing out many western males are garbage has nothing to do with the OP's statements. She should make a thread about western males i guess. She can whine about men's receding hairlines there lol
Last edited by droid on September 6th, 2016, 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by Adama »

droid wrote:
Adama wrote:You'll also note that other expats indicate they had no success with Western women, which forced them to keep moving til they found a place where the women would accept them.

These men refuse any accountability. They lack social development and simply can't interact well with Western women. That is all it is. Foreign women might be more forgiving of awkward type, socially inept men.

Also prostitution is much cheaper and ubiquitous. That's another reason why many men want to expat.

Although many western women are terrible creatures who should be avoided at all costs, for the most part western men have the women they deserve. Now it is their job to infect the remainder of the earth with their way of spoiling women.
Yeah Adama you're being a dishonest scumbag or should I say reprobate.
Some of us moved here also because women for the most part are free of tattoos and they don't drink alcohol or do pot. So again, there is an objective difference in quality. This is an indisputable fact.
Just because God didn't land you a woman effortlessly this summer, you don't have to take it on others to feel a little bit better about yourself.
Well maybe he did send you some, but they started shifting in their seat when you brought up the flat earth and the lake of fire stuff lol.

And again, most expats here are just regular chumps of all the same types from back at home. Business guys, good looking English teachers, tattooed dirtbags, etc. There is no f*king pattern. Stop talking out of your ass, are you making up 'facts' now like you do with physics?

If anything, the missing types here are the earl buttcracks and the neckbeards, which are most likely to stay in their basement. This fantasy about only the socially awkward types being the ones abroad is such bullshit.

You and that conjo pointing out many western males are garbage has nothing to do with the OP's statements. She should make a thread about western males i guess.
Don't take it too personally. Opinions come in all different varieties. You're only bound to like one of them. Hey, I am not even mad at you about your comments about me. ;) Your comments about God are a different matter.
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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by Adama »

Ghost wrote:
Adama wrote:Actually you must have a guilty conscience. I don't really care about you that much, Ghost. I was thinking about many of the posters here. But yes, you are one who calls them subhuman, but you are not the only one to fail with the Chinese women.
No, you were clearly alluding to me. You're such a pissant coward and a bad liar. I already retracted the whole "subhuman" thing about Filipinos long ago, and you know that, but you prefer to lie and misrepresent me and others. Stop bearing false witness.
Seems like the hierarchy goes like this: White women. If you can't get them, then Chinese women, and if you can't get them, then Filipino women. Now I personally have no problem with Filipinas, but I have observed that this is the way anti-feminist men operate.
Oh no, the horror! Anti-feminist men want feminine women! They need to man up and marry tatted AW single mom skanks! If white women were feminine and still worthy of being called female, I'd go for them. But they aren't. You deserve those skanks, not me.
The sad thing is that the men who consider Filipina women to be at the bottom are some of the ones who are playing with them and paying them the most. It must suck, truly suck, to be relegated to the bottom of the barrel.
There you go bearing false witness again. I retracted that opinion and you f***ing know it, you filthy liar.
To hate the ONLY kind of woman you can get, after having traveled to the other side of the world and thrown away your western life, for NOTHING, except for a hated race, and not by my assessment, but by the assessment of the very men who left their home country to go sleep with subhumans.
Not the only ones I can get, but the ones I have had the most natural connections with. I don't think things are absolutely impossible for Chinese women for me, but I don't have the connection like I do with Filipinas. So it has been a while since I've even tried with Chinese. I don't have the desire. You wouldn't get anywhere with Chinese, nor with any women for that matter. If I'm wrong, feel free to tell us all about your romantic life.
You can call me retarded all you want.
You're retarded.
It has nothing to do with feminism but simply an inability to score with white women, and they can't let that grudge go.
It has EVERYTHING to do with feminism (and misandry, etc.) In a better world, men like me wouldn't be forced to leave their own countries in order to build lives: to have women and wives, to have decent jobs, to have a social life, etc. So, yes, there is a grudge but it is not specifically about white women. Quit being such a white knight - white women are not the be-all-end-all of women. They're not even good. (Except for perhaps EE women.) You love to white knight for AWs but they're shitty females. And they don't even like you besides.
Now if the shoe fits, the wear it. If the shoe doesn't fit, then don't get your panties in a bunch.
That's the worst Johnnie Cochran-esque impression I've ever seen.
You have a guilty conscience because you're guilty.
You're just babbling now. What the f**k are you talking about?
Also, I practice talking to stranger women. I don't go for full on pick up though. I talk to stranger women on the street similar to Dan Cilley. I just don't film it or brag. I just do it to get over my shyness and to remind myself that the most they can do is keep walking.
And that's what they do, keep on walking. Although they could call the cops and have you arrested for "harassment" too.
Go away dude. I was talking about you? So what? Get over it. My opinion should not matter that much. I'm not so afraid of you that I would avoid using your name. And if I were, you should have the courtesy to leave it be to avoid conflict and argument. But of course that is what you prefer. Honestly, I don't find you as interesting as you think I do. I do not follow your posts except when I come across them. I do not hang on your every word. And I don't really care about your opinions or what you have to say.
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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by Adama »

droid wrote: Just because God didn't land you a woman effortlessly this summer, you don't have to take it on others to feel a little bit better about yourself.
If I could somehow impart to you all the things God has shown to me, and all the things which He has done for me, you would not ridicule in this manner, and you would respect the Lord. I hope He forgives you, Droid. I hope you come around one day before you go too far, but you probably already have, since you know it is by faith alone yet hold it in unbelief.
Last edited by Adama on September 6th, 2016, 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by Adama »

Ghost wrote:
Adama wrote:Go away dude. I was talking about you? So what? Get over it. My opinion should not matter that much. I'm not so afraid of you that I would avoid using your name. And if I were, you should have the courtesy to leave it be to avoid conflict and argument. But of course that is what you prefer. Honestly, I don't find you as interesting as you think I do. I do not follow your posts except when I come across them. I do not hang on your every word.
If you didn't want conflict, you wouldn't post such stupid shit. And your passive-aggressive ways are bitchy. I mean that in the truest sense: you must really be a woman because you post like one. Irrational, bitchy, passive-aggressive. If you do somehow have a dick and balls, you never learned masculine behavior. You do not go around making passive-aggressive comments and then claim I'm the one seeking conflict.
And I don't really care about your opinions or what you have to say.
Ah, that must be why you respond to me so much.
The reason why you can't stop is because you're reprobate. Just let it go dude. It's really not that important.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on December 18th, 2018, 6:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by droid »

I want a reprobate chocolate muffin with a reprobate soda and reprobate chicken fingers
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Why Western females are garbage

Post by Shemp »

Ghost wrote:There goes the idiot with Reprobate Tourettes again.

Someone needs to take you out behind the woodshed and give you a good long spanking.
It's pretty obvious Adama will eventually get married to a harridan who mouths all those magical words about submissive and whatnot, but actually has Adama wrapped around her little finger. Adama will continue spouting off on internet forums about the role of the man as head of the family. And then "momma" will yell to Adama to get off the internet and get to work fixing that broken toilet and cleaning the yard, and Adama will do as he is told. If momma doesn't want sex, too bad for Adama. She probably won't divorce or cheat on him, these bossy church lady types aren't like that, but she will definitely spank him frequently, in the figurative sense.
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