Most Filipinas only look good from a distance

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Will N. Dowd
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Most Filipinas only look good from a distance

Post by Will N. Dowd »

When I go out in public here, I see all these cute young girls everywhere. I find most Filipinas have very nice bodies, as long as they are slim. I like petite girls, with slim bodies, and I really like most girls bodies here when they are young. They tend to fall apart pretty fast and get fat when they reach late 20's but before that the bodies are usually very nice. The problem I usually notice is when I get close their skin usually sucks. It seems to happen around the time they turn 17. If you see high school girls in their uniforms, they will be 16 or under and they still have young clear skin. When they turn 17 or 18, something happens and they get bad acne and of course they usually can't afford to do anything about it so it just goes untreated and then they get scars and then as they get older the skin looks worse and worse. Even some girls in their late teens and 20's already have poor or very bad skin with acne scars, more pimples, and crows feet. Bad skin is a huge turn off for me and it is the main reason I turn down girls. Even a lot of cute girls are ruined by bad skin. Anyone with nice clear skin is much more attractive.

Once you get closer to them and see how their skin is, you can then start talking to them in order to find out the status of my next issue with a lot of them. Missing or rotten teeth. I've noticed that crooked teeth here is not really an issue. It is missing and/or rotten teeth that so many have. Again it's the cost of fixing them that's the problem. Even though dental work here is much cheaper than the western world, most still can't afford it. In Japan, crooked teeth are the issue, especially among girls. Some of the ones I met at the language school were unforgettable. Missing or rotten teeth with the Japanese was never an issue, but with Filipinas it's a deal breaker again.

So anyways, from a distance, the girls you see in public places like the mall look cute but as you get closer and into focus, reality sets in and the skin usually sucks and so do the teeth. It's the same with the sales girls you see everywhere. They all look cute and hot with their slim bodies in their little uniforms, but get closer and start talking to some of them. The number of ones with good features, skin and teeth is very small. It's really a pity. These girls are called hipon here, or shrimp. You eat the body but throw away the head

Guys here have the same issue I notice too.
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Post by Johnny1975 »

I've never been to the Philippines but I do chat with a lot of filipinas on dating sites. I can't say I've ever noticed any of what you describe. I have a policy of scrutinizing photos very closely and I've never seen bad teeth. In fact I've been impressed with their teeth. Some of them have braces but their teeth are nice and white.

Same with their skin. I know that some of them edit their pictures but even when they do, they usually have unedited pictures too (I can tell because of the lighting), and their skin looks fine to me.

I usually check the ones aged 21 to 26 but I've also looked at the older ones and they're in pretty good condition too. Very nice in fact.

This is why I don't understand when anyone says that filipinas are faulty, or that they age badly. i just don't see it.

If you want to know what I mean, go to OKCupid, do a search for :

Straight girls only
No kids
500 km from Iloilo (which is in the middle of the country, so I think that covers the whole country)
Online now

That's the search that I usually do. If you look at what comes up, you'll see what I mean. There are some real cuties. I love filipinas. The only thing I wish was a bit different about them is that they they should be a bit curvier, but considering how cute they are, it's not a major issue for me.

I'd like to see examples of what you're talking about in terms of bad teeth and skin etc. I'm sure they exist but based on what I've seen, filipinas are mostly nice looking. If what you're talking about is common, then that makes me wonder why it is that I see mostly attractive women on OKCupid.
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Will N. Dowd
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Post by Will N. Dowd »

Having never been to the Philippines you are in for a rude awakening. Most girls online don't look like their pictures. That's why they are online, because in real life they are usually not attractive. Of course many are cute, but most are not and photoshop their skin to be perfect. I've been here 3 times and can tell you that's the truth. Others will confirm it.
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Post by Johnny1975 »

Will N. Dowd wrote:Having never been to the Philippines you are in for a rude awakening. Most girls online don't look like their pictures. That's why they are online, because in real life they are usually not attractive. Of course many are cute, but most are not and photoshop their skin to be perfect. I've been here 3 times and can tell you that's the truth. Others will confirm it.
Will, do a search on OKCupid. If you're not a member, join, it only takes 1 minute.

Search for :

Straight girls only
No kids
500 km from Iloilo
Online now

And see what you think. If you see any that you instinctively think probably don't look like their pictures in real life, give me their usernames and i'll check them out. If you see any bad teeth or bad skin, let me know that too.

I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. Show me what you mean.
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Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Johnny is delusional so dont bother replying to him will n dowd. my gf looked hot and cut on cam but when i seen her in person her skin wsa a bit rough and i saw more of her native features. and over time i noticed it even more. it was a bit of a turnoff. my barhoe had great skin though and was attractive overall. I agree on pictures they look better but on cam you usually see the real them but sometimes can be fooled by even that. although i had one surprise where the girl looked better in real life.
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Post by Banano »

Agree with OP.
Filipinas have bad skin due to crappy diet and harsh sun and have bad teeth, it is a broad statement but you know what i mean, most of them are skinny but not FIT skinny, big difference.
If you cant score anywhere else come to PH and you might get some for free.
So sad nobody goes to PH to see the country or because you enjoy talking to filipinas(unless you are complete imbecile), they are the most boring women in the is hard to disagree with this statement
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Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Banano wrote:Agree with OP.
Filipinas have bad skin due to crappy diet and harsh sun and have bad teeth, it is a broad statement but you know what i mean, most of them are skinny but not FIT skinny, big difference.
If you cant score anywhere else come to PH and you might get some for free.
So sad nobody goes to PH to see the country or because you enjoy talking to filipinas(unless you are complete imbecile), they are the most boring women in the is hard to disagree with this statement
unless they are hoes or have had foreigners before then they might be more enjoyable to be around LOL my bargirl was amazing in the sack and she was fun out of the sack but she couldn't talk about anything intellectual but i enjoyed the romance so i overlooked that cause of the sex and her playfulness. my current gf i could joke around a lot but she would just be on her phone all the time and wasn't very romantic. Most filipinas from my impression have been worse then those 2 in fact i find most filipinas terribly boring and naive.
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Post by pete98146 »

Maybe I'm missing the point, but when you compare even your average Filipina against what we have here in the States, it's NO contest. Maybe it's time to review what our country has to offer us before we gang up on the Filipinas.

The summer months are a brutal reminder that western ladies are usually 20-30lbs overweight. Throw in a half dozen tattoos and bad attitudes and you have a cocktail for misery. Oh and to add insult to injury the girls that I've just described have ATTITUDE problems and they probably won't even date you unless you are in the top third in pretty much every category.

A Filipina with bad skin? There's Accutane. Dental issue? Dentists exist. Poor diet? They can be coached and this can be corrected. Many of these girls are just diamonds in the rough. Don't lose track that many of these girls have big hearts, have never heard of feminism, will cook and clean for you etc. Good luck finding that in the West.

Some guys are going to be half empty type of guys and for some reason, this forum draws them in like moths to a light bulb. I could walk up to half you on HA, hand you a $100 bill and many of you would complain that it's

Come on! If you can't find a very cute, sweet, nice girl in Phis then something is SERIOUSLY wrong with you. It's not the girls.
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Post by newlifeinphilippines »

pete98146 wrote:Maybe I'm missing the point, but when you compare even your average Filipina against what we have here in the States, it's NO contest. Maybe it's time to review what our country has to offer us before we gang up on the Filipinas.

The summer months are a brutal reminder that western ladies are usually 20-30lbs overweight. Throw in a half dozen tattoos and bad attitudes and you have a cocktail for misery. Oh and to add insult to injury the girls that I've just described have ATTITUDE problems and they probably won't even date you unless you are in the top third in pretty much every category.

A Filipina with bad skin? There's Accutane. Dental issue? Dentists exist. Poor diet? They can be coached and this can be corrected. Many of these girls are just diamonds in the rough. Don't lose track that many of these girls have big hearts, have never heard of feminism, will cook and clean for you etc. Good luck finding that in the West.

Some guys are going to be half empty type of guys and for some reason, this forum draws them in like moths to a light bulb. I could walk up to half you on HA, hand you a $100 bill and many of you would complain that it's

Come on! If you can't find a very cute, sweet, nice girl in Phis then something is SERIOUSLY wrong with you. It's not the girls.
That cute sweet girl might be a scammer/prostitute or be asexual or unromantic. Not every girl that is cute and nice is great to be around you know.
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Post by Johnny1975 »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:Johnny is delusional so dont bother replying to him will n dowd. my gf looked hot and cut on cam but when i seen her in person her skin wsa a bit rough and i saw more of her native features. and over time i noticed it even more. it was a bit of a turnoff. my barhoe had great skin though and was attractive overall. I agree on pictures they look better but on cam you usually see the real them but sometimes can be fooled by even that. although i had one surprise where the girl looked better in real life.
What an immature thing to say.

I humbly mentioned that I've never been to the Philippines. I asked Will to give me some indication of what he's talking about, in order for me to understand. I gave my impression on filipinas based on my own observations.

It's not delusional, it's simply one person not understanding another, and humbly asking for an explanation. If this whole forum followed your logic, there would be no discussions ever.

You know, despite the whole thing about this place being for open minded people, from time to time I notice a lot of arrogance and cock waving. Someone who's been to a country makes a comment, and so the opinion of anyone who hasn't been to that country is considered completely invalid. Add to that the hypocrisy of being called delusional when all I did was ask for evidence of will's comments. It's called a discussion. That's what civilized people do.

If Will follows your advice to ignore me, on the grounds that I'm some kind of moron, then an interesting discussion will be missed.

I wish some of you on this forum would grow up. Did you actually think that I made my comments in order to show Will how clever I am? Have you heard of projection? No, I made my comments to see if there was anything that I could learn from will. maybe I've missed something. maybe i'm not looking closely enough at the pictures of filipinas on dating sites. maybe i'm completely wrong. well guess what,if I'm wrong, I'd like to know, and that requires discussion. And hey, you never know, it might be the case, gasp...that Will is not 100% correct in what he said.

But I guess I'll never know, and readers won't know, if Will decides that i'm an idiot for asking a question. Like I say, some of you need to grow up. Just because someone has been to a country and someone else hasn't, that doesn't make them king of the castle.

I bet there are subjects that I know a lot more than you about, but I'd never have the arrogance of assuming that any question you might have is stupid or ignorant. You might even know something i don't. So grow up.
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Post by Johnny1975 »

pete98146 wrote:Maybe I'm missing the point, but when you compare even your average Filipina against what we have here in the States, it's NO contest. Maybe it's time to review what our country has to offer us before we gang up on the Filipinas.

The summer months are a brutal reminder that western ladies are usually 20-30lbs overweight. Throw in a half dozen tattoos and bad attitudes and you have a cocktail for misery. Oh and to add insult to injury the girls that I've just described have ATTITUDE problems and they probably won't even date you unless you are in the top third in pretty much every category.

A Filipina with bad skin? There's Accutane. Dental issue? Dentists exist. Poor diet? They can be coached and this can be corrected. Many of these girls are just diamonds in the rough. Don't lose track that many of these girls have big hearts, have never heard of feminism, will cook and clean for you etc. Good luck finding that in the West.

Some guys are going to be half empty type of guys and for some reason, this forum draws them in like moths to a light bulb. I could walk up to half you on HA, hand you a $100 bill and many of you would complain that it's

Come on! If you can't find a very cute, sweet, nice girl in Phis then something is SERIOUSLY wrong with you. It's not the girls.
Amen. Nothing more to add.
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Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Johnny1975 wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:Johnny is delusional so dont bother replying to him will n dowd. my gf looked hot and cut on cam but when i seen her in person her skin wsa a bit rough and i saw more of her native features. and over time i noticed it even more. it was a bit of a turnoff. my barhoe had great skin though and was attractive overall. I agree on pictures they look better but on cam you usually see the real them but sometimes can be fooled by even that. although i had one surprise where the girl looked better in real life.
What an immature thing to say.

I humbly mentioned that I've never been to the Philippines. I asked Will to give me some indication of what he's talking about, in order for me to understand. I gave my impression on filipinas based on my own observations.

It's not delusional, it's simply one person not understanding another, and humbly asking for an explanation. If this whole forum followed your logic, there would be no discussions ever.

You know, despite the whole thing about this place being for open minded people, from time to time I notice a lot of arrogance and cock waving. Someone who's been to a country makes a comment, and so the opinion of anyone who hasn't been to that country is considered completely invalid. Add to that the hypocrisy of being called delusional when all I did was ask for evidence of will's comments. It's called a discussion. That's what civilized people do.

If Will follows your advice to ignore me, on the grounds that I'm some kind of moron, then an interesting discussion will be missed.

I wish some of you on this forum would grow up. Did you actually think that I made my comments in order to show Will how clever I am? Have you heard of projection? No, I made my comments to see if there was anything that I could learn from will. maybe I've missed something. maybe i'm not looking closely enough at the pictures of filipinas on dating sites. maybe i'm completely wrong. well guess what,if I'm wrong, I'd like to know, and that requires discussion. And hey, you never know, it might be the case, gasp...that Will is not 100% correct in what he said.

But I guess I'll never know, and readers won't know, if Will decides that i'm an idiot for asking a question. Like I say, some of you need to grow up. Just because someone has been to a country and someone else hasn't, that doesn't make them king of the castle.

I bet there are subjects that I know a lot more than you about, but I'd never have the arrogance of assuming that any question you might have is stupid or ignorant. You might even know something i don't. So grow up.
the last time i explained something to you in another thread you didn't get it and said i didn't know what i was talkinga bout basically so will n dowd shouldnt waste his time replying to you cause you won get him either based on your replies in this thread.
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Post by Johnny1975 »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:
Johnny1975 wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:Johnny is delusional so dont bother replying to him will n dowd. my gf looked hot and cut on cam but when i seen her in person her skin wsa a bit rough and i saw more of her native features. and over time i noticed it even more. it was a bit of a turnoff. my barhoe had great skin though and was attractive overall. I agree on pictures they look better but on cam you usually see the real them but sometimes can be fooled by even that. although i had one surprise where the girl looked better in real life.
What an immature thing to say.

I humbly mentioned that I've never been to the Philippines. I asked Will to give me some indication of what he's talking about, in order for me to understand. I gave my impression on filipinas based on my own observations.

It's not delusional, it's simply one person not understanding another, and humbly asking for an explanation. If this whole forum followed your logic, there would be no discussions ever.

You know, despite the whole thing about this place being for open minded people, from time to time I notice a lot of arrogance and cock waving. Someone who's been to a country makes a comment, and so the opinion of anyone who hasn't been to that country is considered completely invalid. Add to that the hypocrisy of being called delusional when all I did was ask for evidence of will's comments. It's called a discussion. That's what civilized people do.

If Will follows your advice to ignore me, on the grounds that I'm some kind of moron, then an interesting discussion will be missed.

I wish some of you on this forum would grow up. Did you actually think that I made my comments in order to show Will how clever I am? Have you heard of projection? No, I made my comments to see if there was anything that I could learn from will. maybe I've missed something. maybe i'm not looking closely enough at the pictures of filipinas on dating sites. maybe i'm completely wrong. well guess what,if I'm wrong, I'd like to know, and that requires discussion. And hey, you never know, it might be the case, gasp...that Will is not 100% correct in what he said.

But I guess I'll never know, and readers won't know, if Will decides that i'm an idiot for asking a question. Like I say, some of you need to grow up. Just because someone has been to a country and someone else hasn't, that doesn't make them king of the castle.

I bet there are subjects that I know a lot more than you about, but I'd never have the arrogance of assuming that any question you might have is stupid or ignorant. You might even know something i don't. So grow up.
the last time i explained something to you in another thread you didn't get it and said i didn't know what i was talkinga bout basically so will n dowd shouldnt waste his time replying to you cause you won get him either based on your replies in this thread.
When was this? What thread?
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Post by hammanta »

pete98146 wrote:Maybe I'm missing the point, but when you compare even your average Filipina against what we have here in the States, it's NO contest. Maybe it's time to review what our country has to offer us before we gang up on the Filipinas.

The summer months are a brutal reminder that western ladies are usually 20-30lbs overweight. Throw in a half dozen tattoos and bad attitudes and you have a cocktail for misery. Oh and to add insult to injury the girls that I've just described have ATTITUDE problems and they probably won't even date you unless you are in the top third in pretty much every category.

A Filipina with bad skin? There's Accutane. Dental issue? Dentists exist. Poor diet? They can be coached and this can be corrected. Many of these girls are just diamonds in the rough. Don't lose track that many of these girls have big hearts, have never heard of feminism, will cook and clean for you etc. Good luck finding that in the West.

Some guys are going to be half empty type of guys and for some reason, this forum draws them in like moths to a light bulb. I could walk up to half you on HA, hand you a $100 bill and many of you would complain that it's

Come on! If you can't find a very cute, sweet, nice girl in Phis then something is SERIOUSLY wrong with you. It's not the girls.
A little story...

I went river floating with 15 or so friends the other day. I'd say 6 or 7 were females (all white except 1 mixed), mostly girlfriends of my friends. Most of my guy friends are decent looking guys. Their GFs in bikinis were simply not of my taste. Without makeup you could see some facial flaws, belly pouches, cellulite, pale legs... and I see this all the time in America.

My point is that most girls look very average until they are dolled up a little. It's the superficial environment we grew up with. My mother was a very pretty lady growing up and even today at 45 (haha I know). When I'd see her without make up I thought she was a different lady.

I agree with ya Pete. You takes these girls whom are cute with a good starting frame, get them into a gym and eating well, maybe a little makeup and some nice clothes and you have a diamond.

Guys in America generally see two types of women. The fatties and the hotties. The hotties do as mentioned above. They eat well, exercise, tan, use lotions and makeup, and dress to fit their frame. Very few girls that are above the age of 17 or 18 in the USA are hot without exercising and eating right.

Being in a poor country it doesn't make sense to waste calories exercising, especially if one is already thin. Going to the gym and getting in shape isn't nearly as big there as it is in America. Makeup is also not that big of a deal over there and neither is dressing fabulously. Change their routine just a little and you can find some true hotties in the making.

I think several of these guys should go over to RooshV or Naughty Nomad with their mindsets, but then again they'd be told that they actually have to APPROACH women and that would be a deal breaker.
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Post by Taco »

Will N. Dowd wrote:Having never been to the Philippines you are in for a rude awakening. Most girls online don't look like their pictures.
Here's some women that look great in real life.

Top 10 Female Celebrities ... -with-std/
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