Intelligent Design Disproves Evolution and Atheism

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Intelligent Design Disproves Evolution and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Someone emailed this to me. How would you respond?

I really love your website, but have a couple points to make regarding your "Creationism" section.

Quote by you: "I will say that I do not argue against the evidence of intelligent design in the universe. I am one of those with the middle position that Evolution did happen, but that a cosmic life force had something to do with it. After all, no Atheist or scientific materialist has ever been able to answer the question of how something could come from nothing, or why anything even exists at all."

Please the following response to this.

We humans intelligently design and create, therefore we assume that we also must have been designed and created by an intelligent designer. However, symptoms such as diseases, viruses, bacteria, aging, physical ailments, mental disorders, and common birth defects don’t point to any type of intelligent design. Natural catastrophes that occur on a regular basis that destroy life indiscriminately do not point to any type of intelligent design. You can look into the cosmos and find unintelligent design aspects to it such as black holes, supernovas, white dwarfs, red giants, meteors, etc. The intelligent design argument is really feeble as it assumes a flawless creation.<SPAN> Believing that there is this Intelligent Designer actually diminishes the amazement of the universe by suggesting that god just did it, rather than by way of a complicated, intricate process that science is continually learning and explaining. Believing that this "cosmic force" just did it doesn’t explain any of the complexity we see before us; it only transfers the burden of one unknown to an even larger unknown.

Attributing an "intelligent designer" or "cosmic force" as the source every time something can’t be explained from a natural perspective is illogical. That’s the same mentality that was used several thousand years ago to justify the existence of multiple gods when our understanding of the universe and nature were limited. The flaw in this logic is that you must then ask yourself who created this intelligent designer then, and so on, infinitely regressing. If you can conveniently just assume that this intelligent designer has always existed and doesn’t need a creator, then you can just as easily assume that the formation of the universe didn’t need a creator either. Science may or may not ever be able to unravel all the mysteries in the universe or adequately explain the singular event in time that caused this chain reaction to occur, but we should not compromise our intelligence and default to an intelligent designer as being responsible. You are still required to prove this intelligent designer's existence, not just insert him into the gaps of what cannot be understood at this moment in time, and call that proof.

In addition, the following 2-concepts often get confused with each other. Abiogenesis is the study of the origin of first life, and Evolution describes the gradual changes in species from simple beginnings over time. Science never states that life just came from nothing, but rather that the formation of the first life originated from non-living matter. And Natural Selection, which is the driving mechanism behind Evolution, is the exact opposite of chance. Chance only plays a role in the form of gene mutations, but from there, the possessors of those gene mutations that are suited to the environment will have greater reproductive success, and the possessors of those inferior gene variations that are not favorable to the environment will gradually be eliminated until eventual extinction. So we are not here by chance; we have successfully evolved to this point through Natural Selection, which is a cumulative process of slow gradual degrees from simple beginnings.

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Re: Is Intelligent Design Proof of God or a Creator?

Post by Winston »

Wow check this out. I just saw this video. It has so much proof and examples of intelligent design, both in astronomy and biology. Its very mind blowing. No atheist can remain an atheist after seeing this if they're honest.

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Re: Is Intelligent Design Proof of God or a Creator?

Post by Winston »

Great intellectual discussion with author James Perloff about the problems and impossibilities of Darwin's evolution theory and why atheists deny intelligent design even when they know its true and can\t escape it. Perloff is a former Atheist and Evolutionist turned Christian and explains very well the many reasons why Darwinian evolution doesn't hold water and dismantles it with sheer razor sharp logic on multiple levels. After listening to this, you will see how fictitious and nonsensical the evolution theory is, and how the evolutionists are pure shenanigans. It's a must hear and very informative and powerful. Perloff really knows his stuff and has written two great books on the subject, which you can get on

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Re: Is Intelligent Design Proof of God or a Creator?

Post by Winston »

@Adama what do you think of intelligent design? Why do atheists and establishment scientists and academics continue to deny intelligent design even when they know its true and cant escape it? Why dont they embrace the truth? Arent scientists supposed to be objective truth seekers and rational?
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Re: Is Intelligent Design Proof of God or a Creator?

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:
January 5th, 2018, 11:26 pm
@Adama what do you think of intelligent design? Why do atheists and establishment scientists and academics continue to deny intelligent design even when they know its true and cant escape it? Why dont they embrace the truth? Arent scientists supposed to be objective truth seekers and rational?
Many people love unrighteousness more than they love goodness. It really is that simple. They have lust to commit evil. The idea of evil gives them so much pleasure that they scoff at the idea that God is real. You can see this all around you.

How much hatred are the God-hating atheists consumed with? You can see it, if you even mention the name of God they get inflamed and seek to destroy.

This is the problem that many of the freed Hebrew slaves had when God rescued them by the hand of Moses out of Egypt. They didn't want to believe in the Lord, even when they saw the sea parted, or even when they saw the pillar of a cloud during the day time and a pillar of fire by night, to guide them on their journey. They had angel's food from heaven, which many unbelievers now say is nothing more than bird dung. All these miracles and they still couldn't believe in the Lord. That's because they had great desire to live according to unrighteousness.

Too bad for the unbelievers. Just because they don't want God to exist, it doesn't mean He doesn't exist. He still exists despite their hatred of Him.

It's greedy lust. They want more than they are entitled to. If they only realized, all they had to do is believe in the Lord. The next life will be over one billion times better than this one, but only for the saved.
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Re: Is Intelligent Design Proof of God or a Creator?

Post by Winston »

But Adama, most of these atheists claim to be moral people with good ethics. Some have even written books about how to be a good person with good morals and be an atheist at the same time, such as "Sense and Goodness without God" by Richard Carrier and "Morality without God" by Sam Harris. How do you explain that? If they are good people with good ethics, why would they want an excuse to sin?

Couldn't it also be true that some atheists are that way because they blame God for all the evil and suffering in the world, or in their own life?

Also, the video interview above said that atheists and agnostics are usually liberal and left wing politically. They aren't usually conservative in their political views. Why is that? What's the connection between atheism and liberals and left wingers?

Also, some people are atheists just because they were indoctrinated that way and need proof to believe in God. Some people just won't believe in something they can't see, even if it should exist from inference.

Furthermore, some people are just atheists because they don't like to believe in any kind of authority at all. They don't like the concept of any central authority, either earthly or heavenly, telling everyone what to do.

Buddhists in a sense are atheists too. They claim God is unknowable and is a non-issue. But they don't deny that there's a God nor do they condemn other religions for believing in God. But they don't worship or acknowledge a creator either. They keep it vague. Buddhists claim that the universe was created by "cause and effect", which is vague. Of course cause and effect is behind everything. But that doesn't say whether it was by random chance or intelligent design. It keeps it vague. "Cause and effect" could apply to both Creationism and the Big Bang theory. So it takes no real position.

Btw my parents are good moral people too, because they were raised with strict Taiwanese traditional small town values in the 1950's which were very puritanical and guilt inducing, kind of like how the Puritans and Pilgrims were raised. Yet they do not believe in God, but they believe in Buddhism, which does promote strong ethics and virtuous living of course.

So aren't Christians wrong to say that you can't have good morals without God? And what would my parents' and other Buddhists' motive for not believing in God? It wouldn't be for the reasons you describe right?
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Re: Is Intelligent Design Proof of God or a Creator?

Post by Winston »

The good news about intelligent design and its presence in all of biology and astronomy is that all this means that the universe is not all about chaos, meaninglessness and pure chance after all. It means there is a purpose to everything including YOUR life too. That's wonderful news and very inspiring and uplifting and enlightening. And in some ways liberating too, because it means the universe is not some cold dark godless place like Atheists want you to believe. So it has very profound implications and ramifications.

All of this is life changing and of the utmost importance. Yet funnily enough, no one is responding to this thread. Instead, they are responding to hate and drama threads, such as "Should Cornfed be banned?" lol. But a thread about intelligent design in the universe revealing a purpose and creator after all, which has profound implications, is ignored. lol. Go figure.
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Re: Is Intelligent Design Proof of God or a Creator?

Post by Winston »

Two must see documentaries guaranteed to change any atheist or agnostics' mind about a creator! These two films present irrefutable and ironclad proof of intelligent design in microbiology, humans and wildlife, and paleontology. Any atheist who watches this with an honest open mind cannot possibly continue believing that random godless chance created the universe, and will be forced to admit the existence of some kind of creator, architect or intelligent designer at the very least. Show these to any atheists you know and bet them money it will change their minds! A total must see! Get ready for your mind to be blown!

Unlocking the Mystery of Life

Very enlightening and eye opening! Shows the amazing intelligent design in living cells, proteins, amino acids and DNA. And how the sequence and coding in them are far more complex than any software program ever created on Earth, which Bill Gates even stated. Thus all of this could not have come about by random chance. Otherwise, Bill Gates would employ random chance to design each edition of Microsoft Windows rather than hire professional programmers. Shows how life has to be created from top down, not bottom up as in Darwinism, due to irreducible complexity. A great example of this is the bacterium flagellan, which has a real motor propelling it that could not have been gradually built up because if you remove even one part, it fails to function! All of this is very well explained in easy to understand terms by experts and intellectuals in this field who are very articulate.

All this has profound implications. After all, any PATTERN at all indicates design and purpose, not randomness or chance. Atheists cannot escape this. And highly elaborate codes that must be in a specific sequence to work, can only come about from an intelligent designer, just like a complex computer program must as well. All of this will mesmerize you with great AWE for the profound intelligence behind creation and CHANGE the way you look at everything! This film will shift your PARADIGM in other words! So be warned! A must see! Very mind blowing.

Darwin's Dilemma

Another must see. Shows how the Cambrian Explosion refutes the Darwinian theory of gradual evolution in small steps over millions of years, because all the fossil evidence shows that all the ancestors of life on earth appeared suddenly like in a "big explosion" of life. Paleontologists acknowledge this yet cannot explain it, especially with any Darwinian explanation of random mutations and natural selection. Even the paleontologists in China admit that this refutes evolution. It points to some kind of intervention, like a God or Creator or terraforming act by higher beings - kind of like how the "Genesis torpedo" in "Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan" brought life to a dead planet. Features many experts and intellectuals who explain the ramifications of all this in an easy to understand manner. Very mind blowing.

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Re: Intelligent Design - Proof of God or Creator? Disproves Darwinian Evolution?

Post by Winston »

Wow I just saw an amazing documentary called "Is Genesis History?" It's about how geological, paleontological, and biological evidence supports the account of creation in Genesis, and why Earth does not need to be millions of years old, but only a few thousand years old as the Bible teaches. It turned out a lot better than I thought. They take you down to the Grand Canyon and Mount St. Helens and shows you how big geological structures and formations can be formed in a single day, not millions of years as academic science claims. And how observable geology and rock structures in the Grand Canyon and other canyons show that they were formed by sudden catastrophic forces of water, not gradual erosion by the Colorado River over millions of years as is officially claimed. The scenery and backdrop in this film are very spectacular and best seen on a big screen. They will make you want to visit the Southwest USA.

Then they interview wildlife experts and marine biologists who explain why life must have been designed top down, not bottom up per evolution theory, due to irreducible complexity. Their arguments are presented in a clear easy to understand manner that makes a lot of sense. And the experts are very down to earth, articulate and knowledgeable. And they sound very credible and genuine too. The interviewer and creator of the film asks a lot of good questions too. It's a must see and very awe inspiring and mind blowing. If you thought Christians were fools with no good arguments or serious evidence, this will change your mind. Everyone should view this documentary and follow the evidence wherever it may lead with an open mind, because the implications are profound. If there is a God, then we should at least honor him and pay him some respect, even if we don't want to become devout Christians.

The thing is, if you look up the reviews of this film on IMDB, what you'll notice is that the atheists that bash this film do not refute its arguments or deal with the evidence presented. Instead, all they do is use insult, ridicule and ad hominem attacks, as if they harbored lots of deep hatred and vitriol for God. This is very revealing and speaks volumes about their motives, which are anything but scientific or objective. Thus supporting @Adamas claim that Atheists deep down hate God, which is ironic though because how can you hate something if it doesn't even exist? lol. See the reviews here:

Anyway, the full documentary is currently on YouTube, but not uploaded by its producers. So if you want to see it, hurry up and do or it may get pulled down. Here is the trailer first.


Full documentary (best to see on big screen, has spectacular scenery)

If you enjoy it, please support the filmmakers by buying a copy from their website at:

Also on their website and YouTube channel, you can watch more follow up videos and interviews that support the Genesis account of creation and refute evolution and the old earth theory, as well as mini clips from the main documentary itself: ... _polymer=1

Anyway, check it all out and research and explore it all with an open mind and don't be afraid to follow the evidence wherever it may lead.

@Adama and @MrMan, what do you think?
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Re: Is Intelligent Design Proof of God or a Creator?

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:
January 6th, 2018, 8:08 pm
But Adama, most of these atheists claim to be moral people with good ethics. Some have even written books about how to be a good person with good morals and be an atheist at the same time, such as "Sense and Goodness without God" by Richard Carrier and "Morality without God" by Sam Harris. How do you explain that? If they are good people with good ethics, why would they want an excuse to sin?

Couldn't it also be true that some atheists are that way because they blame God for all the evil and suffering in the world, or in their own life?

Also, the video interview above said that atheists and agnostics are usually liberal and left wing politically. They aren't usually conservative in their political views. Why is that? What's the connection between atheism and liberals and left wingers?

Also, some people are atheists just because they were indoctrinated that way and need proof to believe in God. Some people just won't believe in something they can't see, even if it should exist from inference.

Furthermore, some people are just atheists because they don't like to believe in any kind of authority at all. They don't like the concept of any central authority, either earthly or heavenly, telling everyone what to do.

Buddhists in a sense are atheists too. They claim God is unknowable and is a non-issue.

Buddhism, like Talmudism, is nothing but a doctrine of men. They are commandments that some man made up. They don't even claim to come from God. It is right there.

Man's ways are not God's ways. There are commandments which God has that Buddhists do not accept as valid, because they are following what they as Buddhists think is good, rather than following Christ. Whoops.
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Re: Intelligent Design - Proof of God or Creator? Disproves Darwinian Evolution?

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:
January 7th, 2018, 8:14 am
The thing is, if you look up the reviews of this film on IMDB, what you'll notice is that the atheists that bash this film do not refute its arguments or deal with the evidence presented. Instead, all they do is use insult, ridicule and ad hominem attacks, as if they harbored lots of deep hatred and vitriol for God. This is very revealing and speaks volumes about their motives, which are anything but scientific or objective. Thus supporting @Adamas claim that Atheists deep down hate God, which is ironic though because how can you hate something if it doesn't even exist? lol. See the reviews here:
Most of the people who hate God don't want to believe because they want to be their own god. They want to follow their own will. They refuse the narrow way of life, because it forbids them from doing the things which they love to do. In other words, they love sin, wickedness, etc. Christ tells us this directly: A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, but there shall no sign be given except the sign of Jonas.
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Re: Intelligent Design - Proof of God or Creator? Disproves Darwinian Evolution?

Post by Winston »

Another interview with James Perloff, former Atheist and Evolutionist turned Christian.


During the evolution of blood clotting or coagulation did evolution seek help from the creator? James Perloff explains it all in two of his books: "Tornado Through A Junkyard" and "The Case Against Darwin". The former is highly technical and the later is an overview. Actor Jack Lemmon, who played Clarence Darrow in the 1999 film version of Inherit the Wind: "My congratulations to Mr. Perloff for an outstanding piece or work." Perloff explains why "Monkeys Can't Type Shakespeare" and why the fossil records fails to support Darwin's theory. His books should be required reading for the Public Schools and Homeschoolers! Mr. Perloff also wrote "The Shadows of Power" and "Truth Is A Lonely Warrior".

Mind blowing fact: Did you know that science has NEVER even observed bacteria transforming into another type of bacteria? Not even once. Yet they claim that humans and all animals evolved from bacteria! How can bacteria evolve into humans if it can't even transform into another type of bacteria?! Go figure. Perloff cites this too.
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Re: Intelligent Design - Proof of God or Creator? Disproves Darwinian Evolution?

Post by Winston »

I don't know why America and the UK makes such a big deal about God vs. Science. They aren't mutually exclusive all. Professor John Lennox of Oxford, who is a Christian Creationist, often says this in his lectures and debates:

"The issue is not God vs. Science. That's a false dichotomy. The issue is Atheism vs. Theism. Isaac Newton for example, when he discovered gravity, did not say that since he discovered gravity that God is no longer necessary. He still believed in God."

That's a good point. Why can't someone believe in God and science? Why does the US and UK academic establishment try to make them mutually exclusive? Seems like a loaded bogus attempt to say that you can't believe in God and science at the same time. Why doesn't Richard Dawkins realize that? Instead he says that Science and Evolution make God unnecessary. They always like to refer to God as "unnecessary" which is stupid and untrue.
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Re: Intelligent Design - Proof of God or Creator? Disproves Darwinian Evolution?

Post by Winston »

The full documentary "Is Genesis History" has been taken off YouTube. If you didn't see it, you missed your chance. It's really good and worth seeing. To watch it, you can go to their website at

To rent it only cost 4 dollars, to buy it costs only 12 dollars.

I just bought their additional videos called "Beyond Is Genesis History Vol 1". 6+ hours of additional videos for only $30. The background scenery is breathtaking. ... ks-fossils#

@Adama you should see it. You will love it.
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Re: Intelligent Design - Proof of God or Creator? Disproves Darwinian Evolution?

Post by Winston »

Mind blowing new documentary about creationism history with breathtaking backdrop and spectacular nature scenery. Watching this feels like you're walking out in gorgeous nature with a park ranger. Best seen on a big screen! It's easy to understand and the narrator and scientists are very down to earth and likable too. Must see! Will change your view of the world and give you a new profound appreciation and awe of our Creator, our world and our place in it. So you can take comfort in knowing that we aren't an accident in a meaningless universe of randomness and chaos like the brainwashed atheists, evolutionists and academic institutions want you to believe using false science, lies and bogus assumptions cleverly crafted to fool you. This film will arm you with facts, evidence and logic against their deceptions and falsehoods.

Is Genesis History? Feature Film - Buy or rent at the link below!

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