Transhumanism & A.I. - Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

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Re: Transhumanism: Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Wolfeye »

Moretorque: You're confusing the hell out of me- do you mean the back-and-forth me & Jonny Law have been having or is it the transhuman topic?
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Re: Transhumanism: Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Moretorque »

Wolfeye wrote:Moretorque: You're confusing the hell out of me- do you mean the back-and-forth me & Jonny Law have been having or is it the transhuman topic?
I think the both of you need to settle this like men, may I make a suggestion ?

Mr. Wu please break out the HA dueling pistols, Winston keeps a matching set around for just such an occasion. :wink:
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Re: Transhumanism: Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Wolfeye »

Moretorque: While I wouldn't have an issue with some kind of dual, options are kind of limited on the computer & showing up to anything arranged would be a real likely ambush.
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Re: Transhumanism: Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Check this out. In the future, nanobots (AI robot cells) will be able to make us ageless and live forever. However, there's a catch... ... emoved.htm


Nanobots have many functions. They work as antennas, which means they are both receivers and transmitters of information when activated. Those in charge of this project can thus retrieve information from our endocrine system, but they can also alter the functions of the endocrine system as they please. This will be particularly important as the Singularity approaches, and it won’t be long now. The goal is to have the Singularity in place by 2045; something I exposed in my book.

Another function that the nanobots will have is to eventually replace the cells in our body. The Singularitists want the cells in our organs to be replaced with this nano-sized artificial intelligence (AI). For example, if a person is old, and his or her organs begin to fail, younger cells from this organ will be retrieved, and the old, failing organ will be replaced by an entirely new organ, and if a person needs a heart transplant, as one example, the new heart will be as young and vital as it was when the person was in his or her twenties or early thirties. The plan is to replace all our organs this way and thus give us synthetic, eternal life.

Before we get too excited, there is a serious catch to this agenda; the new organs will not consist of organic cells but of synthetic nanobots that can keep the organs young “forever.” The person will remain in his or her twenties or thirties (the person’s choice) for an “eternity.” At that point, they have become the definition of a cyborg—half human and half machine. The human part is the soul/mind/spirit body that will occupy these cyborgs, who will look just as you and I do but will consist of nanobots rather than human cells. According to the Controllers and their Minions, there will be no death post-Singularity because those in charge will make sure that if something were to fail in the body they can rejuvenate that part of the body. In the extension, people who are part of the Singularity (the new cyborg species, whom I call Posthumans—a term coined by Dr. Ray Kurzweil who is one of the AI Prophets working for the Controllers), will be able to rejuvenate their own physical bodies.

In the near future, the synthetic nanobots in our system will be the key to keeping us trapped in the third dimensional reality forever because cyborg bodies can’t die. This also means that the soul/mind/spirit body can’t leave this cyborg, and they will be stuck here and controlled by a Super Brain Computer (SBC), which is ultimately run by the Overlords (the AIF). Humanity will become a hive-mind, which is much easier to control than 7 billion individuals, who are prone to being quite unpredictable and difficult to control.

Possibly, the great majority of humankind will become stuck in the Singularity—we, as a human soul group, are rapidly heading toward the Singularity as of this writing in August of 2016. Unless people wake up to this fact and stop choosing to being addicted to electronics, they will inevitably be caught in the Singularity—there would be no way around it. The Singularity will be the end of Homo sapiens sapiens, who will be replaced by a Posthuman species—a cyborg race and a hive-mind, living in a virtual reality world that will be controlled by the Overlords. This virtual reality will eventually make Posthumans into Super Soldiers because the AIF is building a legion of space-faring foot soldiers to attack their number-one enemy: The Orion Empire.
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Re: Transhumanism: Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Check this out. Time Magazine predicts we will be immortal by 2045. So if you can survive or live that long, then maybe you have a chance at immortality, unless of course it's only reserved for the elite. lol

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Re: Transhumanism: Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Great free ebook by Wes Penre about Transhumanism and its true agenda and why we should be warned about it.

"Synthetic Intelligence and the Transmutation of Humankind - A Roadmap to the Singularity and Beyond"

PDF copy for free download here: ... larity.pdf

Check out the table of contents below. It's very comprehensive and informative and revealing, yet mind blowing at the same time. The 21 chapters and subchapters sound very impressive.

"Synthetic Intelligence and the Transmutation of Humankind - A Roadmap to the Singularity and Beyond"

Table of Contents

Introduction: Is Artificial Intelligence a Concern?
(Important! Don't skip this Intro!)
Different terms used in this Book
How References are used in this Book
How to use Discernment
What is Intuition?
Fire, Avatar, and our Place in this Universe
The Rapid Expansion of the AI Movement
The Nazis and AI
Disclosure of the ET Phenomenon


Chapter 1: Dr. Ray Kurzweil--A Short Introduction
Who is Ray Kurzweil?
Bill Gates on AI and the Singularity
Vaccinations, Chemtrails, and Nanobots
Insiders with Opposing Opinions

Chapter 2: Nanotechnology
Building Machines and Robots from Inside Out
Nanotechnology in the Media
Nanotechnology and Fertility

Chapter 3: Transhumanism
Introduction to Transhumanism and the Singularity
Patented Mind Control Technique
The Breakdown of the Family Unit
The United Nation's Role in Transhumanism
The Second Coming from a New Perspective
Population Control and Transhumanism
How Transhumanism will Affect the Human Soul Group
Smart Cities and the Venus Project
From Transhumanism to the Singularity
Chemtrails and Nanobots

Chapter 4: Dr. Kurzweil's Singularity
Ray Kurzweil Monologue
"The Singularity is Near"--Discussions Around the Book
Video Promotions
Some Quotes
Hopelessly Behind?
The Ra Material--the Law of One and AI
A Close Look at the "Super Brain"
The Exponential Growth in Technology
A Brave New World of Nanobots
Kurzweil Admits to the Dangers of AI
A Peek Inside Kurzweil's Book
When do Humans cease to be Human?
Machines and Intelligence

Chapter 5: The Race for Immortality
How Science is Going to Save us fro Ourselves
Google and Immortality
Artificial Consciousness
How the Super-Rich Want to Buy Immortality
Funding Immortality
The Singularity from a "Bio-Human" Perspective
Preparations for Sending Posthumans into Space

Chapter 6: AI and the Role of Corporations and the Media
Mother's Little Helpers
Robots in the Medical Field
Robots Assisting Humans in Daily Commuting
Smart Apartments
Smart Cities
The Future of the Internet
Technology and Children
A Pledge to all Mothers!
Rudolph the Reindeer becomes Rudolph the Artificial Braindeer

Chapter 7: Holly Wood and the Music Industry
AI in the Film Industry
AI in the Music Industry

Chapter 8: "Opposition" in Academia and Science
Voices against Jade Helm '15
Other concerned Voices from Academia
Stephen Hawking

Chapter 9: Humanity's War on Humanity
Humans and Electronics
The Global Warzone

Chapter 10: AI: "I am Lucifer's Vessel"
Synthetic Intelligence--Google's AI
AI is not the Future--It's Already Here!
Next Step: Boosting Everybody's IQ
Robo-Doctors and Virtual Reality Vacations on the Horizon
Our Brains Converted into Binary Code
Tirelessly Striving toward Super-Intelligence
Robots with Five Senses on the Rise
For Robots, Learning is a Group Activity
Robots now Look like Humans
Robots with an Attitude
Killer Robots a Reality!

Chapter 11: Robot Sex and Marrying Robots Now Promoted in the Media
Why Robot Sex?
Experts Debate: Should we have Sex with Robots?
Sex Robots that Look and Act More and More like Humans
Virtual Reality Sex--A Taste of Posthuman Sex Life

Chapter 12: What will Happen to our Jobs?
Robots taking over the Job Industry
A few Ideas how to solve Mass Unemployment

Chapter 13: Genetic Laboratories--Atlantis Revisited
The Fall of the Old Atlantis--What Happened?
The Rise of the Machine Kingdom--the New Atlantis
Exisiting Technologies for Posthuman Space Travel
Genetic Engineering--from the Horse's Mouth
Science and Immortality
How Cloning is used on Humans
How Cloning is used on Animals
More on Genetic Manipulation
The AI Trend in 2016
Humans with Artificial Consciousness
Trends Verifying AI Prophet's Predictions
Sir Francis Bacon and the New Atlantis
Genetic Engineering in the Media
3D Printing Revisited

Chapter 14: Becoming Gods
Famous Astrophysicist Michio Kaku on the Singularity
The Super Brain will not be Digital--it will be Analog
Will Destroying a Robot be considered Murder?
Downloading Dead People's Personalities
With Robots in our Brains, We will be Godlike!
Information Upload Ready to Go

Chapter 15: Bring in the Universal Soldier
The Future is not Peace--it's War!
New War Strategies
Smart Dust
Smart Weapons and Nanoweapons
DARPA, War Strategies, and Super Soldiers
A Ban on "Killer Robots"
Consciousness can never be Duplicated, says Scientist15
Jade Helm '15 an AI Drill
Future Warfare in Summary

Chapter 16: AI in the Animal and Plant Kingdoms
Atlantean Genetic Experiments in Disguise
The Future of Animals
RoboBees Set an Example
The Future of Plants

Chapter 17: When Robots Surpass us a Billion-Fold
Telepathic Communication
AI and Equality
The End of Privacy--Once and for All


Chapter 18: Of Great ConCERN
The Large Hydron Collider--The Official Version
Occult Symbolism at Cern
Principles of Prophecy
Opening the Gates
The Mandela Effect and Scientists Going Crazy!

Chapter 19: The Ancient Race
The Builder Race
Lucifer's Emissary
Proof of Interdimensionals?
A Fake Alien Invasion Before the "Real Deal?"
The Second Coming is for all Religions
ETs in our Solar System
Briefly on Elon Musk's "SpaceX" Program

Chapter 20: Lucifer's Legion
The Lord of Lords
The Lord's Return and the Battle of Armageddon
The Alien Invader Force in 3-D and Artificial Intelligence
Dracos, Reptilians, Grays, Insectoids, and Nordics
Is Time Travel Really Possible?
The End Times
Invading the Pleiades
Teachers from the Future
In Summary


Chapter 21: Are there Solutions?
Current Naïveté of Mankind
Significantly Reduce Use of AIF Technology!
The Nature of Man
The Human Mind and our Personality
Ending the Experiment
How to stay Focused in these Difficult Times
Humanity's Three Options
Option #1: The Singularity
Option #2: Assisting by Reincarnation
Option #3: Leaving the Battlefield
In Conclusion
Some Final Words

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Re: Transhumanism & A.I.: Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Check this out. Artificial Intelligence is already beginning to make human workers obsolete and unnecessary. This is yet another reason why the elite want to reduce the population by 90 percent and deems them unnecessary in a world run by AI, automation, robots and computers.

An AI program that can help run a digital company has been introduced. Her name is Amelia. Doesn't she look so nice and authentic and personable? lol


Your Digital Colleague

Amelia helps deliver business value, while also creating new lines of revenue and new customer experiences. She turns every customer-facing touchpoint into a more enjoyable experience.
The Science Behind Amelia
IPsoft’s Amelia is the most dynamic AI system thanks to her cognitive learning abilities, autonomic task management, and emotional intelligence. Using the Business Process Model and Notation 2.0 specification to model a company’s business processes, we program Amelia to perform tasks according to precise specifications.

Semantic Memory
Episodic Memory
Process Memory
Affective Memory
How is Amelia trained?

In order to train Amelia, IPsoft and your technology team work together to upload an assortment of documents designed to enrich Amelia with new knowledge. This could be as simple as your company’s business vocabulary or employee handbook, or it could be as complex as all of your historical customer support data. You’ll provide IPsoft with your industry-specific semantic network, and any logic framework you’d like Amelia to follow in her decision-making. You’ll also upload pre-trained classifiers and analytic modules that will help her to conduct business according to your industry’s requirements and regulations.From there, the two teams will work to auto-annotate Amelia’s conversational framework so she can understand utterances and common phrases – essentially, the teams help Amelia speak as humans do. This allows her to complete user interactions, regardless of the topics she might ultimately discuss or how users respond. During this process, Amelia will actually advise the teams on the best technique to help her learn and understand user conversations.
Scary huh? I guess we are obsolete now, unless we want to upgrade and become cyborgs and plug into their hive mind, like the Borg in Star Trek. lol

Trailer for new AI movie about Amelia.

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Re: Transhumanism & A.I. - Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Funny Dilbert comic strips about A.I. taking over the workplace.



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Re: Transhumanism & A.I. - Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Wolfeye »

I don't know that it would. With that situation, someone could be hijacked in the same way as a computer. I think science is (or is getting to be) more or less a demonic art. The idea of demonic possession seems to be a high target for them. There have been numerous strategies, but most of it has actually come down to controlling resources.

If someone controls resources, they can control a lot of someone's actions- since you need resources to do things. It used to be that someone didn't have the ability to observe a situation to then orient a decision & act on it, because signaling wasn't so capable as today- same with conveying directives. The signals wouldn't get to their intended targets.
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Re: Transhumanism & A.I. - Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Woodward TV explains what you need to know about transhumanism and the future of humankind. I like this guy's spooky down to earth voice. lol

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Re: Transhumanism & A.I. - Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Neo »

There is no eternal life without Christ. This world is going to burn to nothingness in the end anyhow. In addition, it is God who determines how long we live.
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Re: Transhumanism & A.I. - Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Wow check this out. The world's first AI female robot is named Sophia and she can hold a conversation and talk about nonduality lol, as you can see in this video below where her makers demonstrate her intelligent conversational capabilities. It's very creepy. Apparently, the Illuminati want to name her Sophia so they can try to turn the divine feminine artificial, which is the main goal of the archons, to make everything artificial in accord with their consciousness, and live through us because we have real souls that the archons don't. They also want to make AI the new "wisdom" for us to all emulate. Crazy and disturbing. Just as they did with the Goddess ISIS by turning the name into that of a terrorist group. Their intent is so obvious.

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Re: Transhumanism & A.I. - Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Interesting video about what A.I. will evolve into between 2028 and 3000. Very fascinating yet creepy. Perhaps it already happened and we are living the consequences in retrocausality? Like in the last Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where the future affects the past? Maybe this is how our reality began and how the universe became alive and how we came to be here in this matrix run by a super A.I.? Fascinating theory.


"A documentary and journey into the future exploring the possibilities and predictions of artificial intelligence. This timelapse of the future explores what is coming, from robots that are too fast for humans to see, to A.I. bots from Microsoft (bringing back loved ones to life) and Google’s laMDA (replacing the need for online searches).

Elon Musk’s Neuralink goes from a medical and healthcare device, to helping people become superhuman – with intelligence amplification, and add-ons that connect to the brain chip.

Artificial general intelligence begins to design an A.I. more powerful than itself. People begin to question if humanity has reached the technological singularity. Artificial Super Intelligence emerges from the AGI.

And further into the deep future. Human consciousness becomes digitized and uploaded into a metaverse simulation. It is merged with A.I. creating hybrid consciousness – which spreads across the cosmos. Matrioshka brains and Dyson Spheres host humanity’s consciousness in a cosmic simulation network. "

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Re: Transhumanism & A.I. - Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Check this out. It's really creepy. At 9:05 Robert Sepehr shows us a promo video from Ectolife where they will genetically engineer your baby to remove defects and raise your baby in a pod connected to a machine (like in the Matrix) to spare your partner from the pains of childbirth. It's very Brave New World. Is this really possible? I thought this was only sci fi?

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Re: Transhumanism & A.I. - Man/Machine Fusion = End of Humanity?

Post by Winston »

Here's the Ectolife video itself. It's very creepy.

EctoLife: The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility

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