Why do many American women EXPLODE over nothing and have TOXIC HOT tempers?! 8 Things I've Noticed

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Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

skateboardstephen wrote:
Winston wrote:I just thought of a #8 to add to the list:

8. Have you noticed that American women seem to be itching for drama, like addicted drama queens? It's like they need it for some reason, in the same way that men need food and sex. So they will randomly start it by arguing over some trivial useless shit, and then blame you for it. In doing so, they don't mind that they've disturbed the peace or embarrassed you in public by making a scene. If you argue back with them, they use it as an excuse to dump you and villainize you.

The thing is, this puts you in a LOSE-LOSE situation, because if you react, they can use it as an excuse to dump you. But if you don't react to it, then you may be seen as a boring nice guy type, in which case she will dump you anyway. Nothing could be more dysfunctional or insane. How are you supposed to get out of such a lose-lose situation?

Any of you notice this too? Not all do this of course, but most of them do it to some degree, especially the younger ones.
I see American women sometimes here in Brazil and sometimes i wonder why these bitches even travel??I met a group of them out on the town in Salvador..and they just had these permanent scowls on their faces mixed between the look of something smells like shit and someone just slapped them in the back of the head....it was so horrible ....and even with all the Brazilian men around they still choose to isolate themselves from men....I met a Black American women in Brazil who baited me in this debate about illegal immigration ....and i was kicking her a** with facts and logic....so when she could not out argue me she tried to pull the race card...?Yeah a Black women pulling the race card on a Black men to defend Mexicans who don't like Black people for the most part....where is the logic in that....then i asked her a simple question....So do you think no country should have borders and people should just be able to go where ever they want freely with out having to follow any kind of law???? she stops for a second.....because even she knows the answer she is going to give next is bull shit that defies all logic ..thing looks at me and says.....ummmmm YES!...right then and there i just knew to end the argument.
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Re: Why do American women look toxic and ready to EXPLODE?!

Post by marklambo »

jamesbond wrote:
Winston wrote:I talked to Falcon about this last night on the phone, so I thought I'd bring it up here. Like me, Falcon just came here from Asia too, and we both noted that the first thing we noticed about many American women (and Americanized foreign women of other ethnicities) upon returning to America is: (not all though, but a very large percentage are like this)

They have this arrogant uppity look on their face, like they are too good for any guy, deserve the best of everything, should always get their way, and are too good for you to approach of course. This makes them unapproachable of course, as well as near impossible to connect with, since after all, they don't want to connect with you and don't need you or want you. (Heck and American women claim that we have no right to complain about them and ought to look at ourselves instead? Go figure.)

They have a cold, standoffish, all business demeanor. The older women act more genuine, but not the ones in their 20's and 30's. This makes it so that it does not feel comfortable to try to chat them up or hold a conversation with them.

Many have a rotten look on their face, as though they have been damaged by toxic lethal radiation or nuclear waste, which makes them look ghetto and degenerate (in addition to being overweight or chubby).

Even though all of this is obvious to anyone, it's a total taboo to talk about of course.
Yes, American women must be the most standoffish women in the history of the human race! I love how these "pickup artists" say, "just start approaching women" and "don't let rejection get to you."

How can you approach women, when they have that unapproachable look on their face? Pickup artists say meeting women is a numbers game. Yeah, it's a numbers game all right, if you approach 20 or 25 women, you might get a date with one of them. :shock:

Talk about horrible odds, I would rather play at the casinos in Vegas, you would have better odds of winning some money! :D
Just don't bet it all at once, you'll survive longer. Same with AW, if you don't marry one, you won't go bust :D
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Re: 8 Toxic Traits of AW with exploding bad tempers!

Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:They have this permanent scowl look on their faces, and this vicious angry look as if they are ready to lash out or explode at someone for any little thing they don't like. You can see it on their face, vibe, body language, etc. It's very toxic and uncomfortable to be around, like walking on eggshells, because you get the sense that any little thing that you say or do wrong, and they will lash out at you with an angry rage bottled up inside them. It's like being near a time bomb that could go off at any minute.

They look highly irritable, like they are used to getting everything they want and will not tolerate anything not going their way. (I guess daddy giving them everything they want as a little girl wasn't a good idea after all.) This means if you are around them, they are the boss and you have no say in things. Everything must be OKed with her. It's like you are there to serve her. It's so unfair isn't it?

I understand now why Rock told me that white women scare him. Many of them have this fiery fiesty temper that looks like it wants to lash out at any minute.

Any of you notice this too?
Yes, I have been noticing this for a long time. White women in America have this angry bitter look on their face which makes them unapproachable. You need to proceed with caution when dealing with them. :shock:

White women in the US have this sense of entitlement which makes them think men owe them something just because they are women. I get positive vibes from some black, Hispanic and Asian women but get horrible vibes from white women. I guess feminism has infected white women the most.
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by Winston »

Dear Kelly,

Some important and serious points I need to make you to you:

1. First of all, don’t you think it’s a huge double standard for you to say that when I disagree wih you, and refuse to agree with you, that I’m arrogant? But you are not? That’s an obvious double standard. How can you be blind to that, like most Americans are? I thought you were above such hypocrisy? CS Lewis was right when he said that people only see arrogance in others but not in themselves.

Why don’t you ask Sarah or Jared if they think I’m arrogant? They told me they do not. They disagree 100 percent with people who think I’m arrogant. You know why? Because Sarah doesn’t’ start fights with me or yell at me or cuss at me or take out her problems on me. But you do. Why is that? Usually only arrogant and argumentative people call me arrogant, humble people do not. What does that tell you? Obviously that people PROJECT what they are onto others it seems.

Ask my closest friends if they think I am arrogant. All the ones who are humble and do not like to debate or argue do not think I am. Only those who are arrogant think I’m arrogant. Sarah and Jared see me as a deep honest sensitive guy who is merely honestly sharing my observations and opinions. That’s what they will tell you if you ask them.

There’s nothing arrogant about that. There’s no rule Kelly that says that I ought to agree with you on everything, or else I am arrogant and “full of shit” as you say. Think about it. Also, sometimes I have good reasons for not agreeing with you, as in the case of your claim that Russia is safer than America. More on that below.

Also, what’s funny Kelly, is that we agree on most things, about 95 percent of things. Just because I disagree with you about one thing, such as Russia not being safer than America, does not automatically make me an “asshole” or “arrogant prick” as you WRONGLY and FALSELY and UNFAIRLY claim! Why aren’t I allowed to disagree with you on one or two things? WTF? So I have to agree with you about 100 percent of everything, or else I’m “arrogant” and a “prick” and you have the right to tell me to “f**k off”? WTF BABE?!

Do you even see what you’re doing?! Are you that blind to you own faults? If so you are giving yourself a bad name and destroying your own reputation, as even freethinking American women like you can be very toxic, like my ex-friend Amber was too. And that’s sad, because I thought you were above that. I thought better of you. But no! You just have to disappoint and ruin yourself and shoot yourself in the foot for no good reason.

2. Second, I’m surprised that you freely shit on me when you are angry or stressed, and treat me like some punching bag, like bullies do. WTF man? I thought you were above that. I’m very disappointed. Plus it’s very disrespectful, especially since I don’t deserve that and am merely trying to be nice and helpful to you, like a nice guy, even though I have nothing to gain from it.

The thing is, you said you liked me and respect me a lot. So WHY then, pray tell, are you eager to show me your DARK SIDE? As though you don’t care about making a bad impression on others that you like and respect, and don’t care about your reputation. It’s a major red flag. You give me the impression that if I flew out there to meet you, that you’d yell at me and throw temper tantrums and cuss at me freely, as if I were a free punching bag and you had no need to respect me. No guy likes that. That’s a major red flag Kelly. And it makes me rethink my plan to visit you. And it’s disappointing as well, because you aren’t the gem and soulmate that I thought you were. Very sad.

And if you had any honor or self-respect, you’d care about this, and about your reputation. Do you??? Have you no shame????

Look Kelly. We all have a dark side, me too, but I certainly do not show it to people I like and respect. I try to control it and withhold it, unless I reach breaking point and have no other choice. As Chuck Norris said, “Bruce Less would get mad at the drop of a hat. It takes a lot more for me to get mad. But once I do, watch out!” That describes me too. And I certainly do not like to damage my reputation to those I like and respect, by showing them my dark side. That would be very foolish. But you seem overly eager to do so with me, as though you can shit on me freely and use me as a punching bag, knowing that because I’m “nice and spiritual” that I’ll always forgive you and still be your friend. That’s kind of taking advantage and abusing my niceness don’t you think?

Now Kelly, ok so you are suffering with problems that you can’t solve. Ok but we all have problems and some sort of internal suffering unique to our situation. Not just you. However, I don’t take it out on my friends and use them as a punching bag and cuss at them and tell them to “f**k off” like you do. That’s simply wrong and disrespectful, especially if they did nothing wrong to deserve it. And especially if I like and respect my friends. So WTF are you doing? Do you realize how insane and toxic you are behaving towards me? Why should I tolerate it, especially if I’m not getting anything out of it? Think about it babe.

Again, how would you like it if you were in my shoes, or the situation was reversed, and I was the one shitting on you and using you as a punching bag to take out my problems on, like a bully does? Would you like it? Of course not. So why should I? Think about it. I’ve asked you about this several times already. You still didn’t answer that.

I have a theory. A mentally healthy, emotionally stable person could easily get along with a carbon copy or duplicate of himself or herself. But if you can’t get along with a carbon copy or duplicate of yourself, then you have a toxic unbalanced unhealthy personality. This goes for others I knew who were like you Kelly, starting fights with others and then blaming them for it, not taking responsibility and not realizing that YOU are the one starting shit with others, like a drunk guy does at a bar. Just like Amber did too. Most likely, this applies to you too, because if I created a duplicate of you, you would not get along with yourself either. You would cuss and swear at her no doubt. In contrast, I’m pretty sure I could get along well with a copy or duplicate of me, easily. Because I do not start fights or drama with others like drunkard or toxic woman does.

My ex-friend Amber used to do that too. She was a lot like you in many ways. She lost all her friends, and cussed out everyone, including medical office staff and waiters. It was embarrassing to be around her when she did that in public. She was like walking on eggshells, quick to become enraged over little things. Very toxic. Yet she never took responsibility or realized she had a nasty temper and toxic personality. She always blamed everyone else. I hoped you were wiser than her, but now I’m not so sure. I’m sure you know this, but if you want to have a good Russian husband, like you dream of, you can’t continue to be like this. No man likes a woman that blows up a lot over little things and cusses and insults them over nothing. That’s a man’s worst nightmare. I’m sure you know that.

3. Third, Kelly, let’s get real. I spent a year and a half in Russia total, and been to 20 towns, cities and villages there. You’ve NEVER been there. NO ONE is gonna believe you over me when it comes to how safe Russia is at night or whether Russia’s streets are safer than America or not. No way jose. There’s NO COMPARISON. For you to think that you know more than me about Russia, makes you SUPER ARROGANT. That’s the real definition of “arrogant” I think, when someone claims to know something they don’t, not when someone disagrees (per your false definition of “arrogance”). I definitely don’t claim to know things I don’t know, thus I cannot be said to be arrogant. Furthermore, I do not sound arrogant or act arrogant or act like a know it all. Please give me a logical reason why you think I’m arrogant. I’ll bet you can’t.

So what if you found a few anonymous Russians online that disagree with me and claim that Russia is safer than America and that I’m “full of shit”. I can cherry pick too, and find Russians that deny the holocaust, or believe the earth is flat, etc. Anyone can cherry pick and find Russians who will support anything they believe in. It doesn’t prove anything. Why don’t you ask the Russians I know who will agree with me? Have these anonymous Russians online you talked to even been to America? If not, what qualifies them to say that I’m wrong or “full of shit”? Saying that I’m full of shit doesn’t make it so. I speak honestly from real life experience. I’m the furthest thing from “full of shit”.

You claim that my knowledge and experience of Russia is outdated by 15 years. So what? Even if Russia has changed and is safer now than before, doesn’t mean it’s as safe as America, especially the super safe areas I grew up in like Fremont, CA which has the lowest crime rate in the US for a town of its size. And it’s definitely not as safe as Japan or Taiwan or Singapore or Switzerland. Get real. In Russia, women are told to try not to walk alone late at night in dark streets. It’s considered common sense wisdom in Russia and women are told that from childhood on. Why do you think that is? Think about it.

Kelly, please show me some stats online that back up your claim that petty street crime is higher in America than Russia. Bet you can’t. You’re just talking out of your ass and looking for a fight, because of your inner demons and toxic personality. That’s clear for all to see, so why don’t you admit it?

Look Kelly, here’s the fact, at least for me. In America, I’m basically invisible. People treat me like I don’t exist. So how can America possibly be dangerous to me? On the other hand, I’m definitely noticed in Russia. I get attention there. I even got on national TV news there after being mugged. You can see it on YouTube by typing “Winston Wu Russia National News”. It’s easy to find. I sent you the link before remember? Why do you never watch my videos? Show that video of on the news in Russia to your online Russian chatmates and ask them why I should consider Russian streets to be super safe? DO IT!

The point is that in Russia I’m not invisible. I get attention and am noticed. That’s one reason why Russia is so much more fun to me, because I hate being ignored. Obviously, put 2 and 2 together, and you will see that in a country where I am noticed, I am obviously LESS SAFE than in a country like the US where I am ignored and unnoticed. It’s a NO BRAINER! DUH!

See how arrogant you are? Why are you debating something that is impossible for you to win or even qualify to debate on? You make yourself look super arrogant and ignorant and shoot yourself in the foot. Don’t you realize that? Plus I never said anything wrong or did anything wrong, so what’s your problem??????? What you fighting about? What’s your point? Have you lost your mind????

So you see, I have a PERFECT RIGHT to believe what I believe about safety in the US vs. Russia. Until I go to Russia and see otherwise, that’s my honest observation, opinion and experience. So what are you griping about? Why am I wrong just because you (who’s never even been to Russia) and some anonymous online Russians say so? You aren’t making any sense woman! Come on!

Finally Kelly, if you think Russia is so safe, I challenge you to go to Cherepovets. It’s just north of Moscow and only cost 10 to 15 dollars to go to on an overnight train with bed. The train leaves at 8pm and arrives the next morning at 6am. Then walk around the streets there late at night and see how safe it is. Lol. There are violent people there who get physical fast. They don’t hold back and are not reserved at all. They act out whatever they feel. I’ve even seen two girls get into a fist fight with two other girls on the street. The two girls were walking with me helping me to find my way back to Julia’s home, when suddenly two other girls came up and started hitting them in a frenzy. I rarely see girls fight like that. And I’ve been mugged and attacked and cornered there too. And had bums threaten me on the street if I didn’t give them cash, and yell at me like they could get violent if provoked. Violent bums! Imagine that! It’s a violent town full of angry destitute people who are not afraid to get physical and act out. I challenge you to go there if you think Russia is super safe. Enough said.

Furthermore Kelly, like I told you over Whatsapp, a few years ago I talked to some Russian women in China. They told me that they felt way safer in America than in their own country, because in America, police protect women and respond when they call for help. But in Russia, a woman can get raped and the cops will do nothing and don’t even care. So men can get away with rape in Russia and that makes them feel very UNSAFE in their own country. That doesn’t match what your weird online Russian friends and chatmates say. Plus I prefer to believe people I talk to in real life, than anonymous chatmates online who could be anyone and have not been verified or vouched for. No contest. There’s no comparison.

So why then do you require that I agree with you 100 percent about everything, even when I have very good and valid reasons for disagreeing? Why don’t you force yourself to agree 100 percent with others too, and give yourself a dose of your own medicine? It simply doesn’t make sense! You act like you’ve lost your marbles. No offense. But what else can one conclude? No one will conclude that you’re perfect from all this, that’s for sure.

Anyhow, I hope you think about all this Kelly and realize how utterly stupid and insane this whole feud is, all for nothing, just because you can’t control your inner demons and temper and feel free to shit on your friends and abuse them any time you want to, simply because they are nice to you. That’s simply wrong and disrespectful and unwise and reckless. I thought you were a true friend and buddy and kindred spirit. So this is very disappointing. I thought a lot better of you. Anyone can see that what you’re doing is wrong. So what’s your problem? What’s your beef? What you arguing about? Do you even have one legit point? If not, what’s your problem? I thought you were smarter than to make a total ass of yourself and not even care that you ruin your own reputation and friendships in doing so. Very bad, girl Very bad.

One more thing Kelly. I don’t know why you are taking a simple disagreement so personally. Perhaps you want badly to believe that Russia is a very safe place for single women and have an emotional investment in that. Well let me tell you something. I never said that Russia was as dangerous as Johannesburg, South Africa or something. You can still keep safe there if you have street smarts and common sense. It’s a risk to walk alone there late at night, even for a guy. But that doesn’t mean you will be mugged or attacked most of the time. If lucky you may not experience any crime. But consider this: What’s the worst that can happen to you? Even if you get mugged, you will just lose your cash and valuables. And if the attackers decide to rape you, well then you may get traumatized from it. But at least it won’t kill you. It’s unlikely they will you. They will just either rob you or rape you. You’re not gonna die or anything. They gain nothing from killing you.

Look, the truth is, Russia is a very DYNAMIC place. Lots of things happen there, both good and bad. It’s NOT a safe predictable place where nothing happens and there are no surprises. No way babe. If you want a super safe, predictable place where nothing happens and there are no surprises and it’s very boring and sterile, then go to Japan, Taiwan or Singapore. Russia is not for you. To go to Russia, you have to accept some degree of risk and unpredictability and surprises. It’s kind of like Chicago in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Not super safe, but mostly safe if you stay out of trouble. That’s the way it is. You’re gonna have to ACCEPT that if you go there. That’s all. Nothing personal.

I never discouraged you not to go to Russia, Kelly. I just told you the truth. Russia is a fun exciting dynamic place that changed my life. So of course I recommend going there, as long as you’re careful and stay out of trouble and try to walk with others late at night, if you stay out that late that is. That’s all I’m saying. Simple common sense. Nothing personal. So no need to explode and erupt your volcano and attack me for not agreeing with everything you believe. That’s so unnecessary babe.

Look Kelly, if you’re gonna go berserk and toxic and ballistic for no reason, then I’ll step out of your way, leave me out of it please, because I got nothing to gain by taking shit from you when you’re acting like an angry psychopath in a rage with no self-control and with screws loose and marbles lost. No way man. You’d do the same if you were me and in a calm rational state of mind. Anyone would do the same. No sane person wants to be your punching bag babe. Ok?

That’s all I wanted to say. Hope you regain your sanity someday and realize how crazy and wrong and out of control and unnecessary all your attacks on me have been.
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by Winston »

What did you all think of my letter to Kelly above with 3 important points about her toxic temper tantrum and rude disrespectful behavior?

Isn't it sad that even a fellow HAer female who is red pilled and a freethinking intellectual and kindred spirit, could still have a toxic explosoce temper of a dysfunctional american female with issues and baggage?
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by redfeather »

Damn Winston,
You wrote a book here.
A suggestion...just get rid of any toxic people in your life...flush them.
Life is too short to waste even a few seconds on toxic people.
These toxic people leave a trail of destruction every where they go, so just get rid of them.
I like people around me who are positive and uplifting...people who laugh and smile and are cheerful.
So, smile and be joyful.
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by Winston »

I don't understand something. How come these American women who explode over little things and are very toxic in that regard, like walking on eggshells, don't see that they have a big problem with their temper and anger management skills? Instead, they insinuate that they are perfect because they refuse to accept any criticism at all, even if it's totally legit, and they won't even admit that they have a temper tantrum problem. WTF? How can they be so blind to their own faults when it's super obvious to everyone? Instead, they blame everyone but themselves. Totally ridiculous. If I explode over little things, it would be obvious to me that I must have a problem. Wouldn't it? So why don't they see it? I hate how they cannot accept the slightest criticism either, insinuating that they are perfect and flawless, which of course is laughable.

Yet unfortunately, all the freethinking, kindred spirit AW I meet, such as Amber and Kelly above, are like this. Total Murphy's Law. So normal AW don't like me, but when I have a lot in common with an AW, she turns out to be toxic and explodes over little things? You just can't win. It's a lose-lose situation. Why does the universe and God love putting me in such lose-lose situations? It's so unfair.

Do any of you know AW like this too? How common are they? The universe always attracts them to me. I don't know why. Total Murphy's Law as usual, must be governing the universes and reality, at least my reality. When you are a victim and cursed, this kind of thing always happens, so you are damned if you do, damned if you don't. lol
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by Mercury »

Winston wrote:
June 22nd, 2013, 6:38 pm
I talked to Falcon about this last night on the phone, so I thought I'd bring it up here. Like me, Falcon just came here from Asia too, and we both noted that the first thing we noticed about many American women (and Americanized foreign women of other ethnicities) upon returning to America is: (not all though, but a very large percentage are like this)

1. They have this permanent scowl look on their faces, and this vicious angry look as if they are ready to lash out or explode at someone for any little thing they don't like. You can see it on their face, vibe, body language, etc. It's very toxic and uncomfortable to be around, like walking on eggshells, because you get the sense that any little thing that you say or do wrong, and they will lash out at you with an angry rage bottled up inside them. It's like being near a time bomb that could go off at any minute.

Women in Asia aren't like this at all, so it's a shocking contrast to see again if you aren't used to it. It's a huge contrast to the sweet, modest, relaxed, cheerful look of SE Asian women.

2. You also get the sense that if they don't get their way, they will explode or blow up. It's like "everything must go their way, or else". Geez, how spoiled is that? What this means is that if you are her partner, then it's YOUR DUTY to make sure nothing goes wrong in her life. Otherwise, she could explode at you, chew you out and blame you for it! Now that's A LOT of pressure that a lot of American husbands must go through! Geez. You gotta pity them!

3. They look highly irritable, like they are used to getting everything they want and will not tolerate anything not going their way. (I guess daddy giving them everything they want as a little girl wasn't a good idea after all.) This means if you are around them, they are the boss and you have no say in things. Everything must be OKed with her. It's like you are there to serve her. It's so unfair isn't it?

Any of you notice these things? The worst thing is that you don't know WHEN she will blow her fuse and blow up at you. It could come at any minute for any little thing. It's like being near a time bomb and you don't know when it will go off.

I understand now why Rock told me that white women scare him. Many of them have this fiery fiesty temper that looks like it wants to lash out at any minute. The thing is, women in Asia generally don't have this. They are far more modest, humble and sweet in comparison. So when you are in Asia long term and get used to that, it becomes an intimidating culture shock to come back and see the fiery temper of American females again.

Any of you notice this too?

On a side note, I've also noticed that women with an angry toxic vibe also tend to disrupt computers, electronics and machines. They always complain about their car breaking down, computer malfunctioning, or electronic items breaking. It's like their toxic vibe causes machines, computers and electronics to fail as well. They don't physically break them, something in their energy field does. Any of you ever known people like that?

Here's a few more:

4. They have this arrogant uppity look on their face, like they are too good for any guy, deserve the best of everything, should always get their way, and are too good for you to approach of course. This makes them unapproachable of course, as well as near impossible to connect with, since after all, they don't want to connect with you and don't need you or want you. (Heck and American women claim that we have no right to complain about them and ought to look at ourselves instead? Go figure.)

5. They have a cold, standoffish, all business demeanor. The older women act more genuine, but not the ones in their 20's and 30's. This makes it so that it does not feel comfortable to try to chat them up or hold a conversation with them.

6. Many have a rotten look on their face, as though they have been deformed by toxic lethal radiation or nuclear waste that damaged their cells, which makes them look ghetto and degenerate (in addition to being overweight or chubby).

7. When they talk and tell you things, you get this feeling from them that "You'd better agree with everything I say or else I'll be pissed off." Hence, you feel obligated to nod and agree with everything they say so they won't get pissed off, because you don't want them to get mad and cause a scene. In other words, you aren't allowed to disagree with them.

Also, when they argue with you, you get this feeling that you are obligated to let them win because they are women? It's like they expect you to let them win just because they are women. Have you noticed that? Why is that? Why must women win every argument? What's the logical basis of this?

I just thought of a #8 to add to the list:

8. American women seem to be itching for drama, like addicted drama queens. It's like they need it for some reason, in the same way that men need food and sex. So they will randomly start it by arguing over some trivial useless shit, and then blame you for it. In doing so, they don't mind that they've disturbed the peace or embarrassed you in public by making a scene. If you argue back with them, they use it as an excuse to dump you and villainize you.

The thing is, this puts you in a LOSE-LOSE situation, because if you react, they can use it as an excuse to dump you. But if you don't react to it, then you may be seen as a boring nice guy type, in which case she will dump you anyway. Nothing could be more dysfunctional or insane. How are you supposed to get out of such a lose-lose situation?

Any of you notice this too? Not all do this of course, but most of them do it to some degree, especially the younger ones.

Even though all of this is obvious to anyone, it's a total taboo to talk about of course. It's so weird when obvious truths are taboo to mention.
Because American women are spoiled brats. Spoiled, immature, they no longer mature past 12 years old anymore. And most of your 8 points remind me again of the following quote;

Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka; "And if I don't get the things I am after, I'm going to screeeEEEAAAMMM!!!" (Trashes the room and makes a huge mess before getting dropped down a garbage chute).
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Re: Why do American women look toxic and ready to EXPLODE?!

Post by Mercury »

jamesbond wrote:
June 22nd, 2013, 9:35 pm
Winston wrote:I talked to Falcon about this last night on the phone, so I thought I'd bring it up here. Like me, Falcon just came here from Asia too, and we both noted that the first thing we noticed about many American women (and Americanized foreign women of other ethnicities) upon returning to America is: (not all though, but a very large percentage are like this)

They have this arrogant uppity look on their face, like they are too good for any guy, deserve the best of everything, should always get their way, and are too good for you to approach of course. This makes them unapproachable of course, as well as near impossible to connect with, since after all, they don't want to connect with you and don't need you or want you. (Heck and American women claim that we have no right to complain about them and ought to look at ourselves instead? Go figure.)

They have a cold, standoffish, all business demeanor. The older women act more genuine, but not the ones in their 20's and 30's. This makes it so that it does not feel comfortable to try to chat them up or hold a conversation with them.

Many have a rotten look on their face, as though they have been damaged by toxic lethal radiation or nuclear waste, which makes them look ghetto and degenerate (in addition to being overweight or chubby).

Even though all of this is obvious to anyone, it's a total taboo to talk about of course.
Yes, American women must be the most standoffish women in the history of the human race! I love how these "pickup artists" say, "just start approaching women" and "don't let rejection get to you."

How can you approach women, when they have that unapproachable look on their face? Pickup artists say meeting women is a numbers game. Yeah, it's a numbers game all right, if you approach 20 or 25 women, you might get a date with one of them. :shock:

Talk about horrible odds, I would rather play at the casinos in Vegas, you would have better odds of winning some money! :D
Or worse, how can you approach American women when you know that your exact actions will get you easily 375 years to life in Federal prison and/or the death penalty plus the entire FBI and Homeland Security on your tail? You could approach 75 million women in America and not get a date with any of them. And I hate how these pickup artists say "just start approaching women" as if "don't let a barrage of AGM-65 Mavericks and the electric chair stop you!"
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Re: Why do American women look toxic and ready to EXPLODE?!

Post by MrMan »

Mercury wrote:
July 16th, 2019, 1:58 am

Or worse, how can you approach American women when you know that your exact actions will get you easily 375 years to life in Federal prison and/or the death penalty plus the entire FBI and Homeland Security on your tail? You could approach 75 million women in America and not get a date with any of them. And I hate how these pickup artists say "just start approaching women" as if "don't let a barrage of AGM-65 Mavericks and the electric chair stop you!"
The constant exageration and negativity may not be very healthy for your psyche.
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by josephty2 »

Rudolf Steiner mentioned somewhere when a European immigrated to the US the brain literally changes, (difference more noticeable if the European woman gives birth in the Americas and has children and the children grow up) more focus on the survival part of the brain rather than the logical part of the brain. Unsure what he said about Asians.
"The whites can go anywhere, they can even cross to America. Everything that is in the white population in America comes from Europe. This is how whites come to be in the American territories. But this means that a man from Europe, where everything inside him was formed, comes to America. To this extent, something of his hindbrain must be used. In Europe, you see, he was like other Europeans, who mainly use the forebrain. Well, in America, the native people are those who were actually decaying negroes previously, which means they do not thrive, they perish — the Indians. When you get there, there is almost always a struggle between the forebrain and hindbrain in the head. And there is this peculiarity that when a family moves to America and settles down there, the people who come out of this family always have slightly longer arms. The arms are longer. The legs grow even more if the European settles in America — not in himself, of course, but in his descendants. That's what happens, because the family’s story is influenced more by the midbrain through the hindbrain, when you come to America, as Europeans." — Rudolf Steiner, "Color and the Human Races", lecture 3, VOM LEBEN DES MENSCHEN UND DER ERDE, ÜBER DAS WESEN DES CHRISTENTUMS (Verlag Der Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, 1961), GA 349; see "Forbidden".

"But among the Americans something else very peculiar comes about. The European, especially if he is a thinker, very inward-looking, does not live truly when he moves to America. Even if he is not a thinker, but tries to think in America, there is something false about his new life. As soon as the European settles in America, he no longer thinks as deeply. So the following occurs: If you are reading a European book, the proof of the argument or the lack of proof always depends on the evidence. As one reads through an entire book, through four hundred pages, even if it is a novel, only evidence is important. However, most often in the end, by the four hundredth page, nothing is proved. The Americans do not think this way. If you read an American book, everything is presented as a claim. This is a backward approach, depending not on reasoning but on instinct. An animal does not prove anything. The lion does not prove that he wants to eat another animal, he just eats it. The European, if he wants to do something, first he wants a proof. Everything has to be proved. Today this is the big difference between the Europeans and the Americans: Europeans prove, Americans claim." — "Color and the Human Races".

He also mentions a bit of differences


This link doesn't explicitly refer to americas however it does mention how important the "cosmos" he calls it though reading it, its generally stuff you associate with religion / spirituality, including astrology, mythology, star-gazing, meditation, psychic, etc.

Notice how survival based the Christian religions tend to be in america? Along with the educational school system with focus on generating claims (which is English/language arts), natural physical sciences, history that could be wrong, who knows?

The scowl look? The need for drama? Probably the case in a country where extroversion is valued. However this is noticeable even in more introverted parts of America!

The focus on generating claims is probably what made Americans better at inventing new technology especially computers, internet, atomic bomb, etc. Though somehow this is not as conductive to living a balanced life
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by Mercury »

It's sick how these pickup artists are not afraid of Pelican Bay State Prison (including their "Shu"), Alcatraz, Tamms, Salinas Valley, Angola, Sing-Sing, H-Unit, Oak Park Heights, they are not even afraid of lethal injection, the gas chamber, or the electric chair. All for approaching an American woman.
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by Winston »

I gotta admit, after being in Asia a long time, that there is one thing American women have over Asian women - they are much better at holding intellectual stimulating conversations, if they want to that is. In fact, the average white westerner in both America and Europe (Europe especially) is far better at holding an intellectual conversation than an average Asian in Asia is. No comparison. In Asia, people can only talk about simple practical things. They have no broad knowledge or wisdom and cannot talk about abstract topics like white people are good at. Asians are much more simple and primitive. Japan may be an exception, but the rest of Asia is definitely like I describe. We aren't talking about a simple majority here, but close to 100 percent of Asians are like that because they all conform and copy each other like a hive mind, ant colony or Borg collective. Totally.

However, the drawback of American women is not only do they have hot tempers and get mad easily, but they also like to debate and argue a lot. So you can never have peace around them. They are like walking on eggshells. Not relaxed or down to earth. They love to fight and argue about little things. This is a pattern I noticed in almost all of them. They don't value peace, at least not for long.

Another negative trait I see that is common in American women is that many of them have multiple personality disorder. Like they are 2 or 3 personalities in one, and switch between them at any moment. So you feel like you are dealing with 2 or 3 people here. It drives you crazy. Have any of you notice that? Why is this so common in modern women? I've seen this happen in China too, like with my ex Lisa. WTF is wrong with them? What causes this? Why can't they always be staightforward and down to earth?
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:
December 11th, 2019, 5:16 am
Another negative trait I see that is common in American women is that many of them have multiple personality disorder. Like they are 2 or 3 personalities in one, and switch between them at any moment. So you feel like you are dealing with 2 or 3 people here. It drives you crazy. Have any of you notice that? Why is this so common in modern women? I've seen this happen in China too, like with my ex Lisa. WTF is wrong with them? What causes this? Why can't they always be staightforward and down to earth?

A lot of women in Anglo countries have cluster B personality disorders. Also, quite a few are bipolar and some are even psychotic and schizophrenic. This is why it's so difficult to deal with Anglo women because of their mental health issues.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Why do American women EXPLODE over little things?! - 8 Toxic Traits I've Noticed

Post by Jonny Law »

Mercury wrote:
November 5th, 2019, 5:22 pm
It's sick how these pickup artists are not afraid of Pelican Bay State Prison (including their "Shu"), Alcatraz, Tamms, Salinas Valley, Angola, Sing-Sing, H-Unit, Oak Park Heights, they are not even afraid of lethal injection, the gas chamber, or the electric chair. All for approaching an American woman.

Here are stories about Pick Up artists going to prison :twisted:
1. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/ne ... story.html
2. https://www.inkstonenews.com/society/ch ... le/3014552
3 .https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... olice.html
4. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl ... 73831.html
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