How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by alexbrown »

None of the greatest minds in history every said that men and women were equal. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo DaVince, Einstein, Tesla, etc. all knew that men and women were very different. None of them said they were equal or the same.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Anatol »

alexbrown wrote:None of the greatest minds in history every said that men and women were equal. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo DaVince, Einstein, Tesla, etc. all knew that men and women were very different. None of them said they were equal or the same.
[~} Hello,

Yes, and all men know that women can be TRAINED to be males ~ they can be taught to be masculine and fight. Taught to drive. Taught to learn martial-arts. But 95% of men for 5,000 years were repulsed by this mentally-sick idea. Recently, USA has been able to brainwash the rest of the planet's men and now the world's men think this is 'progress'.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Winston »

alexbrown wrote:None of the greatest minds in history every said that men and women were equal. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo DaVince, Einstein, Tesla, etc. all knew that men and women were very different. None of them said they were equal or the same.
Why did you copy and paste from my post and make it look like your own post? I said that on the first page of this thread, and you copied it word for word. Why?

My exact words were:
Winston wrote:None of the greatest minds in history every said that men and women were equal. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo DaVince, Einstein, Tesla, etc. all knew that men and women were very different. None of them said they were equal or the same. So America is a total moron. America is at the top when it comes to self-delusion and bullshit.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Winston »

So does anyone know why women are not allowed to fly commercial airlines? Is it because they are too emotionally unstable to be trusted to fly large airlines with hundreds of passengers? What has the liberal media said about this? Would any of you want a woman piloting an airline that you are flying on? lol

I've seen American women drive buses and taxis, but they are usually very masculine looking and not attractive at all.

But in Asia, you do not see women driving buses or taxis. lol. I wonder why.

I'm glad they don't let American women fly commercial airlines though. That would be dangerous. I'm sure piloting an aircraft is a lot more complicated and risky than driving a bus. I'm glad they don't put feminism above the lives of 200 or 300 passengers. That would be taking it too far.

Have you all also noticed that men give directions a lot better than women do? At least that's true in Asia. Women here are kind of clueless when you ask them where something is. Men tend to know where things are and are better with step by step directions. I guess women are too preoccupied with what's popular and good for social image. lol. Giving directions requires thinking and organizational thought, which women aren't good at. lol
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Seeker »

So does anyone know why women are not allowed to fly commercial airlines? Is it because they are too emotionally unstable to be trusted to fly large airlines with hundreds of passengers? What has the liberal media said about this? Would any of you want a woman piloting an airline that you are flying on? lol
I never heard of such a thing, the rate of female commercial pilots in the US is around 4%. ... did-we-do/

Regarding the directions thing, it might be because males have better visual-spatial ability on average which helps at visualising places in three dimensions.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by roman »

Hey guys! Check out this feminist bullshit:
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by cdnFA »

My comments in bold.

In terms of why can't they be, almost every point you bring up is a cultural thing. Change the culture and can't becomes can. BTW
Winston wrote:Don't you hate how the notion that "men and women are equal in every way" in America is like some Gospel Truth that you are NOT allowed to ever question? LOL

Well I got some questions about that. If men and women are equal, then:

- Why aren't there teams of women building ships and buildings?
Not 100% women but er... Home Front during the World Wars.
- Why aren't there armies of women winning great battles in war?
Russian Snipers and pilots WWII. It's possible, they can do it, we just tend not to let them and like any sane person they usually are happy not to get
themselves killed.

- Why has there never been a great, or even a good, female general in the army who won great battles?
Yes there have. You just don't know who they are and I am not willing to do the research for you/ Hell even 14 year old boys have had high leadership positions
- Why aren't there men nursing infants and breastfeeding them?
Equal and same are two different things. However a widowed father does this exact same thing with formula BTW
- Why aren't men teaching preschool and kindergarten?
I am sure there are. They tend not to be inclined in that way and even if they were, what guy wants to be around kids with todays legal enviroment. A mix of they are capable and different interests... equal does not mean same.
- How come if I call a plumber or mechanic, it's always a guy that shows up?
Not always. Almost always. It would be a bit more often if they were not labeled as dykes and again different interests. Equal is not same.
- How come when I get an oil change for my car, it's always a guy that does it?
See above
- How come if a man and woman are alone in a cabin in the woods, and a bear outside makes sounds, the woman does not say to the man, "Honey, you stay here. I'll go outside and take care of that bear."? LOL. Instead, she will ask the man to go out and deal with it. Where is the equality here? If they are equal, then how do liberals explain that? Oh I guess they can't. LOL
I am sure there are homesteading couples out west and in the high north that don't operate that way. I am sure if you were to be trained as a queerfag you would act like one also. Again can't?
- Can I walk up to a mother and say that because men and women are equal, that I can breastfeed her baby just as well as she can? LOL. That would be silly and senseless wouldn't it?
It would be silly and senseless, much like this example. Also equal not same.
- Can women walk up to construction workers and say "We can build that house just as well as you can, because men and women are equal"? LOL. That would be delusional and false.
Tell that to Mike Holmes, enjoy how he laughs in your face. He hires and looks for more female crew members.
- How come NFL football teams don't have male and female members on the teams, since they are both equal? LOL
How come you don't see guys shit out babies and outperform those 4'6 female gymnasts. equal is not the same.
- If men and women are equal, why doesn't the military put co-ed armies of both men and women to fight together on the front lines? LOL
They do you ignorant f**k. A Canadian female Capitan got killed in Afghanistan, see above comment on Russian snipers and pilots.[/b
- How come female virginity is considered sacred and valuable, but male virginity is not? Female virginity is so valuable, that some female virgins are even able to sell it for a high price.
Because pensis go inside of vaginas. Also women can get preggers. Glad I could clear that up for you
- How come men go to brothels with women in them, but women do not go to brothels with men in them? LOL
As someone pointed out, it is a thing. There are women only male prostitdudes in Canada who actually get business, on the Canadian escort review boards some female escorts mention using them. I also wouldn't call a different sex drive as making one gender any better than another... just not the same.
- What if, during the American Revolution, the colonists sent out armies of women with muskets to fight the British red coats? LOL. Would they have won any battles? Even one? LOL. I doubt it. How would an army of women react to musket balls being fired at them, or cannon balls coming at them? LOLOLOLOLOL ROTF!!! So how the hell can women and men be equal? LOL. It makes no fricking sense!
Send a bunch of untrained anyone vs the red coats and they would get slaughtered. What made a good soldier back then was robotically following orders and they key to that wasn't a penis and testicles but countless hours of training. Richard Sharpe claimed it was firing 3 shots a minute but he was literally a son of a whore and a fictional character... and anyways how do you fire three shots a minute, not by being able to bench 250 but drill baby drill.
- What if the Allies during World War II sent an army of "liberated" feminist women to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day? LOL. Do you think battalions of liberated women would have been able to take the beach front? LOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL!!!
Based on the above, yes. There were women fighting behind the lines with the resistance after all. LOLLOLLOL duh!
- If men and women are equal, then why didn't the greatest generals in history -- such as Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, or Sun Tzu -- put female troops into their army? LOL. Aren't female troops just as capable as male troops? LOL. Shouldn't such great brilliant generals know better? LOL. Why would they miss out on the opportunity to double their army size by adding female troops? LOLOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL!!!
Not because they couldn't but because you can't rebuild a country if the women get slaughtered, you can if the dudes do. That at general sexism of course. Not really a reflection of if they could handle it. What they lack in size they would make up in making a smaller logistical tail.
- How come the greatest war treatise ever written, Sun Tzu's "Ancient Art of War" (which is required reading in the US military) doesn't say something like this in it: "Remember this principle: Men and women are equal. So don't neglect using female soldiers in battle. They are just as good and capable as male soldiers. A wise victorious general will utilize both female and male troops. Adding female soldiers will double your army in size and power. To neglect using female soldiers would halve your troops and resources, which is unwise." LOLOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL!!! Now, don't you think that one of the greatest military strategists in human history, like Sun Tzu, had a good reason for not writing such stupid statements in his treatise? LOL
Sun Tzu also never said don't f**k children, but you know what. I think f***ing kids is a bad idea.

The problem is that people tend to twist the word "equality" into meaning "sameness" on every level and in every way.
You mean like you did. .

Have your example show we arn't the same.
Much of your examples are flat out wrong especially due to your use of terms like All and reflect things other than ability and your staggering ignorance of military history and affairs even though you speak so forcefully on the subject.
The rest usually involve some sort of cultural thing.

Men and women are not equal, they can be. They will never be the same.

Also just to clarify something. During the era of muscle power and for modern combat which often involves having to lug injured mates out of danger, most women can't equal the performance of men. They doesn't mean they can't do it, they just won't be as good and unless you are running short of dudes like the Soviet Union in WWII and the IDF you are better off sticking with dudes. However they can do it.

BTW this chick


Died in combat in an LAV III standing half exposed as it was torn apart by 2 RPGs.
You on the other hand knocked up some poor girl in the Philippines and left her and your kid abandoned to f**k sluts in China.

Sounds to me like she is much more capable in combat, in terms of honour and as an all around human being then you. She could have easily knocked her self up to get out of duty like so many American chicks do.
Oh and
Trooper Karine Blais, 21, of Les Méchins, Québec was the second female Canadian combat soldier to be killed in combat on April 13, 2009, when the armoured vehicle she rode in hit an improvised explosive device in the Shah Wali Kot district, north of Kandahar.[20]
Master Cpl. Kristal Giesebrecht, 34, of Wallaceburg, Ontario was the third female Canadian combat soldier to be killed in combat on June 26, 2010, when the armoured vehicle she rode in hit an improvised explosive device 20 kilometres southwest of Kandahar
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Re: How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

Post by Winston »

Some rants I posted on YouTube in response to people who claim that women are equal to men righteously. No one seems to reply to my simple questions for some reason. All this is basic logic and obvious. I only ask for consistency, yet gender egalitarians NEVER give it or even discuss consistency. It's an obvious double standard and hypocrisy, but no one wants to talk about it for some reason, it seems to be taboo to bring any of this up.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 hour ago
​ @L. M. even if that's so, women cannot have equal power to men for one obvious reason: women are hypergamous, men are not. women always marry up. they do not want a man shorter than them or who has less money than them or is weaker than them. men do not marry up, only women do. we all know that. thus if women have equal power then men cannot date or marry women anymore, it ruins the dating scene for men. because no woman wants an equal man, only a man who is taller, stronger and has more income. you guys always forget that obvious fact for some reason. why am I the only one who thinks and sees basic logic?

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 hour ago
​ @L. M. also if you want women to be equal in every way, why don't you tell women to stop being hypergamous and stop marrying up only? why not ask women to accept men who are equal in height to them, and income, and strength? lol. Think about it. women only want taller men. if they are equal then they should want men of equal height. also why don't you say its wrong for the Titanic to let off women first as if their lives are more important then men's lives? why don't you gender egalitarians complain about that? Why not be CONSISTENT? that's the problem. you are NOT consistent. you only want equality when it benefits women but NOT if it doesn't. an obvious double standard. don't you egalitarians realize this? It's super obvious! why is everyone so blind to this and no one dares to bring it up but me???

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
9 seconds ago
​ @L. M. more questions for you. how come women get a lot more likes on facebook? how is that equal? how come a woman's virginity is sacred and has value but a man's virginity doesn't? how is that equal? I could ask countless questions like that. the point is, if you truly believe in equality you should be CONSISTENT and complain about the examples above too. not just want equality ONLY if it benefits women. that's hypocritical and you know it!
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Winston »

cdnFA wrote:
November 26th, 2015, 3:10 pm
Died in combat in an LAV III standing half exposed as it was torn apart by 2 RPGs.
You on the other hand knocked up some poor girl in the Philippines and left her and your kid abandoned to f**k sluts in China.

Sounds to me like she is much more capable in combat, in terms of honour and as an all around human being then you. She could have easily knocked her self up to get out of duty like so many American chicks do.
Um you're definitely wrong about that. Why are you comparing me to a soldier who died in combat in the military. Male or female, it's ABSOLUTELY STUPID AND FOOLISH to give your life in military service for NOTHING. Throwing your life away like that is definitely NOT an honor, and if you can't see that, you're really stupid and foolish and dumb as shit, no offense, but it's true.

What does dying for your country in the military accomplish exactly? You don't free or liberate people, you don't improve problems in America, you don't help anyone. NOTHING! All you do is serve the interests of corporations and the military industrial complex and the scumbags in Washington DC. Nothing honorable about that. You are serving a system that ENSLAVES people. Not liberates them. There's no freedom in America, everyone here knows that. You are a slave to your job, duty, to money, and to strict US laws and social rules. So what you fighting for when you join the military or die for your country? I'm glad I'm not stupid enough to do that. You should compliment me, not try to insult me. Your comparison actually compliments my intelligence. So you don't even know what you are doing.

Furthermore, going to a foreign country to kill people whom you have NOTHING against, just because your government says so is totally STUPID and morally WRONG too. I can't believe any sane person would actually do that. Plus it accomplishes nothing. No one is free or liberated. What did the 60,000 Americans who died in Vietnam accomplish? NOTHING! Everyone is still enslaved to money, work, and laws! Even at the end of WW2, half the world was captured by Communism, and Eastern Europe got sold out to the USSR and the US did nothing about it. So 70 million died in WW2 for nothing, making the world LESS free than it was before, since Communism took over half the world - Russia, China, Eastern Europe. What a waste. 70 million lives lost for nothing!

If you had any sense, you should be OUTRAGED about that, not salute men and women who die in combat for nothing! Man you are SOOOOOOOO STUPID! No offense. But you are no smarter than the people in movies like IDIOCRACY. I feel sorry for you. You are not any smarter or wiser than the average American. Not woken up at all. Dumb as shit. I don't mean that as insult, but it's true. You don't even get how foolish and wrong you are. What a pity.
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Re: How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
September 8th, 2014, 10:07 pm
- How come if a man and woman are alone in a cabin in the woods, and a bear outside makes sounds, the woman does not say to the man, "Honey, you stay here. I'll go outside and take care of that bear."? LOL. Instead, she will ask the man to go out and deal with it. Where is the equality here? If they are equal, then how do liberals explain that? Oh I guess they can't. LOL
Or go out and get the stuff out of the car in the hot sun, or get the umbrella out of the car if it is raining, or face just about any kind of danger.

Some of this stuff might be western chivalry, though. I wonder if guys in Saudi Arabia say, "It's 120 degrees, too hot to go out. I will tell the youngest wife to go get the stuff out of the car."
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Re: How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

Post by Gali »

Several Asian countries are boosting the numbers of female pilots to take on the widely perceived male-dominated airline industry. ... e-in-asia/

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Re: How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

Post by MrMan »

Gali wrote:
August 6th, 2021, 10:17 pm
Several Asian countries are boosting the numbers of female pilots to take on the widely perceived male-dominated airline industry. ... e-in-asia/
So are they going to follow the went and start hiring male stewardesses, and having heft, middle aged, and unnattractive female stewardesses?
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Re: How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

Post by MatureDJ »

What boils my bottom is that women pretty much have every right that a man has, but ...

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Re: How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

Post by Winston »

MrMan wrote:
August 7th, 2021, 6:05 am
Gali wrote:
August 6th, 2021, 10:17 pm
Several Asian countries are boosting the numbers of female pilots to take on the widely perceived male-dominated airline industry. ... e-in-asia/
So are they going to follow the went and start hiring male stewardesses, and having heft, middle aged, and unnattractive female stewardesses?
They've had male stewardesses for ages remember? Haven't you seen them on flights? They are called flight attendants or pursers. They don't like to be called stewardesses for some reason. The male flight attendants usually serve meals and drinks and push the carts too. Remember? I've seen that on every flight.

Why are there no female airline pilots though?
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Re: How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

Post by Winston »

MatureDJ wrote:
August 20th, 2021, 7:31 pm
What boils my bottom is that women pretty much have every right that a man has, but ...

Yeah why does no one on YouTube complain about stuff like that? All they do is lecture everyone about treating women as equals. If women truly are equals why does it need to be lectured and preached? You don't need to preach that "fire is hot and ice is cold" because it's self-evident. Only lies need to be preached and rammed down your throat. Why does no one on the whole YouTube mention this? Why does everyone conform?

Why don't all these gender egalitarians, which is almost everyone now, tell women to stop being hypergamous too? And tell them to date men who are equal height or shorter than them? If men don't mind shorter women, why do women mind shorter men? No one dares to bring up this obvious issue. Everyone is gutless nowadays.
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