The Evil of Capitalism

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The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I truly despise capitalism with every fibre of my being. I think it is an evil and degenerate ideology and in this thread I will highlight a few reasons as to why this is the case.

To begin with, I am well familiar with the talking points of those who are pro capitalism. Yes, it’s the best of the “isms” we have had so far. Yes, capitalism has pushed innovation which has enabled us to advance technologically. But these arguments are obsolete, for now we can clearly see what damage capitalism is doing and it’s obvious we need radical changes made to our societies to make them happy and less dysfunctional.

It is often described as a machine, which drives itself forward, a sort of living thing which we created and now have no control over. I think this is bollocks. I think the ideology has served its purpose now and has become a kind of zombie which relentlessly churns up the humans who serve it. It used to be an economic model designed to serve the people, but now we have a society of people who exist to serve the economic model of capitalism.

Here are just a few reasons why I despise the ideology:

First and foremost! Freedom is one of my core values and the artificial freedom granted in a capitalist system isn’t much freedom at all. This is something which is preached ad nauseum by advocates of capitalism, that we have freedom to choose our own path. To be what we want to be etc. The American Dream :lol:

In reality the only freedom you truly have is the freedom to choose which corporate masters you wish to serve. If I wish not to participate in the relentless and soul crushing rat race then I will lose my car, my home and if I have kids they will he abducted by social services, government approved kidnappers. So what freedom does one really have in a system which forces unwilling participants to go work for a living?!

If you wake up and you don’t want to go to work at a shitty job for 40 hours a week or whatever you cannot make the decision to stay at home and do something different. You go to work because you have no other choice. It is just clandestine slavery and not everybody is honest enough to admit it.

You don’t even have the freedom to be your authentic self in this society. Talk about how you don’t want to work and see how your peers react. Tell your interviewer you only want the job because you need money to survive and feed your kids instead of falsifying absolute passion for the company and see how far that gets you.

Another way our freedom is affected is through our so-called government representatives. People who we vote for in the theatre of democracy are nothing more than corporate puppets who travel to Davos every year to receive their orders from their corporate overlords like Bill Gates. If you don’t think this is true, then just look into how Bill Gates made the government of India pass legislation that forced Indian farmers to use Monsanto products.

For anyone interested there is a full documentary here about the nature of the cage. Describing in full detail how we are endentured servants to the banks and their system of debt slavery to fiat currency. A must see for anyone who hates capitalist society half as much as I do!

This is another one that pisses me off. Education. Why do I know several people who are “educated” but never anyone who is intelligent?! The answer is because there is a difference between knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge is simply retaining information. You either know something or you don’t. The people I referred to as “educated” simply retained a lot of information from school. Whereas intelligence is something different entirely. Intelligence is how someone processes information.

So who is more intelligent really? The university student who blindly accepts everything he is told from authority figures? Or the drop out who thinks the system is bullshit and questions everything he is told by authority figures?

In school you are taught to sit down and shut up, to listen to the teacher as they “educate” you with everything you need to know to advance into the corporate world. I confess I found the whole prospect very daunting at a young age. I was very depressed because of it. But to most of my classmates it all came naturally sitting down and folding their arms like little drones. I think this is the true essence of a capitalist education system, one which instills mindless conformity into children and prepare them with all the compliance they need to get by.

Nothing practical is taught in schools. There is no self defence or martial arts training to obtain knowledge on how to survive a violent attack from some asshole trying to hurt you. No first aid training so you might know how to help someone in need. No philosophical lessons on morals or ethics or how to treat other human beings. I mean, for f**k sake they don’t even give you lessons on how to manage finances or how to deal with depression and things like that.

Then there is the trap of further education. Tuition fees costing thousands and thousands (my brother went to university and I think his tuition fees are somewhere in the realm of 44K) and all the hoops you have to jump through just to get a decent job are ridiculous. Plus, there is no equality in society anyway when rich assholes like Boris Johnson can get into private boarding schools because their parents are rich. Where is the equality in that?!

Even this trans agenda being pushed in schools is part of this bullshit drive for profit and power and yet again it is Big Pharma who are raking it in with the influx of gender confused teens who are taking hormone blockers and transitioning without being made aware of the dangers. ... al-rights/

@flowerthief01 if you’re still lurking somewhere on this forum then I suppose I’m the last person you’d expect to make a post which addresses the environmental issues caused by capitalism :lol:

Long term the ideology is completely unsustainable, and I’m not just talking about the inevitable economic collapse, but the environmental damage caused by all these companies. Just 100 companies are responsible (supposedly) for 70% of the world’s pollution. ... ate-change
Burning fossil fuels to provide companies with power and fuel to provide a load of shit we don’t even need. A simpler way of life would be much more friendly to the environment and to the mental health of others as well as the community. @Outcast9428 likes to blame the degeneracy of modern society on the erosion of traditional values. I blame the erosion of values on capitalism. The zombie ideology which sucks the life and authenticity out of everything.

I know some advocates of capitalism like to blame China for the majority of the pollution and harmful emissions released into the environment, but look at what most of the shit you own says on it. “Made in China” they are just mass producing more shit we don’t even need to pander to this materialistic drive to have “things” most of these things are just material bullshit nobody needs at all. They are a detriment to everything and should be gotten rid of.

One of the most annoying and intrusive ways Capitalism pisses me off. Advertising is everywhere and it’s in your face every day anywhere you go. It’s on people’s t-shirts, their trainers and outfits etc as they walk around as walking billboards for products or even just advertising clothing brands.

TV shows and movies are interrupted with adverts everyone finds annoying trying to annoy you into buying shit you don’t want. YouTube has been saturated with annoying adverts (some of them advertising YouTube premium) which are designed to make you buy some subscription based service which people used to enjoy for free.

Music like YouTube music and Spotify etc all use the same shitty tactics and bombard you with adverts, often advertising their own premium services and essentially trying to bug you into buying what they’re selling. I won’t be annoyed into a paid subscription. These parasites can f**k off.

Worst of all though and possibly the most detestable way these companies advertise to people is when they cut out the middle man by advertising directly to children. All the colourful toys and chocolates are all placed at eye level for children. Daytime television advertising is mostly catered towards kids at home innocently watching their cartoons etc. It’s the equivalent of a salesman knocking at my door and asking to speak to my daughter directly and then asking her if she wants to buy a sweetie. It’s unethical as f**k and it utterly disgusts me!

Commoditised Love
This is really sickening! One thing I hate about a capitalist society is how love is commoditised by these companies and corporations. Romantic love is commoditised through valentines day, mothers day, fathers day, birthdays and even Christmas.

If you don’t buy things for those you love there is some kind of offense implied. Obviously, the more money you spend on someone is an indication of how much you love them.

Weddings costing in excess of 10k just to make a commitment to the one you love. Why? It’s f***ing extortionate.

Then there are cards! Does anyone even use these? Hallmark cards which have a generic “I love you” message printed by Hallmark and people just sign their name at the bottom. Seriously how much meaning does this actually have?! Wouldn’t it be more authentic to just SAY what it is you want to say instead of paying £5 to get Hallmark to say it for you!

Anyone ever hear of De Beers? The assholes who monopolised the diamond industry and created artificial scarcity to control the market? They also made marketing campaigns “Nothing says I love you like a ten thousand pound engagement ring”. Absolutely sickening!

Health and Wellbeing
Finally, when you come to the end of your life. And your physical and mental health are exhausted and all the money you’ve ever earned through your labour circulates back into a system of slavery anyway. You can enjoy a few years in an old folks home or shivering under a blanket in your bungalow stinking of piss. What a brilliant and wonderful life we have here in the west. So much joy and happiness and purpose to all this.

Big Pharma is our enemy. Under a capitalist system how can Big Pharma possibly seek to eradicate and cure disease? They would be in the business of putting themselves out of business. Under a capitalist system this isn’t a good business model. Things like psilocybin, which have been known to totally cure depression and help ptsd in soldiers is made illegal and instead we are offered anti depressant medication so we can be a life long customer of the pharmaceutical corporations!

Things like cigarettes and alcohol are legal because of the revenue they generate, despite all the problems they cause. Cancer and thugs drunk on booze are products of cigarettes and alcohol. I was a big drinker in my youth and I had many fall outs with partners, friends and family through drink!

Even today, in the UK and probably in most places in the world taxes and energy prices are rising and our politicians justify this by saying it will help the economy in the future. Again, a fictitious economic system which has no basis in reality is favoured over the lives and wellbeing of actual living human beings!

And let’s not forget about war and how profitable THAT is! Just take a look at all these nobhead arms dealers on American media pushing the narrative that more weapons need to be sold to Ukraine!

We need a radical change to our way of life. We need a society which is conducive to the lives and happiness of human beings! The old system of capitalism has become utterly obsolete with the rise of automation! Capitalism is completely unsustainable for the future and the elites themselves know this! That is why they want to implement the Great Reset before complete economic collapse.

Unfortunately, such a new system would need to be fought for! As the elites will never be willing to surrender their power and artificial wealth. Freedom is never GIVEN away. We have to fight for it and obtain it through violent struggle to implement a new system of freedom and flourishing for human beings.

Anyone who supports this current system of economic slavery is either a degenerate or has their head buried deep in the sand. I spoke about this in my thread about slavish people supporting their own slavery and ours in my Are Those Who Push The Proletariat Work Ethic Degenerates. Here is the link if you haven’t seen that thread already!

What do you guys think? There’s a few of you I said I would tag in this thread.
@publicduende @WanderingProtagonist
@E Irizarry R&B Singer
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Cornfed »

Historically, capitalism is a set of protocols for interacting with people you don't particularly like but where it is not convenient for you to rob, kill or enslave them. (If it is convenient, you rob, kill or enslave them). In its place it is fine. If you expand it to being generally how you deal with the world then that is pathological. The way humans properly deal with the world is through families, extended families, tribes etc. with the modern state properly being run by a kind of syndicalism or guild socialism or social nationalism or whatever you call it, with capitalism being an adjunct to that.
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 16th, 2022, 7:30 am
What would you call the alternative system to replace capitalism... communism, socialism, national socialism? I mean we can all agree the current system sucks donkey balls but I'd like to not end up in some concentration camp for speaking my mind freely.
A new system entirely. Of course the transition would be gradual, but the start of it would be the automation of labour. Followed by the eradication of the government who are our enemies and then the Jewish zionist banksters who keep us enslaved in their system of debt slavery! These scum will all have to die for a new system to be implemented.

New meaning to the term "hung parliament" :lol:

Perhaps some crypto currency like bitcoin as a means of exchange as we make the progression to a new model of society which is conducive to human happiness and freedom instead of debt slavery and corporate profits!
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Lucas88 »

You know that my favorite videogame series is GTA, don't you, @Pixel--Dude? For me, GTA represents the sexy side of capitalism - the luxury, the glamour, the hedonistic excesses and the power - for those who break the rules and do whatever it takes to rise to the top and live the good life. For the masses of naïve suckers who do play by the rules, life under capitalism can indeed majorly suck donkey balls with shitty pay that is barely enough to get by despite working fulltime, extortionate rent, insanely high cost of living, precarity of employment, little free time because of the demands of your corporate feudal overlord, etc. If one is going to enthusiastically support and participate in this amoral economic system, one might as well be bent as fcuk and do whatever not-so-legal activities they can in order to make large amounts of money and live well. The rules are only for the clueless serfs. Real winners don't play by the rules.

Of course, here I am speaking from the perspective of somebody who is redpilled about the system and who supports it. But I don't actually support the system either. I understand that it is simply a plutocratic dictatorship in which the ultra-wealthy and the (((banks))) are given free rein to do whatever they like at the expense of much poorer individuals and even entire nations while any semblance of democracy is nothing but a façade. We already live under a form of fascism - the fascism of capital. There might not be concentration camps or a visible dictator with a cult of personality, but the hidden plutocrats have the power to shape society into whatever image they like and ordinary people can do very little about it.

I believe that Gentile nations need our own forms of government. We need strong elites of our own who are willing to lead us in the fight to take back our own nations from the (((NWO))) and create new social and economic systems for our benefit with their own financial systems and arrangements of production. Yes, I'm advocating a form of national socialism in opposition to the current Jew-run system of financial tyranny - a form of national socialism that I hope can be based on noble and enlightened principles without falling into the mindless racism and oppression of the previous century.

I advocate an all-out war against the current NWO elite. I desire their complete destruction, the dismantlement of their fraudulent financial system, and the confiscation of the resources which those evildoers have hoarded. We must not give our enemies any form of pardon. Scumbags such as the Rothschilds, King Charles and his WEF butt buddies, Bill Gates, the assholes who run the IMF, and anybody else who is high up in the NWO and the ZOGs or who has been a knowing collaborator must be rounded up and executed.

Then, once we have taken back our nations, we must establish legitimate governments of the people who will oversee the economy and finances for everybody's benefit, not just for the benefit of a supposed elect class. Industry and trade should be allowed within a set of parameters that make it beneficial to society at large. Greedy unscrupulous industrialists and International Jewry will no longer be permitted to enrich themselves in ways that are detrimental to everyone else. A noble and enlightened Gentile government should play a directive role in the development of a worthy economy for the nation and also enact beneficial reforms wherever necessary and assist in the implementation of new social and technological developments.

In conclusion, I too am opposed to the present system of Jew capitalism and much prefer a model of enlightened national socialism for our Gentile nations.

In the 21st century of high modernity from a material standpoint we have everything that we need to make a decent society. The only thing that stands in our way is the NWO and its tyrannical assholes who want to make the world their own perverse dystopia.
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Moretorque »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 16th, 2022, 3:47 am
I truly despise capitalism with every fibre of my being. I think it is an evil and degenerate ideology and in this thread I will highlight a few reasons as to why this is the case.

To begin with, I am well familiar with the talking points of those who are pro capitalism. Yes, it’s the best of the “isms” we have had so far. Yes, capitalism has pushed innovation which has enabled us to advance technologically. But these arguments are obsolete, for now we can clearly see what damage capitalism is doing and it’s obvious we need radical changes made to our societies to make them happy and less dysfunctional.

It is often described as a machine, which drives itself forward, a sort of living thing which we created and now have no control over. I think this is bollocks. I think the ideology has served its purpose now and has become a kind of zombie which relentlessly churns up the humans who serve it. It used to be an economic model designed to serve the people, but now we have a society of people who exist to serve the economic model of capitalism.

Here are just a few reasons why I despise the ideology:

First and foremost! Freedom is one of my core values and the artificial freedom granted in a capitalist system isn’t much freedom at all. This is something which is preached ad nauseum by advocates of capitalism, that we have freedom to choose our own path. To be what we want to be etc. The American Dream :lol:

In reality the only freedom you truly have is the freedom to choose which corporate masters you wish to serve. If I wish not to participate in the relentless and soul crushing rat race then I will lose my car, my home and if I have kids they will he abducted by social services, government approved kidnappers. So what freedom does one really have in a system which forces unwilling participants to go work for a living?!

If you wake up and you don’t want to go to work at a shitty job for 40 hours a week or whatever you cannot make the decision to stay at home and do something different. You go to work because you have no other choice. It is just clandestine slavery and not everybody is honest enough to admit it.

You don’t even have the freedom to be your authentic self in this society. Talk about how you don’t want to work and see how your peers react. Tell your interviewer you only want the job because you need money to survive and feed your kids instead of falsifying absolute passion for the company and see how far that gets you.

Another way our freedom is affected is through our so-called government representatives. People who we vote for in the theatre of democracy are nothing more than corporate puppets who travel to Davos every year to receive their orders from their corporate overlords like Bill Gates. If you don’t think this is true, then just look into how Bill Gates made the government of India pass legislation that forced Indian farmers to use Monsanto products.

For anyone interested there is a full documentary here about the nature of the cage. Describing in full detail how we are endentured servants to the banks and their system of debt slavery to fiat currency. A must see for anyone who hates capitalist society half as much as I do!

This is another one that pisses me off. Education. Why do I know several people who are “educated” but never anyone who is intelligent?! The answer is because there is a difference between knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge is simply retaining information. You either know something or you don’t. The people I referred to as “educated” simply retained a lot of information from school. Whereas intelligence is something different entirely. Intelligence is how someone processes information.

So who is more intelligent really? The university student who blindly accepts everything he is told from authority figures? Or the drop out who thinks the system is bullshit and questions everything he is told by authority figures?

In school you are taught to sit down and shut up, to listen to the teacher as they “educate” you with everything you need to know to advance into the corporate world. I confess I found the whole prospect very daunting at a young age. I was very depressed because of it. But to most of my classmates it all came naturally sitting down and folding their arms like little drones. I think this is the true essence of a capitalist education system, one which instills mindless conformity into children and prepare them with all the compliance they need to get by.

Nothing practical is taught in schools. There is no self defence or martial arts training to obtain knowledge on how to survive a violent attack from some asshole trying to hurt you. No first aid training so you might know how to help someone in need. No philosophical lessons on morals or ethics or how to treat other human beings. I mean, for f**k sake they don’t even give you lessons on how to manage finances or how to deal with depression and things like that.

Then there is the trap of further education. Tuition fees costing thousands and thousands (my brother went to university and I think his tuition fees are somewhere in the realm of 44K) and all the hoops you have to jump through just to get a decent job are ridiculous. Plus, there is no equality in society anyway when rich assholes like Boris Johnson can get into private boarding schools because their parents are rich. Where is the equality in that?!

Even this trans agenda being pushed in schools is part of this bullshit drive for profit and power and yet again it is Big Pharma who are raking it in with the influx of gender confused teens who are taking hormone blockers and transitioning without being made aware of the dangers. ... al-rights/

@flowerthief01 if you’re still lurking somewhere on this forum then I suppose I’m the last person you’d expect to make a post which addresses the environmental issues caused by capitalism :lol:

Long term the ideology is completely unsustainable, and I’m not just talking about the inevitable economic collapse, but the environmental damage caused by all these companies. Just 100 companies are responsible (supposedly) for 70% of the world’s pollution. ... ate-change
Burning fossil fuels to provide companies with power and fuel to provide a load of shit we don’t even need. A simpler way of life would be much more friendly to the environment and to the mental health of others as well as the community. @Outcast9428 likes to blame the degeneracy of modern society on the erosion of traditional values. I blame the erosion of values on capitalism. The zombie ideology which sucks the life and authenticity out of everything.

I know some advocates of capitalism like to blame China for the majority of the pollution and harmful emissions released into the environment, but look at what most of the shit you own says on it. “Made in China” they are just mass producing more shit we don’t even need to pander to this materialistic drive to have “things” most of these things are just material bullshit nobody needs at all. They are a detriment to everything and should be gotten rid of.

One of the most annoying and intrusive ways Capitalism pisses me off. Advertising is everywhere and it’s in your face every day anywhere you go. It’s on people’s t-shirts, their trainers and outfits etc as they walk around as walking billboards for products or even just advertising clothing brands.

TV shows and movies are interrupted with adverts everyone finds annoying trying to annoy you into buying shit you don’t want. YouTube has been saturated with annoying adverts (some of them advertising YouTube premium) which are designed to make you buy some subscription based service which people used to enjoy for free.

Music like YouTube music and Spotify etc all use the same shitty tactics and bombard you with adverts, often advertising their own premium services and essentially trying to bug you into buying what they’re selling. I won’t be annoyed into a paid subscription. These parasites can f**k off.

Worst of all though and possibly the most detestable way these companies advertise to people is when they cut out the middle man by advertising directly to children. All the colourful toys and chocolates are all placed at eye level for children. Daytime television advertising is mostly catered towards kids at home innocently watching their cartoons etc. It’s the equivalent of a salesman knocking at my door and asking to speak to my daughter directly and then asking her if she wants to buy a sweetie. It’s unethical as f**k and it utterly disgusts me!

Commoditised Love
This is really sickening! One thing I hate about a capitalist society is how love is commoditised by these companies and corporations. Romantic love is commoditised through valentines day, mothers day, fathers day, birthdays and even Christmas.

If you don’t buy things for those you love there is some kind of offense implied. Obviously, the more money you spend on someone is an indication of how much you love them.

Weddings costing in excess of 10k just to make a commitment to the one you love. Why? It’s f***ing extortionate.

Then there are cards! Does anyone even use these? Hallmark cards which have a generic “I love you” message printed by Hallmark and people just sign their name at the bottom. Seriously how much meaning does this actually have?! Wouldn’t it be more authentic to just SAY what it is you want to say instead of paying £5 to get Hallmark to say it for you!

Anyone ever hear of De Beers? The assholes who monopolised the diamond industry and created artificial scarcity to control the market? They also made marketing campaigns “Nothing says I love you like a ten thousand pound engagement ring”. Absolutely sickening!

Health and Wellbeing
Finally, when you come to the end of your life. And your physical and mental health are exhausted and all the money you’ve ever earned through your labour circulates back into a system of slavery anyway. You can enjoy a few years in an old folks home or shivering under a blanket in your bungalow stinking of piss. What a brilliant and wonderful life we have here in the west. So much joy and happiness and purpose to all this.

Big Pharma is our enemy. Under a capitalist system how can Big Pharma possibly seek to eradicate and cure disease? They would be in the business of putting themselves out of business. Under a capitalist system this isn’t a good business model. Things like psilocybin, which have been known to totally cure depression and help ptsd in soldiers is made illegal and instead we are offered anti depressant medication so we can be a life long customer of the pharmaceutical corporations!

Things like cigarettes and alcohol are legal because of the revenue they generate, despite all the problems they cause. Cancer and thugs drunk on booze are products of cigarettes and alcohol. I was a big drinker in my youth and I had many fall outs with partners, friends and family through drink!

Even today, in the UK and probably in most places in the world taxes and energy prices are rising and our politicians justify this by saying it will help the economy in the future. Again, a fictitious economic system which has no basis in reality is favoured over the lives and wellbeing of actual living human beings!

And let’s not forget about war and how profitable THAT is! Just take a look at all these nobhead arms dealers on American media pushing the narrative that more weapons need to be sold to Ukraine!

We need a radical change to our way of life. We need a society which is conducive to the lives and happiness of human beings! The old system of capitalism has become utterly obsolete with the rise of automation! Capitalism is completely unsustainable for the future and the elites themselves know this! That is why they want to implement the Great Reset before complete economic collapse.

Unfortunately, such a new system would need to be fought for! As the elites will never be willing to surrender their power and artificial wealth. Freedom is never GIVEN away. We have to fight for it and obtain it through violent struggle to implement a new system of freedom and flourishing for human beings.

Anyone who supports this current system of economic slavery is either a degenerate or has their head buried deep in the sand. I spoke about this in my thread about slavish people supporting their own slavery and ours in my Are Those Who Push The Proletariat Work Ethic Degenerates. Here is the link if you haven’t seen that thread already!

What do you guys think? There’s a few of you I said I would tag in this thread.
@publicduende @WanderingProtagonist
@E Irizarry R&B Singer
Anybody who has not figured out what is going on yet is DUMB, the capitalism construct along with all the other ism is just forms of brainwashing by the people running this world wide counterfeiting con job. You see the point the people make who have done this is that you are sooo stupid you cannot think for yourself and need mind control by the state which is the BANK!!!! so you can be managed as cattle from cradle to grave...
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
October 16th, 2022, 1:19 pm
You know that my favorite videogame series is GTA, don't you, @Pixel--Dude? For me, GTA represents the sexy side of capitalism - the luxury, the glamour, the hedonistic excesses and the power - for those who break the rules and do whatever it takes to rise to the top and live the good life. For the masses of naïve suckers who do play by the rules, life under capitalism can indeed majorly suck donkey balls with shitty pay that is barely enough to get by despite working fulltime, extortionate rent, insanely high cost of living, precarity of employment, little free time because of the demands of your corporate feudal overlord, etc. If one is going to enthusiastically support and participate in this amoral economic system, one might as well be bent as fcuk and do whatever not-so-legal activities they can in order to make large amounts of money and live well. The rules are only for the clueless serfs. Real winners don't play by the rules.
Yes, that's true. And like GTA our streets are governed by gangsters, with the exception that these gangsters pose as legitimate business men and "philanthropists". In realty we know the banksters are just slavers and the workplace is nothing more than clandestine slavery.


You are also right in the sense that people like us can only get ahead in this despicable rat race if we don't play by their rules. I mean, they don't play by their own rules either! What with banking money offshore to avoid paying taxes and all the rest of it. Hypocrites.
Of course, here I am speaking from the perspective of somebody who is redpilled about the system and who supports it. But I don't actually support the system either. I understand that it is simply a plutocratic dictatorship in which the ultra-wealthy and the (((banks))) are given free rein to do whatever they like at the expense of much poorer individuals and even entire nations while any semblance of democracy is nothing but a façade. We already live under a form of fascism - the fascism of capital. There might not be concentration camps or a visible dictator with a cult of personality, but the hidden plutocrats have the power to shape society into whatever image they like and ordinary people can do very little about it.
That is true. We are supposed to live in a democratic country where government officials are elected as part of representative democracy. But as I pointed out these officials don't represent us. They represent corporate profit and big CEOs and shareholders like that utter prick Bill Gates!

How can people like @flowerthief01 take representative democracy seriously when people are let down and lied to time and time again! It must be mental illness or extreme cognitive dissonance to not see what is really happening and that we are just slaves to a corporate elite :roll:

The WEF is proof of this! Every year government officials from around the world, including China meet at Davos with people like Bill Gates. There they get their marching orders and implement legislation that benefits big tech and big corporations.

Pfizer were even caught out lobbying presidential candidates with a big cruise ship full of bikini clad babes before an election at a time when they wanted to push their drugs onto young children.


I believe that Gentile nations need our own forms of government. We need strong elites of our own who are willing to lead us in the fight to take back our own nations from the (((NWO))) and create new social and economic systems for our benefit with their own financial systems and arrangements of production. Yes, I'm advocating a form of national socialism in opposition to the current Jew-run system of financial tyranny - a form of national socialism that I hope can be based on noble and enlightened principles without falling into the mindless racism and oppression of the previous century.
Exactly! We need a new system which prioritises human wellbeing over corporate profit and artificial "economic growth" such a change can only come about through violent struggle and conflict. Freedom is never just given away. Especially by tyrants!

A new elite with aristocratic values needs to come into power to replace the current corporate puppets, corporate giants and the banksters who keep us enslaved in their system of economic slavery.
I advocate an all-out war against the current NWO elite. I desire their complete destruction, the dismantlement of their fraudulent financial system, and the confiscation of the resources which those evildoers have hoarded. We must not give our enemies any form of pardon. Scumbags such as the Rothschilds, King Charles and his WEF butt buddies, Bill Gates, the assholes who run the IMF, and anybody else who is high up in the NWO and the ZOGs or who has been a knowing collaborator must be rounded up and executed.
I agree. Bring a new meaning to the term "hung parliament" these people you mentioned are all complicit or directly responsible for atrocities that are occurring around our world right now.

I even suspect that the covid pandemic and the war in Russia are artifical events manufactured with the sole purpose of driving people further into poverty and destitution because they know their economic system is unsustainable and on the verge of collapse. That's why Charles and Schwab are advocating the implementation of the Great Reset!
Then, once we have taken back our nations, we must establish legitimate governments of the people who will oversee the economy and finances for everybody's benefit, not just for the benefit of a supposed elect class. Industry and trade should be allowed within a set of parameters that make it beneficial to society at large. Greedy unscrupulous industrialists and International Jewry will no longer be permitted to enrich themselves in ways that are detrimental to everyone else. A noble and enlightened Gentile government should play a directive role in the development of a worthy economy for the nation and also enact beneficial reforms wherever necessary and assist in the implementation of new social and technological developments.
Perhaps some form of cryptocurrency like bitcoin which the Jewish mafia and banksters have no control over! This is why Bill Gates made statements about it being bad for the environment and caused the price to drop. Even though he travels around in a private jet and probably has a carbon footprint the size of the UK!

The automation of labour and a degree of living self suffiently. Perhaps each community has its own hydroponic food towers growing all different vegetables all year round with each floor being set to conditions perfect for that kind of vegetable.

Also people could modify their homes if they have no gardens so that they have attic extentions with glass roofs to grow their own vegetables at home.

I definitely think the resources should go back to the people and not all be in the hands of fictitious corporate entities with the incentive of making more and more profit instead of making society better for everyone!
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 16th, 2022, 3:47 am
I truly despise capitalism with every fibre of my being. I think it is an evil and degenerate ideology and in this thread I will highlight a few reasons as to why this is the case.

To begin with, I am well familiar with the talking points of those who are pro capitalism. Yes, it’s the best of the “isms” we have had so far. Yes, capitalism has pushed innovation which has enabled us to advance technologically. But these arguments are obsolete, for now we can clearly see what damage capitalism is doing and it’s obvious we need radical changes made to our societies to make them happy and less dysfunctional.

It is often described as a machine, which drives itself forward, a sort of living thing which we created and now have no control over. I think this is bollocks. I think the ideology has served its purpose now and has become a kind of zombie which relentlessly churns up the humans who serve it. It used to be an economic model designed to serve the people, but now we have a society of people who exist to serve the economic model of capitalism.

Here are just a few reasons why I despise the ideology:

First and foremost! Freedom is one of my core values and the artificial freedom granted in a capitalist system isn’t much freedom at all. This is something which is preached ad nauseum by advocates of capitalism, that we have freedom to choose our own path. To be what we want to be etc. The American Dream :lol:

In reality the only freedom you truly have is the freedom to choose which corporate masters you wish to serve. If I wish not to participate in the relentless and soul crushing rat race then I will lose my car, my home and if I have kids they will he abducted by social services, government approved kidnappers. So what freedom does one really have in a system which forces unwilling participants to go work for a living?!

If you wake up and you don’t want to go to work at a shitty job for 40 hours a week or whatever you cannot make the decision to stay at home and do something different. You go to work because you have no other choice. It is just clandestine slavery and not everybody is honest enough to admit it.

You don’t even have the freedom to be your authentic self in this society. Talk about how you don’t want to work and see how your peers react. Tell your interviewer you only want the job because you need money to survive and feed your kids instead of falsifying absolute passion for the company and see how far that gets you.

Another way our freedom is affected is through our so-called government representatives. People who we vote for in the theatre of democracy are nothing more than corporate puppets who travel to Davos every year to receive their orders from their corporate overlords like Bill Gates. If you don’t think this is true, then just look into how Bill Gates made the government of India pass legislation that forced Indian farmers to use Monsanto products.

For anyone interested there is a full documentary here about the nature of the cage. Describing in full detail how we are endentured servants to the banks and their system of debt slavery to fiat currency. A must see for anyone who hates capitalist society half as much as I do!

This is another one that pisses me off. Education. Why do I know several people who are “educated” but never anyone who is intelligent?! The answer is because there is a difference between knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge is simply retaining information. You either know something or you don’t. The people I referred to as “educated” simply retained a lot of information from school. Whereas intelligence is something different entirely. Intelligence is how someone processes information.

So who is more intelligent really? The university student who blindly accepts everything he is told from authority figures? Or the drop out who thinks the system is bullshit and questions everything he is told by authority figures?

In school you are taught to sit down and shut up, to listen to the teacher as they “educate” you with everything you need to know to advance into the corporate world. I confess I found the whole prospect very daunting at a young age. I was very depressed because of it. But to most of my classmates it all came naturally sitting down and folding their arms like little drones. I think this is the true essence of a capitalist education system, one which instills mindless conformity into children and prepare them with all the compliance they need to get by.

Nothing practical is taught in schools. There is no self defence or martial arts training to obtain knowledge on how to survive a violent attack from some asshole trying to hurt you. No first aid training so you might know how to help someone in need. No philosophical lessons on morals or ethics or how to treat other human beings. I mean, for f**k sake they don’t even give you lessons on how to manage finances or how to deal with depression and things like that.

Then there is the trap of further education. Tuition fees costing thousands and thousands (my brother went to university and I think his tuition fees are somewhere in the realm of 44K) and all the hoops you have to jump through just to get a decent job are ridiculous. Plus, there is no equality in society anyway when rich assholes like Boris Johnson can get into private boarding schools because their parents are rich. Where is the equality in that?!

Even this trans agenda being pushed in schools is part of this bullshit drive for profit and power and yet again it is Big Pharma who are raking it in with the influx of gender confused teens who are taking hormone blockers and transitioning without being made aware of the dangers. ... al-rights/

@flowerthief01 if you’re still lurking somewhere on this forum then I suppose I’m the last person you’d expect to make a post which addresses the environmental issues caused by capitalism :lol:

Long term the ideology is completely unsustainable, and I’m not just talking about the inevitable economic collapse, but the environmental damage caused by all these companies. Just 100 companies are responsible (supposedly) for 70% of the world’s pollution. ... ate-change
Burning fossil fuels to provide companies with power and fuel to provide a load of shit we don’t even need. A simpler way of life would be much more friendly to the environment and to the mental health of others as well as the community. @Outcast9428 likes to blame the degeneracy of modern society on the erosion of traditional values. I blame the erosion of values on capitalism. The zombie ideology which sucks the life and authenticity out of everything.

I know some advocates of capitalism like to blame China for the majority of the pollution and harmful emissions released into the environment, but look at what most of the shit you own says on it. “Made in China” they are just mass producing more shit we don’t even need to pander to this materialistic drive to have “things” most of these things are just material bullshit nobody needs at all. They are a detriment to everything and should be gotten rid of.

One of the most annoying and intrusive ways Capitalism pisses me off. Advertising is everywhere and it’s in your face every day anywhere you go. It’s on people’s t-shirts, their trainers and outfits etc as they walk around as walking billboards for products or even just advertising clothing brands.

TV shows and movies are interrupted with adverts everyone finds annoying trying to annoy you into buying shit you don’t want. YouTube has been saturated with annoying adverts (some of them advertising YouTube premium) which are designed to make you buy some subscription based service which people used to enjoy for free.

Music like YouTube music and Spotify etc all use the same shitty tactics and bombard you with adverts, often advertising their own premium services and essentially trying to bug you into buying what they’re selling. I won’t be annoyed into a paid subscription. These parasites can f**k off.

Worst of all though and possibly the most detestable way these companies advertise to people is when they cut out the middle man by advertising directly to children. All the colourful toys and chocolates are all placed at eye level for children. Daytime television advertising is mostly catered towards kids at home innocently watching their cartoons etc. It’s the equivalent of a salesman knocking at my door and asking to speak to my daughter directly and then asking her if she wants to buy a sweetie. It’s unethical as f**k and it utterly disgusts me!

Commoditised Love
This is really sickening! One thing I hate about a capitalist society is how love is commoditised by these companies and corporations. Romantic love is commoditised through valentines day, mothers day, fathers day, birthdays and even Christmas.

If you don’t buy things for those you love there is some kind of offense implied. Obviously, the more money you spend on someone is an indication of how much you love them.

Weddings costing in excess of 10k just to make a commitment to the one you love. Why? It’s f***ing extortionate.

Then there are cards! Does anyone even use these? Hallmark cards which have a generic “I love you” message printed by Hallmark and people just sign their name at the bottom. Seriously how much meaning does this actually have?! Wouldn’t it be more authentic to just SAY what it is you want to say instead of paying £5 to get Hallmark to say it for you!

Anyone ever hear of De Beers? The assholes who monopolised the diamond industry and created artificial scarcity to control the market? They also made marketing campaigns “Nothing says I love you like a ten thousand pound engagement ring”. Absolutely sickening!

Health and Wellbeing
Finally, when you come to the end of your life. And your physical and mental health are exhausted and all the money you’ve ever earned through your labour circulates back into a system of slavery anyway. You can enjoy a few years in an old folks home or shivering under a blanket in your bungalow stinking of piss. What a brilliant and wonderful life we have here in the west. So much joy and happiness and purpose to all this.

Big Pharma is our enemy. Under a capitalist system how can Big Pharma possibly seek to eradicate and cure disease? They would be in the business of putting themselves out of business. Under a capitalist system this isn’t a good business model. Things like psilocybin, which have been known to totally cure depression and help ptsd in soldiers is made illegal and instead we are offered anti depressant medication so we can be a life long customer of the pharmaceutical corporations!

Things like cigarettes and alcohol are legal because of the revenue they generate, despite all the problems they cause. Cancer and thugs drunk on booze are products of cigarettes and alcohol. I was a big drinker in my youth and I had many fall outs with partners, friends and family through drink!

Even today, in the UK and probably in most places in the world taxes and energy prices are rising and our politicians justify this by saying it will help the economy in the future. Again, a fictitious economic system which has no basis in reality is favoured over the lives and wellbeing of actual living human beings!

And let’s not forget about war and how profitable THAT is! Just take a look at all these nobhead arms dealers on American media pushing the narrative that more weapons need to be sold to Ukraine!

We need a radical change to our way of life. We need a society which is conducive to the lives and happiness of human beings! The old system of capitalism has become utterly obsolete with the rise of automation! Capitalism is completely unsustainable for the future and the elites themselves know this! That is why they want to implement the Great Reset before complete economic collapse.

Unfortunately, such a new system would need to be fought for! As the elites will never be willing to surrender their power and artificial wealth. Freedom is never GIVEN away. We have to fight for it and obtain it through violent struggle to implement a new system of freedom and flourishing for human beings.

Anyone who supports this current system of economic slavery is either a degenerate or has their head buried deep in the sand. I spoke about this in my thread about slavish people supporting their own slavery and ours in my Are Those Who Push The Proletariat Work Ethic Degenerates. Here is the link if you haven’t seen that thread already!

What do you guys think? There’s a few of you I said I would tag in this thread.
@publicduende @WanderingProtagonist
@E Irizarry R&B Singer
There is so much wrong with this that I dont know where to start fella!!!
Its clear you have no idea how capitalism works!!!
Without an organised structure and commoditised living society would end up becoming a f***ing circus!!
Advanced society like the one ur pissing and moaning about is what seperates us from animals you nincompoop!
Capitalism isnt just one thing! It is lots of different things....
Different systems which are inherent in nature!
Natural competition and survival of the fittest!!!
Only we are more civilized about it than animals!!!
Only those who are too lazy and unwilling to make the effort to succeed in life fail in a capitalist society....
Look at it like we were zebras! The weakest ones lagging behind always die and become meat for the strong!!!
Ur just one of the zebras lagging behind and complaining that the lion has bigger claws and teeth than you do!!!
Im honestly so sick of these frickin marxist talking points from socialist bums who want everything for nothing!!!
Continue complaining about capitalism @Pixel--Dude while using ur computer and slurping ur latte you pretentious twat
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 30th, 2022, 5:01 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 16th, 2022, 3:47 am
I truly despise capitalism with every fibre of my being. I think it is an evil and degenerate ideology and in this thread I will highlight a few reasons as to why this is the case.

To begin with, I am well familiar with the talking points of those who are pro capitalism. Yes, it’s the best of the “isms” we have had so far. Yes, capitalism has pushed innovation which has enabled us to advance technologically. But these arguments are obsolete, for now we can clearly see what damage capitalism is doing and it’s obvious we need radical changes made to our societies to make them happy and less dysfunctional.

It is often described as a machine, which drives itself forward, a sort of living thing which we created and now have no control over. I think this is bollocks. I think the ideology has served its purpose now and has become a kind of zombie which relentlessly churns up the humans who serve it. It used to be an economic model designed to serve the people, but now we have a society of people who exist to serve the economic model of capitalism.

Here are just a few reasons why I despise the ideology:

First and foremost! Freedom is one of my core values and the artificial freedom granted in a capitalist system isn’t much freedom at all. This is something which is preached ad nauseum by advocates of capitalism, that we have freedom to choose our own path. To be what we want to be etc. The American Dream :lol:

In reality the only freedom you truly have is the freedom to choose which corporate masters you wish to serve. If I wish not to participate in the relentless and soul crushing rat race then I will lose my car, my home and if I have kids they will he abducted by social services, government approved kidnappers. So what freedom does one really have in a system which forces unwilling participants to go work for a living?!

If you wake up and you don’t want to go to work at a shitty job for 40 hours a week or whatever you cannot make the decision to stay at home and do something different. You go to work because you have no other choice. It is just clandestine slavery and not everybody is honest enough to admit it.

You don’t even have the freedom to be your authentic self in this society. Talk about how you don’t want to work and see how your peers react. Tell your interviewer you only want the job because you need money to survive and feed your kids instead of falsifying absolute passion for the company and see how far that gets you.

Another way our freedom is affected is through our so-called government representatives. People who we vote for in the theatre of democracy are nothing more than corporate puppets who travel to Davos every year to receive their orders from their corporate overlords like Bill Gates. If you don’t think this is true, then just look into how Bill Gates made the government of India pass legislation that forced Indian farmers to use Monsanto products.

For anyone interested there is a full documentary here about the nature of the cage. Describing in full detail how we are endentured servants to the banks and their system of debt slavery to fiat currency. A must see for anyone who hates capitalist society half as much as I do!

This is another one that pisses me off. Education. Why do I know several people who are “educated” but never anyone who is intelligent?! The answer is because there is a difference between knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge is simply retaining information. You either know something or you don’t. The people I referred to as “educated” simply retained a lot of information from school. Whereas intelligence is something different entirely. Intelligence is how someone processes information.

So who is more intelligent really? The university student who blindly accepts everything he is told from authority figures? Or the drop out who thinks the system is bullshit and questions everything he is told by authority figures?

In school you are taught to sit down and shut up, to listen to the teacher as they “educate” you with everything you need to know to advance into the corporate world. I confess I found the whole prospect very daunting at a young age. I was very depressed because of it. But to most of my classmates it all came naturally sitting down and folding their arms like little drones. I think this is the true essence of a capitalist education system, one which instills mindless conformity into children and prepare them with all the compliance they need to get by.

Nothing practical is taught in schools. There is no self defence or martial arts training to obtain knowledge on how to survive a violent attack from some asshole trying to hurt you. No first aid training so you might know how to help someone in need. No philosophical lessons on morals or ethics or how to treat other human beings. I mean, for f**k sake they don’t even give you lessons on how to manage finances or how to deal with depression and things like that.

Then there is the trap of further education. Tuition fees costing thousands and thousands (my brother went to university and I think his tuition fees are somewhere in the realm of 44K) and all the hoops you have to jump through just to get a decent job are ridiculous. Plus, there is no equality in society anyway when rich assholes like Boris Johnson can get into private boarding schools because their parents are rich. Where is the equality in that?!

Even this trans agenda being pushed in schools is part of this bullshit drive for profit and power and yet again it is Big Pharma who are raking it in with the influx of gender confused teens who are taking hormone blockers and transitioning without being made aware of the dangers. ... al-rights/

@flowerthief01 if you’re still lurking somewhere on this forum then I suppose I’m the last person you’d expect to make a post which addresses the environmental issues caused by capitalism :lol:

Long term the ideology is completely unsustainable, and I’m not just talking about the inevitable economic collapse, but the environmental damage caused by all these companies. Just 100 companies are responsible (supposedly) for 70% of the world’s pollution. ... ate-change
Burning fossil fuels to provide companies with power and fuel to provide a load of shit we don’t even need. A simpler way of life would be much more friendly to the environment and to the mental health of others as well as the community. @Outcast9428 likes to blame the degeneracy of modern society on the erosion of traditional values. I blame the erosion of values on capitalism. The zombie ideology which sucks the life and authenticity out of everything.

I know some advocates of capitalism like to blame China for the majority of the pollution and harmful emissions released into the environment, but look at what most of the shit you own says on it. “Made in China” they are just mass producing more shit we don’t even need to pander to this materialistic drive to have “things” most of these things are just material bullshit nobody needs at all. They are a detriment to everything and should be gotten rid of.

One of the most annoying and intrusive ways Capitalism pisses me off. Advertising is everywhere and it’s in your face every day anywhere you go. It’s on people’s t-shirts, their trainers and outfits etc as they walk around as walking billboards for products or even just advertising clothing brands.

TV shows and movies are interrupted with adverts everyone finds annoying trying to annoy you into buying shit you don’t want. YouTube has been saturated with annoying adverts (some of them advertising YouTube premium) which are designed to make you buy some subscription based service which people used to enjoy for free.

Music like YouTube music and Spotify etc all use the same shitty tactics and bombard you with adverts, often advertising their own premium services and essentially trying to bug you into buying what they’re selling. I won’t be annoyed into a paid subscription. These parasites can f**k off.

Worst of all though and possibly the most detestable way these companies advertise to people is when they cut out the middle man by advertising directly to children. All the colourful toys and chocolates are all placed at eye level for children. Daytime television advertising is mostly catered towards kids at home innocently watching their cartoons etc. It’s the equivalent of a salesman knocking at my door and asking to speak to my daughter directly and then asking her if she wants to buy a sweetie. It’s unethical as f**k and it utterly disgusts me!

Commoditised Love
This is really sickening! One thing I hate about a capitalist society is how love is commoditised by these companies and corporations. Romantic love is commoditised through valentines day, mothers day, fathers day, birthdays and even Christmas.

If you don’t buy things for those you love there is some kind of offense implied. Obviously, the more money you spend on someone is an indication of how much you love them.

Weddings costing in excess of 10k just to make a commitment to the one you love. Why? It’s f***ing extortionate.

Then there are cards! Does anyone even use these? Hallmark cards which have a generic “I love you” message printed by Hallmark and people just sign their name at the bottom. Seriously how much meaning does this actually have?! Wouldn’t it be more authentic to just SAY what it is you want to say instead of paying £5 to get Hallmark to say it for you!

Anyone ever hear of De Beers? The assholes who monopolised the diamond industry and created artificial scarcity to control the market? They also made marketing campaigns “Nothing says I love you like a ten thousand pound engagement ring”. Absolutely sickening!

Health and Wellbeing
Finally, when you come to the end of your life. And your physical and mental health are exhausted and all the money you’ve ever earned through your labour circulates back into a system of slavery anyway. You can enjoy a few years in an old folks home or shivering under a blanket in your bungalow stinking of piss. What a brilliant and wonderful life we have here in the west. So much joy and happiness and purpose to all this.

Big Pharma is our enemy. Under a capitalist system how can Big Pharma possibly seek to eradicate and cure disease? They would be in the business of putting themselves out of business. Under a capitalist system this isn’t a good business model. Things like psilocybin, which have been known to totally cure depression and help ptsd in soldiers is made illegal and instead we are offered anti depressant medication so we can be a life long customer of the pharmaceutical corporations!

Things like cigarettes and alcohol are legal because of the revenue they generate, despite all the problems they cause. Cancer and thugs drunk on booze are products of cigarettes and alcohol. I was a big drinker in my youth and I had many fall outs with partners, friends and family through drink!

Even today, in the UK and probably in most places in the world taxes and energy prices are rising and our politicians justify this by saying it will help the economy in the future. Again, a fictitious economic system which has no basis in reality is favoured over the lives and wellbeing of actual living human beings!

And let’s not forget about war and how profitable THAT is! Just take a look at all these nobhead arms dealers on American media pushing the narrative that more weapons need to be sold to Ukraine!

We need a radical change to our way of life. We need a society which is conducive to the lives and happiness of human beings! The old system of capitalism has become utterly obsolete with the rise of automation! Capitalism is completely unsustainable for the future and the elites themselves know this! That is why they want to implement the Great Reset before complete economic collapse.

Unfortunately, such a new system would need to be fought for! As the elites will never be willing to surrender their power and artificial wealth. Freedom is never GIVEN away. We have to fight for it and obtain it through violent struggle to implement a new system of freedom and flourishing for human beings.

Anyone who supports this current system of economic slavery is either a degenerate or has their head buried deep in the sand. I spoke about this in my thread about slavish people supporting their own slavery and ours in my Are Those Who Push The Proletariat Work Ethic Degenerates. Here is the link if you haven’t seen that thread already!

What do you guys think? There’s a few of you I said I would tag in this thread.
@publicduende @WanderingProtagonist
@E Irizarry R&B Singer
There is so much wrong with this that I dont know where to start fella!!!
Its clear you have no idea how capitalism works!!!
Without an organised structure and commoditised living society would end up becoming a f***ing circus!!
Advanced society like the one ur pissing and moaning about is what seperates us from animals you nincompoop!
Capitalism isnt just one thing! It is lots of different things....
Different systems which are inherent in nature!
Natural competition and survival of the fittest!!!
Only we are more civilized about it than animals!!!
Only those who are too lazy and unwilling to make the effort to succeed in life fail in a capitalist society....
Look at it like we were zebras! The weakest ones lagging behind always die and become meat for the strong!!!
Ur just one of the zebras lagging behind and complaining that the lion has bigger claws and teeth than you do!!!
Im honestly so sick of these frickin marxist talking points from socialist bums who want everything for nothing!!!
Continue complaining about capitalism @Pixel--Dude while using ur computer and slurping ur latte you pretentious twat
Would you like to elaborate on any of the points I made in my original post? Or do you just want to throw your teddy out of the cot because you don't like that I'm not brainwashed by your ideology!

Do you deny that objectively the problems I've highlighted in my original post do not exist? Homelessness? Small family businesses attempting to compete with massive multi-million corporations that just monopolise the market?

The analogy you used with the zebras is inaccurate. A more accurate assessment would be to compare all of us to zebras (both lame and strong) and people like Bill Gates and Elon Musk to psychopaths with nuclear weapons. There is no competition. There is Monopoly and exploitation.

Watch the documentary I posted and see for yourself how these assholes force us to live lives of endentured servitude to fiat currency! We live in a clandestine slave plantation farm! Nothing more than that! It's like George Orwell's 1984 with the exception that nobody realises how shit it is in reality! People only give a f**k when it affects THEM directly! Which is a f***ing testament to how effective the brainwashing programme is and how solipsistic gullible fools people are who buy into this bullshit and expect everyone else to blindly accept it as well!

Fiat currency has no basis in reality. People slaving away for pieces of paper with dead people's faces on is a f***ing circus of a society! Not wanting a society more conducive to human happiness and flourishing!

Wake the f**k up, dude!
You are free to make any decision you desire, but you are not free from the consequences of those decisions.
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 16th, 2022, 3:47 am
Here are just a few reasons why I despise the ideology:

First and foremost! Freedom is one of my core values and the artificial freedom granted in a capitalist system isn’t much freedom at all. This is something which is preached ad nauseum by advocates of capitalism, that we have freedom to choose our own path. To be what we want to be etc. The American Dream :lol:

In reality the only freedom you truly have is the freedom to choose which corporate masters you wish to serve. If I wish not to participate in the relentless and soul crushing rat race then I will lose my car, my home and if I have kids they will he abducted by social services, government approved kidnappers. So what freedom does one really have in a system which forces unwilling participants to go work for a living?!

If you wake up and you don’t want to go to work at a shitty job for 40 hours a week or whatever you cannot make the decision to stay at home and do something different. You go to work because you have no other choice. It is just clandestine slavery and not everybody is honest enough to admit it.
I am trying to remember where you are from. The UK, right? In the US, about half of employees are employed in businesses of 100 employees or less. Some small businesses are incorporated. It's easy to start a small corporation in the US. My wife and I have two or three LLCs that we aren't really using right now. I wanted to start something a year ago but my regular job offered extra work and the pay was decent for it....but I digress.

These small businesses aren't the same as the large corporations. If you can figure out a way to support yourself where you stay home, you have freedom to do that.

How is the social services type people coming and taking your kids related to big corporations? Did you find a one-off case of corporations lobbying for that? They will take kids away for living at the standard of living of our ancestors two or three hundred years ago. You could do some social action, start a movement, lobby parliament or a legislature for stronger parental rights. It's not 'capitalism' per se that does that. A communist regime could claim ownership over the children. That seems more like a 'left wing' perspective'--- for the state to own the kids, anyway. But there was 'Hitler youth' on the one hand, and now near-mandatory state schools brainwashing kids to think gay is okay and to think they have no gender on the left.
You don’t even have the freedom to be your authentic self in this society. Talk about how you don’t want to work and see how your peers react.
The problem here is not capitalism, but if you don't have resources and you think you can get by mooching off other people without doing something to support yourself... maybe that is the problem. Capitalism doesn't make that an option. Governments offering safety nets for lazy people is the problem. Why should tax payers keep you up?

If you lived in the middle ages and you told your mom and dad, or people around you you just didn't want to work and you wanted to be your authentic self, do you think you would have gotten a good reaction? I don't think that kind of talk ever went over well. If you had just inherited a large estate, it might not be an issue, but if you didn't manage it some, your manager might take advantage of you.

They make movies about the wealthy from ages gone by, but most people had to work for a living.
Tell your interviewer you only want the job because you need money to survive and feed your kids instead of falsifying absolute passion for the company and see how far that gets you.
Being honest and being too forthright are two different things. You need to cultivate a passion for work. It isn't always automatic. When you invest some energy into a certain field, you may care more. You can also think about the things you enjoy about different types of work and emphasize that.

I don't know that passion for the field is necessarily part of a professional interview. I think the STAR interview is pretty popular in some of the larger corporations. Situation, Task, Action Response. "Tell me about a time you showed leadership" or something like that that is a bit more detailed. Then you answer along the lines of the points of 'STAR'. The line manager's interview might be more along the lines of stupid questions like, "What is your greatest weakness?" or 'Where do you see yourself in five years?" You learn a bit about the company beforehand so you can give a feasible answer if you get hired.

Some fields may have case interviews, where they give you problems to solve. Corporations may also use psychometric type tests to figure out your personality type and check for consistency among answers for honesty.

Small businesses may be less likely to use the professional style tests. You may get 'What is your greatest strength?' or 'Where do you see yourself in five years?'
Another way our freedom is affected is through our so-called government representatives. People who we vote for in the theatre of democracy are nothing more than corporate puppets who travel to Davos every year to receive their orders from their corporate overlords like Bill Gates. If you don’t think this is true, then just look into how Bill Gates made the government of India pass legislation that forced Indian farmers to use Monsanto products.
We need to pressure the governments to pass laws that farmers can sue Monsanto if their copy-writed GMO genes get in the farmer's corn instead of the other way around.

I'll agree with you that corporations have a lot of power. They can press evil social agendas for this trans garbage, also. There is also a disturbing idea that corporations are supposed to be used for the social good instead of follow the law and make money for shareholders. I prefer the latter because I don't trust the heads of corporations not to be evil left-wingers who think they are do-gooders--- using the shareholders money instead of their own to push some evil left-wing social agenda.

But laws can hem in the corporations. Putting all those people together and organizing their activity toward a common objective can be a very powerful thing if a company is well-managed. We have seen this with technology. Making a bunch of plastic waste garbage that fills landfills to meet the demands of consumers is a negative.

But 'capitalism' is not the problem. You can have capitalism without the large corporate version of it, with small private vendors. The problem is, if a country wants to get rid of corporations, other countries have them, and it is difficult for small countries to be competitive on the global arena.

Some countries, like the US, have diverse national resources, so if its economy was cut off from trade, it's people could probably survive off the products produced in the country. The cost of living would go way up as compared to a freer trade situation. But the UK would probably experience more restrictions. And countries that produce no petroleum of their own would face other difficulties. I do not think the UK produces enough food to feed itself a the moment, but it probably could if there were no free trade. Food would be expensive.

So imagine one country gets rid of corporations, and there is free trade or trade within blocks of countries, where other countries have corporations. The anti-corporate country would probably lose out, and the whole trading block would be less efficient due to the lack of corporations. Trying to get the world to opt for a simpler lifestyle could be difficult.

Capitalism is superior to communism, certainly the soul-crushing totalitarian atheist Marxist varieties. Communist revolutions could wipe out capitalism. A world dictator might be able to do it if he could secure the globe under his power. When Jesus comes back and rules everything, He may make some huge changes to the economic system.

Aside from something major that changes the world, how are you going to get rid of it in the short-term without some awful revival of Communism?

We can have governments put limits on corporate power. I think that is the most practical route. Outlawing single-serve plastic? Outlawing corporations from using their resources to push social agendas? Not allowing them to give to charities, forcing them to give that money as dividends, but then the state giving tax breaks to stockholders who give that money to charity? That makes more sense to me.
This is another one that pisses me off. Education. Why do I know several people who are “educated” but never anyone who is intelligent?! The answer is because there is a difference between knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge is simply retaining information. You either know something or you don’t. The people I referred to as “educated” simply retained a lot of information from school. Whereas intelligence is something different entirely. Intelligence is how someone processes information.

So who is more intelligent really? The university student who blindly accepts everything he is told from authority figures? Or the drop out who thinks the system is bullshit and questions everything he is told by authority figures?
To your last question, I suspect both individuals could lack proper intelligence since both are excessive extremes. Is mathematics wrong? Some so-called 'education' is actually indoctrination into idiotic ideologies. There are fields of study on the Humanities side of things that are basically that. Some of this may creep into the social sciences. There is bunk in the social sciences, and wrong theories in the hard sciences also. But that doesn't mean it is all wrong.

Maybe lacking intelligence isn't the right word either. We can be intelligent in different ways. Someone could be good at learning facts. That's an aspect of intelligence. Some people have intelligence that can help them grow crops or do art, but are poor at other fields of study. Higher education should result in critical thinkers. And some educators complain that students who graduate high school now do not know what previous generations knew.
In school you are taught to sit down and shut up, to listen to the teacher as they “educate” you with everything you need to know to advance into the corporate world.
They teach very little of that in high school. High school education doesn't typically teach finance. My economics course was very light. It might provide suitable education to be a factory worker or to be a sales clerk which can be cogs in a corporate machine....but not much for advancement in the corporate world. A business degree would more likely teach skills for advancement. High school might provided a loose general education that could be a basis for higher education in numerous fields of study.
I confess I found the whole prospect very daunting at a young age. I was very depressed because of it. But to most of my classmates it all came naturally sitting down and folding their arms like little drones. I think this is the true essence of a capitalist education system, one which instills mindless conformity into children and prepare them with all the compliance they need to get by.
I don't know that those who own the means of production are getting what they need out of the educational system. The government people and education specialists behind all this aren't that directly connected into the corporate world in a lot of cases.
Nothing practical is taught in schools. There is no self defence or martial arts training to obtain knowledge on how to survive a violent attack from some asshole trying to hurt you.
If they taught that, who would be the most dedicated students? The kids wanting to hurt other kids? There are private martial arts classes. I am glad they don't teach this in schools. Have you seen Cobra Kai? Imagine that first-season school fight scene in every school. We don't need that? They do have after-school wrestling teams as an after-school activity in the US. It may be that most public schools in the US have that. (American) football, basketball, and baseball are the three top American sports, but they have lots and lots of other teams.
No first aid training so you might know how to help someone in need.
I had that in health class, but we may have had to go another day on Saturday to get a certificate, or something like that. They didn't actually certify us. But you can get certified from a weekend course. These are available in society. In the US, the American Heart Association offers it. Another organization does, too. Maybe the Red Cross.
No philosophical lessons on morals or ethics or how to treat other human beings.
That could exist in some school system here. But I don't want some of the teachers teaching my kids morals. We do have churches out there teaching Sunday school classes.
I mean, for f**k sake they don’t even give you lessons on how to manage finances
In my school, the more 'remedial' kids who didn't want the college seal or whatever they called it could take a personal finance class. Back then, I think they taught balancing a checkbook. If you were more advanced, you took other maths-- trig or whatever, and you didn't have room in the schedule for that class unless it was an elective.
or how to deal with depression and things like that.
Do you want someone with a bachelors in education teaching psychology to kids? Do you want people with a high schoolers knowledge of depression teaching a class on that? What percentage of the population has depression?

They do offer psych classes in school. That happened after I graduated, so I don't know the content. My college psych 101 did not deal with how to manage depression. I've had PhD psych seminars and I have never learned how to deal with depression in a seminar. I did not study clinical psychology.

Honestly, most people don't have it, and those who do find specialists. Isn't depression as a medical condition something a minority of people experience? They don't teach us how to deal with dyslexia. Most people don't have it. Isn't it better that there are specialists that deal with this, rather than people spouting pop psychology they learned in school? We've got enough armchair pop psychologists without our school systems churning out more of them.
Then there is the trap of further education. Tuition fees costing thousands and thousands (my brother went to university and I think his tuition fees are somewhere in the realm of 44K) and all the hoops you have to jump through just to get a decent job are ridiculous.
In the US, I think the problem is the US allows students to borrow massive amounts. Students are 18 and have no idea how hard it is to earn the money back. So they borrow huge amounts. So schools can keep raising the prices without pushback. It's kind of like how if an insurance company pays one's medical bills, the patient doesn't care as much about the cost, so the costs can go up and up.
Plus, there is no equality in society anyway when rich assholes like Boris Johnson can get into private boarding schools because their parents are rich. Where is the equality in that?!
Why is equality the issue here? If you work really hard and earn a lot of money, shouldn't the state protect your right to pass that on to your children, and their right to pass it to your grandchildren, and their right to pass it to their great grandchildren?

Creating 'equality' by stealing people's property and distributing it equally is unjust.
Even this trans agenda being pushed in schools is part of this bullshit drive for profit and power and yet again it is Big Pharma who are raking it in with the influx of gender confused teens who are taking hormone blockers and transitioning without being made aware of the dangers.
Big pharma can benefit, but I suspect that is just a small part of what is happening. Society has largely rejected God and God's order of things. With the sexual revolution, accepting of free sex and divorce, then accepting homosexuality, and the state's rebellion against God by allowing for gay marriage.... this was going to happen. I figured allowing incest or maybe pedophilia or zoophia was next, but the trans thing was the next step. My guess is incest is next. Or maybe polygamy, which probably isn't as bad as this gay junk anyway. Gay incest doesn't make babies, so maybe that will be the next bit of perversion.

TV shows and movies are interrupted with adverts everyone finds annoying trying to annoy you into buying shit you don’t want. YouTube has been saturated with annoying adverts (some of them advertising YouTube premium) which are designed to make you buy some subscription based service which people used to enjoy for free.[/quote]

I find the ads annoying at times. They can also target ads based on what I watch, so occasionally I watch an ad for something I am interested in. But a lot of the ads you can click away from in five seconds. Remember the 15-minute ads on TV? Maybe the UK never had them. But they sure had them in the US. Didn't the UK have no cable TV and like three government channels showing hummingbirds flying around, or some sci-fi show with a budget of $100 per episode, or some weird comedy shows until about 1990?

The ads pay for YouTube so you don't have to. And you don't have to watch YouTube.
Worst of all though and possibly the most detestable way these companies advertise to people is when they cut out the middle man by advertising directly to children. All the colourful toys and chocolates are all placed at eye level for children. Daytime television advertising is mostly catered towards kids at home innocently watching their cartoons etc. It’s the equivalent of a salesman knocking at my door and asking to speak to my daughter directly and then asking her if she wants to buy a sweetie. It’s unethical as f**k and it utterly disgusts me!
You don't have to let your kids watch TV.
Commoditised Love
This is really sickening! One thing I hate about a capitalist society is how love is commoditised by these companies and corporations. Romantic love is commoditised through valentines day, mothers day, fathers day, birthdays and even Christmas.

If you don’t buy things for those you love there is some kind of offense implied. Obviously, the more money you spend on someone is an indication of how much you love them.
Yeah that's annoying.
Weddings costing in excess of 10k just to make a commitment to the one you love. Why? It’s f***ing extortionate.
I don't see wedding commercials, and weddings were expensive before this wave of reality shows on buying dresses or whatever they ahve.
Then there are cards! Does anyone even use these? Hallmark cards which have a generic “I love you” message printed by Hallmark and people just sign their name at the bottom. Seriously how much meaning does this actually have?! Wouldn’t it be more authentic to just SAY what it is you want to say instead of paying £5 to get Hallmark to say it for you!
I get mine from the Dollar Tree. My favorite is, "What's a birthday card with no money in it?" The next page says, "This one!" I gave that with a gift card, but I thought it was funny.
Anyone ever hear of De Beers? The assholes who monopolised the diamond industry and created artificial scarcity to control the market? They also made marketing campaigns “Nothing says I love you like a ten thousand pound engagement ring”. Absolutely sickening!
They have a security force, like an army down there, I hear. They also made a stamp to show a diamond was 'official'-- and not a blood diamond, to promote their diamonds.

You could find a nonmaterialistic woman who hates diamonds. Problem solved.
Health and Wellbeing
Finally, when you come to the end of your life. And your physical and mental health are exhausted and all the money you’ve ever earned through your labour circulates back into a system of slavery anyway. You can enjoy a few years in an old folks home or shivering under a blanket in your bungalow stinking of piss. What a brilliant and wonderful life we have here in the west. So much joy and happiness and purpose to all this.
Wear a deodorant adult diaper (nappy) made by a corporation so you don't smell bad.
Things like cigarettes and alcohol are legal because of the revenue they generate, despite all the problems they cause. Cancer and thugs drunk on booze are products of cigarettes and alcohol. I was a big drinker in my youth and I had many fall outs with partners, friends and family through drink!
The ads were on TV when I was a kid, and they are everywhere now. I have never been drunk. They drugged me for a few medical procedures in my lifetime. They can advertise. You make the choice. You could also drink just one beer or glass of wine if you heed the advertising.

The UK went to war with China in the 1800's over China stopping the opium trade. So maybe things have gotten a little better. They wouldn't do that now, would they?
Even today, in the UK and probably in most places in the world taxes and energy prices are rising and our politicians justify this by saying it will help the economy in the future. Again, a fictitious economic system which has no basis in reality is favoured over the lives and wellbeing of actual living human beings!
Maybe you can talk the oil cartels into selling oil cheap. Make several trips to world leaders and try. If oil is expensive, what can the government do?
And let’s not forget about war and how profitable THAT is! Just take a look at all these nobhead arms dealers on American media pushing the narrative that more weapons need to be sold to Ukraine!
We have experienced great economic growth because the US navy has been guarding shipping lanes. This allowed for greater economic integration between countries, enabling freer trade. It even enabled even small weak countries, militarily, to develop their economies. Free trade led to greater economic prosperity and poorer countries raising their standards of living. There is money in war, but there has also been a lot of money made from relative peace since WWII.
We need a radical change to our way of life. We need a society which is conducive to the lives and happiness of human beings! The old system of capitalism has become utterly obsolete with the rise of automation! Capitalism is completely unsustainable for the future and the elites themselves know this! That is why they want to implement the Great Reset before complete economic collapse.

Unfortunately, such a new system would need to be fought for! As the elites will never be willing to surrender their power and artificial wealth. Freedom is never GIVEN away. We have to fight for it and obtain it through violent struggle to implement a new system of freedom and flourishing for human beings.
I see a problem here. What are you replacing capitalism here? Is the great reset where some government bureaucrats give you a universal income payment if you are woke enough? No thank you. I would prefer that we get our money from diversified sources that the government has no direct control over.
Last edited by MrMan on October 31st, 2022, 2:29 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 31st, 2022, 1:06 am
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 30th, 2022, 5:01 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 16th, 2022, 3:47 am
I truly despise capitalism with every fibre of my being. I think it is an evil and degenerate ideology and in this thread I will highlight a few reasons as to why this is the case.

To begin with, I am well familiar with the talking points of those who are pro capitalism. Yes, it’s the best of the “isms” we have had so far. Yes, capitalism has pushed innovation which has enabled us to advance technologically. But these arguments are obsolete, for now we can clearly see what damage capitalism is doing and it’s obvious we need radical changes made to our societies to make them happy and less dysfunctional.

It is often described as a machine, which drives itself forward, a sort of living thing which we created and now have no control over. I think this is bollocks. I think the ideology has served its purpose now and has become a kind of zombie which relentlessly churns up the humans who serve it. It used to be an economic model designed to serve the people, but now we have a society of people who exist to serve the economic model of capitalism.

Here are just a few reasons why I despise the ideology:

First and foremost! Freedom is one of my core values and the artificial freedom granted in a capitalist system isn’t much freedom at all. This is something which is preached ad nauseum by advocates of capitalism, that we have freedom to choose our own path. To be what we want to be etc. The American Dream :lol:

In reality the only freedom you truly have is the freedom to choose which corporate masters you wish to serve. If I wish not to participate in the relentless and soul crushing rat race then I will lose my car, my home and if I have kids they will he abducted by social services, government approved kidnappers. So what freedom does one really have in a system which forces unwilling participants to go work for a living?!

If you wake up and you don’t want to go to work at a shitty job for 40 hours a week or whatever you cannot make the decision to stay at home and do something different. You go to work because you have no other choice. It is just clandestine slavery and not everybody is honest enough to admit it.

You don’t even have the freedom to be your authentic self in this society. Talk about how you don’t want to work and see how your peers react. Tell your interviewer you only want the job because you need money to survive and feed your kids instead of falsifying absolute passion for the company and see how far that gets you.

Another way our freedom is affected is through our so-called government representatives. People who we vote for in the theatre of democracy are nothing more than corporate puppets who travel to Davos every year to receive their orders from their corporate overlords like Bill Gates. If you don’t think this is true, then just look into how Bill Gates made the government of India pass legislation that forced Indian farmers to use Monsanto products.

For anyone interested there is a full documentary here about the nature of the cage. Describing in full detail how we are endentured servants to the banks and their system of debt slavery to fiat currency. A must see for anyone who hates capitalist society half as much as I do!

This is another one that pisses me off. Education. Why do I know several people who are “educated” but never anyone who is intelligent?! The answer is because there is a difference between knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge is simply retaining information. You either know something or you don’t. The people I referred to as “educated” simply retained a lot of information from school. Whereas intelligence is something different entirely. Intelligence is how someone processes information.

So who is more intelligent really? The university student who blindly accepts everything he is told from authority figures? Or the drop out who thinks the system is bullshit and questions everything he is told by authority figures?

In school you are taught to sit down and shut up, to listen to the teacher as they “educate” you with everything you need to know to advance into the corporate world. I confess I found the whole prospect very daunting at a young age. I was very depressed because of it. But to most of my classmates it all came naturally sitting down and folding their arms like little drones. I think this is the true essence of a capitalist education system, one which instills mindless conformity into children and prepare them with all the compliance they need to get by.

Nothing practical is taught in schools. There is no self defence or martial arts training to obtain knowledge on how to survive a violent attack from some asshole trying to hurt you. No first aid training so you might know how to help someone in need. No philosophical lessons on morals or ethics or how to treat other human beings. I mean, for f**k sake they don’t even give you lessons on how to manage finances or how to deal with depression and things like that.

Then there is the trap of further education. Tuition fees costing thousands and thousands (my brother went to university and I think his tuition fees are somewhere in the realm of 44K) and all the hoops you have to jump through just to get a decent job are ridiculous. Plus, there is no equality in society anyway when rich assholes like Boris Johnson can get into private boarding schools because their parents are rich. Where is the equality in that?!

Even this trans agenda being pushed in schools is part of this bullshit drive for profit and power and yet again it is Big Pharma who are raking it in with the influx of gender confused teens who are taking hormone blockers and transitioning without being made aware of the dangers. ... al-rights/

@flowerthief01 if you’re still lurking somewhere on this forum then I suppose I’m the last person you’d expect to make a post which addresses the environmental issues caused by capitalism :lol:

Long term the ideology is completely unsustainable, and I’m not just talking about the inevitable economic collapse, but the environmental damage caused by all these companies. Just 100 companies are responsible (supposedly) for 70% of the world’s pollution. ... ate-change
Burning fossil fuels to provide companies with power and fuel to provide a load of shit we don’t even need. A simpler way of life would be much more friendly to the environment and to the mental health of others as well as the community. @Outcast9428 likes to blame the degeneracy of modern society on the erosion of traditional values. I blame the erosion of values on capitalism. The zombie ideology which sucks the life and authenticity out of everything.

I know some advocates of capitalism like to blame China for the majority of the pollution and harmful emissions released into the environment, but look at what most of the shit you own says on it. “Made in China” they are just mass producing more shit we don’t even need to pander to this materialistic drive to have “things” most of these things are just material bullshit nobody needs at all. They are a detriment to everything and should be gotten rid of.

One of the most annoying and intrusive ways Capitalism pisses me off. Advertising is everywhere and it’s in your face every day anywhere you go. It’s on people’s t-shirts, their trainers and outfits etc as they walk around as walking billboards for products or even just advertising clothing brands.

TV shows and movies are interrupted with adverts everyone finds annoying trying to annoy you into buying shit you don’t want. YouTube has been saturated with annoying adverts (some of them advertising YouTube premium) which are designed to make you buy some subscription based service which people used to enjoy for free.

Music like YouTube music and Spotify etc all use the same shitty tactics and bombard you with adverts, often advertising their own premium services and essentially trying to bug you into buying what they’re selling. I won’t be annoyed into a paid subscription. These parasites can f**k off.

Worst of all though and possibly the most detestable way these companies advertise to people is when they cut out the middle man by advertising directly to children. All the colourful toys and chocolates are all placed at eye level for children. Daytime television advertising is mostly catered towards kids at home innocently watching their cartoons etc. It’s the equivalent of a salesman knocking at my door and asking to speak to my daughter directly and then asking her if she wants to buy a sweetie. It’s unethical as f**k and it utterly disgusts me!

Commoditised Love
This is really sickening! One thing I hate about a capitalist society is how love is commoditised by these companies and corporations. Romantic love is commoditised through valentines day, mothers day, fathers day, birthdays and even Christmas.

If you don’t buy things for those you love there is some kind of offense implied. Obviously, the more money you spend on someone is an indication of how much you love them.

Weddings costing in excess of 10k just to make a commitment to the one you love. Why? It’s f***ing extortionate.

Then there are cards! Does anyone even use these? Hallmark cards which have a generic “I love you” message printed by Hallmark and people just sign their name at the bottom. Seriously how much meaning does this actually have?! Wouldn’t it be more authentic to just SAY what it is you want to say instead of paying £5 to get Hallmark to say it for you!

Anyone ever hear of De Beers? The assholes who monopolised the diamond industry and created artificial scarcity to control the market? They also made marketing campaigns “Nothing says I love you like a ten thousand pound engagement ring”. Absolutely sickening!

Health and Wellbeing
Finally, when you come to the end of your life. And your physical and mental health are exhausted and all the money you’ve ever earned through your labour circulates back into a system of slavery anyway. You can enjoy a few years in an old folks home or shivering under a blanket in your bungalow stinking of piss. What a brilliant and wonderful life we have here in the west. So much joy and happiness and purpose to all this.

Big Pharma is our enemy. Under a capitalist system how can Big Pharma possibly seek to eradicate and cure disease? They would be in the business of putting themselves out of business. Under a capitalist system this isn’t a good business model. Things like psilocybin, which have been known to totally cure depression and help ptsd in soldiers is made illegal and instead we are offered anti depressant medication so we can be a life long customer of the pharmaceutical corporations!

Things like cigarettes and alcohol are legal because of the revenue they generate, despite all the problems they cause. Cancer and thugs drunk on booze are products of cigarettes and alcohol. I was a big drinker in my youth and I had many fall outs with partners, friends and family through drink!

Even today, in the UK and probably in most places in the world taxes and energy prices are rising and our politicians justify this by saying it will help the economy in the future. Again, a fictitious economic system which has no basis in reality is favoured over the lives and wellbeing of actual living human beings!

And let’s not forget about war and how profitable THAT is! Just take a look at all these nobhead arms dealers on American media pushing the narrative that more weapons need to be sold to Ukraine!

We need a radical change to our way of life. We need a society which is conducive to the lives and happiness of human beings! The old system of capitalism has become utterly obsolete with the rise of automation! Capitalism is completely unsustainable for the future and the elites themselves know this! That is why they want to implement the Great Reset before complete economic collapse.

Unfortunately, such a new system would need to be fought for! As the elites will never be willing to surrender their power and artificial wealth. Freedom is never GIVEN away. We have to fight for it and obtain it through violent struggle to implement a new system of freedom and flourishing for human beings.

Anyone who supports this current system of economic slavery is either a degenerate or has their head buried deep in the sand. I spoke about this in my thread about slavish people supporting their own slavery and ours in my Are Those Who Push The Proletariat Work Ethic Degenerates. Here is the link if you haven’t seen that thread already!

What do you guys think? There’s a few of you I said I would tag in this thread.
@publicduende @WanderingProtagonist
@E Irizarry R&B Singer
There is so much wrong with this that I dont know where to start fella!!!
Its clear you have no idea how capitalism works!!!
Without an organised structure and commoditised living society would end up becoming a f***ing circus!!
Advanced society like the one ur pissing and moaning about is what seperates us from animals you nincompoop!
Capitalism isnt just one thing! It is lots of different things....
Different systems which are inherent in nature!
Natural competition and survival of the fittest!!!
Only we are more civilized about it than animals!!!
Only those who are too lazy and unwilling to make the effort to succeed in life fail in a capitalist society....
Look at it like we were zebras! The weakest ones lagging behind always die and become meat for the strong!!!
Ur just one of the zebras lagging behind and complaining that the lion has bigger claws and teeth than you do!!!
Im honestly so sick of these frickin marxist talking points from socialist bums who want everything for nothing!!!
Continue complaining about capitalism @Pixel--Dude while using ur computer and slurping ur latte you pretentious twat
Would you like to elaborate on any of the points I made in my original post? Or do you just want to throw your teddy out of the cot because you don't like that I'm not brainwashed by your ideology!

Do you deny that objectively the problems I've highlighted in my original post do not exist? Homelessness? Small family businesses attempting to compete with massive multi-million corporations that just monopolise the market?

The analogy you used with the zebras is inaccurate. A more accurate assessment would be to compare all of us to zebras (both lame and strong) and people like Bill Gates and Elon Musk to psychopaths with nuclear weapons. There is no competition. There is Monopoly and exploitation.

Watch the documentary I posted and see for yourself how these assholes force us to live lives of endentured servitude to fiat currency! We live in a clandestine slave plantation farm! Nothing more than that! It's like George Orwell's 1984 with the exception that nobody realises how shit it is in reality! People only give a f**k when it affects THEM directly! Which is a f***ing testament to how effective the brainwashing programme is and how solipsistic gullible fools people are who buy into this bullshit and expect everyone else to blindly accept it as well!

Fiat currency has no basis in reality. People slaving away for pieces of paper with dead people's faces on is a f***ing circus of a society! Not wanting a society more conducive to human happiness and flourishing!

Wake the f**k up, dude!
You just got frickin schooled by @MrMan fella :lol:
Everything he said in his message to you is bang on the money
Apart from that sky fairy shit he had to get in there as well!! :roll:
BOOOOSHKA!! You have to take that one right on the chin @Pixel--dude :lol: :lol:
I will go thru ur original post and tear it apart piece by piece if that is what ur desperate for you attention seeking primadonna LOL
Most homeless ppl are wasters and drug addicts and choose that lifestyle
There is help there for them but none of them do anything about it coz they would rather get hand outs from others than make changes to their own life.
f**k these bums :roll:
Money is a medium thru which society frickin works
How else are ppl going to give value to anything or live civilized lives if we are all running thru the forest with sharpened sticks with our dicks flapping about :roll:
Stop moaning about how hard you got it and get a job you lazy bum
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

You just got frickin schooled by @MrMan fella :lol:
Everything he said in his message to you is bang on the money
Apart from that sky fairy shit he had to get in there as well!! :roll:
BOOOOSHKA!! You have to take that one right on the chin @Pixel--dude :lol: :lol:
I will go thru ur original post and tear it apart piece by piece if that is what ur desperate for you attention seeking primadonna LOL
Most homeless ppl are wasters and drug addicts and choose that lifestyle
There is help there for them but none of them do anything about it coz they would rather get hand outs from others than make changes to their own life.
f**k these bums :roll:
Money is a medium thru which society frickin works
How else are ppl going to give value to anything or live civilized lives if we are all running thru the forest with sharpened sticks with our dicks flapping about :roll:
Stop moaning about how hard you got it and get a job you lazy bum
I have a job. I provide for my daughter and I have worked since I was 16 years old. But that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it, or derive any deeper meaning from working for a corporation which only seeks to exploit me by any means necessary.

f**k the homeless? You do realise most people are living on a knife edge and could become homeless at any time, right? I think homeless people should be treated with compassion and not seen as lazy bums who deserve to live in squalor. This is what I meant when I said people are solipsistic and only really give a f**k when it is something that effects them directly. :roll:

If society is so perfect and people should have to work for a living and all that is in alignment with nature, as you say, then why do we have such appalling levels of suicide. Compared to tribal cultures where things like depression and mental illnesses are pretty much unheard of.

Since you're always goading @Cornfed into providing you with statistical data and such here is some data on depression and suicide in the UK alone: ... tatistics/ ... O7S1AN7iVJ

Compare that with a tribe that lives a more simplistic lifestyle in true alignment with nature, depression and mental illnesses are pretty much unheard of. With the exception of those who are losing their land because of industrialisation and all the rest of it.

I know you said that you find indigenous tribal societies u intelligent, @Outcast9428, but I think they are more advanced than "progressive" technological dystopias of today in a completely different sense. @publicduende mentioned something to this effect when he spoke of the Celts all mucking in together to help raise a baby in the tribe. A single mother in our "civilised" society is left to fend for herself and is ignored by all her neighbours. So our sense of community and compassion is less evolved than that of an indigenous tribe which lives a more natural and simplistic lifestyle.
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 4th, 2022, 5:55 am
Compare that with a tribe that lives a more simplistic lifestyle in true alignment with nature, depression and mental illnesses are pretty much unheard of. With the exception of those who are losing their land because of industrialisation and all the rest of it.
Hunter/gatherer tribes don't have psychologists to diagnose and report such ailments.

I had a conversation with a psychologist who specializes in cross-cultural psychology who was ethnic Indian. He said in his country, which has a collectivist culture, extended family lived in one house. If you just got married and came home very late after work, your uncle might talk with you and tell you that you should be spending time with your wife. So whether you want it or not, you get plenty of social interaction and advice. Compare that to someone in a large western city in an individualistic who lives by himself and has little social network, who pays big money to go to a psychologist or therapist to talk about his problems. He said there were psychologists here and there in countries with collectivist cultures, but not nearly as many as there are in individualistic cultures. It could be individualistic cultures offer little cultural support, and we value our own individualism, are less connected with parents and relatives (in general, though specific individuals may be very close.) Many of our teenagers think it is not cool to hang around their parents.

I don't think it's capitalism or even industrialization, though industrialization may have contributed toward the development of individualistic culture and might still be doing so in other countries.
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I am trying to remember where you are from. The UK, right? In the US, about half of employees are employed in businesses of 100 employees or less. Some small businesses are incorporated. It's easy to start a small corporation in the US. My wife and I have two or three LLCs that we aren't really using right now. I wanted to start something a year ago but my regular job offered extra work and the pay was decent for it....but I digress.

These small businesses aren't the same as the large corporations. If you can figure out a way to support yourself where you stay home, you have freedom to do that.

How is the social services type people coming and taking your kids related to big corporations? Did you find a one-off case of corporations lobbying for that? They will take kids away for living at the standard of living of our ancestors two or three hundred years ago. You could do some social action, start a movement, lobby parliament or a legislature for stronger parental rights. It's not 'capitalism' per se that does that. A communist regime could claim ownership over the children. That seems more like a 'left wing' perspective'--- for the state to own the kids, anyway. But there was 'Hitler youth' on the one hand, and now near-mandatory state schools brainwashing kids to think gay is okay and to think they have no gender on the left.
Hi, @MrMan, sorry for the late response. You gave me quite a lot to respond to and I have been busy. I'm sure I don't have to explain myself, you are a busy man yourself and know how it is. But yes I from the UK.

My issue was Monopoly and the fact that small family owned businesses get bullied out the market by massive corporations which own all the resources and cannot be competed against whatsoever. It's all zero sum game and it's just fundamentally wrong from my perspective of things.

I was talking about the government approved kidnappers because let's say we have Mr Joe Blogs who works for a company. One day that company decides Joe Blogs is no longer required as most of their positions can now be automated, like self service checkouts at a supermarket etc. Joe Blogs is now under pressure to find another job before the cost of his bills and rent become insurmountable. If he can't keep up he faces having items repossessed etc. Social services notice his predicament and decide that his children would have a better quality of life if they intervene and so they come and take his beloved children away from him because he can't afford to offer them what the government deem to be a suitable environment.

That is how social services are connected to capitalism in a dark sense. Good parents have lost their kids over stuff like this. There are people who want jobs to provide for their families, but because of the market it makes it difficult for some people to find work. It's a flawed system.
The problem here is not capitalism, but if you don't have resources and you think you can get by mooching off other people without doing something to support yourself... maybe that is the problem. Capitalism doesn't make that an option. Governments offering safety nets for lazy people is the problem. Why should tax payers keep you up?

If you lived in the middle ages and you told your mom and dad, or people around you you just didn't want to work and you wanted to be your authentic self, do you think you would have gotten a good reaction? I don't think that kind of talk ever went over well. If you had just inherited a large estate, it might not be an issue, but if you didn't manage it some, your manager might take advantage of you.

They make movies about the wealthy from ages gone by, but most people had to work for a living.
Who is really being propped up in this system? Someone who can't or won't get a job and lives in squalor? Or the rich elite assholes who live their lives of luxury off of our backs? The blame is being assigned in the wrong areas of society and I see it all the time. People blaming immigrants, but fail to see how people are forced to immigrate because of unfavourable living conditions in their own country forced upon them by their governments or big corporations. Immigrants from war and all the rest of it. Or what about those forced out of work because of the restrictions imposed upon them during the pandemic? Just a few examples how the government and big corporations control the market of employment and business etc. In reality, the real parasites are not these people who take £50 pounds a week through jobseekers or the sick or whatever, but these parasites which tax us to high heaven and think of more and more unscrupulous ways to separate us from our cash to line their own pockets and CEOs of companies which lobby them.

The system is designed and controlled by those at the top with all the money and power. Designed in such a way that they don't even have to pay taxes or contribute to society in any meaningful way, all they do is parasite from everyone beneath them and hoarde all the resources for themselves. @CaptainSkelebob might think I'm a fat lazy socialist, and maybe you do too, but the fact is that our current economic system is nothing short of socialism for the rich and that's it.

This is a trailer for a movie called Platform. It's an Italian movie (I think) and serves as a perfect metaphor for our society today. You should watch it when you get chance and see what you think. Without spoiling too much of the plot, the premise is about a multilevel prison with a hole through the middle of it and every day a platform descends from the top level all the way down to the bottom level, stopping at each floor as it descends. The platform is full of food and wine and all the rest of it, a massive platform full of enough food for everyone in the prison. Those at the top levels greedily scoff their faces with as much as they can before the platform leaves so that by the time it reaches the lower levels the prisoners there have nothing and have to resort to killing each other so they can survive from eating each other. It's a perfect metaphor for society, considering that if those at the top just took their fair share there would be more than enough to go around. They create scarcity, which creates desperation, which in turn creates violent crime and mental illnesses.
Being honest and being too forthright are two different things. You need to cultivate a passion for work. It isn't always automatic. When you invest some energy into a certain field, you may care more. You can also think about the things you enjoy about different types of work and emphasize that.

I don't know that passion for the field is necessarily part of a professional interview. I think the STAR interview is pretty popular in some of the larger corporations. Situation, Task, Action Response. "Tell me about a time you showed leadership" or something like that that is a bit more detailed. Then you answer along the lines of the points of 'STAR'. The line manager's interview might be more along the lines of stupid questions like, "What is your greatest weakness?" or 'Where do you see yourself in five years?" You learn a bit about the company beforehand so you can give a feasible answer if you get hired.

Some fields may have case interviews, where they give you problems to solve. Corporations may also use psychometric type tests to figure out your personality type and check for consistency among answers for honesty.

Small businesses may be less likely to use the professional style tests. You may get 'What is your greatest strength?' or 'Where do you see yourself in five years?'
Why shouldn't I be honest and forthright? Aren't such things seen as a virtue? Why would it be unacceptable to admit in a job interview that I need the job to support my family. Where passion for employment is not something I have, passion for keeping my family fed and alive is something I have.

Why do I have to have a passion for work? I just see work and monotonous tasks within a corporation as life denying and utterly meaningless. Work is a distraction from doing truly edifying things which truly bring a person joy. Artistic passions, creative pursuits or simply spending time with people you care about.

I don't enjoy having to work. And I'm not alone in that kind of thought. That's why most people use the term "Living the Dream" with a sarcastic eye roll and a sigh. Because most people think its bullshit deep down, but nobody wants to say it out loud.
We need to pressure the governments to pass laws that farmers can sue Monsanto if their copy-writed GMO genes get in the farmer's corn instead of the other way around.

I'll agree with you that corporations have a lot of power. They can press evil social agendas for this trans garbage, also. There is also a disturbing idea that corporations are supposed to be used for the social good instead of follow the law and make money for shareholders. I prefer the latter because I don't trust the heads of corporations not to be evil left-wingers who think they are do-gooders--- using the shareholders money instead of their own to push some evil left-wing social agenda.

But laws can hem in the corporations. Putting all those people together and organizing their activity toward a common objective can be a very powerful thing if a company is well-managed. We have seen this with technology. Making a bunch of plastic waste garbage that fills landfills to meet the demands of consumers is a negative.

But 'capitalism' is not the problem. You can have capitalism without the large corporate version of it, with small private vendors. The problem is, if a country wants to get rid of corporations, other countries have them, and it is difficult for small countries to be competitive on the global arena.

Some countries, like the US, have diverse national resources, so if its economy was cut off from trade, it's people could probably survive off the products produced in the country. The cost of living would go way up as compared to a freer trade situation. But the UK would probably experience more restrictions. And countries that produce no petroleum of their own would face other difficulties. I do not think the UK produces enough food to feed itself a the moment, but it probably could if there were no free trade. Food would be expensive.

So imagine one country gets rid of corporations, and there is free trade or trade within blocks of countries, where other countries have corporations. The anti-corporate country would probably lose out, and the whole trading block would be less efficient due to the lack of corporations. Trying to get the world to opt for a simpler lifestyle could be difficult.

Capitalism is superior to communism, certainly the soul-crushing totalitarian atheist Marxist varieties. Communist revolutions could wipe out capitalism. A world dictator might be able to do it if he could secure the globe under his power. When Jesus comes back and rules everything, He may make some huge changes to the economic system.

Aside from something major that changes the world, how are you going to get rid of it in the short-term without some awful revival of Communism?

We can have governments put limits on corporate power. I think that is the most practical route. Outlawing single-serve plastic? Outlawing corporations from using their resources to push social agendas? Not allowing them to give to charities, forcing them to give that money as dividends, but then the state giving tax breaks to stockholders who give that money to charity? That makes more sense to me.
Corporations do have way too much power. CEOs from large corporations are attending meetings at Davos every year with elected officials from different countries to discuss the direction in which to take the world. This has caused the emergence of different "conspiracy theories" about a globalist agenda and hostile take-over of our society by these industrialists who seek to destroy community, destroy our sense of identity by attacking fundamental things about human beings like our gender and sexuality in order to reduce us to a society of androgynous worker drones who only exist to serve corporate interests. I've spoken with @Lucas88 about this many times.
To your last question, I suspect both individuals could lack proper intelligence since both are excessive extremes. Is mathematics wrong? Some so-called 'education' is actually indoctrination into idiotic ideologies. There are fields of study on the Humanities side of things that are basically that. Some of this may creep into the social sciences. There is bunk in the social sciences, and wrong theories in the hard sciences also. But that doesn't mean it is all wrong.

Maybe lacking intelligence isn't the right word either. We can be intelligent in different ways. Someone could be good at learning facts. That's an aspect of intelligence. Some people have intelligence that can help them grow crops or do art, but are poor at other fields of study. Higher education should result in critical thinkers. And some educators complain that students who graduate high school now do not know what previous generations knew.
I agree that people are intelligent in different ways. Some people are more creative, some people have higher emotional intelligence and others are mechanically intelligence. Our society only favours the latter. People with mechanical intelligence are values under the economic model of capitalism whilst emotionally intelligent people and creative people are pushed to the fringes or find it very difficult to get by. Look how difficult it is to become a published author for example or something like that.

But the point I was making above was the difference between retaining knowledge and natural intelligence. I consider myself intelligent, because I am open minded and I consider various possibilities. I am curious and that is a hallmark of intelligent thinking. Whereas someone who accepts the status quo because they are told this is how things work isn't necessarily someone who is intelligent just because they did a good job at retaining a lot of information they were told at school.
They teach very little of that in high school. High school education doesn't typically teach finance. My economics course was very light. It might provide suitable education to be a factory worker or to be a sales clerk which can be cogs in a corporate machine....but not much for advancement in the corporate world. A business degree would more likely teach skills for advancement. High school might provided a loose general education that could be a basis for higher education in numerous fields of study.

I think the basics of education should be things which are practical to living. First Aid, basic finances (in a capitalist system) and even more enthasis on things like cooking. Most of what they do teach in schools, especially today, is complete garbage which is not applicable in day to day life beyond the basics of learning to read and write and count.
I don't know that those who own the means of production are getting what they need out of the educational system. The government people and education specialists behind all this aren't that directly connected into the corporate world in a lot of cases.

But they are. They get their marching orders from governments at Davos and implement legislation which is suitable for massive corporations. Look at the recent emergence of this far left shit which is pushed in schools and has kids transitioning at a stupidly young age. Big Pharma are making a fortune from the dissemination of this information. You telling me they don't have a hand in it somehow?
If they taught that, who would be the most dedicated students? The kids wanting to hurt other kids? There are private martial arts classes. I am glad they don't teach this in schools. Have you seen Cobra Kai? Imagine that first-season school fight scene in every school. We don't need that? They do have after-school wrestling teams as an after-school activity in the US. It may be that most public schools in the US have that. (American) football, basketball, and baseball are the three top American sports, but they have lots and lots of other teams.
Yes I have seen Cobra Kai! Absolutely brilliant TV show! But remember that it is just a TV show, and if it was about two rival karate dojos who are both well disciplined to the point where they ignore each other it would make for boring television. Plus, you don't get your conception of reality from TV shows, do you? :lol:

Martial Arts is more about just kicking the crap out of each other. Taught at a young age will ensure that many kids willl have discipline that might otherwise be lacking in their upbringing at home. Martial Arts will also be a good outlet for angrier kids who can get all that frustration and rage out in a controlled setting rather than behind the school with some unfortunate victim of bullying. And let's face it. People are always going to be assholes so teaching the weaker kids how to defend themselves isn't a bad thing at all.
I had that in health class, but we may have had to go another day on Saturday to get a certificate, or something like that. They didn't actually certify us. But you can get certified from a weekend course. These are available in society. In the US, the American Heart Association offers it. Another organization does, too. Maybe the Red Cross.
First Aid should be something taught in schools so rather than having a crowd of useless spectators in the event of an accident there will instead be a group of trained first aiders around who can offer practical help. Keeping in mind as well a good basis for learning health care at a young age means that more people will find it easier to get into the health industry to relieve the pressure of things like the NHS for example.
That could exist in some school system here. But I don't want some of the teachers teaching my kids morals. We do have churches out there teaching Sunday school classes.
Why not? Basic morals and ethics should absolutely be taught in schools. I'm not talking about the dissemination of any particular ideology, including religious studies, but rather basic ethics and morality. How to treat other people and basic compassion and love for others etc. Why would you not want this to be taught as a fundamental lesson at schools?
Do you want someone with a bachelors in education teaching psychology to kids? Do you want people with a high schoolers knowledge of depression teaching a class on that? What percentage of the population has depression?

They do offer psych classes in school. That happened after I graduated, so I don't know the content. My college psych 101 did not deal with how to manage depression. I've had PhD psych seminars and I have never learned how to deal with depression in a seminar. I did not study clinical psychology.

Honestly, most people don't have it, and those who do find specialists. Isn't depression as a medical condition something a minority of people experience? They don't teach us how to deal with dyslexia. Most people don't have it. Isn't it better that there are specialists that deal with this, rather than people spouting pop psychology they learned in school? We've got enough armchair pop psychologists without our school systems churning out more of them.
Sorry, am I understanding you right here? Are you suggesting that most people in society don't suffer with depression? This is a typical attitude from someone who doesn't understand depression or mental illness. When I was growing up people who had depression were seen as lazy because they didn't want to work etc. It's only recently people are taking depression and mental illnesses more seriously. Why do you think suicide among young men is such an epidemic in the west? Or even in places like Japan where they have a whole forest just for people to go kill themselves in and named after the fact?

Mental illnesses and depression are very real. I've had a friend take his life because of it. It's affected my life as well. Big Pharma have made life long customers out of people who suffer with depression whilst simultaneously ensuring entheogenic plants are kept illegal when there is evidence that clearly shows these substances can be used to heal depression completely and even treat PTSD.

I posted some statistics from the UK about depression in my response to @CaptainSkelebob, someone else who has no understanding at all of mental illness and how it works. It is something I take seriously. I always strive to offer help to those who might be struggling with their mental health. People like @WanderingProtagonist and even @Mercer both talk about their mental health and likely suffer from depression. I've offered help to both of them. Sometimes it's nice to have someone to talk to.
In the US, I think the problem is the US allows students to borrow massive amounts. Students are 18 and have no idea how hard it is to earn the money back. So they borrow huge amounts. So schools can keep raising the prices without pushback. It's kind of like how if an insurance company pays one's medical bills, the patient doesn't care as much about the cost, so the costs can go up and up.
I think free medical care should be a fundamental human right! Nobody should have to pay for health care, or turned away with a debilitating illness because they don't have enough pieces of paper to pay for the service. Another example of how profit and fiat currency takes precedence over human life.

In the documentary I posted there is a good explanation about how the banks fraudulently create money from thin air, needing only your signature and from there they charge exorbitant interest rates so that you have to spend years of your life repaying money they created on a computer screen with the click of a button. Pretty sure that is usury. Something the Jews were encouraged to implement to force Gentile nations to bend the knee to their system of economic slavery.
Why is equality the issue here? If you work really hard and earn a lot of money, shouldn't the state protect your right to pass that on to your children, and their right to pass it to your grandchildren, and their right to pass it to their great grandchildren?

Creating 'equality' by stealing people's property and distributing it equally is unjust.
It's unjust is it? So what about things like inheritance tax? I think the UK alone has something like a 30% inheritance tax. So if my parents died and left me their remaining assets, which they've already worked for and paid tax on, the government get to cash in on whatever they leave me? How is this different to what you explained above? It's f***ing theft! Combined with the added insult to injury that you have to pay thousands of pounds to have your loved ones buried with a decent funeral. Cashing in on people's grief and loss is absolutely despicable and shows these industrialists will not think twice about stooping to such lows. They're f***ing scum.
Big pharma can benefit, but I suspect that is just a small part of what is happening. Society has largely rejected God and God's order of things. With the sexual revolution, accepting of free sex and divorce, then accepting homosexuality, and the state's rebellion against God by allowing for gay marriage.... this was going to happen. I figured allowing incest or maybe pedophilia or zoophia was next, but the trans thing was the next step. My guess is incest is next. Or maybe polygamy, which probably isn't as bad as this gay junk anyway. Gay incest doesn't make babies, so maybe that will be the next bit of perversion.

I don't follow the Christian faith as you do, so this part isn't something I can relate to. I think their plan is to destroy our culture, normalise evil and suffering and reduce everyone to compliant drones who do as they're told.
I find the ads annoying at times. They can also target ads based on what I watch, so occasionally I watch an ad for something I am interested in. But a lot of the ads you can click away from in five seconds. Remember the 15-minute ads on TV? Maybe the UK never had them. But they sure had them in the US. Didn't the UK have no cable TV and like three government channels showing hummingbirds flying around, or some sci-fi show with a budget of $100 per episode, or some weird comedy shows until about 1990?

The ads pay for YouTube so you don't have to. And you don't have to watch YouTube.
I used to be able to watch YouTube without the ads back in the day. Now adverts are everywhere I look and it's infuriating. I feel like that guy out of that old John Carpenter movie They Live

I don't see wedding commercials, and weddings were expensive before this wave of reality shows on buying dresses or whatever they have.

Don't you remember this advert by DeBeers in the 90s? :lol: nothing says I love you like an engagement ring worth 2 or more months wages :lol:
I get mine from the Dollar Tree. My favorite is, "What's a birthday card with no money in it?" The next page says, "This one!" I gave that with a gift card, but I thought it was funny.
I only appreciate cards made by my daughter. She puts her heart and soul into making a personalised card because she is a child. Ultimately this has much more significance and meaning than a generic card printed by Hallmark which you just sign at the bottom.
They have a security force, like an army down there, I hear. They also made a stamp to show a diamond was 'official'-- and not a blood diamond, to promote their diamonds.

You could find a nonmaterialistic woman who hates diamonds. Problem solved.
The issue isn't a woman who is materialistic, the issue is society pushing that way of thinking onto people. Normalising it. They do it all the time especially with Christmas, which has become the biggest corporate cash in ever! Anyone who doesn't play their game is labelled as a selfish Scrouge or a Grinch. And these movies are played every year.

Not surprised about what you're saying about the diamonds though. Like I said previously, they monopolised the market and created artificial scarcity in order to inflate the prices of their product. This is how big corporations monopolise and control the market for other products as well.
The ads were on TV when I was a kid, and they are everywhere now. I have never been drunk. They drugged me for a few medical procedures in my lifetime. They can advertise. You make the choice. You could also drink just one beer or glass of wine if you heed the advertising.

The UK went to war with China in the 1800's over China stopping the opium trade. So maybe things have gotten a little better. They wouldn't do that now, would they?
I don't know. I know they only allow the sale of alcohol and cigarettes because of the revenue they make from them, even though its common knowledge that cigarettes especially have no health benefits and will surely kill you. Then take medical research into marijuana and psilocybin and the obvious health benefits marijuana can have for pain such as arthritis etc and psilocybin benefits for mental illness. There's more of a market for keeping these victimless crimes illegal because of the profits they make from fines and things like that. Criminalising someone over smoking a f***ing joint. :roll:
Maybe you can talk the oil cartels into selling oil cheap. Make several trips to world leaders and try. If oil is expensive, what can the government do?
Well they could cap how much these companies are allowed to make in profit couldn't they? ... g-ytH8VMz4

Is it the price of oil rising? Or just abhorrent greed from asshole CEOs who want to create artificial scarcity again and milk their customers for everything they can. This article above is about how Shell alone made in excess of £30 billion in profit in just the first few months of 2022. You telling me the government couldn't step in for their people's wellbeing and cap these exorbitant prices? Or is it much more likely that these officials are lobbied and given hand outs by these companies in order to assure greater profits....
We have experienced great economic growth because the US navy has been guarding shipping lanes. This allowed for greater economic integration between countries, enabling freer trade. It even enabled even small weak countries, militarily, to develop their economies. Free trade led to greater economic prosperity and poorer countries raising their standards of living. There is money in war, but there has also been a lot of money made from relative peace since WWII.
It's more profitable to go to war. And this is something both the UK and the USA have been pushing for since Russia invaded Ukraine. I've posted a video from Jimmy Dore in the Russian thread which shows weapons manufacturers talking on the mainstream media about the need to send more and more weapons to Ukraine.

Perhaps this is why our standard of living is decreasing instead of getting any better. Anyway here is the video:

Meanwhile people can't even get a decent standard of basic health care or a reasonable standard of living because of sanctions placed on Russia :lol: I wouldn't be surprised if all this was just another orchestrated crisis on par with the Covid scamdemic which made certain billionaires and Pfizer billions of pounds richer whilst simultaneously putting working class people out of work and crippling small family owned businesses.
I see a problem here. What are you replacing capitalism here? Is the great reset where some government bureaucrats give you a universal income payment if you are woke enough? No thank you. I would prefer that we get our money from diversified sources that the government has no direct control over.
That's what they are proposing at the World Economic Forum. Centralised power! You will own nothing and you will be happy. Social credit scores like what we're seeing in China and all the rest of it. It's going to be a dystopian nightmare and it absolutely must be fought against!
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 4th, 2022, 7:58 am
I was talking about the government approved kidnappers because let's say we have Mr Joe Blogs who works for a company. One day that company decides Joe Blogs is no longer required as most of their positions can now be automated, like self service checkouts at a supermarket etc. Joe Blogs is now under pressure to find another job before the cost of his bills and rent become insurmountable. If he can't keep up he faces having items repossessed etc. Social services notice his predicament and decide that his children would have a better quality of life if they intervene and so they come and take his beloved children away from him because he can't afford to offer them what the government deem to be a suitable environment.

That is how social services are connected to capitalism in a dark sense. Good parents have lost their kids over stuff like this. There are people who want jobs to provide for their families, but because of the market it makes it difficult for some people to find work. It's a flawed system.
That is more of a feature of large intrusive state.... which is kind of more 'left' while capitalism is more 'right.'

Who is really being propped up in this system? Someone who can't or won't get a job and lives in squalor? Or the rich elite assholes who live their lives of luxury off of our backs? The blame is being assigned in the wrong areas of society and I see it all the time. People blaming immigrants, but fail to see how people are forced to immigrate because of unfavourable living conditions in their own country forced upon them by their governments or big corporations. Immigrants from war and all the rest of it. Or what about those forced out of work because of the restrictions imposed upon them during the pandemic? Just a few examples how the government and big corporations control the market of employment and business etc. In reality, the real parasites are not these people who take £50 pounds a week through jobseekers or the sick or whatever, but these parasites which tax us to high heaven and think of more and more unscrupulous ways to separate us from our cash to line their own pockets and CEOs of companies which lobby them.
The UK is a bit different from the US. There is more of an upper class v. working class, with royals or those in the peerage system who have wealth. The US more egalitarian in a lot of ways. Speaking from my perspective on this side of the pond, those who have wealth either worked hard to get it, or someone up the family tree usually worked hard to get it, to maintain it, or to pass it on. It is true that usually those who are in government tend to be well-to-do and want to keep the system going in a way that is favorable for them to pass on their wealth.

They tax income tax heavily in the US, but investment income is not as heavily taxed. And you can own assets in a business, have a lot of expenses, keep growing your assets, and minimize your taxes if you are wealthy. On the other hand, anyone could potentially learn to run a business or even borrow money and gain assets and take advantage of the system. If you are poor, you have to hustle, get the capital from heavily taxed earnings, etc. to get on the investor and business side of the economy. Many people are happy with their own specialties and do not want to be businessmen.

Large, well-organized companies typically have more resources to learn how to be cost-efficient, cut prices, or else make higher quality products, so smaller business sometimes have difficulty competing. But in the US, about of the employees work for companies with 100 employees or less.

This is a trailer for a movie called Platform. It's an Italian movie (I think) and serves as a perfect metaphor for our society today. You should watch it when you get chance and see what you think.
I have seen it. It was obviously supposed to be a metaphor. The main character's names were 'fried' and a mispronunciation of 'thank you' in Indonesian. My kids picked up on that when we watched this movie. But watching that didn't cause me to be communist. And while wealth inequality might increase, the standard of living for those on the bottom rung seems to be going up.

You have your factory worker or tradesman using his microwave oven, watching movies on his comfortable sofa, and then he goes to the pub and complains about how high taxes are and how good the rich have it. But his ancestors many generations back lived in dirt floor huts and worked longer hours in the sun.
Why shouldn't I be honest and forthright? Aren't such things seen as a virtue? Why would it be unacceptable to admit in a job interview that I need the job to support my family. Where passion for employment is not something I have, passion for keeping my family fed and alive is something I have.
Honesty and forthrightness are not the same thing. If you lie you are dishonest. If you say everything you think, that is too forthright. Think of positive things you appreciate about the kind of work you are applying for-- helping people, contributing to the community, building something new, or whatever it is. Talk about that. You could choose to talk about how you hate to get up at 6 AM to make it to work on time. It is not 'dishonest' to omit that part if they don't ask about it.
Why do I have to have a passion for work? I just see work and monotonous tasks within a corporation as life denying and utterly meaningless. Work is a distraction from doing truly edifying things which truly bring a person joy. Artistic passions, creative pursuits or simply spending time with people you care about.
You could try to find a job where you do art. You might relate to enjoying doing something like that. Some people do enjoy writing, or teaching, or building and making things. So it is possible to have 'passion for work.' But I have never had an employer ask me about having a passion for work. But I did have an English interviewer not give me a job for not showing enough enthusiasm for teaching 8-year-olds. He was the one who took the conversation in the direction of BB-gun wars. We had mutual friends and I think some of them might have been in his low-budget paint ball substitute wars. Maybe expressing 'passion for work' is more of an English thing.
I don't enjoy having to work. And I'm not alone in that kind of thought. That's why most people use the term "Living the Dream" with a sarcastic eye roll and a sigh. Because most people think its bullshit deep down, but nobody wants to say it out loud.
I certainly get that. I am not crazy about grading papers, but there are aspects of my job I enjoy.
I don't know that those who own the means of production are getting what they need out of the educational system. The government people and education specialists behind all this aren't that directly connected into the corporate world in a lot of cases.

But they are. They get their marching orders from governments at Davos and implement legislation which is suitable for massive corporations. Look at the recent emergence of this far left shit which is pushed in schools and has kids transitioning at a stupidly young age. Big Pharma are making a fortune from the dissemination of this information. You telling me they don't have a hand in it somehow?
They may have be pushing for this somehow. But to think all the corporations are doing this for economic gain? That seems unlikely. A German corporate trainer said he'd been teaching some of these trans people, and they are so mentally ill, he has no idea how they can even work. The corporations aren't going to benefit by making young people crazy. Economically, it doesn't benefit their corporations to waste time on stupid trainings for the woke agenda. No, it is caused by people who actually believe this crap, IMO, rather than by corporations creating stupid philosophies to promote some agenda through some interconnected global conspiracy-- or that is what I think. Is the World Economic Forum secretive about their meetings?
Martial Arts is more about just kicking the crap out of each other. Taught at a young age will ensure that many kids willl have discipline that might otherwise be lacking in their upbringing at home. Martial Arts will also be a good outlet for angrier kids who can get all that frustration and rage out in a controlled setting rather than behind the school with some unfortunate victim of bullying. And let's face it. People are always going to be assholes so teaching the weaker kids how to defend themselves isn't a bad thing at all.
But then you get the really weak kids in wheelchairs for example, who can't even do 'wax off' and the bully knows how to do the five finger heart stop move on them, which leaves no trace, and the poor kid in the wheelchair ends up dead.
That could exist in some school system here. But I don't want some of the teachers teaching my kids morals. We do have churches out there teaching Sunday school classes.
Why not? Basic morals and ethics should absolutely be taught in schools. I'm not talking about the dissemination of any particular ideology, including religious studies, but rather basic ethics and morality. How to treat other people and basic compassion and love for others etc. Why would you not want this to be taught as a fundamental lesson at schools?
The teachers could be left wing 'woke' folks with bad morals or no morals.
Sorry, am I understanding you right here? Are you suggesting that most people in society don't suffer with depression? This is a typical attitude from someone who doesn't understand depression or mental illness. When I was growing up people who had depression were seen as lazy because they didn't want to work etc. It's only recently people are taking depression and mental illnesses more seriously. Why do you think suicide among young men is such an epidemic in the west? Or even in places like Japan where they have a whole forest just for people to go kill themselves in and named after the fact?
I do not think most people suffer from _clinical_ depression. An individual might be depressed for a time after a break up, death of a loved one, etc. Do you think school teachers know enough to teach anything meaningful on these topics? Psychologists don't even have a cure for depression. Psychiatrists can prescribe drugs and get people dependent on them as a coping mechanism. Should teachers give out drugs?
I think free medical care should be a fundamental human right! Nobody should have to pay for health care, or turned away with a debilitating illness because they don't have enough pieces of paper to pay for the service. Another example of how profit and fiat currency takes precedence over human life.
If you are a doctor, do people have a human right to make you work for free?

In the US, if someone goes to an emergency room, the hospital is legally required to treat their emergency. There are treatments they can't handle. The individual does have to pay for the bill if he doesn't have insurance. Low income people can get free medical care. Medical care, and especially emergency room visits can be very expensive. I can think of five reasons for that.

1. Some people don't pay, so they charge those who do pay.
2. They don't tell customers how much medical care costs before they give it, so they can charge whatever they want and the customer has to pay-- which is crazy.
3. When someone else pays, customers generally care little about the price. A huge portion of the price of care might be covered by insurance, for some customers.
4. State medical associations limit who can be licensed as a doctor. There is no system for importing quality doctors from abroad. This drives up medical salaries.
5. Big Pharma companies try to squeeze R&D costs and profits out of the US medical system.
In the documentary I posted there is a good explanation about how the banks fraudulently create money from thin air, needing only your signature and from there they charge exorbitant interest rates so that you have to spend years of your life repaying money they created on a computer screen with the click of a button. Pretty sure that is usury. Something the Jews were encouraged to implement to force Gentile nations to bend the knee to their system of economic slavery.
Of course it is usury. Our economic system is hurting because of it. Hebrews weren't supposed to charge each other usury. The Roman Catholic Church didn't allow Christians to charge each other usury up through the middle ages.

Why is equality the issue here? If you work really hard and earn a lot of money, shouldn't the state protect your right to pass that on to your children, and their right to pass it to your grandchildren, and their right to pass it to their great grandchildren?

Creating 'equality' by stealing people's property and distributing it equally is unjust.
It's unjust is it? So what about things like inheritance tax? I think the UK alone has something like a 30% inheritance tax. So if my parents died and left me their remaining assets, which they've already worked for and paid tax on, the government get to cash in on whatever they leave me? How is this different to what you explained above? It's f***ing theft! Combined with the added insult to injury that you have to pay thousands of pounds to have your loved ones buried with a decent funeral. Cashing in on people's grief and loss is absolutely despicable and shows these industrialists will not think twice about stooping to such lows. They're f***ing scum.
I do not like inheritance tax, either. In the US, there is a huge exemption of around 12 million dollars, so most of us do not have to worry about inheritance tax. Wealthier families do. And sometimes politicians campaign against the 'death tax.'

Ronal Reagan said two things were certain-- Death and taxes. Ironically, some governments even tax people after they die.

I find the ads annoying at times. They can also target ads based on what I watch, so occasionally I watch an ad for something I am interested in. But a lot of the ads you can click away from in five seconds. Remember the 15-minute ads on TV? Maybe the UK never had them. But they sure had them in the US. Didn't the UK have no cable TV and like three government channels showing hummingbirds flying around, or some sci-fi show with a budget of $100 per episode, or some weird comedy shows until about 1990?

The ads pay for YouTube so you don't have to. And you don't have to watch YouTube.
I used to be able to watch YouTube without the ads back in the day. Now adverts are everywhere I look and it's infuriating.[/quote]

YouTube was burning through cash, raising capital without a good revenue model, and looking for an exit strategy. Google bought it, and combined with its other online assets, was able to use ad revenue to generate income from it. They aren't going to throw millions at these businesses just to entertain you without ever figuring a way to make money.
I don't see wedding commercials, and weddings were expensive before this wave of reality shows on buying dresses or whatever they have.

Don't you remember this advert by DeBeers in the 90s? :lol: nothing says I love you like an engagement ring worth 2 or more months wages :lol:
No, I don't remember that. I don't think I've ever seen a DeBeers commercial in the US. I've seen commercials from jewelry chains. They probably get their diamonds from DeBeers' near monopoly on jewelry diamonds.
I get mine from the Dollar Tree. My favorite is, "What's a birthday card with no money in it?" The next page says, "This one!" I gave that with a gift card, but I thought it was funny.
I only appreciate cards made by my daughter. She puts her heart and soul into making a personalised card because she is a child. Ultimately this has much more significance and meaning than a generic card printed by Hallmark which you just sign at the bottom.
Yeah, but you can throw the Hallmark away, or better yet, the 50 cent card.
I don't know. I know they only allow the sale of alcohol and cigarettes because of the revenue they make from them, even though its common knowledge that cigarettes especially have no health benefits and will surely kill you.
Nicotine is a stimulant that can help with concentration... and give one cancer. So it kind of makes sense that they gave cigarettes out to soldiers during WWII, especially before the Allies really knew how bad it was. Germany realized they were really bad for you.
Then take medical research into marijuana and psilocybin and the obvious health benefits marijuana can have for pain such as arthritis etc and psilocybin benefits for mental illness. There's more of a market for keeping these victimless crimes illegal because of the profits they make from fines and things like that. Criminalising someone over smoking a f***ing joint. :roll:
They get an oil out of the marijuana that doesn't make people high, now. A lot of people want to take the mushrooms to get high, and not just small doses to treat mental illnesses.
Maybe you can talk the oil cartels into selling oil cheap. Make several trips to world leaders and try. If oil is expensive, what can the government do?
Well they could cap how much these companies are allowed to make in profit couldn't they?
Then if they are international companies, they limit sales in the country that limits them and focus capital elsewhere. Investors will take their money out of domestic oil and put it in countries that do not have such restrictions. Companies will have little financial incentives to sell huge quantities in markets that have these restrictions. The end result is fuel shortages, long lines, etc. The US tried to put restrictions on oil in the 1970s and there was a limited supply and long lines for gasoline/petrol.

If the government takes ownership or starts oil companies, then they can be run inefficiently and they still have to buy the expensive oil off the market.

Limiting profits may work for local natural monopolies like sewer and water. ... g-ytH8VMz4

Is it the price of oil rising? Or just abhorrent greed from asshole CEOs who want to create artificial scarcity again and milk their customers for everything they can. This article above is about how Shell alone made in excess of £30 billion in profit in just the first few months of 2022. You telling me the government couldn't step in for their people's wellbeing and cap these exorbitant prices? Or is it much more likely that these officials are lobbied and given hand outs by these companies in order to assure greater profits....
I don't know about hand-outs. When prices are high, they can probably squeezes another penny here or there. If they get a percentage profit, that goes up if the price is high.
It's more profitable to go to war. And this is something both the UK and the USA have been pushing for since Russia invaded Ukraine. I've posted a video from Jimmy Dore in the Russian thread which shows weapons manufacturers talking on the mainstream media about the need to send more and more weapons to Ukraine.
Generally, I disagree. Getting your own factories bombed isn't profitable. The US has tried to keep a relatively peaceful world order since WWII with the UK as a partner, spending much of that time trying to contain Communism. If there is a war, and has to be for the sake of the world order, they may want to reap whatever profits come from it in that situation.
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Re: The Evil of Capitalism

Post by Outcast9428 »

I agree that somebody doesn’t need to feel passionately about a job in order to do it well. Providing for my wife and kids is my passion. If you pay me enough to do that then I’ll make sure the job gets done right. But don’t ask me to seek fulfillment in life through tasks that I’m doing for you.

Tribal societies work, but it doesn’t really work for us anymore. Hippies try to re-enact the tribal lifestyle by going off the grid, abandoning all modern forms of life and forming collectives. In some cases, people may be happy, but I’ve also heard that people who come from these collectives get really sick of how lazy everyone is and how a few people basically end up doing all the work. People also are very dirty and there’s not much that can be done about the spread of disease.

Personally I prefer my warm blankets, soft bed and warm home. I’d much prefer we simply bring back Renaissance era social norms while keeping our technology and comforts.
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