Why I Favor Paganism

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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Tsar »

Here's more flaws with the the Abrahamic regions, especially Christianity.

1. The global flood couldn't have happened. First, taking 2 of every animal from across the world, feeding them for 40 days and nights, having enough space, keeping them all alive, and then somehow, with all plants and forests being dead, and they would all be dead, two of every animal species magically return home and all the plants and forests magically reappear. Everyone is a product of multiple incestuous relationships: The offspring of Adam and Eve, then Noah's family, and all humanity are actually descended from Jews. In a time when people couldn't even travel much outside their own cities and towns, and didn't even chart the whole world, or have transatlantic travel, somehow, a primitive people in the world's weakest civilization managed to magically do what no one else could do and even today can't do. Well, if you're foolish enough to ignore logic then I guess being a willful halfwit is acceptable. But, in defense, religious people might say "Anything is possible with God." Really? That's your explanation? That's the absence of explanation and like atheists would say, that is neither logic or an explanation, it's deflection and because they can't give an answer, so they give a response that allows them to not answer.
2. There was no Queen Esther of Persia. This is completely fiction. Other fictions are Jews were slaves in Egypt, Jews built the pyramids, and that the Pharaoh's army drowned in the Red Sea. But religious people will use a Jewish book as fact because "The Word of Jews" sorry, I meant to say "The Word of God" is actually more true then actual real history :lol: and that maybe, every ancient civilization was working together to erase all evidence of Jews in their societies, and that while Jews could never build a civilization, they somehow created the greatest wonders of some of the greatest civilizations :lol: Anyone who is logical, rational, and realistic knows that it's total lies. Jews, if they were in Egypt were chased out and Egypt wouldn't have wanted them back. Even the existence of Moses is a legend.
3. Somehow, "The Word of God" is mainly for Jews and found through subservience to Jews, and it happened when the Roman Empire was at its peak, and other nations were also very powerful. No one liked the Jews. But somehow, a God that was unknown to all of the rest of humanity, decides to get a virgin Jewish woman pregnant, and then he is a pacifist and anti-materialistic but eventually Jews turn on him and he's betrayed by a close friend, only to be arrested by the Romans, who then get pressured by the Jews into executing a peaceful Jewish man who committed no crimes against Rome and wasn't a threat to Rome, but it everything was true, would have been the most useful Jew to pacify all the other Jews, but because of Jewish pressure, Rome caves to the lowly Jewish mob, and executes Jesus, but releases an actual murderer who was a threat to Rome. That's insane. It doesn't have logic to it. It ignores human nature, politics, and everything. That's basically it. But it's "The Word of God" and it happened because "God willed it so" which isn't an explanation at all. Also, it never went to East Asia, Africa, or the Americas until over one thousand years later. But supposedly, the Jew God is the real god, and this is a pure coincidence or maybe God was waiting for the right time to bring him "His Word" which in the context of the Americas resulted in mass slaughter of the local indigenous peoples. No, that's not a true god, that is the sign of a False God. Jewish origin religion is a deception. It was meant to brainwash everyone into accepting Jewish supremacy.
4. Plagiarism. Golden calf? Is this a reference to Hinduism? Flood? Sumerian myths. Resurrection? Egyptian myths. Jesus? Maybe a combination, and let's not forget Buddha predated Jesus by about 600 years. Surely, the Jews knew about these through stories and in their travels.
5. The odd religion out: Every other religion has clear similarities or similar reasonings, or some overlap. Judaism had the least overlap with any other religion. Somehow, God is a Jew, favors the Jews, God is a male, God is all-knowing but he didn't know Eve ate the apple until he caught her and Adam hiding in bushes and asked them why they were hiding, God banishes the Jews from the garden, and the Jews now wander the earth. Yes, Jews were a nomadic people who wandered, and that is their story. Maybe Jews did eat a forbidden fruit because they're often ugly and they're evil. Almost every other religion is either deist, pagan, polytheist, or it has a more plausible monotheism.

There's too many flaws, discrepancies, irrationality, illogical events, and totally false events in the Bible (especially the Old Testament).

These are five points but I could also easily mention other points.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrPeabody »

Here is a good introductory book:

Shamanism for White People: Reclaiming Our Animist Heritage

https://www.amazon.com/Shamanism-White- ... 150&sr=8-1

Here is another one.

Calling to the White Tribe: Rebirthing Indigenous, Earth-Saving Wisdom

https://www.amazon.com/Calling-White-Tr ... 2N02&psc=1
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »


I don't think I've ever read the claim that Jews built the pyramids outside of these forums. I don't think any religious leaders make such a claim.

Another interpretation of the flood of the whole earth (the whole land) is that the Levant was flooded. There are plenty of stories about that great flood. Some of the geological information can be interpreted to refer to a global flood, but I don't know that the text requires that. Plants regrow from seeds, also.

I did see some evidence of some archeological exploration on an early website called WARR that had photos of remnants of chariot wheels and Egyptian war equipment in the Gulf of Aqaba, and something about it on TV back in the 1990s, that was consistent with the Biblical narrative. There is also a possible mountain for the real mount Sinai in the area on the other side. It has a blackened top, an altar at the base, art consistent with golden calf worship, 12 cisterns, piles of stones around the mountain (which could have marked the border since it was forbidden to touch the mountain. There are other features to it consistent with the Biblical narrative.

There is also the recent discovery of the altar at Mt. Ebal mentioned in the book of Joshua, with a very early written reference to the divine name consistent with the curses of Mt. Ebal in scripture. There have been a lot of discoveries like this.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
January 10th, 2023, 12:13 am
You claim to be redpilled on the JQ but quite frankly, you might as well be one of their allies. The Jews do not hate atheists, agnostics, or the pretentious variety of functional atheists nowadays who call themselves "Neopagans." They certainly do not hate sexually liberal libertarian type philosophies given that many of them espouse those philosophies themselves. They hate Christianity, their sworn enemy is Christianity. You support "sexual freedom" which was originally pushed by the jews through psycho-analysts such as Sigmund Freud and Wilheim Reich, as well as the entire Frankfurt School. All of them believed that "sexual repression" led to anti-semitism and specifically promoted "sexual freedom" in order to destroy gentile society.

You also claim to be against feminism yet you support women in the workforce and sexual freedom as well. What about you is anti-feminist? You're not anti-feminist at all, you're just a liberal feminist who doesn't like radical feminism. Feminism was also pushed by the Jews through Betty Friedan and her book "The Feminine Mystique" which made pushing women into the workforce its primary objective.

You also don't believe in race based IQs or genetic determinism in general. Again, this was pushed by the Jews through Franz Boas's complete control over the Anthropology department at Colombia, him and his students were obsessed with destroying the idea of race based genetics as well as the idea of racial IQs.

You also want all labor to be automated and for resources to be equally distributed amongst everyone. This is literally communism.

So let's be clear... You hate Christianity, you support sexual freedom, feminism, communism, and believe all racial differences are culturally/environmentally based instead of being genetic. Many of your arguments are quintessential leftist/liberal arguments against right-wing beliefs... For example, claiming that all of Africa's backwardness is the fault of colonialism, that the differences between homicides committed by different racial groups is all related to cultural/environmental factors and that no group of people is really genetically less inclined to violence then other groups, and that Christianity is dangerous because of the Crusades/Inquisition/witch hunts... Despite the fact that scientists have actually isolated the specific genes which cause Black men to be so much more significantly prone to violent behavior compared to Whites and Asians and despite the fact that I have pointed out how mild atrocities committed by Christians have historically been compared to other civilizations existing in the same time period as well as civilizations that came before Christianity.

I really don't understand why you even dislike the Jews at all. Your complete lack of genuine right-wing beliefs leads me to believe that you may actually be Jewish yourself and possibly trying to subvert the right-wing movement entirely by pushing liberal ideas, while cloaking your ideology as being friendly to right-wing people. The only left-wing things you oppose are the most extreme excesses of leftism... The vaccine mandates, politically correct assaults on freedom of speech, and attempts to push children into sex reassignment surgeries.

Jews have historically gone to great lengths in order to hide both their own Jewishness, as well as their involvement behind all of their subversive ideas and make them appear to have sprouted naturally from the gentile population. And what you are pushing sounds an awful lot like how a Jew would attempt to completely destroy his opposition. Appear as radical right-wing people by expressing extreme hostility towards Judaism while not only failing to support any effective solution to the problems they've created, but even attempting to exacerbate the problems they wish to make worse. Basically this looks like a blatant attempt to subvert the conservative opposition to liberalism entirely to the point where the opposition will be practically fighting you in order to implement your own ideas. By infecting the far-right with neopagan nonsense, they will have lost the war before they even committed themselves to it. That way, no matter who wins, you win regardless because both sides are functionally pushing the same ideas onto the general public.

There is evidence to show that Jews lost faith in economic Marxism as well as collectivist systems as a result of the Soviet Union becoming anti-semitic under Joseph Stalin. Many Jews therefore concluded that it was too easy for a blatantly authoritarian social structure to turn on them if too much power was put in the hands of one man. Especially since the Jews don't like to put their own people at the head of state, doing so would expose them as being behind all the social changes that the head of state is attempting to implement. What they want is to put gentiles in public, prominent positions, and then orchestrate events from behind the scenes. They f***ed up with Stalin though, because he deceived them, and it turned out he didn't want Jews in charge of the Soviet Union anymore and he had tens of thousands of Jews in the high offices of the Soviet Union executed during the Great Purge.

So what Jews started advocating in the United States, is radical individualism instead. The complete breakdown of ties between the individual and his community, family, laws, religion, and traditions. The Jews started to push the idea that "everything should be questioned" thus encouraging criticism of all aspects of White, Christian, conservative society. The Jews today no longer care about economic Marxism or Socialism, having lost faith entirely that these systems will promote Jewish interests. These days, their goals are entirely focused on social leftism. Basically criticizing everything which built Christian civilization and encouraging the gentile public to turn against Christian civilization entirely. Criticizing Christian prohibitions against free sexuality being one of the most important aspects of their agenda... A goal you and Lucas coincidentally agree with quite strongly.
I know that your response was to Pixel--Dude, but you mentioned me too so I'll respond as well.

You've come to those erroneous conclusions about Pixel--Dude and me because you have so uncritically imbibed the popular left vs. right dichotomy and made it the basis of your own worldview.

Pixel--Dude and I on the other hand understand that both the left and the right are controlled opposition and that both sides are largely manipulated by the Jewish elite and serve Jewish interests. This is especially the case in America. The Republican Party has been a fervent supporter of Israel for many decades now just like its Democrat counterpart. Many US Christians and particularly Evangelicals likewise support the Jews because they regard them as Yahweh's chosen people and consider the creation of Israel in 1948 a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. Many others on the right are otherwise completely ignorant of the JQ or buy into the standard Holocaust narrative of the Jews as a persecuted people. Even political outliers like Donald Trump have shown themselves to be extremely pro-Israel and haven't criticized Jewish power in any meaningful way. Those who are caught up in the left vs. right dichotomy and think that the Republican Party is the solution are still operating within the Jewish thought matrix.

Pixel--Dude and I don't operate within the Jewish thought matrix. We regard the contemporary American right as utterly useless in the struggle against the New World Order and Jewish power since it only attacks the enemy's foot soldiers but not the enemy itself. We understand that a wholly separate movement will be necessary in order to take down Jewish power - one which is directly opposed to Judaism and the Jewish power elite and not simply controlled opposition within the Jewish thought matrix. We therefore have no regard for American conservatism, the Republican Party, rightwing kosher shills such as Alex Jones, Matt Walsh and Jordan Peterstein, the Jewish slave religion of Christianity (and especially its pro-Israel varieties), seemingly rebellious yet totally kosher political outliers like Donald Trump, etc. We don't have much regard for the so-called right at all.

We've already explained to you that we don't support your brand of conservatism. We are not hiding anything or attempting to cloak our own beliefs in a "rightwing" garb. I've never once declared myself a "rightwinger" on this forum. I formulate my own views and have no interest in toeing some supposed party line. You are simply blinded by your own narrow-minded fanaticism and are therefore unable to fathom how anybody else could possibly oppose the Jewish agenda for any reason other than your own or how anybody else could ever believe in a different approach to oppose the NWO/Jewish elite outside of your own tradcon theocratic extremism. Well, I've got news for you. Many people are opposed to the NWO and Jewish power for various reasons but only a small minority of them share your reasons and proposed solution. You should get out more and actually take a look at the world. I have already told you about how the NWO is literally poisoning and biologically degrading us on a daily basis and that we are fighting for survival but you still can't figure out how we could possibly be opposed to the Jewish elite just because we don't follow your vision of traditionalism and Christian theocracy. :roll: At this point I think that you're either just too solipsistic or too stupid to understand.

Yes, we hate Christianity. We don't support a Jewish slave religion which worships the psychopathic and psychotic Jew god and whose "holy" scriptures were mostly written by a murdering hook-nosed Jewish sociopath named Saul of Tarsus. :roll: Pixel--Dude, I, @Tsar and @WilliamSmith are literally the least Jewish posters on this forum. We have absolutely no regard for any form of Jewish religion or the evil Jew god Yahweh or the fake crucified Jewsus. We don't believe in or support any of that Jewish garbage since it is so alien to our Gentile souls! We don't support the Catholic Church which for a long time now regards all believers as "spiritual Semites" nor do we respect any of the Jew-cucked US-style Evangelical sects or the Judaized Protestant denominations. We regard Christianity as a Jewish abomination and controlled opposition and a little bit of ideological fisticuffs between Christians and Marxists/Jewish atheists doesn't really change anything.

We've already explained to you that we aren't pushing any king of "rightwing neo-Paganism" but you won't listen! We've already made it clear that we advocate for a secular and rational resistance movement against Jewish power and that we believe that religion is a private matter. We are not religious nor do we follow any of the modern neo-Pagan movements such as Ásatrú. We are spiritual - we believe that a deeper spiritual reality exists independent of any manmade religion - and practice certain forms of meditation for the advancement of the soul but this is absolutely a private matter. We would prefer for religion and especially the various forms of religious fundamentalism to remain outside of politics.

As for Freud, Reich, Marcuse, etc., we are opposed to both Christianity and the Frankfurt School. It's just a case of two different batshit-crazy ideologies clashing and embroiling Gentiles in meaningless disputes and creating a huge distraction. We are living in an age of conflict, after all. Just two mutually opposed radical extremes pitted against each other as usual. Just an intolerant, repressive, dysfunctional and neurotic Judaic religion vs. an equally intolerant, divisive, pathology-inducing and neurotic group of Jewish ideologies, all aimed at spreading neuroses and making society insane! Typical Jewish false dialectic with neither offering any real solution.

We regard 2nd wave feminism and beyond as a Jewish movement of social engineering with the objective of turning women against men and so we are opposed to it. Nevertheless, we recognize individual freedom for women just as we do for men. This doesn't make us feminists or "simps". We simply believe that women as human beings also have the right to create and determine their own lives and shouldn't be the property of any grubby little tradcuck manginas who simply desire the power to control women and force them to submit to their whims through a monopoly on income and with Jewish slave religions as a pretext. Lol! Again we're not too fond of either extreme whether it be a woke feminist dystopia or an authoritarian tradcuck theocracy.

Capitalism and communism (Marxism) are both Jewish cons. Capitalism is just Jewish neo-feudal plutocracy. Marxism is just a false ideology which aims to funnel all of the wealth and property of a Gentile nation into the hands of a Jewish elite under the guise of a class struggle of the working class against the "bourgeoisie". You simply follow the former Jewish system because it is more in alignment with your own ideological fetishes as an American conservative, American conservatism itself being part of the Jewish thought matrix. But Pixel--Dude and I don't support either of these Jewish ideologies. We've already explained that our economic views are more in line with those of national socialism. And yes, we believe that in the future it will make sense to automate most forms of labor, dramatically reduce working hours and thereby liberate people from much of the drudgery that they suffer today. We are logical thinkers and value science and technology, not ideological dinosaurs. We don't see why people should have to spend 40 hours of their week performing some mind-numbing job when advanced robotics and AI can do it way better anyway. Lol!

In general terms, we don't believe that civilization will ever be able to advance until we remove the Jewish elite from power and dismantle the NWO. Until that happens we will always remain manipulated regardless of the ideological system.

Pixel--Dude and I are not too preoccupied with your views on race and Black people in particular. We respect noble Gentiles of all races and don't care for racism. We don't see any need to make this a political issue. Of course we don't fully accept biological determinism (even though we don't deny that genetics are a thing). We're spiritual people. We therefore believe that an advanced soul with high vibrations can largely override negative genetic influences. But I personally don't believe that you are even spiritual at all. Your conception of "spirituality" seems to be nothing more than the idea of a celestial judge who will punish those who don't adhere to your own particular brand of moralism. In other words, a "god" made in your own image.

We don't support sexual degeneracy. What you consider "sexual degeneracy" is mostly just men and women having normal heterosexual sex without getting married but you find everything so "degenerate" because you are a neurotic prude obsessed with sexuality. You interpret (and misinterpret) everything through this lens. If somebody hates Christianity it must be because they want to justify their own "sexual degeneracy". If somebody opposes conservatism or traditionalism, it must be because they are "sexual degenerates" and want to practice BDSM. :roll: You seem to be oblivious to the fact that not everybody who criticizes those ideologies have the same motives. But trying to explain this to you is futile due to your own inordinate solipsism!

So yes, I really don't think that you understand our views on many things and don't even want to understand either. We all know that you are just a tubthumping ideologue who just wants to preach his own brand of traditionalism to anybody who'll listen (and even to those who don't care). You simply want to make us look bad just because we don't agree with your narrow tradcon ideology, try to misrepresent our views when you think that you have some dirt on us and, when you don't, you just resort to making stuff up about us like some BS about us being undercover CIA spies! Smh :roll:
Last edited by Lucas88 on January 10th, 2023, 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 10th, 2023, 3:04 am
You like to make a lot of stuff up to discredit me and @Lucas88, don't you? I did write out a more detailed response to you earlier, but decided you don't deserve one and so I deleted it.

The main reason I don't think this deserves a detailed response is because most of it is just you casting aspersions about me and most of what you've waffled on about here is just petty and off topic.

Spirituality and paganism are experiential things. Nobody has experienced talking to Yahweh other than testimonials from the Bible. Yet all over the world people have given testimonial evidence that they've interacted with higher beings, albeit under different names.

You might think I'm a bad guy, but I'd like to remind you that when you were really upset a while back because of Skelebob and other users I had concern for your wellbeing and sent you a private message. Do you remember that? Because I have compassion and empathy for others. Do you?
I too remember that you reached out to Outcast when he was upset because of CaptainSkelebob and some other users and made an effort to treat him well.

Yet I also notice that Outcast has gone off on various people including myself on multiple occasions simply over ideological differences and has now come at us with that BS about us supposedly being CIA plants. Lol! I think it's clear by now that for this guy respect only extends to those who agree with his dogmatic little vision and that disagreement becomes a motive for hostility. That's typical of a narrow-minded dogmatic ideologue. I called this guy out for his fake nice guy persona a while back. He's clearly just a garden-variety douchebag who hides behind a façade.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 10th, 2023, 4:37 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
January 10th, 2023, 12:13 am
You claim to be redpilled on the JQ but quite frankly, you might as well be one of their allies. The Jews do not hate atheists, agnostics, or the pretentious variety of functional atheists nowadays who call themselves "Neopagans." They certainly do not hate sexually liberal libertarian type philosophies given that many of them espouse those philosophies themselves. They hate Christianity, their sworn enemy is Christianity. You support "sexual freedom" which was originally pushed by the jews through psycho-analysts such as Sigmund Freud and Wilheim Reich, as well as the entire Frankfurt School. All of them believed that "sexual repression" led to anti-semitism and specifically promoted "sexual freedom" in order to destroy gentile society.

You also claim to be against feminism yet you support women in the workforce and sexual freedom as well. What about you is anti-feminist? You're not anti-feminist at all, you're just a liberal feminist who doesn't like radical feminism. Feminism was also pushed by the Jews through Betty Friedan and her book "The Feminine Mystique" which made pushing women into the workforce its primary objective.

You also don't believe in race based IQs or genetic determinism in general. Again, this was pushed by the Jews through Franz Boas's complete control over the Anthropology department at Colombia, him and his students were obsessed with destroying the idea of race based genetics as well as the idea of racial IQs.

You also want all labor to be automated and for resources to be equally distributed amongst everyone. This is literally communism.

So let's be clear... You hate Christianity, you support sexual freedom, feminism, communism, and believe all racial differences are culturally/environmentally based instead of being genetic. Many of your arguments are quintessential leftist/liberal arguments against right-wing beliefs... For example, claiming that all of Africa's backwardness is the fault of colonialism, that the differences between homicides committed by different racial groups is all related to cultural/environmental factors and that no group of people is really genetically less inclined to violence then other groups, and that Christianity is dangerous because of the Crusades/Inquisition/witch hunts... Despite the fact that scientists have actually isolated the specific genes which cause Black men to be so much more significantly prone to violent behavior compared to Whites and Asians and despite the fact that I have pointed out how mild atrocities committed by Christians have historically been compared to other civilizations existing in the same time period as well as civilizations that came before Christianity.

I really don't understand why you even dislike the Jews at all. Your complete lack of genuine right-wing beliefs leads me to believe that you may actually be Jewish yourself and possibly trying to subvert the right-wing movement entirely by pushing liberal ideas, while cloaking your ideology as being friendly to right-wing people. The only left-wing things you oppose are the most extreme excesses of leftism... The vaccine mandates, politically correct assaults on freedom of speech, and attempts to push children into sex reassignment surgeries.

Jews have historically gone to great lengths in order to hide both their own Jewishness, as well as their involvement behind all of their subversive ideas and make them appear to have sprouted naturally from the gentile population. And what you are pushing sounds an awful lot like how a Jew would attempt to completely destroy his opposition. Appear as radical right-wing people by expressing extreme hostility towards Judaism while not only failing to support any effective solution to the problems they've created, but even attempting to exacerbate the problems they wish to make worse. Basically this looks like a blatant attempt to subvert the conservative opposition to liberalism entirely to the point where the opposition will be practically fighting you in order to implement your own ideas. By infecting the far-right with neopagan nonsense, they will have lost the war before they even committed themselves to it. That way, no matter who wins, you win regardless because both sides are functionally pushing the same ideas onto the general public.

There is evidence to show that Jews lost faith in economic Marxism as well as collectivist systems as a result of the Soviet Union becoming anti-semitic under Joseph Stalin. Many Jews therefore concluded that it was too easy for a blatantly authoritarian social structure to turn on them if too much power was put in the hands of one man. Especially since the Jews don't like to put their own people at the head of state, doing so would expose them as being behind all the social changes that the head of state is attempting to implement. What they want is to put gentiles in public, prominent positions, and then orchestrate events from behind the scenes. They f***ed up with Stalin though, because he deceived them, and it turned out he didn't want Jews in charge of the Soviet Union anymore and he had tens of thousands of Jews in the high offices of the Soviet Union executed during the Great Purge.

So what Jews started advocating in the United States, is radical individualism instead. The complete breakdown of ties between the individual and his community, family, laws, religion, and traditions. The Jews started to push the idea that "everything should be questioned" thus encouraging criticism of all aspects of White, Christian, conservative society. The Jews today no longer care about economic Marxism or Socialism, having lost faith entirely that these systems will promote Jewish interests. These days, their goals are entirely focused on social leftism. Basically criticizing everything which built Christian civilization and encouraging the gentile public to turn against Christian civilization entirely. Criticizing Christian prohibitions against free sexuality being one of the most important aspects of their agenda... A goal you and Lucas coincidentally agree with quite strongly.
I know that your response was to Pixel--Dude, but you mentioned me too so I'll respond as well.

You've come to those erroneous conclusions about Pixel--Dude and me because you have so uncritically imbibed the popular left vs. right dichotomy and made it the basis of your own worldview.

Pixel--Dude and I on the other hand understand that both the left and the right are controlled opposition and that both sides are largely manipulated by the Jewish elite and serve Jewish interests. This is especially the case in America. The Republican Party has been a fervent supporter of Israel for many decades now just like its Democrat counterpart. Many US Christians and particularly Evangelicals likewise support the Jews because they regard them as Yahweh's chosen people and consider the creation of Israel in 1948 a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. Many others on the right are otherwise completely ignorant of the JQ or buy into the standard Holocaust narrative of the Jews as a persecuted people. Even political outliers like Donald Trump have shown themselves to be extremely pro-Israel and haven't criticized Jewish power in any meaningful way. Those who are caught up in the left vs. right dichotomy and think that the Republican Party is the solution are still operating within the Jewish thought matrix.

Pixel--Dude and I don't operate within the Jewish thought matrix. We regard the contemporary American right as utterly useless in the struggle against the New World Order and Jewish power since it only attacks the enemy's foot soldiers but not the enemy itself. We understand that a wholly separate movement will be necessary in order to take down Jewish power - one which is directly opposed to Judaism and the Jewish power elite and not simply controlled opposition within the Jewish thought matrix. We therefore have no regard for American conservatism, the Republican Party, rightwing kosher shills such as Alex Jones, Matt Walsh and Jordan Peterstein, the Jewish slave religion of Christianity (and especially its pro-Israel varieties), seemingly rebellious yet totally kosher political outliers like Donald Trump, etc. We don't have much regard for the so-called right at all.

We've already explained to you that we don't support your brand of conservatism. We are not hiding anything or attempting to cloak our own beliefs in a "rightwing" garb. I've never once declared myself a "rightwinger" on this forum. I formulate my own views and have no interest in toeing some supposed party line. You are simply blinded by your own narrow-minded fanaticism and are therefore unable to fathom how anybody else could possibly oppose the Jewish agenda for any reason other than your own or how anybody else could ever believe in a different approach to oppose the NWO/Jewish elite outside of your own tradcon theocratic extremism. Well, I've got news for you. Many people are opposed to the NWO and Jewish power for various reasons but only a small minority of them share your reasons and proposed solution. You should get out more and actually take a look at the world. I have already told you about how the NWO is literally poisoning and biologically degrading us on a daily basis and that we are fighting for survival but you still can't figure out how we could possibly be opposed to the Jewish elite just because we don't follow your vision of traditionalism and Christian theocracy. :roll: At this point I think that you're either just too solipsistic or too stupid to understand.

Yes, we hate Christianity. We don't support a Jewish slave religion which worships the psychopathic and psychotic Jew god and whose "holy" scriptures were mostly written by a murdering hook-nosed Jewish sociopath named Saul of Tarsus. :roll: Pixel--Dude, I, @Tsar and @WilliamSmith are literally the least Jewish posters on this forum. We have absolutely no regard for any form of Jewish religion or the evil Jew god Yahweh or the fake crucified Jewsus. We don't believe in or support any of that Jewish garbage since it is so alien to our Gentile souls! We don't support the Catholic Church which for a long time now regards all believers as "spiritual Semites" nor do we respect any of the Jew-cucked US-style Evangelical sects or the Judaized Protestant denominations. We regard Christianity as a Jewish abomination and controlled opposition and a little bit of ideological fisticuffs between Christians and Marxists/Jewish atheists doesn't really change anything.

We've already explained to you that we aren't pushing any king of "rightwing neo-Paganism" but you won't listen! We've already made it clear that we advocate for a secular and rational resistance movement against Jewish power and that we believe that religion is a private matter. We are not religious nor do we follow any of the modern neo-Pagan movements such as Ásatrú. We are spiritual - we believe that a deeper spiritual reality exists independent of any manmade religion - and practice certain forms of meditation for the advancement of the soul but this is absolutely a private matter. We would prefer for religion and especially the various forms of religious fundamentalism to remain outside of politics.

As for Freud, Reich, Marcuse, etc., we are opposed to both Christianity and the Frankfurt School. It's just a case of two different batshit-crazy ideologies clashing and embroiling Gentiles in meaningless disputes and creating a huge distraction. We are living in an age of conflict, after all. Just two mutually opposed radical extremes pitted against each other as usual. Just an intolerant, repressive, dysfunctional and neurotic Judaic religion vs. an equally intolerant, divisive, pathology-inducing and neurotic group of Jewish ideologies, all aimed at spreading neuroses and making society insane! Typical Jewish false dialectic with neither offering any real solution.

We regard 2nd wave feminism and beyond as a Jewish movement of social engineering with the objective of turning women against men and so we are opposed to it. Nevertheless, we recognize individual freedom for women just as we do for men. This doesn't make us feminists or "simps". We simply believe that women as human beings also have the right to create and determine their own lives and shouldn't be the property of any grubby little tradcuck manginas who simply desire the power to control women and force them to submit to their whims through a monopoly on income and with Jewish slave religions as a pretext. Lol! Again we're not too fond of either extreme whether it be a woke feminist dystopia or an authoritarian tradcuck theocracy.

Capitalism and communism (Marxism) are both Jewish cons. Capitalism is just Jewish neo-feudal plutocracy. Marxism is just a false ideology which aims to funnel all of the wealth and property of a Gentile nation into the hands of a Jewish elite under the guise of a class struggle of the working class against the "bourgeoisie". You simply follow the former Jewish system because it is more in alignment with your own ideological fetishes as an American conservative, American conservatism itself being part of the Jewish thought matrix. But Pixel--Dude and I don't support either of these Jewish ideologies. We've already explained that our economic views are more in line with those of national socialism. And yes, we believe that in the future it will make sense to automate most forms of labor, dramatically reduce working hours and thereby liberate people from much of the drudgery that they suffer today. We are logical thinkers and value science and technology, not ideological dinosaurs. We don't see why people should have to spend 40 hours of their week performing some mind-numbing job when advanced robotics and AI can do it way better anyway. Lol!

In general terms, we don't believe that civilization will ever be able to advance until we remove the Jewish elite from power and dismantle the NWO. Until that happens we will always remain manipulated regardless of the ideological system.

Pixel--Dude and I are not too preoccupied with your views on race and Black people in particular. We respect noble Gentiles of all races and don't care for racism. We don't see any need to make this a political issue. Of course we don't fully accept biological determinism (even though we don't deny that genetics are a thing). We're spiritual people. We therefore believe that an advanced soul with high vibrations can largely override negative genetic influences. But I personally don't believe that you are even spiritual at all. Your conception of "spirituality" seems to be nothing more than the idea of a celestial judge who will punish those who don't adhere to your own particular brand of moralism. In other words, a "god" made in your own image.

We don't support sexual degeneracy. What you consider "sexual degeneracy" is mostly just men and women having normal heterosexual sex without getting married but you find everything so "degenerate" because you are a neurotic prude obsessed with sexuality. You interpret (and misinterpret) everything through this lens. If somebody hates Christianity it must be because they want to justify their own "sexual degeneracy". If somebody opposes conservatism or traditionalism, it must be because they are "sexual degenerates" and want to practice BDSM. :roll: You seem to be oblivious to the fact that not everybody who criticizes those ideologies have the same motives. But trying to explain this to you is futile due to your own inordinate solipsism!

So yes, I really don't think that you understand our views on many things and don't even want to understand either. We all know that you are just a tubthumping ideologue who just wants to preach his own brand of traditionalism to anybody who'll listen (and even to those who don't care). You simply want to make us look bad just because we don't agree with your narrow tradcon ideology, try to misrepresent our views when you think that you have some dirt on us and, when you don't, you just resort to making stuff up about us like some BS about us being undercover CIA spies! Smh :roll:
I knew the rightest were full of shit every time I read an article on Americanthinker.com, they defend the Jews like crazy on that f***ing website and go off on anyone who is against them. That's why they like to use the word anti-seminite. And this is mostly white people doing this.
As far as women goes, I don't believe in equality between the sexes. Men are either leading or they aren't, sharing power structures with women will only lead to them betraying and sympathizing with the enemy. I've seen how this played out with white countries and the women eager to welcome in rapefugees from dominant nations where the men don't believe in gender equality. These women are fully aware of this, including the feminist who are in favor of invaders coming in to take power away from them that their own men gave them.

Rather than the men stepping up and saying this is wrong, they want to prove they are in agreement with their women and choose to also support this shit, and here we are, cucked white nations celebrating their own demise and men always going along with what their women want because they don't want to overrule their decisions and take control. Men that buy into letting women run free as themselves will result in losing everything. I know a few German men who are bitter about this, they can't do anything because their own women betrayed them and now they still have a refugee problem that some women were openly advocating for. A problem they can't even complain about without it violating some shit law that doesn't allow people to complain about Muslims dominating their country. Sweden is a good example of what can happen if men give women equal rights and too much control to women and then accept their decisions because they fear being labeled a misogynist. Women are all emotional creatures, and they sympathized with invaders.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »

It is ironic that you are anti-Jew but adipt an aspect of Jewish thought as a part of your viewpoint.

You describe the world as being made up of Jews and Gentiles. That is a part of the Jewish worldview.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Tsar »

MrMan wrote:
January 13th, 2023, 3:24 am
It is ironic that you are anti-Jew but adipt an aspect of Jewish thought as a part of your viewpoint.

You describe the world as being made up of Jews and Gentiles. That is a part of the Jewish worldview.
It's the best way to describe it. Gentiles sounds better than non-Jews and it's how @Pixel--Dude and @Lucas88 were describing non-Jews.


Which sounds better?

I am anti-Jew because the more that I learned, the more that I realized that they're the enemy. Not all Jews, but the majority, which is evident throughout history.

I can name some good Jews and honorable Jews, but they're the minority and from historical times. In 2023, many Jews are complicit or disloyal or seek to dominate.

They're replacing Whites, they control the entire Western World and International Organizations, and all the major corporations. All the tech companies, big pharma, big agriculture, banks, etc.

Jews were behind the movements that destroyed traditional values and societies that served their own people.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Tsar wrote:
January 13th, 2023, 5:04 am
MrMan wrote:
January 13th, 2023, 3:24 am
It is ironic that you are anti-Jew but adipt an aspect of Jewish thought as a part of your viewpoint.

You describe the world as being made up of Jews and Gentiles. That is a part of the Jewish worldview.
It's the best way to describe it. Gentiles sounds better than non-Jews and it's how @Pixel--Dude and @Lucas88 were describing non-Jews.


Which sounds better?

I am anti-Jew because the more that I learned, the more that I realized that they're the enemy. Not all Jews, but the majority, which is evident throughout history.

I can name some good Jews and honorable Jews, but they're the minority and from historical times. In 2023, many Jews are complicit or disloyal or seek to dominate.

They're replacing Whites, they control the entire Western World and International Organizations, and all the major corporations. All the tech companies, big pharma, big agriculture, banks, etc.

Jews were behind the movements that destroyed traditional values and societies that served their own people.
You even made me realized why I f***ing hate them after mentioning all of this. That's why I had to stop reading the American thinker, too many rightest are Jewish ass kissing suck ups. I just wish there was more thorough detail as to why they desperately want to replace white people so bad. And why aren't whites trying to fight back, instead they out right embrace their own damn defeat.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »

That's one of the problems with paganism. This was just a big muscular CGI dude.

But the gods pagans worship are especially puny compared to the Most High God, the Creator. That is the problem with paganism.

You may hate Jews, put the Most High chose Abraham as His portion and through this man's Seed has made a way for the rest of us to be reconciled to Him.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 26th, 2023, 7:20 am
But the gods pagans worship are especially puny compared to the Most High God, the Creator. That is the problem with paganism.

You may hate Jews, put the Most High chose Abraham as His portion and through this man's Seed has made a way for the rest of us to be reconciled to Him.

Where are you getting this from? A book written by some crazy Jews in honor of their psychopathic desert deity? That's what they want you to believe, goy!

Most high? Pffff! You literally worship a demonic Jew god who is enamored with blood sacrifice and holocausts of living creatures for the supposed remission of sins. What kind of most high deity requires those kind of perversions? Your "god" is nothing more than a lesser demon who masquerades as the creator of the universe.

Your holy book? The most prolific author of the New Testament was a murderous hook-nosed sociopath. Your "saints" are literally criminal pieces of shit. And you wonder why rational people don't take your bat-shit crazy apocalyptic Jew cult seriously!

Your "spirituality"? Your whole doctrine amounts to the blood sacrifice of a Jew for "salvation". Your religion's central rite is an imitation of cannibalism and drinking blood. It's absolutely demonic just like your fruitcake Jew god!

And Jesus? Jesus is just a Jewish thoughtform for the spiritual enslavement of dumb goyim!

Christians are spiritually retarded. They take a bloodthirsty Jew demon for "god" and don't even realize that their own religion is nothing more than a perverse Satanic murder cult. That is the greatest extent of their "spiritual consciousness".

You, MrMan, might be a spiritually retarded Jew-sucker who bows down to the Jews because of indoctrination at the hands of your Jewish hoax slave religion, but true Gentile souls don't take your fake Messiah cult seriously and therefore have no regard whatsoever for the Jews or any of their religious doctrines. We rightfully see that demon god's Chosen People as the enemy.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »


Considering your own worldview, why would you write such negative and harsh things toward God. That is foolish. You believe in all kinds of spirits. If Yahweh is powerful enough to get some degree of loyalty from a huge segment of the human race, then why would you speak so negatively against Him, especially if you consider him to be so harsh? That is a foolish thing to do. One day He will judge you, or His Son will.

YHWH also showed his dominance over the spheres of influence Egyptians attributed to various gods in Egypt by sending plagues related to these domains. There are people who have been overtaken by various spirits and pagans considered them to have the spirits of the gods in them. This happened in the Grecco-Roman empire, and has happened in India in recent times.... and Christians have cast these demons out. This was one of the defenses of the Gospel made by Justin Martyr and Tertullian in the early centuries of Christianity when Grecco-Roman paganism was popular.

It makes sense for me to be opposed to the demons the pagan nations worship because I believe YHWH is more powerful and offers me protection, and that through faith in His Son I can eventually be manifested among the sons of God at the resurrection of the dead.

What I do not get is why you would want to say or type things to offend YHWH since He considers it immoral to oppose Him in this way, and He is much more powerful than you are.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 7:23 am

Considering your own worldview, why would you write such negative and harsh things toward God. That is foolish. You believe in all kinds of spirits. If Yahweh is powerful enough to get some degree of loyalty from a huge segment of the human race, then why would you speak so negatively against Him, especially if you consider him to be so harsh? That is a foolish thing to do. One day He will judge you, or His Son will.

YHWH also showed his dominance over the spheres of influence Egyptians attributed to various gods in Egypt by sending plagues related to these domains. There are people who have been overtaken by various spirits and pagans considered them to have the spirits of the gods in them. This happened in the Grecco-Roman empire, and has happened in India in recent times.... and Christians have cast these demons out. This was one of the defenses of the Gospel made by Justin Martyr and Tertullian in the early centuries of Christianity when Grecco-Roman paganism was popular.

It makes sense for me to be opposed to the demons the pagan nations worship because I believe YHWH is more powerful and offers me protection, and that through faith in His Son I can eventually be manifested among the sons of God at the resurrection of the dead.

What I do not get is why you would want to say or type things to offend YHWH since He considers it immoral to oppose Him in this way, and He is much more powerful than you are.
Because one should not cower in the presence of tyranny. Is it any kind of endorsement to worship him because he threatens me to do so?

JESUS: *Knocks on door*

MAN: Hello?

JESUS: Let me in.

MAN: Why?

JESUS: To save you.

MAN: Save me from what?

JESUS: From what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in.

Is Yahweh really as powerful as he claims to be? Is he really as loving? I do believe he is a real entity, much like yourself. But I perceive him as a weak and infantile god. Think about it. He's so weak and insecure that he demands constant worship and threatens his own children with death if they don't obey his dictatorial edicts. Why should we worship him like cowards? He's a cosmic tyrant and a psychopathic deity! He has denied humanity the Opus Magnum of spirituality. He prefers us as weak slaves and is so paranoid that he fears if we raise the Kundalini serpent with the forbidden knowledge mentioned in Genesis then we shall overthrow him.

The Pagan gods, who have many names and epithets throughout all of ancient history and interacted with humanity are the real good guys. They taught us civilisation. They taught us occult knowledge and wanted us to raise our kundalini serpent through yoga and meditation so we may become gods like them. That is our birthright!
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 7:23 am
What I do not get is why you would want to say or type things to offend YHWH since He considers it immoral to oppose Him in this way, and He is much more powerful than you are.
Well, because we simply believe that your psychotic and bloodthirsty Jew god is an impostor - an evil demonic entity who isn't really god at all and merely masquerades as such -, hence all of the atrocities and obsession with blood sacrifice present throughout the Bible.

Ever considered that, Christians?

It's not really hard to understand how we can be opposed to Yahweh despite his claim to omnipotence. Christians take the claims of the Bible at face value and assume them to be a truthful narrative while we on the other hand believe them to be false and made-up as well as part of an agenda to deceive and spiritually enslave us. That's why we are not afraid of the Bible's threats against non-believers and don't fall for the religion's fear tactics or psychological manipulation.

We believe that Yahweh and his "angels" are real beings of a malevolent and demonic nature and that they invaded the Earth at the beginning of the Kali Yuga and enslaved our souls in the dystopian world that they created on this planet (both on the physical and astral planes), but we don't believe that they are all-powerful. They are simply a foreign infestation rather than genuine deities.

We don't recognize the Jews in any positive way either. They're simply a hostile alien people put on Earth by the impostor god for a specific subversive mission. We don't even believe that they are human at the level of the soul - at least not at the level of the Jewish elite. Brainwashed Christians might regard the Jewish people as the medium through which "salvation" was granted to the nations and therefore hold Jews in high regard or at least tolerate them to some degree, but myself, Pixel--Dude and Tsar believe that the Abrahamic religions are nothing more than a cruel hoax perpetrated by the impostor god and other evil entities and so naturally we don't have any respect whatsoever for Judaism, Jews, etc. We outright regard them as an enemy people/soul group.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 4:58 pm
an evil demonic entity who isn't really god at all and merely masquerades as such -, hence all of the atrocities and obsession with blood sacrifice present throughout the Bible.

Ever considered that, Christians?

It's not really hard to understand how we can be opposed to Yahweh despite his claim to omnipotence. Christians take the claims of the Bible at face value and assume them to be a truthful narrative while we on the other hand believe them to be false and made-up as well as part of an agenda to deceive and spiritually enslave us. That's why we are not afraid of the Bible's threats against non-believers and don't fall for the religion's fear tactics or psychological manipulation.

We believe that Yahweh and his "angels" are real beings of a malevolent and demonic nature and that they invaded the Earth at the beginning of the Kali Yuga and enslaved our souls in the dystopian world that they created on this planet (both on the physical and astral planes), but we don't believe that they are all-powerful. They are simply a foreign infestation rather than genuine deities.
That seems pretty ridiculous 'we believe' as if you can speak for all pagans. There are many types of pagans, and they are probably less uniform than any other religion category you can think of.

And where would you get your belief system anyway? What are you taking at face value? What the odds that whatever little bit of pagan literature from one source that you kind of like so believe is true, combined with all the other random little bits and pieces you choose to accept are true?

You are also missing my point. Demons have some power. You are just a man. If you believe there are demons out there, why would you want to anger them? YHWH is no demon, and He is powerful. It is foolish for you to go around angering spirits that can harm you or justly judge you.

Again, I have God to protect me. In your belief system, why would you want to insult God or any spirit?
We don't recognize the Jews in any positive way either. They're simply a hostile alien people put on Earth by the impostor god for a specific subversive mission. We don't even believe that they are human at the level of the soul - at least not at the level of the Jewish elite.
Who is 'we'? Whatever random racist ideas you pull out of your backside are representative of all pagans now? That doesn't make any sense.
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