Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:32 am
These corporations and globalist elite pigs should not be in control of our lives. The proletariat work ethic is nothing but conditioning for pliable slaves who then in turn come to love their own endentured servitude to these corporate masters. To these proletariat it is inconceivable that others wouldn't want to be slaves to fiat currency. Unemployed due to mental illness and accused of being scroungers and freeloaders whilst the super rich siphon all our money away into private offshore bank accounts. It gets my goat.

The only reason we don't move into a new system with automated labour and transcend capitalism is because these corporate elites will lose their power and influence, they become obsolete. So they would rather push us into destitution through manufactured crisis like the pandemics and the war in Russia so that we all become dependent on them. This is what they talk about in Davos every year where the corporate "philanthropists" like Bill Gates give governments their marching orders. Legislation gets passed giving corporations more free reign, like the thing with The WHO being given more powers in a pandemic situation.
Some people of a more conservative bent are afraid of any kind of regime change or the prospect of automation and restructuring of the labor market because they think that it will result in a communist dictatorship like the ones of the previous century which only wreaked havoc upon the nations. But what many fail to realize is that the so-called democratic societies of today are themselves nothing more than covert plutocratic dictatorships in which a wealthy corporate elite is able to remold society however they like due to their near-total control of capital and industry. What we have today isn't even normal capitalism but rather corporatism or what some people call corporate fascism. The old capitalism has been gone for a long time. The current plutocratic dictatorship is not our friend. It is only a system for our enslavement despite its democratic façade and it is an unnatural regime against which we must fight. Unfortunately many right-leaning people have been misled to believe that the current system represents capitalism and freedom and that everything else is "Marxist". That leaves a dichotomous struggle between rightwing defenders of today's pseudo-democratic corporate regime and leftwing Marxists who really do want a full-blown communist dictatorship. In other words those of us who want neither corporate tyranny nor a Marxist dictatorship are left with no movement of resistance.

In my opinion this is by design. The global elite has used corporate fascism under the cover of a sham democracy as its preferred method of control up until now but even its architects now know that their own economic system is being made obsolete by technological advancements and the inevitable disruption of the labor market which results from this and that what they have created is unsustainable in the long run. So rather than trying to defend an obsolescent system and risking losing power to a techno-socialistic alternative proposed by an external faction, the current elite has decided to lead the shift towards a post-capitalist techno-socialist world itself - its own totalitarian vision of socialism in the form of the Great Reset - and thereby maintain its own near-total power. Its architects simply want to get ahead of the curve before some other rival forward-thinking faction does.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:32 am
Where technology is concerned the genie is out of the bottle and soon these corporate elite wont be able to justify people working crappy jobs when everything can be automated.
Exactly. Technology has already come this far and is only going to continue to advance at an exponential rate. Rather than bemoaning its influence and seeking to return to some outmoded form of earlier capitalism on ideological grounds, we as a society should look to harness its potential benefits and integrate it harmoniously into our lives for the improvement of our shared condition. The genie is already out of the bottle. Barring a worldwide catastrophe, automation isn't going to go away any time soon and is only going to become even more prominent.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:32 am
Here's an article about 100 companies causing 71% of worlds population. Half these companies probably make shit nobody really needs.
I remember seeing plastic toy poo in a store for tourists near the beach in Spain. I couldn't believe that there are actually companies that make that kind of stuff. Think about this for a second. There are companies that make plastic toy poo while at the same time people in the world who don't even have the basic essentials.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:32 am
Aren't there robots that build other robots? How much input would we really need to have? Automation of labour only becomes a positive if we transcend capitalism and move into a new system which maximises freedom and is more conducive to the individual. Worrying about where the money will come from for this or for that should become a thing of the past.
Automation is only a problem in the context of the present system. And, like I previously mentioned, the present system is just a plutocratic dictatorship which masquerades as a democracy and which many right-leaning people are determined to defend just because its a better deal than Marxism. In reality both sides are creations of the same Jewish elite. In my view what we really need is our own elite which can represent the Gentile people, fight against the current Jewish elite and its dystopian system, and in the event of victory create a better form of Gentile society and guide it in a positive direction. Some Gentiles believe that the National Socialist movement of the 20th century served this role and could be revived for our struggle against the Jewish elite today, but I personally feel that the NS movement was a dud and was plagued with negativity and mindless racism against other Gentile peoples as well as other serious problems. Moreover, it is known to some that Hitler's government originally collaborated with the Zionists in the early 1930s with the Transfer Agreement. We Gentiles of the 21st century need our own movement of resistance, one that is much better than the dud NS movement of the century past, our own elite with its noble values and enlightened principles, our own government that is willing to go beyond both the predatory Jewish corporate fascism of today and subversive Jewish Marxism and then establish and regulate a new system aimed at bringing about Gentile flourishing and wellbeing. This kind of vision requires a Gentile warrior spirit for its manifestation and certainly not a slavish Christian or Protestant spirit.

I know that I might have gone off topic a little here but I just felt an urge to write about this and just free-styled it.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 9:58 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:32 am
These corporations and globalist elite pigs should not be in control of our lives. The proletariat work ethic is nothing but conditioning for pliable slaves who then in turn come to love their own endentured servitude to these corporate masters. To these proletariat it is inconceivable that others wouldn't want to be slaves to fiat currency. Unemployed due to mental illness and accused of being scroungers and freeloaders whilst the super rich siphon all our money away into private offshore bank accounts. It gets my goat.

The only reason we don't move into a new system with automated labour and transcend capitalism is because these corporate elites will lose their power and influence, they become obsolete. So they would rather push us into destitution through manufactured crisis like the pandemics and the war in Russia so that we all become dependent on them. This is what they talk about in Davos every year where the corporate "philanthropists" like Bill Gates give governments their marching orders. Legislation gets passed giving corporations more free reign, like the thing with The WHO being given more powers in a pandemic situation.
Some people of a more conservative bent are afraid of any kind of regime change or the prospect of automation and restructuring of the labor market because they think that it will result in a communist dictatorship like the ones of the previous century which only wreaked havoc upon the nations. But what many fail to realize is that the so-called democratic societies of today are themselves nothing more than covert plutocratic dictatorships in which a wealthy corporate elite is able to remold society however they like due to their near-total control of capital and industry. What we have today isn't even normal capitalism but rather corporatism or what some people call corporate fascism. The old capitalism has been gone for a long time. The current plutocratic dictatorship is not our friend. It is only a system for our enslavement despite its democratic façade and it is an unnatural regime against which we must fight. Unfortunately many right-leaning people have been misled to believe that the current system represents capitalism and freedom and that everything else is "Marxist". That leaves a dichotomous struggle between rightwing defenders of today's pseudo-democratic corporate regime and leftwing Marxists who really do want a full-blown communist dictatorship. In other words those of us who want neither corporate tyranny nor a Marxist dictatorship are left with no movement of resistance.

In my opinion this is by design. The global elite has used corporate fascism under the cover of a sham democracy as its preferred method of control up until now but even its architects now know that their own economic system is being made obsolete by technological advancements and the inevitable disruption of the labor market which results from this and that what they have created is unsustainable in the long run. So rather than trying to defend an obsolescent system and risking losing power to a techno-socialistic alternative proposed by an external faction, the current elite has decided to lead the shift towards a post-capitalist techno-socialist world itself - its own totalitarian vision of socialism in the form of the Great Reset - and thereby maintain its own near-total power. Its architects simply want to get ahead of the curve before some other rival forward-thinking faction does.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:32 am
Where technology is concerned the genie is out of the bottle and soon these corporate elite wont be able to justify people working crappy jobs when everything can be automated.
Exactly. Technology has already come this far and is only going to continue to advance at an exponential rate. Rather than bemoaning its influence and seeking to return to some outmoded form of earlier capitalism on ideological grounds, we as a society should look to harness its potential benefits and integrate it harmoniously into our lives for the improvement of our shared condition. The genie is already out of the bottle. Barring a worldwide catastrophe, automation isn't going to go away any time soon and is only going to become even more prominent.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:32 am
Here's an article about 100 companies causing 71% of worlds population. Half these companies probably make shit nobody really needs.
I remember seeing plastic toy poo in a store for tourists near the beach in Spain. I couldn't believe that there are actually companies that make that kind of stuff. Think about this for a second. There are companies that make plastic toy poo while at the same time people in the world who don't even have the basic essentials.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:32 am
Aren't there robots that build other robots? How much input would we really need to have? Automation of labour only becomes a positive if we transcend capitalism and move into a new system which maximises freedom and is more conducive to the individual. Worrying about where the money will come from for this or for that should become a thing of the past.
Automation is only a problem in the context of the present system. And, like I previously mentioned, the present system is just a plutocratic dictatorship which masquerades as a democracy and which many right-leaning people are determined to defend just because its a better deal than Marxism. In reality both sides are creations of the same Jewish elite. In my view what we really need is our own elite which can represent the Gentile people, fight against the current Jewish elite and its dystopian system, and in the event of victory create a better form of Gentile society and guide it in a positive direction. Some Gentiles believe that the National Socialist movement of the 20th century served this role and could be revived for our struggle against the Jewish elite today, but I personally feel that the NS movement was a dud and was plagued with negativity and mindless racism against other Gentile peoples as well as other serious problems. Moreover, it is known to some that Hitler's government originally collaborated with the Zionists in the early 1930s with the Transfer Agreement. We Gentiles of the 21st century need our own movement of resistance, one that is much better than the dud NS movement of the century past, our own elite with its noble values and enlightened principles, our own government that is willing to go beyond both the predatory Jewish corporate fascism of today and subversive Jewish Marxism and then establish and regulate a new system aimed at bringing about Gentile flourishing and wellbeing. This kind of vision requires a Gentile warrior spirit for its manifestation and certainly not a slavish Christian or Protestant spirit.

I know that I might have gone off topic a little here but I just felt an urge to write about this and just free-styled it.
I agree with you. I believe violent struggle is not only necessary for taking society in a direction favourable for most human beings, but it is inevitable. The zionist Jewish elite are trying to implement a new system where they can automate labour, but maintain their level of power and control over society. This is why they're hitting us relentlessly with manufactured crisis like the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. (Snooker is with Ukraine) its all by design to drive people into destitution so that everyone has to rely on the government to help them. This will give the elites the excuse they need to take society into a post capitalist system wherein they will maintain absolute control over people. "You will own nothing. And you will be happy." It isn't a predicition from the WEF, it's a f***ing order.

These elite pigs know they will become obsolete without capitalism. If we moved into a resource based economy where people would have to do the bare minimum work week in order to get by and most things are automated where does this leave the current elite? This is why we have no choice but to destroy these people and bring a whole new meaning to the term "hung parliament" I believe these bastards deserve no mercy. Cobra Kai for life!
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

In the UK today we have a red weather warning ... ust-summer

With apparent reports of people dying in the street because of the intense heat which us brits are not accustomed to. ... -17012133/

At the factory I work at, the managers have granted a portion of the factory to have today and tomorrow off due to the heat wave. However, the section where I work they said they want more production so we are not permitted to go home. So in a heatwave so deadly people are supposed to be dying in the street all our managers care about is productivity over human life. Clearly. Another demonstration of how those who push this work ethic are degenerate scum! The factory has no air con and we bake apple pies lol. By half 6 this morning most people were already dripping with sweat whilst the managers who force us to stay here are sat in their air conditioned offices playing with their f***ing balls all day.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

The other day at work was hilarious! There were two NPCs who I work with who were both arguing to the point it almost came to physical blows. These two degenerate NPCs were arguing over which of them works the hardest and who does the most work. I honestly just work to get a paycheck and that's it. I don't give a flying f**k about the company or profit percentages or any of that bullshit. These two guys obviously dedicate their lives to their company though, as they're willing to physically fight each other over a disagreement about which of them is the greater serf.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by galii »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 6th, 2023, 7:13 am
The other day at work was hilarious! There were two NPCs who I work with who were both arguing to the point it almost came to physical blows. These two degenerate NPCs were arguing over which of them works the hardest and who does the most work. I honestly just work to get a paycheck and that's it. I don't give a flying f**k about the company or profit percentages or any of that bullshit. These two guys obviously dedicate their lives to their company though, as they're willing to physically fight each other over a disagreement about which of them is the greater serf.
From one perspective it is not too wrong what they are doing. Being competitive gives motivation and that makes work easier. Easier than thinking how much you hate your work but it all depends on the context I guess.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by kukushka »

galii wrote:
June 6th, 2023, 8:23 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 6th, 2023, 7:13 am
The other day at work was hilarious! There were two NPCs who I work with who were both arguing to the point it almost came to physical blows. These two degenerate NPCs were arguing over which of them works the hardest and who does the most work. I honestly just work to get a paycheck and that's it. I don't give a flying f**k about the company or profit percentages or any of that bullshit. These two guys obviously dedicate their lives to their company though, as they're willing to physically fight each other over a disagreement about which of them is the greater serf.
From one perspective it is not too wrong what they are doing. Being competitive gives motivation and that makes work easier. Easier than thinking how much you hate your work but it all depends on the context I guess.
seen from this perspective, I think youre right. I think pixeldude and you are both right, it just depends on what perspective youre viewing it from.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

galii wrote:
June 6th, 2023, 8:23 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 6th, 2023, 7:13 am
The other day at work was hilarious! There were two NPCs who I work with who were both arguing to the point it almost came to physical blows. These two degenerate NPCs were arguing over which of them works the hardest and who does the most work. I honestly just work to get a paycheck and that's it. I don't give a flying f**k about the company or profit percentages or any of that bullshit. These two guys obviously dedicate their lives to their company though, as they're willing to physically fight each other over a disagreement about which of them is the greater serf.
From one perspective it is not too wrong what they are doing. Being competitive gives motivation and that makes work easier. Easier than thinking how much you hate your work but it all depends on the context I guess.
They're not making anyone's job easier with this attitude. Plus, there shouldn't be any competition because we're all part of the same team. I'm of the opinion that it's easier for everyone to keep their head down, do what they have to do and then everyone just goes home and gets on with their lives. These guys carried this feud on all day and undoubtedly took the stress of it home to their families.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Seeker »

So Pixel--Dude you work in a pie factory? It's no wonder you're so antiwork in that case, factory work is hell and not suitable for intelligent, thoughtful humans. If I were you I'd be working on learning some kind of marketable skill I enjoyed and was interested in so I could change careers. When I was a student I once had a job in a crisp factory for one summer, but I only turned up a few times, it was so damned hot and alienating, the machines were so loud you couldn't even talk to your fellow wagies. It was just doing the same mindless, repetitive task, and all in silence. Work like that should be automated and abolished altogether.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Corey_Bee »

Work is for losers. Only low SMV men have to work. Chad, females, etc. get makeshift jobs that pay high wages and don't do any real work while average and ugly men are forced to work shitty jobs that pay low wages. Low SMV men should go on strike, especially if they don't get any p***y or get bad p***y such as whales or single moms. No more shitty jobs like working in factories, construction, etc. Let Chad and foids do that shit since they're the only ones who benefit from this shitty western society.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Cornfed »

Yeah, although I'm not opposed to the idea of work per se, waged work within the current system really is for chumps and victims who have no choice.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Corey_Bee »

Cornfed wrote:
June 6th, 2023, 7:31 pm
Yeah, although I'm not opposed to the idea of work per se, waged work within the current system really is for chumps and victims who have no choice.
You're smarter than boomers and tradcucks, who are retards that still think that hard work pays off. It doesn't anymore. The system today rewards losers and punishes the actual hard workers. If we didn't live in the current globohomo clownworld then maybe working wouldn't be so bad.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Seeker wrote:
June 6th, 2023, 5:33 pm
So Pixel--Dude you work in a pie factory? It's no wonder you're so antiwork in that case, factory work is hell and not suitable for intelligent, thoughtful humans. If I were you I'd be working on learning some kind of marketable skill I enjoyed and was interested in so I could change careers. When I was a student I once had a job in a crisp factory for one summer, but I only turned up a few times, it was so damned hot and alienating, the machines were so loud you couldn't even talk to your fellow wagies. It was just doing the same mindless, repetitive task, and all in silence. Work like that should be automated and abolished altogether.
The money I make isn't too bad surprisingly. But I'm in the process of taking some training to get a decent career and a better income than what I'm currently on. It's just difficult to find the time as I have a daughter and other obligations that take up what little free time I have.
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Ppl who push a work ethic are not degenrates fellas
Its the other way around!!!
Ppl who want to scrounge a living and get free handouts like feminist cunts and smelly towel head immigrents are the real degenerates
Ppl need to get off their sofas where they like sitting in their own filth surrounded by a citysxapes of pizza boxes and go out and get a jib
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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I've been thinking more on this topic and I've come to a conclusion since I moved into my new house with my girlfriend (who is a k-pop model)

There are two types of people who push the proletariat work ethic:

The first type are those who were probably SS officers in past lives. They are loyal to the companies they work for because said company has become part of their identity and they owe everything to the company. This kind of person, who reports you for taking the piss out of the company, are truly degenerate scum who are just brainwashed slaves. They are the Django Stevens of the modern world. The house niggers who are part of the problem. These cunts are the ones who, like the SS officers, "just follow orders". They are contemptible, reprehensible insects who have no personality and no freedom of thought of their own.

The second type is someone I hadn't really thought about until recently. Some people encourage and promote the work ethic in the work place out of fear. For these people, they are blackmailed and threatened by society into compliance. They promote the work ethic because if they don't tow the line, and others in their department have bad attitudes towards working, it could put everyone's jobs at risk. People are just resources after all and as an abundant resource they are easily replaced in the workplace. These people are afraid of losing their homes, their cars, pretty much everything if they lost their jobs and became destitute. f**k sake, the state will even intervene and take their f***ing kids from them.

What a complete disgrace of a society we live in, which robs human beings of their freedom, individuality and relationships (which are inevitably strained due to couples or friends working differing shift patterns etc)

What do you guys think?

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Re: Are those who push the proletariat work ethic degenerates?

Post by galii »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 9th, 2023, 1:21 am
I've been thinking more on this topic and I've come to a conclusion since I moved into my new house with my girlfriend (who is a k-pop model)

There are two types of people who push the proletariat work ethic:

The first type are those who were probably SS officers in past lives. They are loyal to the companies they work for because said company has become part of their identity and they owe everything to the company. This kind of person, who reports you for taking the piss out of the company, are truly degenerate scum who are just brainwashed slaves. They are the Django Stevens of the modern world. The house niggers who are part of the problem. These cunts are the ones who, like the SS officers, "just follow orders". They are contemptible, reprehensible insects who have no personality and no freedom of thought of their own.

The second type is someone I hadn't really thought about until recently. Some people encourage and promote the work ethic in the work place out of fear. For these people, they are blackmailed and threatened by society into compliance. They promote the work ethic because if they don't tow the line, and others in their department have bad attitudes towards working, it could put everyone's jobs at risk. People are just resources after all and as an abundant resource they are easily replaced in the workplace. These people are afraid of losing their homes, their cars, pretty much everything if they lost their jobs and became destitute. f**k sake, the state will even intervene and take their f***ing kids from them.

What a complete disgrace of a society we live in, which robs human beings of their freedom, individuality and relationships (which are inevitably strained due to couples or friends working differing shift patterns etc)

What do you guys think?

When I was starting to work I tried to force myself to work hard because I wanted to have the freedom to be lazy later on. (Arbeit macht frei - Work makes free - The concentration camp writing) If I am lazy at the beginning I might never have the chance to get to that level for various reasons. Guys who worked with me said to me that I live to work but little did they know that I had a plan. There are seasons for different things. Now I did not work for 12 years. I could only do that because I worked more than I needed to do.
So having the skills to hard work is a good tool for life. I might refresh that skill maybe I lost it already. lol.

Let's get more philosophical. I asked bing AI about arguments for that hard work was there in North Europe before the protestant work ethic:
One possible argument that hard work was already popular in north Europe before the Protestant work ethic is based on the historical and cultural factors that influenced the development of the Nordic countries. According to some researchers, the Nordic countries had a unique combination of a cold climate and widespread private ownership, which created strong individual incentives to work hard and cooperate with others to survive1. The Nordic farmers had to endure harsh weather conditions and poor soil quality, which required them to be diligent, frugal, and innovative1. They also had a high level of social trust and cohesion, which enabled them to share resources and help their neighbors in times of need1.

The Nordic work ethic was not a product of Protestantism, but rather a precondition for its success. The Nordic countries were among the first to adopt the Reformation in the 16th century, which gave them an educational advantage over their Catholic counterparts. The Protestants were encouraged to read the Bible and attend school, which improved their literacy and human capital2. However, this does not mean that Protestantism caused the Nordic work ethic, but rather that it reinforced and complemented it. The Protestant values of hard work and thrift were already present in the Nordic culture before the Reformation, and they continued to shape the economic and social development of the region afterwards1.

Therefore, one can argue that hard work was already popular in north Europe before the Protestant work ethic, as it was a result of the environmental and institutional factors that shaped the Nordic culture. The Protestant work ethic was not a unique or original phenomenon, but rather a manifestation of a pre-existing cultural norm that was adapted to different contexts and circumstances. In fact, some scholars have challenged Weber’s theory by pointing out that there were other examples of hard work and thrift in Catholic areas, such as the Cistercian monks who spread agricultural innovations and economic growth in parts of Europe before the Reformation345. Thus, hard work was not exclusive to Protestantism, but rather a common feature of human societies that faced various challenges and opportunities.

One possible argument that Stoicism is basically the same as the Protestant work ethic is based on the idea that both philosophies emphasize the importance of rationality, self-control, and virtue in human life. Both Stoicism and the Protestant work ethic teach that humans should not be swayed by external circumstances or emotions, but rather focus on their inner state and moral duty. Both Stoicism and the Protestant work ethic value hard work, diligence, and productivity as means to achieve personal and social excellence. Both Stoicism and the Protestant work ethic reject the pursuit of material wealth, pleasure, or fame as sources of happiness, but rather seek to cultivate a sense of contentment, gratitude, and service to others.
One possible argument that even Epicureanism has some similar parts to the Protestant work ethic is based on the idea that both philosophies promote a rational and moderate approach to life. Both Epicureanism and the Protestant work ethic recognize that human beings have natural desires and needs, but they also advise that humans should not indulge in excessive or harmful pleasures, but rather seek a balance between satisfaction and restraint. Both Epicureanism and the Protestant work ethic value the importance of knowledge and education, as they believe that ignorance and superstition are sources of fear and misery. Both Epicureanism and the Protestant work ethic respect the autonomy and freedom of individuals, as they do not impose any external authority or dogma on their followers, but rather encourage them to use their own reason and judgment.

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