Why do Filipinas always talk about their financial problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their financial problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Winston »

You guys are right that AC is a swampfest of greedy gremlins who don't care about love or friendship or genuine relationship, however you forget that AC isn't what it used to be. In the past AC was great for finding temporary love that was satisfying and fulfilling, because the girls would stay with me long time, meaning all night, not short time or one hour. And the barfines were 1000p only. Now they only want short time and they hope to collect at least 2000p from you in exchange for lousy sex with a bad attitude and not even GFE (girlfriend experience) anymore. I don't like that. Short time is unsatisfying and unfulfilling and leaves me empty and costs me 1500p at least too.

So AC no longer satisfies me or gives me that fantasy illusion of having a lover anymore like it did before. So it's not just the location, it's also the current generation of girls there, who are spoiled with a bad attitude and act like they don't need us anymore. Even poor girls who are broke act like they don't need us anymore. They have a hive mind, so when some become spoiled, they all become spoiled. Other expats in AC such as @WorldTraveler have reported the same thing. AC isn't what it used to be. At least in the past I could get a GFE all night with a sweet likable girl. But now the girls there aren't even likable anymore, and they don't have good vibes or give me good feelings anymore. They act very ghetto and I do not vibe with their greedy gremlin persona and vibe either. I can't get aroused or get horny enough to have sex with such ghetto girls with gremlin vibes who don't even want to hang out with me all night, as if they don't truly enjoy our company. Other expats report the same, that the girls in AC don't want to hang with us, that's why they are always trying to leave after 1 hour or so, and collect cash from us. That doesn't feel romantic at all. It's unsatisfying and unromantic. Sure I've found some nice girls in AC but the sex was mediocre. Not great like before. The girls think we are machines who can have sex and give them fast cash so they can leave. Well I am not a machine. I want the GFE experience that I had before. But they don't provide that anymore.

@publicduende you are right that AC isn't the right place to look for love. But you forget that in the past it was better and provided the temporary illusion of love and romance before. But nowadays it doesn't even provide that. It just treats you like a machine where all you need is empty sex for one hour and give them 2000p cash so they can go home. That's not a GFE or meaningful experience that leaves me satisfied. 2013 was the year when AC girls only wanted short time and never long time anymore. Since then it's been harder and harder to find girls for long time, and they often flake too. They aren't trustworthy or likable anymore and they act so ghetto it grosses me out and disgusts me so that I cannot get an erection around them.

Also @publicduende yes you are right that other parts of Philippines, even Manila, are better for finding genuine nice girls to date. That's why even Rock has a great dating life in Makati and Manila. However you forget that I have a lot of bad luck and curses and murphy's law too. Even in Manila I only attract whores and scammers and flakes. And when I meet good girls like in the mall, they are always too busy to meet me or not interested. They may meet me once if I'm lucky but I get no second date. They are always too tired after work. Our friend Alex told me that I can find nice girls in Angeles outside of the bar area. Yeah but the same thing happens. In the local area of Angeles, I met a lot of nice innocent girls. But they won't meet or date me or always make excuses.

And even in Taiwan, I can't get any dates with normal girls too. Only whores. See the photos I sent you on WhatsApp where I show you that even a fat ugly guy can get cute sexy girls in Taiwan, but I can't because the universe or matrix is against me and programs every girl here to dislike me instantly. If you don't believe me, you can ask Rock. He's noticed that a lot of his girls, both in Taiwan and Manila, seem to dislike me instantly for no reason, as if my presence causes some switch to go on in them that makes them treat me like the plague for no reason, even if I act like a nice gentleman. It's definitely inexplicable and even Rock has witnessed it. So it's not due to some simple explanation like you posited before. No way. Definitely not.

You may not believe it because you don't like to believe in fate or interference from invisible forces, and instead you like to believe that we all control our destiny with our choices, but that doesn't change what I experienced, especially since I know for a FACT that I did nothing wrong. There are many mysteries in this world. This is just one of them. I don't understand why you are too stubborn to accept that fact. Some people definitely have a dark cloud above them. If you were one of them, you would know it too, because you experience it all the time and realize there is some hidden hand at work, as if it were destined to be, and you cannot change it even if you are positive and confident. I would never say this if it wasn't true. Ask Alex. Hang around me for a while PD and you will begin to believe me. No joke. I'm telling you the truth. I swear to God. My life is not random. There definitely is something against me that is causing extreme bad luck in love, even when I get lucky and find love, it never lasts and they always do a 180 for no reason. That cannot be coincidence, not if it happens so many times. No way. I don't buy that kind of coincidence. I would never say this if it wasn't true btw. You should respect my honesty and intelligence, even if it doesn't fit your world view.

So yes PD. Location is a factor like you said. But it's not the only factor. Some people do have a murphy's law and dark cloud that follows them around and ruins everything for them, even if they did NOTHING wrong. I swear. You may not believe it. But I swear it's true. I would never swear unless I was absolutely sure about something. Ask Alex if you don't believe me. We do not live in an atheistic universe. I know you believe in the spiritual dimension and gods and goddesses too. However you don't like the idea that fate controls most things, because you prefer to believe we are all masters of our own destiny, like Americans like to believe. Well sorry that definitely isn't true in my case. I've tried everything and so I know for sure there is some hidden invisible force against me. I have tons and tons of evidence and examples of it, which I sent you on Whatsapp already. And I've experienced it since my teen years, so it's not something new, it's been recurring for decades. That cannot be due to chance or randomness or some simple explanation like I'm some kind of dufus clown that shoots himself in the foot like in some comedy movie. No way jose. No way. I am highly logical and that's why I can beat the computer in chess up to level 4. Only a highly logical and accurate person could do that, not one who makes mistakes or blunders. Hence there is definitely something invisible against me that likes to ruin my affairs in dating and romance. For sure. I am certain of it and would never say it if it wasn't true. Your denial doesn't change the facts and reality that I experience. You should be humble and admit that you could be wrong and I could be right. Especially since I'm the one who experiences it, not you.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Winston »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:09 pm
Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 4:34 pm
Also why am I the only guy in Angeles who cares about love and romance and relationship? Other men here act like those things don't exist and don't matter. But isn't love and romance hardwired into our human DNA? If so how come I'm the only guy who seeks it or needs it here? Is it because I'm the only real human left and the rest are just NPCs with no soul or authenticity?
You're in Angeles, the Sodom and Gomorrah of the Philippines. It's like some degenerate asking: "Am I the only guy in Sodom who cares about romance and relationships?" right before God comes down and smites him. You want romance, you want something genuine, you have to go elsewhere, away from places that have many foreigners. And you have to put the work in.

You're in a place known for low-class mercenary females, a place local man looking for love would rightfully stay clear of. Your problem is one of location, nothing else. If an American man wanted to find "love" inside America, would he go to Las Vegas to find it?
True. But you forget that Angeles used to be much better before. The girls at least stayed with you all night and gave you the illusion of love and romance and it was satisfying. Not anymore. Now they want to stay for 1 hour of lousy sex and they are not even GFE and they want to leave with 2000p at least and go home and not hang with you longer than they need to.

I'm not the only one who says this. Other expats say the same. They also say that the Korean guys who come to AC now have ruined it. So it's not just about location, it's about our era when everything is getting worse and worse and deteriorating. Only technology is getting better. That's how it is in this Satanic matrix. It could also be the 2nd law of thermodynamics which says that everything decays over time, including culture and morals and people.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Winston »

Yohan wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:52 pm
Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 4:36 pm
Moreover the girls on walking street in Angeles city look greedy and unlikable and all they want is quick cash in exchange for an hour of lousy sex.
When I first came in 2006 the girls were very likable and fun and had good vibes.
What about changing your location to another city in the Philippines? Or even move on to another country?

Times are changing, 2006 is not 2023 -, 17 years ago. Maybe changing for the better or changing to the worse....
And it's not only about the local girls, but also about the foreign men. You and I too of course are now 17 years older ... big difference, I need only to look in a mirror...
Yes I am going to Cambodia next. But murphy's law still seems to follow me. Because I always attract scammers, whores, psychos with bad tempers, flakes, and girls who treat me like shit for no reason.

Yes times are changing but PH has always been renowned for allowing older men to date/marry younger women. Like this guy Mark and his wife for instance:

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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Winston »

kangarunner wrote:
July 18th, 2023, 10:36 am
Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 4:34 pm
I have an angry question.

Of course you do. You're over 50 and still hold delusional beliefs about how "girls" should act around you.

Also I found it very funny that you're over 50 and don't refer to females as "women", but you refer to them as "girls". Do you really think a woman in her 20s wants anything to do with some old man over 50?
Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 4:34 pm
If u were a foreign man in Angeles and u were seeking love and romance and relationship, would that annoy u too if all girls wants to talk about is their financial problems and the stress they feel from it?

Obviously the places that you are seeking love in must be the lower class, riff-raff infested areas with worthless scummy individuals. Maybe if you were to live in the more upscale areas like I do, then you would be around more higher-class females.
You trying to use age to shame is illogical and mean spirited and inaccurate. The PH has always been renowned for allowing older males to date/marry younger women. Like this guy for example:

The women in the PH are not as age conscious. Everyone knows that. Who cares if I call them women or girls. If you are offended by little things like that, you don't belong here. I like using both terms "girls and women". If that offends you, then you don't belong here.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Winston »

galii wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:59 pm
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:34 pm
Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 4:34 pm
How come in Tagalog romance movies the couple never talks about money problems? Only about love and romance. But in real life women are obsessed with money and don't care about love? Why can't real women be like women in the movies?
Lets be real here, how many Tagalog romance movies take place in Angeles City between a porener in his fifties and a Filipina bar girl in her twenties? I mean c'mon man lets not be naive here. :D

I'm sure @publicduende is more than capable of backing me up on the issue of location being key. People don't generally eat where they shit, and Angeles is the nation's dirty little secret, it isn't a genuine place for genuine people to find genuine connections... it's a seedy, shady place full of degeneracy and going there with expectations of love and sweet girls is a recipe for disaster.
But Winston wants to prove his ideology. You go somewhere and you do not have to improve yourself but you get all the goodies. Otherwise it feels like work hard abroad. I had when I was younger a jacket with a logo on it 'WWW - World Wide Worker'. I was kind of proud being a Abroad Worker. Though it was only for a short while but free stuff is generally more addicting.

Winston is a solipsist anyway. He feels frustrated that the Angeles City holodeck does only provide the basic limited version if you do not put more money in it.

In Angeles city there are girls with normal jobs too but....
Why do I have to improve myself? My only defect is my pot belly and weight. Other than that, I am seen as a good guy and gentleman in AC, much better than most of the other men there. I am not some scumbag or piece of shit. Ask the girls I know there. I am clean, drug free, wear nice polo shirts, look like a decent guy, and I get a lot of respect from everyone. Go to a restaurant with me in AC and you will see how respectful the staff are to me, because I act clean, refined and classy. I don't smoke or do drugs or drink much, and I have no tattoos. I look far more civilized than other guys in AC who look like rednecks.

Yes AC has girls with normal jobs too. I get their numbers too but they aren't interested in dating me and often flake out and make excuses.

If the solution were that simple, I would have done it long ago. Real problems don't have simple solutions.

HL Mencken said:


"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Take note of that @publicduende. You have a lot to learn too and should drop your pride and male "know it all" ego too.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Winston »

publicduende wrote:
July 9th, 2023, 5:10 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:34 pm
I'm sure @publicduende is more than capable of backing me up on the issue of location being key. People don't generally eat where they shit, and Angeles is the nation's dirty little secret, it isn't a genuine place for genuine people to find genuine connections... it's a seedy, shady place full of degeneracy and going there with expectations of love and sweet girls is a recipe for disaster.
@MarcosZeitola not only me, but virtually every single well-meaning member of this forum has been giving him the same kind of advice, and for the best part of a decade. Me trying to convince @Winston that:
  1. Europe wasn't this kind of ideal multicultural melting pot where a 50-yo Winston could find his fit, and
  2. there is a lot of potential in the Philippines, as long as one avoids the obvious craphole and is serious about finding a good woman
were the reasons why Winston and I got into a quarrel and he eventually banned me.

I think everybody said everything he could say to bring him to reason. For all I love @Winston, it's kind of clear that his inability to move past the easy (but sterile) bar scene of AC is entirely due to him not wanting to take a step out of his comfort zone.
But PD. When I was in Manila hanging with Rock, the normal good girls we met wouldn't go out with me either. They all flaked and said they were too busy with work or some other excuse. Only scammers, whores, bad girls, and psychos wanted to meet me. So this curse or bad luck or murphy's law can follow you even if you leave AC. Rock didn't believe me either, but after a while he did, because he saw some of his female friends switch on and become cold and moody as soon as they saw me, as though the matrix turned on their robotic mind and made them dislike me by flipping some switch inside them. It's very creepy but it has happened. Rock considers it to be a bit metaphysical either, because the girls he knows that dislikes me, cannot give a good valid reason for disliking me. It's pure instinct, not logical at all. Definitely not attributable to anything simple or logical or obvious. I experienced this when I was younger too. Definitely something paranormal or metaphysical about it. You guys may deny it, but that is your problem if you deny the truth. I would NEVER say something that wasn't true. Never.

Fortunately though I've been using DateinAsia lately and have found some nice girls and leads in both Manila and Cebu. So next time I go to the PH I will stay in those areas instead of AC. AC isn't what it used to be anyway. Every expat there has said that too and agreed with me. So it's not just me. The new young generation of girls is just shitty and low quality with no heart or soul. Even YouTubers that we met in AC said this on their YouTube channel too, such as a YTer named "Regular Guy". I'll send you his video later where he gives his pros and cons of AC. One of the cons is that the girls have no heart in AC.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their financial problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by kangarunner »

@Winston You are a very disrespectful person with a bad, bad mouth. Badmouth. Nasty mouth. Your mother should have taught you how to behave better.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by galii »

Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:28 am
galii wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:59 pm
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:34 pm
Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 4:34 pm
How come in Tagalog romance movies the couple never talks about money problems? Only about love and romance. But in real life women are obsessed with money and don't care about love? Why can't real women be like women in the movies?
Lets be real here, how many Tagalog romance movies take place in Angeles City between a porener in his fifties and a Filipina bar girl in her twenties? I mean c'mon man lets not be naive here. :D

I'm sure @publicduende is more than capable of backing me up on the issue of location being key. People don't generally eat where they shit, and Angeles is the nation's dirty little secret, it isn't a genuine place for genuine people to find genuine connections... it's a seedy, shady place full of degeneracy and going there with expectations of love and sweet girls is a recipe for disaster.
But Winston wants to prove his ideology. You go somewhere and you do not have to improve yourself but you get all the goodies. Otherwise it feels like work hard abroad. I had when I was younger a jacket with a logo on it 'WWW - World Wide Worker'. I was kind of proud being a Abroad Worker. Though it was only for a short while but free stuff is generally more addicting.

Winston is a solipsist anyway. He feels frustrated that the Angeles City holodeck does only provide the basic limited version if you do not put more money in it.

In Angeles city there are girls with normal jobs too but....
Why do I have to improve myself? My only defect is my pot belly and weight. Other than that, I am seen as a good guy and gentleman in AC, much better than most of the other men there. I am not some scumbag or piece of shit. Ask the girls I know there. I am clean, drug free, wear nice polo shirts, look like a decent guy, and I get a lot of respect from everyone. Go to a restaurant with me in AC and you will see how respectful the staff are to me, because I act clean, refined and classy. I don't smoke or do drugs or drink much, and I have no tattoos. I look far more civilized than other guys in AC who look like rednecks.

Yes AC has girls with normal jobs too. I get their numbers too but they aren't interested in dating me and often flake out and make excuses.

If the solution were that simple, I would have done it long ago. Real problems don't have simple solutions.

HL Mencken said:


"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Take note of that @publicduende. You have a lot to learn too and should drop your pride and male "know it all" ego too.
Publicduende is an example for self improvement. Also Marcos Zeitola. These guys are perfect in English even it is not their native language. That is on its own a big thing. Publicduende could retire easily I think but he pushes himself to be higher status. He does his IT stuff. Which is amazing. To make your brain work in the Philippines is much harder than normal.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their financial problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Winston »

kangarunner wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:38 am
@Winston You are a very disrespectful person with a bad, bad mouth. Badmouth. Nasty mouth. Your mother should have taught you how to behave better.
Please don't post nonsense like that. If you don't have anything of substance to say, better to say nothing. Otherwise you waste space on this forum.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Winston »

galii wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:44 am
Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:28 am
galii wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:59 pm
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:34 pm
Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 4:34 pm
How come in Tagalog romance movies the couple never talks about money problems? Only about love and romance. But in real life women are obsessed with money and don't care about love? Why can't real women be like women in the movies?
Lets be real here, how many Tagalog romance movies take place in Angeles City between a porener in his fifties and a Filipina bar girl in her twenties? I mean c'mon man lets not be naive here. :D

I'm sure @publicduende is more than capable of backing me up on the issue of location being key. People don't generally eat where they shit, and Angeles is the nation's dirty little secret, it isn't a genuine place for genuine people to find genuine connections... it's a seedy, shady place full of degeneracy and going there with expectations of love and sweet girls is a recipe for disaster.
But Winston wants to prove his ideology. You go somewhere and you do not have to improve yourself but you get all the goodies. Otherwise it feels like work hard abroad. I had when I was younger a jacket with a logo on it 'WWW - World Wide Worker'. I was kind of proud being a Abroad Worker. Though it was only for a short while but free stuff is generally more addicting.

Winston is a solipsist anyway. He feels frustrated that the Angeles City holodeck does only provide the basic limited version if you do not put more money in it.

In Angeles city there are girls with normal jobs too but....
Why do I have to improve myself? My only defect is my pot belly and weight. Other than that, I am seen as a good guy and gentleman in AC, much better than most of the other men there. I am not some scumbag or piece of shit. Ask the girls I know there. I am clean, drug free, wear nice polo shirts, look like a decent guy, and I get a lot of respect from everyone. Go to a restaurant with me in AC and you will see how respectful the staff are to me, because I act clean, refined and classy. I don't smoke or do drugs or drink much, and I have no tattoos. I look far more civilized than other guys in AC who look like rednecks.

Yes AC has girls with normal jobs too. I get their numbers too but they aren't interested in dating me and often flake out and make excuses.

If the solution were that simple, I would have done it long ago. Real problems don't have simple solutions.

HL Mencken said:


"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Take note of that @publicduende. You have a lot to learn too and should drop your pride and male "know it all" ego too.
Publicduende is an example for self improvement. Also Marcos Zeitola. These guys are perfect in English even it is not their native language. That is on its own a big thing. Publicduende could retire easily I think but he pushes himself to be higher status. He does his IT stuff. Which is amazing. To make your brain work in the Philippines is much harder than normal.
What do you mean? In terms of career. But PD has gained a lot of weight. I saw a recent photo of him and he is much bigger than when I first met him. He admits it too. He lives a sedentary lifestyle and works 7 days a week, which is not healthy. He definitely needs to exercise and meditate and reduce his stress. But he says his projects take up his time everyday. He can't even travel anymore. If money is your definition of self improvement, then ok, but I don't agree with that.

You haven't even met these people so you don't even know them. How do you know what I do to improve myself? You don't. You just assume things. At least I meditate and practice Buddhism. PD has always been good in English btw. He learned it in London.

Yes I agree. In the PH your brain can't work very good. Especially in AC. I'm always overstimulated by girls, sex, food, bright lights, etc. It hypnotizes me and zombifies me. I definitely cannot get any serious work done in AC. I don't know how anyone does.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by galii »

Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:51 am
galii wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:44 am
Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:28 am
galii wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:59 pm
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 8th, 2023, 10:34 pm

Lets be real here, how many Tagalog romance movies take place in Angeles City between a porener in his fifties and a Filipina bar girl in her twenties? I mean c'mon man lets not be naive here. :D

I'm sure @publicduende is more than capable of backing me up on the issue of location being key. People don't generally eat where they shit, and Angeles is the nation's dirty little secret, it isn't a genuine place for genuine people to find genuine connections... it's a seedy, shady place full of degeneracy and going there with expectations of love and sweet girls is a recipe for disaster.
But Winston wants to prove his ideology. You go somewhere and you do not have to improve yourself but you get all the goodies. Otherwise it feels like work hard abroad. I had when I was younger a jacket with a logo on it 'WWW - World Wide Worker'. I was kind of proud being a Abroad Worker. Though it was only for a short while but free stuff is generally more addicting.

Winston is a solipsist anyway. He feels frustrated that the Angeles City holodeck does only provide the basic limited version if you do not put more money in it.

In Angeles city there are girls with normal jobs too but....
Why do I have to improve myself? My only defect is my pot belly and weight. Other than that, I am seen as a good guy and gentleman in AC, much better than most of the other men there. I am not some scumbag or piece of shit. Ask the girls I know there. I am clean, drug free, wear nice polo shirts, look like a decent guy, and I get a lot of respect from everyone. Go to a restaurant with me in AC and you will see how respectful the staff are to me, because I act clean, refined and classy. I don't smoke or do drugs or drink much, and I have no tattoos. I look far more civilized than other guys in AC who look like rednecks.

Yes AC has girls with normal jobs too. I get their numbers too but they aren't interested in dating me and often flake out and make excuses.

If the solution were that simple, I would have done it long ago. Real problems don't have simple solutions.

HL Mencken said:


"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Take note of that @publicduende. You have a lot to learn too and should drop your pride and male "know it all" ego too.
Publicduende is an example for self improvement. Also Marcos Zeitola. These guys are perfect in English even it is not their native language. That is on its own a big thing. Publicduende could retire easily I think but he pushes himself to be higher status. He does his IT stuff. Which is amazing. To make your brain work in the Philippines is much harder than normal.
What do you mean? In terms of career. But PD has gained a lot of weight. I saw a recent photo of him and he is much bigger than when I first met him. He admits it too. He lives a sedentary lifestyle and works 7 days a week, which is not healthy. He definitely needs to exercise and meditate and reduce his stress. But he says his projects take up his time everyday. He can't even travel anymore. If money is your definition of self improvement, then ok, but I don't agree with that.

You haven't even met these people so you don't even know them. How do you know what I do to improve myself? You don't. You just assume things. At least I meditate and practice Buddhism. PD has always been good in English btw. He learned it in London.

Yes I agree. In the PH your brain can't work very good. Especially in AC. I'm always overstimulated by girls, sex, food, bright lights, etc. It hypnotizes me and zombifies me. I definitely cannot get any serious work done in AC. I don't know how anyone does.
I did not mention money in the case of publicduende. I wrote status. That is something different. You get more respect when you have a serious bussiness. A quality girl will respect that. I mean self improvement in the context of getting a quality girl. Shure it is very hard to balance health and business but if I had the drive and skills to do that I might do it like pd for a limited time. I am shure pd will get to a balanced lifestyle when he is done with the project.

Well I am long enough in the forum to know a lot about them. Obviously I don't know what you are exactly doing for self improvement but I can make educated guesses. You already mentioned meditation many times before so this is not something new. Same with Buddhism stuff. So nothing new here. Don't forget you in the past were the anti self improvement guy. You interviewed me about self improvement. I preached to you about the benefits. You were quite allergic against it. I told you at that time already about meditation but you were not ready yet. You did make some steps in the right direction that is nice but other people did that like 20 years befor you even started.

I asked you what kind of meditation you do in the past but you did not reply. When it comes to self improvement you are still allergic against it.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Space Invaders »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 10:08 am
Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:18 am

True. But you forget that Angeles used to be much better before. The girls at least stayed with you all night and gave you the illusion of love and romance and it was satisfying. Not anymore. Now they want to stay for 1 hour of lousy sex and they are not even GFE and they want to leave with 2000p at least and go home and not hang with you longer than they need to.

I'm not the only one who says this. Other expats say the same. They also say that the Korean guys who come to AC now have ruined it. So it's not just about location, it's about our era when everything is getting worse and worse and deteriorating. Only technology is getting better. That's how it is in this Satanic matrix. It could also be the 2nd law of thermodynamics which says that everything decays over time, including culture and morals and people.
When you say "the girls in Angeles used to be much better before", you mean to say: "the whores were better at their jobs and put more effort into providing good customer service". And it's a shame they don't anymore from what you're telling, but at the end of the day, a whore's a whore and the illusion of romance and seduction is a fading pleasure, not a lasting one. If you want a relationship, my point is, AC may not be the place for you. But if even in Manila you lucked out, maybe there's something else wrong. Something about your vibe or aura, I cannot put my finger on it. Still, the provinces are worth a try. Real girls, in a place that has few to no foreigners, so competition won't be brutal with rich flashy Korean guys stealing your thunder. I'm sure this can be done, it isn't rocket science. But if you say Rock's girls also disliked you for no reason, maybe you should ask him to inquire with some of those girls who met you before. Just straight-up ask him what it is about you that they disliked. Identify the problem so you can work on it. Get it straight from the horse's mouth, Winston.
Dude, just give it a rest already with the unsolicited life advice. Obviously Winston doesn't consort with whores because he wants to. They're just the only women who will give him the time of day. Unfortunately, they too have standards and Winston doesn't meet those standards anymore. He's too fat, too ugly, too old, too boring. Question is, is there anyplace in the world easier for p*ssy than Angeles City? So where does he got to now?
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:38 am
But PD. When I was in Manila hanging with Rock, the normal good girls we met wouldn't go out with me either. They all flaked and said they were too busy with work or some other excuse. Only scammers, whores, bad girls, and psychos wanted to meet me. So this curse or bad luck or murphy's law can follow you even if you leave AC. Rock didn't believe me either, but after a while he did, because he saw some of his female friends switch on and become cold and moody as soon as they saw me, as though the matrix turned on their robotic mind and made them dislike me by flipping some switch inside them. It's very creepy but it has happened. Rock considers it to be a bit metaphysical either, because the girls he knows that dislikes me, cannot give a good valid reason for disliking me. It's pure instinct, not logical at all. Definitely not attributable to anything simple or logical or obvious. I experienced this when I was younger too. Definitely something paranormal or metaphysical about it. You guys may deny it, but that is your problem if you deny the truth. I would NEVER say something that wasn't true. Never.
Well, there you go, then. You perfectly formulated the problem: woman's primal instinct of preservation will immediately trigger with you...unless they need money, in which case they're all over you.

At this point, if that's THE truth, I'll be the first one to advise you to stick to AC. The going rate for a prosti in Davao is P3,000, for an hour, minimum. It's probably still cheaper in AC, probably because of the competition.
Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:38 am
Fortunately though I've been using DateinAsia lately and have found some nice girls and leads in both Manila and Cebu. So next time I go to the PH I will stay in those areas instead of AC. AC isn't what it used to be anyway. Every expat there has said that too and agreed with me. So it's not just me. The new young generation of girls is just shitty and low quality with no heart or soul. Even YouTubers that we met in AC said this on their YouTube channel too, such as a YTer named "Regular Guy". I'll send you his video later where he gives his pros and cons of AC. One of the cons is that the girls have no heart in AC.
I wish you well, either way. Only you can change your life, if you really want it, that is. Noone else can.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:51 am
What do you mean? In terms of career. But PD has gained a lot of weight. I saw a recent photo of him and he is much bigger than when I first met him. He admits it too. He lives a sedentary lifestyle and works 7 days a week, which is not healthy. He definitely needs to exercise and meditate and reduce his stress. But he says his projects take up his time everyday. He can't even travel anymore. If money is your definition of self improvement, then ok, but I don't agree with that.
That's true, @Winston, I gained at least 20 kilos since the beginning of the Covid lockdown. I tried to reduce the number of working hours and the stress by delegating to some of my team members. It was a disaster: they didn't deliver, or delivered poorly, and I had to rush and redo everything they had done, in the couple of days or weekend before the deadline. After a few attempts, I decided that the only way to make this project successful is to do as much as I can of the critical stuff (business analysis, specifications, architecture, etc.) on my own and let my Indonesian and Filipino friends to just do the implementation...and perhaps learn something new in the process.

It's true, that I haven't been taking care of myself. The problem is, I can't find any other way out. By the time the project is over, in 2024 or 2025, I will have earned enough to retire and then, hopefully, devote myself to taking care of myself and poor C, who has been following me with an almost supernatural patience and understanding.

Money is not my measure of everything, Winston, obviously. It's also true that I don't have rich parents backing me up. Whatever I am building, I had to build it on my own. And I could well say it, because it's true...apart from C, I got less than zero help from local people, from my so-called Rotary friends to anyone who got interested in my business in Davao. Over here it's really a dog eat dog situation. You can only choose to be a victim or a perp, with no middle ground in between.
Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 9:51 am
You haven't even met these people so you don't even know them. How do you know what I do to improve myself? You don't. You just assume things. At least I meditate and practice Buddhism. PD has always been good in English btw. He learned it in London.

Yes I agree. In the PH your brain can't work very good. Especially in AC. I'm always overstimulated by girls, sex, food, bright lights, etc. It hypnotizes me and zombifies me. I definitely cannot get any serious work done in AC. I don't know how anyone does.
Well, on this I agree. Philippine life, especially one of sun, cheap beer and sex, tends to cloud your brain and adult judgement. Lots of people I know who came here kind of "regressed". Even my spoken English is nowhere near as good as it used to be when I was in London and compelled to speak properly among extremely well-educated people.

The only way I found, to focus on work, is get as little distractions as possible. HA being, obviously, one of my few distractions :)

I did travel, post-Covid, but mostly for business. I have been to Singapore 3 times, HK twice. C and I are planning a week in Japan around September, when the weather is less hot and humid.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Yohan »

publicduende wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 3:59 pm
... Philippine life, especially one of sun, cheap beer and sex, tends to cloud your brain and adult judgement. Lots of people I know who came here kind of "regressed". Even my spoken English is nowhere near as good as it used to be when I was in London and compelled to speak properly among extremely well-educated people.

The only way I found, to focus on work, is get as little distractions as possible. HA being, obviously, one of my few distractions :)

I did travel, post-Covid, but mostly for business. I have been to Singapore 3 times, HK twice. C and I are planning a week in Japan around September, when the weather is less hot and humid.

It is the same in Thailand, if you look around in some areas which are typical for foreigners for cheap longstay, all of them are men from Western countries - but I can also understand them as they arrive in Thailand often alone, divorced, living out of minimum retirement allowance etc. - many of them are totally broken...

I have my second home in Thailand, within not such a cheap compound, very nice rooms with good maintenance and security and and large swimmingpool, also restaurants and ATM inside and have also my own small Thai motorcycle to go around.

However openly said, after one month I feel I have to leave to do something which is a bit more intelligent or productive, because if you live in Thailand with a drunken community of foreign expats nearby, you will become an idiot and/or alcoholic.

If you look at all those Thai women with them, many of them are also the lowest of the lowest....and not to forget to mention all these gay zones, transvestites etc - where you pick up your sexy boy...


If you come to Japan, let me know, expect September in the large cities still very hot. Do you have any idea where you want to go within Japan?
Do you need any information/advice? Have you been in Japan before?

I do not live in Tokyo anymore after my retirement, but in Okayama area, between Hiroshima and Osaka. A much better life compared to the large Japanese cities, with river and forests, hills and sea, not crowded... Still Okayama City/Kurashiki City - connected to each other - is not such a small area, about 1.2 million people are living there.

I will be in Thailand/Pattaya in our second home with my wife and younger daughter from 9th up to 29th September, we will be out of Japan. We use now Fukuoka Int'l Airport for our trip to Thailand/Bangkok.
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