7 cardinel sins

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7 cardinel sins

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

So fellas I just finished watchin the film Se7en with Bradley Pitts and even though i dont give a shit about the archaic institution of religion it inspired me to make this thread.
All humans are inherently evil and all humans commit several of these sins.... sometimes without even realising....
And sometimes they do realise :twisted:
Which of the 7 cardinel sins do you guys live your lives by and which do you like most???

GREED-i am a high school teacher, but also make tons of money on the side thru my professional gambling career.
I started with fruit machines as a teen, progressed to high stakes poker games and now I often visit the US to hit the crap tables in Vegas.
Im raking it in and more financially successful than my contemporarys.....

LUST-Cmon fellas we are all guilty of this or at least those of us with a pair of testosterone laden balls :lol: :lol: :lol: Ive banged 100s of women as I have already made clear ive had p***y from all over the globe :wink:

GLUTONY-i dont eat to live but I live to eat. I love to live life like a big king who enjoys lavish feasts on a daily basis

PRIDE-Im an extremely proud person. I dont see this as a negative as I should be proud of all my achievements and things I have accomplished in my life.
I am head and shoulders above most if not all ppl I know

ANGER-ppl piss me off who winge and moan about how hard they have it when they live in advanced countrys like the uk or the usa. They have all the opportunity they need but are just too lazy to grasp life by the balls Nd would rather complain about how hard things are and use excuses like "depression"
These ppl really piss me off and I take out my anger at my local boxing gym, often imagining the punch bag as these little dweebs

ENVY-i dont envy anybody, but ppl in my neighbourhood envy my success. They envy my hot tub pool and my man cave with my bar and snooker table. And they probly envy how many hot babes I bring home :lol:

SLOTH-i am not lazy and I despise laziness. All these bums on welfare that sponge from the state are too stupid and fat to deserve to survive in society.
I honestly dont know why we have to make it our moral obligation to keep them alive

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Re: 7 cardinel sins

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Any1 who denies they live by these cardinel sins is just dishonest...
Ive seen plenty of examples of ppl on this forum alone who are full of anger, pride, envy and most defiantly lust :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ppl who claim to be righteous who show there hypocrisy throughout this forum make me laugh....
Has any1 here got the balls to admit which evils they are guilty of???
Any1 dare to challenge my view that humans are evil?? So far no takers.....
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Re: 7 cardinel sins

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Id say I know you guys best so far since Im new....
What do you fellas think to this????
@publicduende @Yohan
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Re: 7 cardinel sins

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

@Mercer is guilty of envy today :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think he caught the scent of a lesser stag in his nostrils!! Clearly jealous of those with success and those who can get bang over 100 women with ease...

"This forum is being ruined by fake alpha male trolls like @MarcosZeitola who attack posters because they disagree with them and call them incels because they tell the truth about how bad the dating situation is for men. @MarcosZeitola had to go to a third world country to try to get p***y and there's still no proof that he was even successful there, yet he acts like he's an alpha male. There's others who are similar who claim that they've f***ed hundreds of women and pretend to be pimps. It's embarrassing to see this forum ruined by fake alpha trolls making up fantasy stories and pretending to be frat boys online and attacking posters they disagree with and the trolls are accusing real posters of being trolls and driving everyone off this forum. No wonder why Winston rarely even visits here anymore, it's feeling like the Roosh forum from years ago but even worse. Even he moved on from the PUA and alpha male bullshit by now, but these guys are still stuck in the past when people faked being alpha males and making up stories about the thousands of women they dated and f***ed. @MarcosZeitola and others posts read like bad caricatures."

How envyus does this guy sound???
This reeks of weak beta male.....
Were you wearing a dress when you typed this???
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Seven Deadly Sins

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I remember this post CaptainSkelebob made a while ago and I actually thought it was pretty interesting. I wanted to add some things because when I considered the topic I realised that Yahweh himself is guilty of the cardinal Sins.

As well as being a genocidal maniac viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=48243 as stated in the Cosmic Murder Trial I held for Yahweh, he's guilty of the Seven Deadly Sins. I don't think the Sins are mentioned in the Bible, but they were categorised as such by some pope or monk.

In any case, here are some examples of Yahweh being guilty of committing the Seven Deadly Sins:

WRATH - "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness" - Romans 18

Seems like the actions of a tyrannical dictator not a loving father. The relationship between Yahweh and humanity is more like the dictator King and his subjects. Don't do as he commands and you will be executed. :roll:

If Yahweh destroys people for not obeying him, it is wrath.

ENVY - "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:" - Exodus 34:14

Why would such an all powerful being be so insecure that he demands constant worship and threatens those with death for worshiping the wrong god?

If Yahweh punishes people for worship of a different god, that is envy.

SLOTH - "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." - Exodus 20:11

Why does Yahweh need to rest? He's GOD!

If Yahweh allows people to suffer, allows tragedies and disasters to happen then he is guilty of sloth.

PRIDE - "For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” - Matthew 4:10

As slaves belonging to Yahweh the dictator I can see why he would make such demands. Why would a god supposedly all powerful be so insecure he needs constant validation from his own subjects?

If Yahweh expects humanity to dedicate their lives to worshiping and following him, it is pride.

GLUTTONY - "And all its fat he shall remove as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of peace offerings, and the priest shall burn it on the altar, on top of the LORD’s food offerings." - Leviticus 4:35

So Yahweh demanded blood sacrifice? That sounds pretty demonic to me. Why on earth would Yahweh create animals for them to be needlessly slaughtered to satiate this insane god's blood lust?

If Yahweh allows any of humanity to hunger while he demands animal and food sacrifices for himself then it is gluttony.

GREED - "‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord." - Leviticus 27

Yahweh acts like a greedy banker demanding contributions or a tithe from his followers. This is so they are reminded that everything belongs to god. Seems unnecessary and evil to demand a tithe of the harvest from farmers for a god who doesn't even need it.

If Yahweh insists that his followers pay tithes and offerings for his approval then this is greed.

LUST - "Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.'" - Luke 1:29-31.

So Yahweh, who preaches about the sanctity of marriage and condemns adultery lusts after Joseph's wife and impregnated her? What blatant hypocrisy.

If Yahweh impregnated another man's wife then he is guilty of lust.
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Re: Seven Deadly Sins

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 10th, 2023, 3:07 am
I remember this post CaptainSkelebob made a while ago and I actually thought it was pretty interesting. I wanted to add some things because when I considered the topic I realised that Yahweh himself is guilty of the cardinal Sins.

As well as being a genocidal maniac viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=48243 as stated in the Cosmic Murder Trial I held for Yahweh, he's guilty of the Seven Deadly Sins. I don't think the Sins are mentioned in the Bible, but they were categorised as such by some pope or monk.

In any case, here are some examples of Yahweh being guilty of committing the Seven Deadly Sins:

WRATH - "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness" - Romans 18

Seems like the actions of a tyrannical dictator not a loving father. The relationship between Yahweh and humanity is more like the dictator King and his subjects. Don't do as he commands and you will be executed. :roll:

If Yahweh destroys people for not obeying him, it is wrath.

ENVY - "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:" - Exodus 34:14

Why would such an all powerful being be so insecure that he demands constant worship and threatens those with death for worshiping the wrong god?

If Yahweh punishes people for worship of a different god, that is envy.

SLOTH - "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." - Exodus 20:11

Why does Yahweh need to rest? He's GOD!

If Yahweh allows people to suffer, allows tragedies and disasters to happen then he is guilty of sloth.

PRIDE - "For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” - Matthew 4:10

As slaves belonging to Yahweh the dictator I can see why he would make such demands. Why would a god supposedly all powerful be so insecure he needs constant validation from his own subjects?

If Yahweh expects humanity to dedicate their lives to worshiping and following him, it is pride.

GLUTTONY - "And all its fat he shall remove as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of peace offerings, and the priest shall burn it on the altar, on top of the LORD’s food offerings." - Leviticus 4:35

So Yahweh demanded blood sacrifice? That sounds pretty demonic to me. Why on earth would Yahweh create animals for them to be needlessly slaughtered to satiate this insane god's blood lust?

If Yahweh allows any of humanity to hunger while he demands animal and food sacrifices for himself then it is gluttony.

GREED - "‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord." - Leviticus 27

Yahweh acts like a greedy banker demanding contributions or a tithe from his followers. This is so they are reminded that everything belongs to god. Seems unnecessary and evil to demand a tithe of the harvest from farmers for a god who doesn't even need it.

If Yahweh insists that his followers pay tithes and offerings for his approval then this is greed.

LUST - "Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.'" - Luke 1:29-31.

So Yahweh, who preaches about the sanctity of marriage and condemns adultery lusts after Joseph's wife and impregnated her? What blatant hypocrisy.

If Yahweh impregnated another man's wife then he is guilty of lust.
What do some of you Christians make of this? Yahweh is guilty of these so-called Seven Deadly Sins.

@Mr. Mistoffelees
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Re: Seven Deadly Sins

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 10th, 2023, 3:07 am
I remember this post CaptainSkelebob made a while ago and I actually thought it was pretty interesting. I wanted to add some things because when I considered the topic I realised that Yahweh himself is guilty of the cardinal Sins.

As well as being a genocidal maniac viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=48243 as stated in the Cosmic Murder Trial I held for Yahweh, he's guilty of the Seven Deadly Sins. I don't think the Sins are mentioned in the Bible, but they were categorised as such by some pope or monk.

In any case, here are some examples of Yahweh being guilty of committing the Seven Deadly Sins:

WRATH - "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness" - Romans 18

Seems like the actions of a tyrannical dictator not a loving father. The relationship between Yahweh and humanity is more like the dictator King and his subjects. Don't do as he commands and you will be executed. :roll:

If Yahweh destroys people for not obeying him, it is wrath.

ENVY - "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:" - Exodus 34:14

Why would such an all powerful being be so insecure that he demands constant worship and threatens those with death for worshiping the wrong god?

If Yahweh punishes people for worship of a different god, that is envy.

SLOTH - "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." - Exodus 20:11

Why does Yahweh need to rest? He's GOD!

If Yahweh allows people to suffer, allows tragedies and disasters to happen then he is guilty of sloth.

PRIDE - "For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” - Matthew 4:10

As slaves belonging to Yahweh the dictator I can see why he would make such demands. Why would a god supposedly all powerful be so insecure he needs constant validation from his own subjects?

If Yahweh expects humanity to dedicate their lives to worshiping and following him, it is pride.

GLUTTONY - "And all its fat he shall remove as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of peace offerings, and the priest shall burn it on the altar, on top of the LORD’s food offerings." - Leviticus 4:35

So Yahweh demanded blood sacrifice? That sounds pretty demonic to me. Why on earth would Yahweh create animals for them to be needlessly slaughtered to satiate this insane god's blood lust?

If Yahweh allows any of humanity to hunger while he demands animal and food sacrifices for himself then it is gluttony.

GREED - "‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord." - Leviticus 27

Yahweh acts like a greedy banker demanding contributions or a tithe from his followers. This is so they are reminded that everything belongs to god. Seems unnecessary and evil to demand a tithe of the harvest from farmers for a god who doesn't even need it.

If Yahweh insists that his followers pay tithes and offerings for his approval then this is greed.

LUST - "Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.'" - Luke 1:29-31.

So Yahweh, who preaches about the sanctity of marriage and condemns adultery lusts after Joseph's wife and impregnated her? What blatant hypocrisy.

If Yahweh impregnated another man's wife then he is guilty of lust.
Sorry, brah, but that's kind of dumb, especially jealousy/envy. Jealousy and envy aren't the even same thing in the Bible. If someone makes moves on your wife, and you are jealous, that is not immoral, and it is not the same thing as being envious of another.

Anger/wrath is not always sinful.

Resting on the sabbath is not sloth, either, and isn't considered sloth for people.
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Re: Seven Deadly Sins

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 4:38 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 10th, 2023, 3:07 am
I remember this post CaptainSkelebob made a while ago and I actually thought it was pretty interesting. I wanted to add some things because when I considered the topic I realised that Yahweh himself is guilty of the cardinal Sins.

As well as being a genocidal maniac viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=48243 as stated in the Cosmic Murder Trial I held for Yahweh, he's guilty of the Seven Deadly Sins. I don't think the Sins are mentioned in the Bible, but they were categorised as such by some pope or monk.

In any case, here are some examples of Yahweh being guilty of committing the Seven Deadly Sins:

WRATH - "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness" - Romans 18

Seems like the actions of a tyrannical dictator not a loving father. The relationship between Yahweh and humanity is more like the dictator King and his subjects. Don't do as he commands and you will be executed. :roll:

If Yahweh destroys people for not obeying him, it is wrath.

ENVY - "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:" - Exodus 34:14

Why would such an all powerful being be so insecure that he demands constant worship and threatens those with death for worshiping the wrong god?

If Yahweh punishes people for worship of a different god, that is envy.

SLOTH - "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." - Exodus 20:11

Why does Yahweh need to rest? He's GOD!

If Yahweh allows people to suffer, allows tragedies and disasters to happen then he is guilty of sloth.

PRIDE - "For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” - Matthew 4:10

As slaves belonging to Yahweh the dictator I can see why he would make such demands. Why would a god supposedly all powerful be so insecure he needs constant validation from his own subjects?

If Yahweh expects humanity to dedicate their lives to worshiping and following him, it is pride.

GLUTTONY - "And all its fat he shall remove as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of peace offerings, and the priest shall burn it on the altar, on top of the LORD’s food offerings." - Leviticus 4:35

So Yahweh demanded blood sacrifice? That sounds pretty demonic to me. Why on earth would Yahweh create animals for them to be needlessly slaughtered to satiate this insane god's blood lust?

If Yahweh allows any of humanity to hunger while he demands animal and food sacrifices for himself then it is gluttony.

GREED - "‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord." - Leviticus 27

Yahweh acts like a greedy banker demanding contributions or a tithe from his followers. This is so they are reminded that everything belongs to god. Seems unnecessary and evil to demand a tithe of the harvest from farmers for a god who doesn't even need it.

If Yahweh insists that his followers pay tithes and offerings for his approval then this is greed.

LUST - "Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.'" - Luke 1:29-31.

So Yahweh, who preaches about the sanctity of marriage and condemns adultery lusts after Joseph's wife and impregnated her? What blatant hypocrisy.

If Yahweh impregnated another man's wife then he is guilty of lust.
Sorry, brah, but that's kind of dumb, especially jealousy/envy. Jealousy and envy aren't the even same thing in the Bible. If someone makes moves on your wife, and you are jealous, that is not immoral, and it is not the same thing as being envious of another.

Anger/wrath is not always sinful.

Resting on the sabbath is not sloth, either, and isn't considered sloth for people.
Sorry, brah, but that's kind of dumb.

You only addressed 3 of the 7. Does that mean you concede that Yahweh is guilty of the other sins?

You are being pedantic with the facetious with the argument about jealousy and envy. Should an omnipotent all powerful being even exhibit such possessive emotions? Love should never be possessive. :roll:

Anger/wrath is not always sinful? When is Wrath sinful then if Yahweh wipes out an entire planet with a flood or Moses beats someone to death for making a fire on the Sabbath and these are righteous and justified examples or wrath? They are not justified. They're perfect examples of a morally corrupt and murderous "god". You call him god, I call him a demon.

Sloth would be Yahweh being too lazy to help people suffering and dying in a world he created. He's either lazy or indifferent to the suffering of his children.
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Re: Seven Deadly Sins

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 14th, 2023, 7:46 am
MrMan wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 4:38 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 10th, 2023, 3:07 am
I remember this post CaptainSkelebob made a while ago and I actually thought it was pretty interesting. I wanted to add some things because when I considered the topic I realised that Yahweh himself is guilty of the cardinal Sins.

As well as being a genocidal maniac viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=48243 as stated in the Cosmic Murder Trial I held for Yahweh, he's guilty of the Seven Deadly Sins. I don't think the Sins are mentioned in the Bible, but they were categorised as such by some pope or monk.

In any case, here are some examples of Yahweh being guilty of committing the Seven Deadly Sins:

WRATH - "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness" - Romans 18

Seems like the actions of a tyrannical dictator not a loving father. The relationship between Yahweh and humanity is more like the dictator King and his subjects. Don't do as he commands and you will be executed. :roll:

If Yahweh destroys people for not obeying him, it is wrath.

ENVY - "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:" - Exodus 34:14

Why would such an all powerful being be so insecure that he demands constant worship and threatens those with death for worshiping the wrong god?

If Yahweh punishes people for worship of a different god, that is envy.

SLOTH - "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." - Exodus 20:11

Why does Yahweh need to rest? He's GOD!

If Yahweh allows people to suffer, allows tragedies and disasters to happen then he is guilty of sloth.

PRIDE - "For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” - Matthew 4:10

As slaves belonging to Yahweh the dictator I can see why he would make such demands. Why would a god supposedly all powerful be so insecure he needs constant validation from his own subjects?

If Yahweh expects humanity to dedicate their lives to worshiping and following him, it is pride.

GLUTTONY - "And all its fat he shall remove as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of peace offerings, and the priest shall burn it on the altar, on top of the LORD’s food offerings." - Leviticus 4:35

So Yahweh demanded blood sacrifice? That sounds pretty demonic to me. Why on earth would Yahweh create animals for them to be needlessly slaughtered to satiate this insane god's blood lust?

If Yahweh allows any of humanity to hunger while he demands animal and food sacrifices for himself then it is gluttony.

GREED - "‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord." - Leviticus 27

Yahweh acts like a greedy banker demanding contributions or a tithe from his followers. This is so they are reminded that everything belongs to god. Seems unnecessary and evil to demand a tithe of the harvest from farmers for a god who doesn't even need it.

If Yahweh insists that his followers pay tithes and offerings for his approval then this is greed.

LUST - "Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.'" - Luke 1:29-31.

So Yahweh, who preaches about the sanctity of marriage and condemns adultery lusts after Joseph's wife and impregnated her? What blatant hypocrisy.

If Yahweh impregnated another man's wife then he is guilty of lust.
Sorry, brah, but that's kind of dumb, especially jealousy/envy. Jealousy and envy aren't the even same thing in the Bible. If someone makes moves on your wife, and you are jealous, that is not immoral, and it is not the same thing as being envious of another.

Anger/wrath is not always sinful.

Resting on the sabbath is not sloth, either, and isn't considered sloth for people.
Sorry, brah, but that's kind of dumb.

You only addressed 3 of the 7. Does that mean you concede that Yahweh is guilty of the other sins?
Limited time. This message will be short, too. Much of it isn't serious enough to respond to.
You are being pedantic with the facetious with the argument about jealousy and envy. Should an omnipotent all powerful being even exhibit such possessive emotions? Love should never be possessive. :roll:
No, these are distinct concepts, and I would imagine envy and jealousy kind of merged into the word jealousy late in the history of the English language.

But love is possessive. If you were married and she had a girlfriend, and some other dude were trying to hit on her, or if you were starting a relationship and it was going well and another guy started to cut in, wouldn't you feel jealousy? If you were married, jealousy would be expected. If you didn't care if your wife slept around, you wouldn't really love your wife properly. There is a proper place for jealousy. That type of jealousy is not sinful. Excessive jealousy can make a relationship difficult. If you are trustworthy and your girl puts an app on your phone to track you, calls you to make sure you aren't cheating on you, etc., that is excessive.
Anger/wrath is not always sinful? When is Wrath sinful then if Yahweh wipes out an entire planet with a flood or Moses beats someone to death for making a fire on the Sabbath and these are righteous and justified examples or wrath? They are not justified. They're perfect examples of a morally corrupt and murderous "god".
God created mankind and the earth and has the right to make the decisions. He saw how wicked mankind was and only found one family He deemed worth saving.

What is your basis for saying something is good or evil? What do you base that on? Ethical monotheism makes sense. How is there any ethics in polythesim? For example, were Zeus' or Hera's actions ethical in the myths?

Sloth would be Yahweh being too lazy to help people suffering and dying in a world he created. He's either lazy or indifferent to the suffering of his children.
Don't presume to call everyone children of God just from being creation. Those who are children of God suffer, too, but it ultimately has a good purpose.

There was a philosopher, I think he was at Notre Damme. HIs answer to how a good God could allow suffering was something along the lines of 'if He had a good reason.' That makes sense. But not being God, we do not know all the reasons for suffering, at least not in detail.
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Re: Seven Deadly Sins

Post by Epsilon99 »

MrMan wrote:
September 14th, 2023, 10:17 am

There was a philosopher, I think he was at Notre Damme. HIs answer to how a good God could allow suffering was something along the lines of 'if He had a good reason.' That makes sense. But not being God, we do not know all the reasons for suffering, at least not in detail.
That philosopher sounds like a retard. No one deserves to suffer from horrible diseases or even mental diseases like schizophrenia. It's very sick if people are just chosen at random to suffer from torturous health problems while other people have privileged lives. That sounds f***ing evil to me.
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Re: Seven Deadly Sins

Post by MrMan »

Epsilon99 wrote:
September 14th, 2023, 2:09 pm
MrMan wrote:
September 14th, 2023, 10:17 am

There was a philosopher, I think he was at Notre Damme. HIs answer to how a good God could allow suffering was something along the lines of 'if He had a good reason.' That makes sense. But not being God, we do not know all the reasons for suffering, at least not in detail.
That philosopher sounds like a retard. No one deserves to suffer from horrible diseases or even mental diseases like schizophrenia. It's very sick if people are just chosen at random to suffer from torturous health problems while other people have privileged lives. That sounds f***ing evil to me.
Based on what do you say this is evil?

Also, much of humanity have made themselves enemies of God.
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Re: Seven Deadly Sins

Post by Epsilon99 »

MrMan wrote:
September 14th, 2023, 3:05 pm
Epsilon99 wrote:
September 14th, 2023, 2:09 pm
MrMan wrote:
September 14th, 2023, 10:17 am

There was a philosopher, I think he was at Notre Damme. HIs answer to how a good God could allow suffering was something along the lines of 'if He had a good reason.' That makes sense. But not being God, we do not know all the reasons for suffering, at least not in detail.
That philosopher sounds like a retard. No one deserves to suffer from horrible diseases or even mental diseases like schizophrenia. It's very sick if people are just chosen at random to suffer from torturous health problems while other people have privileged lives. That sounds f***ing evil to me.
Based on what do you say this is evil?

Also, much of humanity have made themselves enemies of God.
No offense, but what the f**k is wrong with you? You think that it's not evil for someone to intentionally be given a horrific disease? There's literally children who die from terrible illnesses that never did anything to make themselves "enemies" of anyone. If you think that's acceptable then you're sick. Imagine being a parent and watching your own child die from a disease and getting no help from prayer. Prayer will work for your random bullshit but somehow it doesn't work for people suffering and dying from inhumane health problems. That's f***ing ridiculous and one reason that I absolutely despise religious people. :roll:
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Re: Seven Deadly Sins

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
September 14th, 2023, 10:17 am
Much of it isn't serious enough to respond to.
Figures. Or maybe the reason is because these blatant hypocritical behaviours I've pointed out cannot be reconciled unless we just openly admit that Yahweh is a despicable hypocrite. :roll:
But love is possessive. If you were married and she had a girlfriend, and some other dude were trying to hit on her, or if you were starting a relationship and it was going well and another guy started to cut in, wouldn't you feel jealousy? If you were married, jealousy would be expected. If you didn't care if your wife slept around, you wouldn't really love your wife properly. There is a proper place for jealousy. That type of jealousy is not sinful. Excessive jealousy can make a relationship difficult. If you are trustworthy and your girl puts an app on your phone to track you, calls you to make sure you aren't cheating on you, etc., that is excessive.
I'm not really jealous. I trust my girlfriend implicitly. If I didn't there would be no reason for me to invest my time into someone I didn't trust. So I wouldn't say my love for her is possessive. I don't see any kind of possessive qualities as being healthy in a functional relationship. I don't see my partner as my property. I respect her autonomy. I expect her to be loyal to me, as I'm loyal to her. These are just basic moral values that everyone should have for their loved ones. No possessive jealousy is necessary for a functional relationship.

I agree with you about tracking people is excessive. But what you've described as unnecessary and excessive is exactly how Yahweh treats his children. Constantly monitoring their behaviour and punishing them with excessive punishments that are totally disproportionate to the crime.
God created mankind and the earth and has the right to make the decisions. He saw how wicked mankind was and only found one family He deemed worth saving.
So this gives him the right to be an evil asshole? I understand that life and death are part of a natural cycle, like seasons and astrological eras. Everything in nature is cyclical. So Yahweh allowing death to happen could be argued as just one of those cyclical parts of creation. I can accept that. I draw the line at Yahweh, who can directly intervene with humanity as he has done before, ignoring excessive evil and suffering to exist. Why does he do that?

Let me ask you this, as a loving father yourself (I have no doubt for a second that you're a good man and a loving father who genuinely loves his children) why do you not hold God to the same standards as you hold yourself? You wouldn't burn or drown your children for making a mistake would you? Wouldn't you think any parent who harms their child excessively an evil parent who doesn't truly love their children? Just because you created your children does not make it morally permissible to harm them physically or mentally for disobeying you, does it?

And by the way, the above question is in context to the extreme. I don't mean discipline. I don't know how you disciplined your children, but I'm guessing it wasn't by burning them to death.

So back to my question: why not hold God to that same standard of morality? God is meant to be THE standard when it comes to moral guidance, yet half his actions would be seen as the act of someone psychopathic if committed by a human. Yahweh should be the ultimate standard of moral good. Yet he lacks any authentic love towards his children. He's a bad father who abuses his children and in modern times he f***ed off for some milk and never came back.
What is your basis for saying something is good or evil? What do you base that on? Ethical monotheism makes sense. How is there any ethics in polythesim? For example, were Zeus' or Hera's actions ethical in the myths?
Ethical monotheism doesn't make sense in the context of the Biblical narrative. I issued a challenge to Cornfed in my thread on Ethics and Values. Therein my own ethics and values are outlined for people to read, or challenge. memberlist.php?style=11&mode=viewprofile&u=47883

Maybe you can provide an outline of your own moral code and valued ethics which you live your life by. Perhaps you could even post things you find morally reprehensible and we will see how many of the things you find morally bankrupt align with the behaviour of the god you worship :roll:

In the future I will edit my ethics and values thread to demonstrate to you why Yahweh and morality are not intertwined. Morality did not come from Yahweh.
Don't presume to call everyone children of God just from being creation. Those who are children of God suffer, too, but it ultimately has a good purpose.
I don't consider myself a child of Yahweh. Not at all. I'm not passive enough to be accepted by him. I'm too rebellious and I outright reject Yahweh and his "love"

For me, Enki/Shiva is my father. He's a god who doesn't require prayer or constant worship under threat of death. He also wanted to help humanity raise the Kundalini Serpent and ascend as gods ourselves. Yahweh opposes that and any kind of occultism. Because he sees us as unworthy slaves.
There was a philosopher, I think he was at Notre Damme. HIs answer to how a good God could allow suffering was something along the lines of 'if He had a good reason.' That makes sense. But not being God, we do not know all the reasons for suffering, at least not in detail.
There is no reason good enough for God to allow his children to suffer excessively. He's cruel and unworthy of our love or reverence. I understand the world is one of duality. Suffering is just the polarity of pleasure. But the extent to which Yahweh makes his children suffer and refuses to help them is just unforgivable.

You can try and excuse Yahweh's evil with platitudes all you like, but the fact remains the same. Yahweh's behaviour is objectively evil. No wonder the Gnostics saw him as the Demiurge.
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Re: Seven Deadly Sins

Post by fschmidt »

Epsilon99 wrote:
September 14th, 2023, 3:13 pm
No offense, but what the f**k is wrong with you? You think that it's not evil for someone to intentionally be given a horrific disease? There's literally children who die from terrible illnesses that never did anything to make themselves "enemies" of anyone. If you think that's acceptable then you're sick. Imagine being a parent and watching your own child die from a disease and getting no help from prayer. Prayer will work for your random bullshit but somehow it doesn't work for people suffering and dying from inhumane health problems. That's f***ing ridiculous and one reason that I absolutely despise religious people. :roll:
There are 2 problems with your argument. First, intentionality is a human characteristic. No reason to anthropomorphize God and assign this to Him. And second, f**k most of humanity including the children who will grow up to be scum. I love the idea of God slaughtering scum.
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Re: 7 cardinel sins

Post by Epsilon99 »

@fschmidt you sound like a scumbag yourself
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