Ancient Souls

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Ancient Souls

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I like to think of myself as someone spiritual and philosophical. I have always asked myself deep questions about existence and purpose, I've made many threads about such things. But what are the right answers?

I've taken psychedelics on many occasions as a means to try and figure out the mysteries of the universe. After researching many mythologies, philosophies and religious texts to find some semblance of an answer that resonates well I was inevitably drawn to psychedelics.

Psychedelics offered many philosophical revelations to me. Some of which I had not yet researched but exist I'm the farthest reaches of the internet just waiting to be discovered. Anyway, during one such experience I perceived myself as an Ancient Soul. Someone who has been here before in one or more different life times.

Lately I've been thinking on what it means to be an old soul. And I here are some facets of my character which you may or may not identify with which could highlight the fact that you too are an ancient soul.

1. A value of deep connections.

Old souls seek out relationships and friendships that offer depth and meaningful connection. They’re not interested in small talk or superficial interactions. Instead, they’re drawn to discussions about life, the universe, and purpose.

I had a discussion recently with @Winston about friendship and how most friendships today seem to be ones of utility. They're based on whatever the individual can get out of it. That's because of the capitalist dog eat dog ethos which drives this toxic individualism and makes people too dysfunctional or solipsistic to form meaningful bonds.

Friendship or any meaningful connection shouldn't be based on such utilitarian things. They should be a genuine spiritual bond which cannot be quantified with words. On this forum I've made a few of those deep connections I believe. Including with Winston himself. But my closest buddy has always been @Lucas88. I know this guy has always been a true friend and someone I can always depend on.

2. Disconnect from your generation.

I've always felt a bit of a disconnect from my generation, feeling that I've been born into the wrong era. I've always liked the 1950s style of America with gorgeous pin up girls who had style and class. I really like older music as well which seems really classy and nice, not like music today. If life is all vibration and frequencies then I think that the modern era is reflected perfectly through its degenerate music which is talentless and shit. @fschmidt often complains about modern culture and for good reason! @gsjackson can share some stories of the 1950s maybe. I'm sure he's had some insights to share about that era before.

@Lucas88 resonates well with 80s culture and only ever listens to classics from that era with maybe some 90s thrown in there as well. Those of you who know him will know that he despises modern culture as well and thinks there was a massive decline since the year 2000.

3. Introspection and philosophical thought.

Not many people today can hold deep, meaningful or even interesting conversation. Fewer people still are capable of looking inwards and reflecting on their own behaviour. Oftentimes shitty behaviour is excused or rationalised under some bullshit notion that the transgressor is always in the right.

This can make meaningful relationships difficult for an ancient soul, which kind of alludes to point 1 a little bit in this sense.

A lot of people are content to live their lives as worker drones who see working for some company as the pinnacle of life's purpose. All they want to talk about is work, women or football with no deeper topics been given an ounce of consideration.

As an ancient soul I've always been drawn to deep conversation and the complexities and mysteries of life. I've always been interested in philosophy and spirituality in some form or another. I've always had a listless dissatisfaction for modern life and the mediocrity of conversation which doesn't contain some metaphysical or philosophical element.

4. Appreciation for solitude.

Although ancient souls value deep emotional connections, I myself have a deep appreciation for solitude. For many old souls, solitude isn’t a punishment but a gift. They cherish their alone time and often require it to recharge and reflect.

While I can enjoy socialising and spending time with loved ones, I also need periods of solitude to maintain my emotional balance and not get too overwhelmed.

One should never neglect themselves or their need for "me time". Ancient souls should use this time for self-reflection, reading, meditating, or enjoying the quiet.

5. Empathy and compassion.

I think ancient souls are very sensitive to energy and can connect with others on an energetic level to understand their thoughts and feelings. I think it's important to have empathy and compassion for others, but it's also important not to allow yourself to be taken advantage of by some asshole.

Read some dangers of being empathetic in modern society here: viewtopic.php?style=11&p=407242#p407242

6. Innate sense of purpose.

Ancient souls are driven by some innate sense of purpose. Whether they believe that be something deep and metaphysical or something personal is something they can decide for themselves. Unlike NPC souls like Christians and some atheists who have to be told their purpose is to work for a corporation or serve god, ancient souls transcend these simplistic notions and find purpose in much deeper areas.


In the thread above I wrote about ontology. I postulate that because we are manifestations of Brahman, our fundamental purpose is to grow through our experiences so that Brahman can grow through us in a kind of symbiotic relationship. Because why else would Brahman create the physical world if not for some purpose? Brahman is like an artist and creation is the canvas. An artist always aspires to perfect his art. Through an experimental process this imperfect god seeks to perfect upon perfection and evolve.

Our purpose therefore must be to grow and evolve, as is the purpose of all life on earth. To grow and to flow. If we follow the principles of Hermetic philosophy that; a) everything is mental, consciousness supercedes over all as the supreme reality and, b) correspondence. The microcosmic mirrors the macrocosmic and vice versa, then we can ascertain that our purpose and drive for evolution and growth is the microcosmic reflection of our creator Brahman.

Although I'm sure my sanctimonious friend @kukushka will probably disagree because he thinks Brahman is just bored :lol: even though I'm sure that creation for the sake of mutual growth and evolution is much more divine than being created just because something was bored.

7. Not materialistic.

I have no interest in materialism. I don't care about earning money or buying expensive things. I care about simple things like a deep conversation or a memorable experience. I care about cultivating my skills physically in martial arts and mentally with erudition and creativity.

Ancient souls don't give a f**k about any of the materialist bullshit peddled by society. Just look at what happiness such a materialistic lifestyle brings. Someone like PAG might gloat about all their wealth and success, but that wealth and success is all superficial and fake. None of that stuff has any basis in reality.

Politicians and global elite know no end to material greedy they are not satisfied by their extensive wealth. Likewise, celebrities mostly end up drug addicts or alcoholics as they often have deep dissatisfaction with their lives.

Here is a thread I think @willymonfrete and @WanderingProtagonist will like about how capitalism has been corrupted by greed and has become something detestable and evil: viewtopic.php?style=11&p=381045#p381045

Capitalism is an obsolete ideology in the face of automated labour and A.I. for a long time it's just become a society which pretends to be capitalism but which is actually just socialism for the rich.

8. Drawn to wisdom and truth.

Ancient souls don't just accept what and how to think as told by the mainstream media. Ancient souls never yield in their unrelenting search for wisdom and truth.

Old souls have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and wisdom. They’re often voracious readers, always seeking to learn and grow. They’re interested in something other than surface-level knowledge or trivia.They’re drawn to profound insights that speak to the heart of the human condition.

This pursuit of wisdom often leads old souls to be open-minded, as they understand that truth can come from many different sources.They’re willing to question their beliefs and assumptions in their search for truth. You are an old soul when you constantly seek wisdom, drawn to deep and meaningful knowledge. Seeking truth is a commendable trait that can lead to a rich and fulfilling life.

Like I've said before this is why I don't think people who look into reptilians or flat earth are stupid! They have a desire to find truth and are willing to examine other possibilities outside of the mainstream narrative. This curiosity shows intelligence! Condemnation of this curiosity is ignorant and as we all know, ignorance is the cornerstone of stupidity. :lol:

9. Feeling at home among nature.

Old souls often feel a deep connection to the natural world. They’re drawn to the quiet serenity of the outdoors and find comfort in the rhythm of nature.

Whether it’s a walk in the forest, watching a sunset, or simply being in the presence of animals, old souls find these experiences profoundly nourishing and grounding.
This bond with nature can be so profound that they often feel more at home among trees or by the sea than in bustling cities or crowded spaces.

This connection is not just beautiful but also deeply healing and rejuvenating. It’s something to cherish and nurture.

I've held the theory for a while that the reason for such sentiments is that the earth is a living breathing being. Check my thread on the Theory of Gaia here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=62&t=49059

Most ancient cultures held this belief. Calling the deity of the planet Gaia in ancient Greece, Pachamama among the Incas and even Sofia among the Gnostics.

10. Open mindedness.

An ancient soul tends to have an open mind and is receptive to diverse ideas, cultures, and perspectives, embracing the richness of human experiences. They engage in respectful and active listening, considering differing viewpoints without immediately dismissing them.

Old souls appreciate the complexity of issues and topics, acknowledging that there might sometimes be a single right or wrong answer. Their open-mindedness often stems from their depth of experience, wisdom, and introspection, allowing them to approach the world with a more inclusive perspective.

Moreover, they demonstrate flexibility in their thinking, being open to new information, ideas, and interpretations. They’re also adaptable in their beliefs and perspectives based on new insights.
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Re: Ancient Souls

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 26th, 2023, 3:38 pm
I like to think of myself as someone spiritual and philosophical. I have always asked myself deep questions about existence and purpose, I've made many threads about such things. But what are the right answers?

I've taken psychedelics on many occasions as a means to try and figure out the mysteries of the universe. After researching many mythologies, philosophies and religious texts to find some semblance of an answer that resonates well I was inevitably drawn to psychedelics.

Psychedelics offered many philosophical revelations to me. Some of which I had not yet researched but exist I'm the farthest reaches of the internet just waiting to be discovered. Anyway, during one such experience I perceived myself as an Ancient Soul. Someone who has been here before in one or more different life times.

Lately I've been thinking on what it means to be an old soul. And I here are some facets of my character which you may or may not identify with which could highlight the fact that you too are an ancient soul.

1. A value of deep connections.

Old souls seek out relationships and friendships that offer depth and meaningful connection. They’re not interested in small talk or superficial interactions. Instead, they’re drawn to discussions about life, the universe, and purpose.

I had a discussion recently with @Winston about friendship and how most friendships today seem to be ones of utility. They're based on whatever the individual can get out of it. That's because of the capitalist dog eat dog ethos which drives this toxic individualism and makes people too dysfunctional or solipsistic to form meaningful bonds.

Friendship or any meaningful connection shouldn't be based on such utilitarian things. They should be a genuine spiritual bond which cannot be quantified with words. On this forum I've made a few of those deep connections I believe. Including with Winston himself. But my closest buddy has always been @Lucas88. I know this guy has always been a true friend and someone I can always depend on.

2. Disconnect from your generation.

I've always felt a bit of a disconnect from my generation, feeling that I've been born into the wrong era. I've always liked the 1950s style of America with gorgeous pin up girls who had style and class. I really like older music as well which seems really classy and nice, not like music today. If life is all vibration and frequencies then I think that the modern era is reflected perfectly through its degenerate music which is talentless and shit. @fschmidt often complains about modern culture and for good reason! @gsjackson can share some stories of the 1950s maybe. I'm sure he's had some insights to share about that era before.

@Lucas88 resonates well with 80s culture and only ever listens to classics from that era with maybe some 90s thrown in there as well. Those of you who know him will know that he despises modern culture as well and thinks there was a massive decline since the year 2000.

3. Introspection and philosophical thought.

Not many people today can hold deep, meaningful or even interesting conversation. Fewer people still are capable of looking inwards and reflecting on their own behaviour. Oftentimes shitty behaviour is excused or rationalised under some bullshit notion that the transgressor is always in the right.

This can make meaningful relationships difficult for an ancient soul, which kind of alludes to point 1 a little bit in this sense.

A lot of people are content to live their lives as worker drones who see working for some company as the pinnacle of life's purpose. All they want to talk about is work, women or football with no deeper topics been given an ounce of consideration.

As an ancient soul I've always been drawn to deep conversation and the complexities and mysteries of life. I've always been interested in philosophy and spirituality in some form or another. I've always had a listless dissatisfaction for modern life and the mediocrity of conversation which doesn't contain some metaphysical or philosophical element.

4. Appreciation for solitude.

Although ancient souls value deep emotional connections, I myself have a deep appreciation for solitude. For many old souls, solitude isn’t a punishment but a gift. They cherish their alone time and often require it to recharge and reflect.

While I can enjoy socialising and spending time with loved ones, I also need periods of solitude to maintain my emotional balance and not get too overwhelmed.

One should never neglect themselves or their need for "me time". Ancient souls should use this time for self-reflection, reading, meditating, or enjoying the quiet.

5. Empathy and compassion.

I think ancient souls are very sensitive to energy and can connect with others on an energetic level to understand their thoughts and feelings. I think it's important to have empathy and compassion for others, but it's also important not to allow yourself to be taken advantage of by some asshole.

Read some dangers of being empathetic in modern society here: viewtopic.php?style=11&p=407242#p407242

6. Innate sense of purpose.

Ancient souls are driven by some innate sense of purpose. Whether they believe that be something deep and metaphysical or something personal is something they can decide for themselves. Unlike NPC souls like Christians and some atheists who have to be told their purpose is to work for a corporation or serve god, ancient souls transcend these simplistic notions and find purpose in much deeper areas.


In the thread above I wrote about ontology. I postulate that because we are manifestations of Brahman, our fundamental purpose is to grow through our experiences so that Brahman can grow through us in a kind of symbiotic relationship. Because why else would Brahman create the physical world if not for some purpose? Brahman is like an artist and creation is the canvas. An artist always aspires to perfect his art. Through an experimental process this imperfect god seeks to perfect upon perfection and evolve.

Our purpose therefore must be to grow and evolve, as is the purpose of all life on earth. To grow and to flow. If we follow the principles of Hermetic philosophy that; a) everything is mental, consciousness supercedes over all as the supreme reality and, b) correspondence. The microcosmic mirrors the macrocosmic and vice versa, then we can ascertain that our purpose and drive for evolution and growth is the microcosmic reflection of our creator Brahman.

Although I'm sure my sanctimonious friend @kukushka will probably disagree because he thinks Brahman is just bored :lol: even though I'm sure that creation for the sake of mutual growth and evolution is much more divine than being created just because something was bored.

7. Not materialistic.

I have no interest in materialism. I don't care about earning money or buying expensive things. I care about simple things like a deep conversation or a memorable experience. I care about cultivating my skills physically in martial arts and mentally with erudition and creativity.

Ancient souls don't give a f**k about any of the materialist bullshit peddled by society. Just look at what happiness such a materialistic lifestyle brings. Someone like PAG might gloat about all their wealth and success, but that wealth and success is all superficial and fake. None of that stuff has any basis in reality.

Politicians and global elite know no end to material greedy they are not satisfied by their extensive wealth. Likewise, celebrities mostly end up drug addicts or alcoholics as they often have deep dissatisfaction with their lives.

Here is a thread I think @willymonfrete and @WanderingProtagonist will like about how capitalism has been corrupted by greed and has become something detestable and evil: viewtopic.php?style=11&p=381045#p381045

Capitalism is an obsolete ideology in the face of automated labour and A.I. for a long time it's just become a society which pretends to be capitalism but which is actually just socialism for the rich.

8. Drawn to wisdom and truth.

Ancient souls don't just accept what and how to think as told by the mainstream media. Ancient souls never yield in their unrelenting search for wisdom and truth.

Old souls have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and wisdom. They’re often voracious readers, always seeking to learn and grow. They’re interested in something other than surface-level knowledge or trivia.They’re drawn to profound insights that speak to the heart of the human condition.

This pursuit of wisdom often leads old souls to be open-minded, as they understand that truth can come from many different sources.They’re willing to question their beliefs and assumptions in their search for truth. You are an old soul when you constantly seek wisdom, drawn to deep and meaningful knowledge. Seeking truth is a commendable trait that can lead to a rich and fulfilling life.

Like I've said before this is why I don't think people who look into reptilians or flat earth are stupid! They have a desire to find truth and are willing to examine other possibilities outside of the mainstream narrative. This curiosity shows intelligence! Condemnation of this curiosity is ignorant and as we all know, ignorance is the cornerstone of stupidity. :lol:

9. Feeling at home among nature.

Old souls often feel a deep connection to the natural world. They’re drawn to the quiet serenity of the outdoors and find comfort in the rhythm of nature.

Whether it’s a walk in the forest, watching a sunset, or simply being in the presence of animals, old souls find these experiences profoundly nourishing and grounding.
This bond with nature can be so profound that they often feel more at home among trees or by the sea than in bustling cities or crowded spaces.

This connection is not just beautiful but also deeply healing and rejuvenating. It’s something to cherish and nurture.

I've held the theory for a while that the reason for such sentiments is that the earth is a living breathing being. Check my thread on the Theory of Gaia here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=62&t=49059

Most ancient cultures held this belief. Calling the deity of the planet Gaia in ancient Greece, Pachamama among the Incas and even Sofia among the Gnostics.

10. Open mindedness.

An ancient soul tends to have an open mind and is receptive to diverse ideas, cultures, and perspectives, embracing the richness of human experiences. They engage in respectful and active listening, considering differing viewpoints without immediately dismissing them.

Old souls appreciate the complexity of issues and topics, acknowledging that there might sometimes be a single right or wrong answer. Their open-mindedness often stems from their depth of experience, wisdom, and introspection, allowing them to approach the world with a more inclusive perspective.

Moreover, they demonstrate flexibility in their thinking, being open to new information, ideas, and interpretations. They’re also adaptable in their beliefs and perspectives based on new insights.
I don't know a lot about Capitalism but I do know the younger generation today would like to replace it with Socialism, but they are also very naive and stupid because the majority of them don't even bother to look into all the country's that went to shit when they adopted socialism. All these systems is garbage. But you are right about the wealthy, I think that's part of the reason why they want to kill us so bad now. They are bored as hell of all their riches, don't have any goals in life or any interest in happiness.

So they wake up every day and conjure up more ways to make society pissed off with them. I understand why Michael Jackson was always trying to live like he was a big kid, the guy was bored of adulthood so he turned his entire home into a theme park. Even the women he was dating looked like walmart shoppers, he was so bored he had no idea how to live his life, and Mike Tyson was blowing away all of his fortune on any and everything because he had no direction. Dennis Rodman was like "f**k it I'm going to party until I'm dead" so he was surrounding himself around all kinds of toxic people that were using him due to how humble and nice he was with all the people that took advantage of him. So he started drinking like crazy, showing up to games smelling rough. I believe a lot of people get to the point where if they have enough they don't feel challenged by life anymore. People who have very little face challenges every single day.
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Re: Ancient Souls

Post by Winston »

I feel like I'm an ancient soul too. Maybe ancient Aryan soul (not the racist meaning of that word). Keep in mind that ancient Indians are Aryans too, not just whites. But I'm not sure if most people here feel that way. Most here are just angry misfits who feel lonely and alienated. It doesn't mean they are old souls or people with higher levels of awareness. Most people nowadays are secular.
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Re: Ancient Souls

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Keep in mind that we didn't become angry lonely misfits by choice. It's the society and it's environment.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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