Would you rather live in a world where work was dominated by humans or AI?

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Would you rather live in a world where work was dominated by humans or AI?

Post by vlkmo »

A common argument used in favor for AI is that while it may replace a lot of different jobs (I read one anecdote that mentions in the ballpark of 50% of jobs and occupations over the short or medium-term future), it can also create new opportunities and humanity just needs to adapt. But it will still be a major game-changer and disruption not even just for the working market but the way things are done in general and it will make our current life literally unrecognizable.

Another argument from certain people is the utopian argument about how great a life without any human labor would be. I think our human nature leans more in favor of work despite what they might think. And I would consider a world where everything we do is completely online and taken care of by robots and especially AI as more like a dystopia. I like physical media. I like going out to physical stores. I like the flaws in human work. Some people actually like their current jobs and crafts, believe it or not there are people who even love driving trucks for a living.

I am starting to think that humanity in general is becoming obsolete, soulless, and replaceable, and the male side of the population happens to be hit disproportionately more by this and are the first to be hit. Turning the entire world into an AI computer and algorithms is just the final phase of it.

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Re: Would you rather live in a world where work was dominated by humans or AI?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

vlkmo wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 12:36 pm
A common argument used in favor for AI is that while it may replace a lot of different jobs (I read one anecdote that mentions in the ballpark of 50% of jobs and occupations over the short or medium-term future), it can also create new opportunities and humanity just needs to adapt. But it will still be a major game-changer and disruption not even just for the working market but the way things are done in general and it will make our current life literally unrecognizable.

Another argument from certain people is the utopian argument about how great a life without any human labor would be. I think our human nature leans more in favor of work despite what they might think. And I would consider a world where everything we do is completely online and taken care of by robots and especially AI as more like a dystopia. I like physical media. I like going out to physical stores. I like the flaws in human work. Some people actually like their current jobs and crafts, believe it or not there are people who even love driving trucks for a living.

I am starting to think that humanity in general is becoming obsolete, soulless, and replaceable, and the male side of the population happens to be hit disproportionately more by this and are the first to be hit. Turning the entire world into an AI computer and algorithms is just the final phase of it.
I think most jobs should be automated and replaced with robots or something. These days it just makes no sense for people to be doing menial tasks that machines can do much more efficiently. This emancipation of labour means people would be free to follow their passion or pursue vocational skills. An example would be that automation of labour means that more people are free to train to become doctors or nurses and take the strain off the NHS.

Unfortunately in a capitalist society automation of labour means that most people are simply put out of work and then forced into destitution. So the solution is to transcend capitalism and introduce a new system which is conducive to human flourishing and personal happiness. We were never made to be slave workers for corporations anyway, that was never our purpose!

We live in an age of abundance. There is more than enough stuff to go around. Capitalism is just a system imposed by greedy infantile souls who don't want to share.
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Re: Would you rather live in a world where work was dominated by humans or AI?

Post by Lucas88 »

vlkmo wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 12:36 pm
A common argument used in favor for AI is that while it may replace a lot of different jobs (I read one anecdote that mentions in the ballpark of 50% of jobs and occupations over the short or medium-term future), it can also create new opportunities and humanity just needs to adapt. But it will still be a major game-changer and disruption not even just for the working market but the way things are done in general and it will make our current life literally unrecognizable.
The level of job replacement in the mid-term future is predicted to be much higher than 50%. The IMF recently released a report predicting that AGI (artificial general intelligence) will arrive within 5-20 years and make over 80% of jobs obsolete right off the bat. It's going to be far more catastrophic to the labor market than what most people think and it's probably going to occur much sooner.

Whether people prefer work or automation isn't the point here. More important considerations include efficiency and economy and the reality is that AGI will be far more efficient and cheaper than human workers at the vast majority of economically viable tasks. Before long, technologically advanced countries will have to adopt AGI and across-the-board automation just to remain competitive (i.e., "if we don't do it, others will"). In light of this novel situation many countries will opt to embrace post-labor economics and give their citizens UBI in order to offset the effects of technological unemployment.

Would I prefer work or post-labor economics? I'm personally of the view that most forms of employment—especially those which are tedious and repetitious—are nothing more than a complete waste of time and life blood for anybody who isn't a total moron (sorry, but there's no other way to say this) and that the current work-centered lifestyle of toiling at some 9 to 5 grind day in, day out ad nauseum makes life far more soulless than it should be. If given the choice between some boring 40 hour workweek or UBI that covers all my needs and frees me up to pursue my true passions and self-realization, I'd definitely choose the latter.

I don't see the point of people continuing to toil at monotonous jobs once AGI is developed and near-complete automation becomes feasible from a technical standpoint. The only reason to work in the first place is upkeep of civilization and technological progress. All moral arguments in favor of some supposed "duty to work" are baseless fantasy. Liberation from drudgery through the intelligent application of AGI and similar technologies is simply a logical outcome of our modern scientific development. Humanity has used science to increase productivity, create material abundance and decrease workload among many other things. Why stop now? We should continue to harness the potential of AI, big data, genetic research, etc. in order to forge ourselves into a higher species and form of civilization.

As for what life will be like under post-labor economics, I imagine that some people will still engage in some form of work whether it be in the few areas which still can't be automated or in which most people still prefer the human touch over a machine (e.g., nursing, acting, YouTuber, musician, etc.), albeit probably with a far less intense schedule than what they have today. I would hope that there will be some kind of mixed economic system which would still allow those of greater ambition than usual to make some extra money in addition to their regular UBI. Some people want more than others (nice things, luxuries, status symbols, etc.). We don't have to be all equal.
vlkmo wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 12:36 pm
Another argument from certain people is the utopian argument about how great a life without any human labor would be. I think our human nature leans more in favor of work despite what they might think. And I would consider a world where everything we do is completely online and taken care of by robots and especially AI as more like a dystopia. I like physical media. I like going out to physical stores. I like the flaws in human work. Some people actually like their current jobs and crafts, believe it or not there are people who even love driving trucks for a living.
I don't think that I would agree with your supposition that human nature leans more in favor of work—at least not in the modern sense of labor (i.e., doing a 9 to 5 job). For most of humanity's history, people were hunter-gatherers who hunted animals and gathered fruits to survive, and then for millennia many lived by conquest, theft, r@pe and enslaving others. The whole job concept is an artificial creation of civilization, not something that was ever intrinsic to our species to the point where it could be considered part of human nature.

Then what about post-labor economics? That too would constitute an innovation rather than anything intrinsic to human nature. So the modern work-centered lifestyle vs. post-labor economics would be simply a choice between two different artificial innovations.

Some people might love driving trucks, working in an office or doing whatever job they do. Many others don't and only put up with their boring and oftentimes alienating job just to pay the bills. But, with AGI on the horizon, the crux of the matter isn't what people like or don't like but rather what will be technically possible and most efficient.
vlkmo wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 12:36 pm
I am starting to think that humanity in general is becoming obsolete, soulless, and replaceable, and the male side of the population happens to be hit disproportionately more by this and are the first to be hit. Turning the entire world into an AI computer and algorithms is just the final phase of it.
In the 2020s a large subset of humanity is indeed utterly useless and downright ridiculous. To see this all you have to do is watch a few TikTok or YouTube videos. The younger generations have been seriously f***ed up hormonally and epigenetically due to all of the harmful toxins in the environment and now we have the most recent crop of pitiable emasculated low-test males, ugly and masculine androgenic females, people with developmental disorders like autism and ADHD, and all kinds of woke weirdos with mutant-like looks, made-up genders and mental illness. About half of Gen Z is absolutely f***ed.

I am a futurist and believe that technologies such as AGI and genetic engineering could potentially be used for good, but don't take me for completely optimistic. Unfortunately I suspect that the current global elite—what many colloquially call the NWO–will conspire to kill off a lot of the "useless eaters" through vaccines, pandemics, manufactured food shortages and war before they shift to an AGI-dominated post-labor paradigm. The Covid vax was likely the first stage of the elite's depopulation agenda.

And, if the Kabbalists (i.e., Chabad-Lubavitch types) have their way, the utopian AGI post-labor world will only be for Torah-observant Jews and Noahides. They are open about their desire to exterminate everybody else.

However, if ever we do manage to collectively depose the evil elites who wish to exterminate most of us, we could still use AGI for good under a benevolent leadership. Should such a positive scenario unfold, we as a civilization should also heavily invest in genetic engineering (e.g., CRISPR-CAS) in order to dramatically increase the genetic quality of a species that seems to be getting more moronic by the day. I'm talking about genetic selection for intelligence, athleticism, beauty, health and longevity.

Science is our best tool for human progress. But it can be used for good or severely abused. I hope that in the next few decades it will be used for good rather than for evil.
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Re: Would you rather live in a world where work was dominated by humans or AI?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Those are really great points there. I would like to add that development of AI would greatly aid in Space exploration and mining.

AI based drones, robots and space ships would make setting up bases on the Moon, Mars, in Titan far easier and enable asteroid mining on the asteroid belts on the outer part of the Solar System.

Space resource mining

Asteroid Mining
The AI drone latches on one of the asteroids, mine it's payload and in scheduled time, the second AI piloted collector ship collects the minerals and travel back to earth while passing the unmanned relay station on Mars, and the moon.


Petroleum and Natural Gas Mining
The AI drones latches onto TItan, one of Saturn's moon and extract hydrocarbon(natural gas) and oil. The second collector ship, passing the unmanned relay stations on Mars, Jupiter and other parts, comes in collect the resources and travel back to Earth

Harvesting the Energy from the Sun
The AI unmanned solar panel ships, travel near the sun, surrounds the sun, to capture solar energy. Sort of like tiny dyson sphere. The Second Energy collector ship(unmanned) would collect the energy and travel back to earth.
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Re: Would you rather live in a world where work was dominated by humans or AI?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Going back to the topic, Yes. I would like the world to be mostly A.I. Humans are overrated and most of humanity is quite useless.
Would love to get UBI and not have to work, travel and bang hot women.
I would let the AI manage my portfolio and become a business owner with AI employees. :lol: 8)
AI life would be sweet if they kick out all the kabbalist Illuminati Jews out of the government and put them into Jewish Reservation camp.
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Re: Would you rather live in a world where work was dominated by humans or AI?

Post by Lucas88 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 5:43 pm
Going back to the topic, Yes. I would like the world to be mostly A.I. Humans are overrated and most of humanity is quite useless.
Would love to get UBI and not have to work, travel and bang hot women.
I would let the AI manage my portfolio and become a business owner with AI employees. :lol: 8)
Yes, you get it, bro. Good insights too. You have the high IQ of an East Asian but without the usual attendant troglodytism. LMAO! 😂 😂 😂 I believe you when you say that you have the soul of an Italian.
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 5:43 pm
AI life would be sweet if they kick out all the kabbalist Illuminati Jews out of the government and put them into Jewish Reservation camp.
More like exterminate those sociopathic motherfuckers, burn all of their Talmudic and Kabbalistic texts, and outlaw their vile genocidal religion. After all, the goal of their Kabbalah is our extermination.

Curiously, the Kabbalists believe that, if they don't bring about Tikkun Olam and usher in the Messianic Age by the end of the 6th millennium (per the Jewish calender), then it's them who'll be exterminated. Let's hope that that is what comes to pass. 😎
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Re: Would you rather live in a world where work was dominated by humans or AI?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Lucas88 wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 7:04 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 5:43 pm
Going back to the topic, Yes. I would like the world to be mostly A.I. Humans are overrated and most of humanity is quite useless.
Would love to get UBI and not have to work, travel and bang hot women.
I would let the AI manage my portfolio and become a business owner with AI employees. :lol: 8)
Yes, you get it, bro. Good insights too. You have the high IQ of an East Asian but without the usual attendant troglodytism. LMAO! 😂 😂 😂 I believe you when you say that you have the soul of an Italian.
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 5:43 pm
AI life would be sweet if they kick out all the kabbalist Illuminati Jews out of the government and put them into Jewish Reservation camp.
More like exterminate those sociopathic motherfuckers, burn all of their Talmudic and Kabbalistic texts, and outlaw their vile genocidal religion. After all, the goal of their Kabbalah is our extermination.

Curiously, the Kabbalists believe that, if they don't bring about Tikkun Olam and usher in the Messianic Age by the end of the 6th millennium (per the Jewish calender), then it's them who'll be exterminated. Let's hope that that is what comes to pass. 😎
I'm quite flattered. Thank you. I don't know if I have high IQ or not because I don't really brag about my intelligence or take one of those IQ tests. However, your right about my Italian, Latin soul thing. I get along better with Spaniards, Italians, Greeks and other Mediterraneans then my own countrymen. Koreans used to have some warmth back in the 90's , but now most of them are cold blooded, narrow minded, anti social little troglodytes. It's just like how you feel about British people as an Englishman with soul of a Spaniard.

And Pixel--Dude doesn't condone mass genocide and extermination of one's race. So I have to say exile and relocate instead. I got to follow the mod's rules..
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Re: Would you rather live in a world where work was dominated by humans or AI?

Post by MrMan »

Humans must be in charge of AI, no the other way around. Consider the Terminator movies.
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